:Base broker.hlp>main :Title RPC Broker Developer's Guide :Link delphi4.hlp :Link delphi5.hlp :Link delphi6.hlp :Link del6vcl.hlp :Link Fmdc.hlp 1 RPC Broker V. 1.1 Developer's Guide 2 Overview 3 Contents=Contents 3 Introduction=introduction 3 Broker Overview=Broker_Overview 3 Orientation=Orientation 3 About this Version of the RPC Broker=About_this_version 3 What's New in the BDK=Whats_New_in_the_BDK 3 Developer Considerations=Developer_Considerations 3 Application Issues=Application_Level_Issues 3 Silent Login=Silent_Login 3 Context-sensitive Help for the RPC Broker Components=ig_helpfile 2 RPC Broker Components, Classes, and Units 3 EBrokerError Exception=EBrokerError 3 Classes 4 TMult=TMult_Class 4 TParamRecord=TParamRecord_Class 4 TParams=TParams_Class 4 TVistaLogin=TVistaLogin_Class 4 TVistaUser=TVistaUser_Class 3 Components 4 TCCOWRPCBroker=TCCOWRPCBroker_Component 4 TRPCBroker=TRPCBroker_Component 4 TSharedBroker=TSharedBroker_Component 4 TSharedRPCBroker=TSharedRPCBroker_Component 4 TXWBRichEdit=TXWBRichEdit_Component 3 Units 4 Hash=Hash_unit 4 LoginFrm=LoginFrm_Unit 4 MFunStr=MFunStr_unit 4 RPCConf1=RPCConf1_unit 4 RpcSLogin=RpcSLogin_Unit 4 SplVista=SplVista_unit 4 TRPCB=TRPCB_unit 4 TVCEdit=TVCEdit_Unit 2 Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) 3 Overview=rpc_overview 3 What Makes a Good RPC?=rpc_good 3 Creating RPCs=rpc_create 3 Using an Existing M API=Using_an_Existing_M_API 3 M Entry Point for an RPC 4 Relationship Between an M Entry Point and an RPC=rpc_routine_relationship 4 First Input Parameter=rpc_first_input_param 4 Return Value Types=rpc_return_value_types 4 Input Parameters=rpc_input_parameter_types 4 Examples=rpc_entry_point_examples 3 RPC Entry in the Remote Procedure File 4 RPC Entry in the Remote Procedure File=rpc_file_entry 4 RPC Version in the Remote Procedure File=RPC_Version_in_Remote_Procedure_File 4 Blocking an RPC in the Remote Procedure File=Blocking_an_RPC 4 Cleanup after RPC Execution=rpc_cleanup 4 Documenting RPCs=rpc_document 3 Executing RPCs from Clients 4 How to Execute an RPC from a Client=rpc_execute_from_client 4 RPC Security: How to Register an RPC=rpc_register 4 RPC Limits=RPC_limits 4 BrokerExample Online Code Example=BrokerExample 2 Other RPC Broker APIs 3 Overview=otherapi_Overview 3 Encryption Functions=otherapi_encrypt 3 GetServerInfo Function=otherapi_getserverinfo 3 M Emulation Functions=otherapi_m_emulation 3 VistA Splash Screen Procedures=otherapi_splash 3 $$BROKER^XWBLIB=otherapi_broker 3 $$RTRNFMT^XWBLIB=otherapi_rtrnfmt 3 XWB ARE RPCS AVAILABLE=XWB_ARE_RPCS_AVAILABLE 3 XWB IS RPC AVAILABLE=XWB_IS_RPC_AVAILABLE 3 XWB GET VARIABLE VALUE RPC=otherapi_getvarvalue 3 Running RPCs on a Remote Server 4 Options For Running RPCs on a Remote Server=Options_For_Running_RPCs_on_a_Remote_Server 4 Checking RPC Availability on a Remote Server=Checking_RPC_Availability_on_a_Remote_Server 4 XWB DIRECT RPC=XWB_DIRECT_RPC 4 XWB REMOTE RPC=XWB_REMOTE_RPC 4 XWB REMOTE STATUS CHECK=XWB_REMOTE_STATUS_CHECK 4 XWB REMOTE GETDATA=XWB_REMOTE_GETDATA 4 XWB REMOTE CLEAR=XWB_REMOTE_CLEAR 3 Deferred RPCs 4 Overview of Deferred RPCs=Overview_of_Deferred_RPCs 4 XWB DEFERRED RPC=XWB_DEFERRED_RPC 4 XWB DEFERRED STATUS=XWB_DEFERRED_STATUS 4 XWB DEFERRED GETDATA=XWB_DEFERRED_GETDATA 4 XWB DEFERRED CLEAR=XWB_DEFERRED_CLEAR 4 XWB DEFERRED CLEARALL=XWB_DEFERRED_CLEARALL 2 Debugging and Troubleshooting 3 Overview=debug_overview 3 How to Debug Your Application=debug 3 RPC Error Trapping=Error_Handling 3 Identifying the Listener Process on the Server=ID_Listener 3 Identifying the Handler Process on the Server=ID_Handler 3 Testing Your RPC Broker Connection=Testing_Connection 3 Client Timeout and Buffer Clearing=Buffer_Clearing 3 Memory Leaks=memory_leaks 2 Developer Utilities 3 RPC Broker Programmer Preferences=IDH_brokprogpref 2 Tutorial 3 Introduction=tut_intro 3 Advanced Preparation=tut_prep 3 Step 1: Create Application with an RPC Broker Component=tut_step1 3 Step 2: Get Server/Port=tut_step2 3 Step 3: Establish Broker Connection=tut_step3 3 Step 4: RPC Routine to List Terminal Types=tut_step4 3 Step 5: RPC to List Terminal Types=tut_step5 3 Step 6: Call the ZxxxTT LIST RPC=tut_step6 3 Step 7: Associate IENs=tut_step7 3 Step 8: Routine to Retrieve Terminal Types=tut_step8 3 Step 9: RPC to Retrieve Terminal Types=tut_step9 3 Step 10: Call Zxxx RETRIEVE RPC=tut_step10 3 Step 11: Register RPCs=tut_register 3 See Also: FileMan Delphi Components (FMDC)=tut_fmdc 3 Tutorial Source Code=tut_pascal 2 DLL Interface 3 Introduction=dll_intro 3 DLL Special Issues 4 RPC Results from DLL Calls=dll_results 4 GetServerInfo Function and the DLL=dll_getserverinfo 3 DLL Exported Functions 4 RPCBCall=dll_function_rpcbcall 4 RPCBCreate=dll_function_rpcbcreate 4 RPCBCreateContext=dll_function_rpcbcreatecontext 4 RPCBFree=dll_function_rpcbfree 4 RPCBMultItemGet=dll_function_rpcbmultitemget 4 RPCBMultPropGet=dll_function_rpcbmultpropget 4 RPCBMultSet=dll_function_rpcbmultset 4 RPCBMultSortedSet=dll_function_rpcbmultsortedset 4 RPCBParamGet=dll_function_rpcbParamGet 4 RPCBParamSet=dll_function_rpcbParamSet 4 RPCBPropGet=dll_function_rpcbpropget 4 RPCBPropSet=dll_function_rpcbpropset 3 Guidelines for C++ 4 Overview=dll_cpp_intro 4 TRPCBroker C++ Class Methods=dll_cpp_methods 4 Initialize the Class=dll_cpp_init 4 Create Broker Instances=dll_cpp_create 4 Connect to the Server=dll_cpp_connect 4 Execute RPCs=dll_cpp_execute 4 Destroy Broker Instances=dll_cpp_destroy 3 Guidelines for C 4 Overview=dll_c_intro 4 Initialize�LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress=dll_c_init 4 Create Broker Components=dll_c_create 4 Connect to the Server=dll_c_connect 4 Execute RPCs=dll_c_execute 4 Destroy Broker Components=dll_c_destroy 3 Guidelines for Visual Basic 4 Overview=dll_vb_intro 4 Initialize=dll_vb_init 4 Create Broker Components=dll_vb_create 4 Connect to the Server=dll_vb_connect 4 Execute RPCs=dll_vb_execute 4 Destroy Broker Components=dll_vb_destroy