This schema defines attributes and simpleTypes that can be referenced from any other part of Maml. The mediaFileFormatsType simpleType provides a list of commonly used media formats. The alertTypesType simpleType provides a list of the various types of alerts that can be used to describe alerts. The contentFlavourGroup attribute group provides a set of attributes for describing the general flavour of content. The language attribute describes the natural language of a particular part of a document. This attribute should eventually use a simpleType that provides the list of natural languages. The userLevel attribute describes the level of user that is appropriate for a particular part of a document. The level may map to personas or to levels of knowledge. The technology attribute describes one or more technologies to which the content applies. The class attribute is used to select the type of content. The address attribute describes the attached content with a unique ID/GUID/URI that can be referenced for sharing, hyperlinking or other purposes. The contentIdentificationSharingAndConditionGroup provides a set of attributes for identifying content and for marking it for sharing and conditional filtering. This type includes the common attributes and allows character data. The emptyType type is intended for empty element w/o attributes. There is no schema type for empty.