This schema describes MAML, the Microsoft Assistance Markup Language. MAML is intended for software documentation. In particular, it is intended to accomodate the needs of Microsoft documentation. The schema is broken into three main areas: end user, developer and IT Pro. These areas adequaltely categorize Microsoft documentation. The namespace uri for this version of Maml is: Each backwards-incompatible revision to Maml will require that the date fields be appropriately incremented in uri of the updated version of the Maml schema. This portion of the schema was created by alexstoc in April 2003. This element contains a summary, introduction, or short description of the current item. This text typically appears in a topic and may also be used as the description of the topic that appears in a jump table when the topic is being linked to. n/a section This element contains a detailed discussion of the current item. n/a section This element holds legacy content that has not been subdivided into elements according to the latest standards. n/a section This element holds a general discussion. n/a section This element holds a discussion of a code example. n/a section This element is a collection of codeExample elements. n/a section This element holds instructions for building a code example. n/a section This element holds a discussion of error handling and other issues related to writing solid code. n/a section This element holds a discussion of security issues. n/a section This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. false block This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. n/a section This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. n/a section This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. false block This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. false block This element holds syntax obtained from a converted document. n/a section