BMXNET 4.0 Developer API

The currently selected visit, or null. The value of the current visit is also in ContextChangedArgs. The concept is that the context is set by external forces, ususally the user. Therefore there is no way to set the visit here.

Namespace:  IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Model
Assembly:  BMXNET40 (in BMXNET40.dll)


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
Visit Visit { get; }
ReadOnly Property Visit As Visit
property Visit^ Visit {
	Visit^ get ();


In the EHR, a visit stub can be created. A visit stub does not create a visit in RPMS until some data is entered. IsVisit will return true for a visit stub but is it your responbilty to use HasUnlockedVisit or IsStub on the Visit to make sure you have a visit to edit with. Remember to refresh your user interface based on the new selection to the information your application displays or edits is that same as the current context.

See Also