BMXNET 4.0 Developer API

The AboutDialog type exposes the following events.





 XNA Framework Only

 .NET Compact Framework Only

Activated (Inherited from Form.)
AutoSizeChanged (Inherited from Form.)
AutoValidateChanged (Inherited from Form.)
BackColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BackgroundImageLayoutChanged (Inherited from Control.)
BindingContextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
CausesValidationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ChangeUICues (Inherited from Control.)
Click (Inherited from Control.)
ClientSizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Closed (Inherited from Form.)
Closing (Inherited from Form.)
ContextMenuChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ContextMenuStripChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ControlAdded (Inherited from Control.)
ControlRemoved (Inherited from Control.)
CursorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Deactivate (Inherited from Form.)
Disposed (Inherited from Component.)
DockChanged (Inherited from Control.)
DoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
DragDrop (Inherited from Control.)
DragEnter (Inherited from Control.)
DragLeave (Inherited from Control.)
DragOver (Inherited from Control.)
EnabledChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Enter (Inherited from Control.)
FontChanged (Inherited from Control.)
ForeColorChanged (Inherited from Control.)
FormClosed (Inherited from Form.)
FormClosing (Inherited from Form.)
GiveFeedback (Inherited from Control.)
GotFocus (Inherited from Control.)
HandleCreated (Inherited from Control.)
HandleDestroyed (Inherited from Control.)
HelpButtonClicked (Inherited from Form.)
HelpRequested (Inherited from Control.)
ImeModeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
InputLanguageChanged (Inherited from Form.)
InputLanguageChanging (Inherited from Form.)
Invalidated (Inherited from Control.)
KeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
KeyPress (Inherited from Control.)
KeyUp (Inherited from Control.)
Layout (Inherited from Control.)
Leave (Inherited from Control.)
Load (Inherited from Form.)
LocationChanged (Inherited from Control.)
LostFocus (Inherited from Control.)
MarginChanged (Inherited from Form.)
MaximizedBoundsChanged (Inherited from Form.)
MaximumSizeChanged (Inherited from Form.)
MdiChildActivate (Inherited from Form.)
MenuComplete (Inherited from Form.)
MenuStart (Inherited from Form.)
MinimumSizeChanged (Inherited from Form.)
MouseCaptureChanged (Inherited from Control.)
MouseClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDoubleClick (Inherited from Control.)
MouseDown (Inherited from Control.)
MouseEnter (Inherited from Control.)
MouseHover (Inherited from Control.)
MouseLeave (Inherited from Control.)
MouseMove (Inherited from Control.)
MouseUp (Inherited from Control.)
MouseWheel (Inherited from Control.)
Move (Inherited from Control.)
PaddingChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Paint (Inherited from Control.)
ParentChanged (Inherited from Control.)
PreviewKeyDown (Inherited from Control.)
QueryAccessibilityHelp (Inherited from Control.)
QueryContinueDrag (Inherited from Control.)
RegionChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Resize (Inherited from Control.)
ResizeBegin (Inherited from Form.)
ResizeEnd (Inherited from Form.)
RightToLeftChanged (Inherited from Control.)
RightToLeftLayoutChanged (Inherited from Form.)
Scroll (Inherited from ScrollableControl.)
Shown (Inherited from Form.)
SizeChanged (Inherited from Control.)
StyleChanged (Inherited from Control.)
SystemColorsChanged (Inherited from Control.)
TabIndexChanged (Inherited from Form.)
TabStopChanged (Inherited from Form.)
TextChanged (Inherited from Control.)
Validated (Inherited from Control.)
Validating (Inherited from Control.)
VisibleChanged (Inherited from Control.)

See Also