This schema definition defines the common reference types within the Content Studio schema. The application element describes the name of an application, such as Microsoft Windows or Notepad. true character The database element describes a database. true character The fictitiousUri element describes a fictitious internet address, such as a web or email address. true character The localUri element describes the path of some local resource. true character The environmentVariable element describes an environment variable in an operating system. true character The errorInline element describes an error. true character The hardware element describes a physical part of a computer system. true character The literal element describes a literal value. true character The markup element describes a string of markup, such as TeX or XML. true character The command element describes the name of an executable or other software application than can be run. true character The replaceable element describes a part of a command or of a function that must be replaced by the user. true character The token element describes a symbol that represents a grammatical construct or is merely a link to something else. Tokens are particularly important in lexical parsing. true character The codeInline element describes a string of code of a particular computer language. false character The languageKeyword element describes a keyword of a particular computer language. false character The computerOutputInline element describes output from either a console prompt or from a UI form. true character The ui element describes a user interface component. true character The system element describes any system commands (eg: command line switches, commands) false character This element is used as a placeholder. true character This element is used for any math equations, etc. false character The newTerm element is used to introduce new technologies, etc true character The unManagedCodeEntityReference element is used to refer to unmanaged code entities. false character