BMXNET 4.0 Developer API

All async communications with RPMS is performed through the RemoteEventService which is found by calling aRemoteSession.EventServices.

Namespace:  IndianHealthService.BMXNet
Assembly:  BMXNET40 (in BMXNET40.dll)


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
public interface RemoteEventService
Public Interface RemoteEventService
public interface class RemoteEventService


 All Members  Properties   Methods   Events  



 XNA Framework Only 

 .NET Compact Framework Only 

The number of milliseconds (ms) to wait before polling. If a polling event is currently being processed when a second event is trigger, the second event is skipped. It's recommended to keep this interval at 5000 (5 seconds) or higher.
Set InvokedControl to a form or control of your WinForm application or EHR/VueCentric component that will live the lifetime of your RemoteSession. The RemoteEventServices will Invoke() on the InvokedControl to ensure all events are triggered on the UI thread.
EventPolling is used for RemoteService events and Async RPC calls. IsEventPollingEnabled is used to turn polling on and off: True for on and False for off. The Async RPC framework and remote event service needs polling to be turned on.
This event is triggered when an event named anEventType is published and the receiver has a subscription. Remember that this event is not on the UI-thread unless InvokedControl is properly set.
Subscribe to an event named anEventType. These events are trigger exclusivley by other BMXNet remote services and travel from client-to-server-to-client. Once subscribed, the RemoteSession will poll based on the EventPollingInterval to see if a server-side event is waiting to be triggered on the client.
This event is triggered every time the event timer is triggered, based on the EventPollingInterval. Remember that this event is not on the UI-thread unless InvokedControl is properly set.
TriggerEvent(String, String, Boolean)
Access to a RemoteEventService also allows you to publish your own events. Publishing is done through design and documentation to notify other developers what events you will trigger. An event is published, or triggered, by using TriggerEvent with the name of the event, an optional event specific string with data, and whether or not the publisher, if subsubscribed, wants the event published to them.
Unsubscribe from an event named anEventType. Once unsubscribed, published events named anEventType will no longer trigger an event for this RemoteSession.


By default remote events are asynchronous and are not on the UI thread. The development must handed the events propertly and if interacting with a user interface control must use Invoke(). As a convinenence, InvokedControl can be set to any non-disposed Control and the event service is use Invoke() so that the event is triggered on the UI thread

The Event timer, IsEventPollingEnabled and EventPollingInterval, is used by the Async RPC calls and is automattically turned on with IsEventPollingEnabled. If the developer turns on polling or changes the EventPollingInterval to be a long period, then the Async RPC calls will not respond in a timely manner if at all.

See Also