BMXNET 4.0 Developer API

Return a list of keys that the user does NOT have. If the user has all of the keys then an empty list is returned

Namespace:  IndianHealthService.BMXNet.Model
Assembly:  BMXNET40 (in BMXNET40.dll)


 C#  Visual Basic  Visual C++ 
List<string> HasSecurityKeys(
	string[] keys
Function HasSecurityKeys ( _
	keys As String() _
) As List(Of String)
List<String^>^ HasSecurityKeys(
	array<String^>^ keys


array< String >[]()[]
a list of keys to compare against the user's keys

Return Value

A list of keys the user does not have, empty of the user has them all


The HasSecurityKeys appraoch does not give those with PROGMODE a free-pass since it compares the actual keys. HasSecurityKeys uses RequestKeys


List<String> missingKeys=aUser.HasSecurityKeys(new string[] { "Key1","Key2" }); if (missingKeys.Count==0) { //Take a secured path } else { MessageBox.Show(missingKeys); }

See Also