BMXNET 4.0 Developer API


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Stardardized "About" dialog that displays information from the executable's (RootAssembly) AssemblyInfo: AssemblyTitle AssemblyProduct AssemblyVersion AssemblyCopyright AssemblyCompany AssemblyDescription

Additionally, a list box showing all non-system .NET assemblies is displayed. Set IncludeRoot=True if the RootAssembly should be included in the list.


Usage of dialog:
Copy Code
            AboutDialog dialog=new AboutDialog();
            dialog.RootAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            dialog.IncludeRoot = true;
By default, the RootAssebmly is the Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
The LoginProcess provides the AttemptingLoginEvent to allow changes in workflow with this Cancelable event args class
The LoginProcess provides feedback after every LoginAttempt, even if the login attempt was performer using the AttemptingLoginEvent. If a custom dialog box or action can take place and Handled set to True, the LoginProcess will not display the standard dialog. The LoginProcess is available so examine or modify.
This class models the workflow of the LoginProcess. It correographs UI and non-UI login methods, login cancelling, management dialogs, and provides hooks (events) to customize the login workflow.
Instance manages the context/access to RPMS - Configuration information - Login entry points - External changes to patient context