EDIS icon
General Information

Select a View | Work with Data Grids | Document Conventions | Notifications

General Overview

Emergency Department Integration Software (EDIS) incorporates several Web-based views that extend the current Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS). The views are based on a class-three application developed by the Upstate New York Veterans Health Care Network—or Veterans Integrated Services Network (VISN) 2. Most views are site-configurable. EDIS enables you to:

The application also includes views for entering patients’ dispositions, removing patients from the display board, and configuring the display board.

Help Overview

These context-sensitive Help pages step you through the process of performing the following tasks:

Role-Based Access

EDIS provides role-based access to the specific functionality sets that are available through its views. If you do not have access to a view that you need, please contact the information resource management (IRM) or clinical application coordinator (CAC) staff responsible for role-based access at your site. Please see Emergency Department Integration Software Technical Manual�M Server for information about configuring role-based access to application functionality.


EDIS Help files support assistive reading devices such as Job Access with Speech (JAWS). Because the views that comprise EDIS provide GUI access to underlying functionality, the application’s Help pages will include steps for accessing application functionality via mouse devices and keyboard actions (when keyboard actions are available).

JAWS Workstation Requirements

If you are a JAWS user, you or your site’s IRM staff must download and install Adobe Flex accessibility scripts. To download JAWS scripts for Flex 3, go to http://www.adobe.com/accessibility/products/flex/jaws.html. Click the executable file to install the scripts on your machine. These scripts work for JAWS 9 and 10; however, the EDIS project team recommends that you use JAWS 10 for the best results with EDIS.

Flex applications behave a bit differently than do regular Web applications—a result of the way Flash and Flex interact with browsers and JAWS screen readers. JAWS, Flex, and EDIS work together best with Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0. (Testers experienced a few problems with IE 7.0 and Firefox.) Regardless of which browser you use, you can expect a slight learning curve.

Note: JAWS 10 users must turn off autoforms mode (use JAWS Verbosity settings).
Recommendations for JAWS Users

The EDIS project team offers the following recommendations for using EDIS effectively with JAWS:

  1. Use JAWS 10.
  2. Use JAWS in forms mode; most functions work best in forms mode.
  3. In JAWS 10, use JAWS Verbosity settings to turn off autoforms mode.
  4. Make certain the latest Flex scripts are installed on your machine. (You can download JAWS scripts for Flex3—an executable file—at http://www.adobe.com/accessibility/products/flex/jaws.html.)

Application Timeouts

EDIS uses the same parameter settings that CPRS uses for application timeouts and timeout countdowns: namely ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART and ORWOR TIMEOUT COUNTDOWN settings. If the ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART parameter contains a value, this value determines the amount of time that EDIS can sit idle before it displays a timeout warning and begins its countdown. If the ORWOR TIMEOUT CHART parameter contains no value, EDIS uses the value of the Timed Read (DTIME) parameter, which is available through VistA�s user setup menu. The value of the ORWOR TIMEOUT COUNTDOWN setting determines the length of the application�s timeout countdown. EDIS displays its timeout message and countdown within the browser, at the bottom of your current EDIS view. Because JAWS cannot read this message, EDIS also sounds a chime as it begins its timeout countdown.

Screen capture: EDIS timeout warning
The EDIS timeout warning and countdown.

Document Conventions

EDIS Views

Following is a list and brief explanation of each view:

Select a View

Screen capture: EDIS interface
The EDIS user interface.

Work with Data Grids

EDIS commonly displays information using a tabular—or grid—format. The application’s data grids allow you to:

The results of these actions are temporary. EDIS does not retain data-grid changes.

Arrange Columns

Use a drag-and-drop operation (steps follow) to arrange columns.

  1. Point to a column header and hold down the left mouse button.
  2. Still holding down the left mouse button, move the column header to a new location.
  3. Release the left mouse button.

Resize Columns

Use a drag-and-drop operation (steps follow) to resize columns.

  1. Point your mouse to a column boarder in the header row. EDIS displays a column slider (screen capture of slider) in place of the pointer.
  2. Hold down the left mouse button and move the boarder to a new location.
  3. Release the left mouse button.

Screen capture: the column slider
The slider for resizing columns.

Sort Information within Columns

You can sort the information within any column.

Screen capture: ascending-descending sort arrows
Sort information within columns by clicking on column headers.


When you select patients who are already registered in your local VistA system, EDIS may display one or more of the following notifications:

Screen Capture: patient-record-flag window with advisory message
The Active Flag window.

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