Ajax page contains the beds that gets auto-updated every 5 seconds. V 0.4 (c) Sam Habiel Licensed under AGPL
First Row: Ward Names ; Ward Data has the following structure: ; occ beds/total^occmale/maletotal^occfemale/femaletotal^oos^emptymale/emptyfemale/emptytotal Second Row: Contents. We use valign and style vertical align on the td b/c only valign works even though it's deprecated!

(Census: )
(M: F: OOS: )
(Availability: M: F: T: )
Bed Data is as follows: pt name^pt sex^adm date^lodger^EDW^MOT^bed oos?^bed oos msg^bed oss comment Bed: Color beds for males and females Now, Patients...
Do nothing here, for now. Print patients; mismatched beds show up in a different color Lodger
(reserved) (since )
Deal with Out Of Service Beds :

Here we have the Census Table wardbed=beds^males^females^empty beds^occupancy %
Total Beds Males Females Empty Beds % Occupation