For gtm environs only. The routine will find and list just targeted strings or labels in routine(s). To run from a programmer's prompt: vista@dEWDrop:~$ mumps -dir MU-beta>D ASK^VWBFPFND (L)abel only or (S)tring match in routine set?: S String: %ZISH Searching for STRING "%ZISH" Routine: VWREG* VWREGIT VWREGIT2 VWREGIT3 VWREGITP VWREGITS VWREGITT VWREGITU VWREGITX Current total of 8 routines. Routine: DEVICE: HOME// TELNET Searching for %ZISH /home/vista/p/VWREGIT +59 -> S X=$$FTG^%ZISH(HD,FILE,$NA(AR(1)),P4,P5) /home/vista/p/VWREGIT2 +19 -> S X=$$GTF^%ZISH($NA(AR(1)),1,HD,"regit.txt") /home/vista/p/VWREGITT +225 -> S X=$$FTG^%ZISH(HD,FILE,$NA(AR(1)),P4,P5) (L)abel only or (S)tring match in routine set?: It can be be run from an option installed by the KID: VWBFPFND Jim Bell,Portland, OR The "B" in BFP LLC, WorldVistA Volunteer Programmer (& Chief Whiner...)