object frmOptionsLists: TfrmOptionsLists Left = 354 Top = 178 HelpContext = 9070 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biHelp] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'Personal Lists' ClientHeight = 387 ClientWidth = 407 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] HelpFile = 'CPRSWT.HLP' OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter OnCreate = FormCreate OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object lblAddby: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 97 Width = 42 Height = 13 Caption = 'Provider:' end object lblPatientsAdd: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 200 Width = 74 Height = 13 Caption = 'Patients to add:' end object lblPersonalPatientList: TLabel Left = 248 Top = 200 Width = 114 Height = 13 Caption = 'Patients on personal list:' end object lblPersonalLists: TLabel Left = 248 Top = 97 Width = 68 Height = 13 Caption = 'Personal Lists:' end object lblInfo: TMemo Left = 199 Top = 24 Width = 186 Height = 65 TabStop = False BorderStyle = bsNone Color = clBtnFace Lines.Strings = ( 'You can change your personal lists by ' 'adding or removing patients.') ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 13 end object pnlBottom: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 354 Width = 407 Height = 33 HelpContext = 9070 Align = alBottom BevelOuter = bvNone ParentColor = True TabOrder = 12 object bvlBottom: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 407 Height = 2 Align = alTop end object btnOK: TButton Left = 245 Top = 8 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9996 Caption = 'OK' Default = True ModalResult = 1 TabOrder = 0 OnClick = btnOKClick end object btnCancel: TButton Left = 325 Top = 8 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9997 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' ModalResult = 2 TabOrder = 1 end end object lstAddBy: TORComboBox Left = 7 Top = 112 Width = 153 Height = 81 HelpContext = 9072 Style = orcsSimple AutoSelect = True Caption = 'Provider:' Color = clWindow DropDownCount = 8 ItemHeight = 13 ItemTipColor = clWindow ItemTipEnable = True ListItemsOnly = False LongList = True LookupPiece = 0 MaxLength = 0 Pieces = '2' Sorted = False SynonymChars = '<>' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = lstAddByClick OnKeyPress = lstAddByKeyPress OnNeedData = lstAddByNeedData CharsNeedMatch = 1 end object btnPersonalPatientRA: TButton Left = 166 Top = 296 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9079 Caption = 'Remove All' Enabled = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 9 OnClick = btnPersonalPatientRAClick end object btnPersonalPatientR: TButton Left = 166 Top = 271 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9078 Caption = 'Remove' Enabled = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 8 OnClick = btnPersonalPatientRClick end object lstListPats: TORListBox Left = 7 Top = 215 Width = 153 Height = 134 HelpContext = 9073 ItemHeight = 13 MultiSelect = True ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = mnuPopPatient ShowHint = True Sorted = True TabOrder = 5 OnClick = lstListPatsChange OnDblClick = btnListAddClick OnMouseDown = lstListPatsMouseDown Caption = 'Patients to add:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' OnChange = lstListPatsChange end object lstPersonalPatients: TORListBox Left = 248 Top = 215 Width = 153 Height = 134 HelpContext = 9075 ItemHeight = 13 MultiSelect = True ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = mnuPopPatient ShowHint = True Sorted = True TabOrder = 11 OnClick = lstPersonalPatientsChange OnDblClick = btnPersonalPatientRClick OnMouseDown = lstPersonalPatientsMouseDown Caption = 'Patients on personal list:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' OnChange = lstPersonalPatientsChange end object btnListAddAll: TButton Left = 166 Top = 241 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9077 Caption = 'Add All' Enabled = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 7 OnClick = btnListAddAllClick end object btnNewList: TButton Left = 166 Top = 113 Width = 75 Height = 22 HelpContext = 9081 Caption = 'New List...' 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OnClick = mnuPatientIDClick end end object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController Left = 192 Top = 200 LangData = {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} end end