English French Notes Complete/Exclude that requires medical follow-up or a problem, which, if treated, may cause a change in hearing threshold levels - Summary of audiologic test results: Recommendations/remarks: Adequated by: ______________________________ No exams selected ... Worksheets should be sent to a printer. Print C&P Work Sheets DA* TEMP* Print/Reprint C&P Worksheets Select VETERAN NAME: Select exam(s) to print or enter ALL to print all exams. Select EXAM: Status is not OPEN - No worksheet will be printed. Please select the exams for Use ? to see a list exams available for selection. -- already ON FILE -- Previously cancelled, addition allowable You have not selected any exams. Do you want to try again Enter Y to select more exams or N to abort adding exams to this request. You have selected: Is this exam Are these exams Enter EXAM to delete: Want to add more exams Enter Y to add more exams or N to go on and log existing selections. Another user adding exams now...try again later. PRESS [Return] TO CONTINUE... Do you want to print worksheets Enter Y to print worksheets for items just entered or N to skip. Add a C & P Exam for Veteran Selection Exam selection 2507 Exam Addition This request is a TRANSFER IN and exams cannot be added. This request has been transferred in given an incorrect status Press RETURN Veteran name: Edit Address Information Permanent Temporary: City: State: Zip+4: County: Phone: Office: Do you wish to edit this address: AMIE Package Edit of patient address DVBA C EDIT ADDRESS DVBCML( A bulletin has been sent to the appropriate mail group regarding this address change! ADDR.: City: State: Zip+4: 2. The leg. The stump of an amputated leg will be measured from the insertion of the internal hamstring muscles to the bony end of the stump, with the subject recumbent and the leg flexed at 90 degrees. 3. The arm. The stump of an amputated arm will be measured from the anterior axillary fold to the bony end of the stump, with the stump hanging parallel to the chest wall. Indicate whether the amputation site is above or below the insertion of the deltoid muscle. A statement of the remaining function is the best indicator of a disability's severity. 4. The forearm. The stump of an amputated forearm will be measured from the insertion of the biceps tendon to the bony end, with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees. Indicate if the amputation site is above or below the attachment of the pronator teres. 5. Parts below the wrist. Amputations of fingers will be described as though the distal, middle, or proximal phalanx or as disarticulations through the distal interphalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, or metacarpophalangeal joint. Resection of the head of the metacarpal will always be reported if shown. Complete or partial loss or resection of bones of the hand will described in terms of the fraction of each remaining. If surgery has altered the usefulness of remaining or transplanted digits, this will be described. 6. Parts below the ankle. Complete or partial loss of toes or of metatarsal or tarsal bones will be described as in subparagraph five above. Always report loss of metatarsal head or other defects. Indicate if amputation is through the tarsal-metatarsal joint and if any other portions of the bones of the foot remain. AMPUTATION STUMPS Amputations must be described in accordance with the following b. Amputation above insertion of deltoid muscle c. Amputation below insertion of deltoid muscle a. Above radial insertion of pronator teres (function is best indicator of disability) b. Below insertion of pronator teres a. Disarticulation, with loss of extrinsic pelvic girdle muscles b. Amputation of upper, middle or lower third, always measured from perineum to the boney end of the stump with the claimant recumbent and stump lying parallel with the other lower limb c. State whether this level permits satisfactory prosthesis a. Give level of amputation and condition of stump b. State whether this level permits satisfactory prosthesis c. Describe any stump defects (e.g. painful neuroma or circulatory A. Objective findings: 7. Length of stump (see Attachment A) - 8. Describe any limited motion or instability in the joint above the amputation site - Attachment A Length of stump 1. The thigh. The stump of an amputated thigh will be measured from the perineum, at the origin of the adductor tendons, to the bony end of the stump, with the claimant recumbent and the stump lying parallel with the other lower limb. It is to be kept in mind that if the limb is abducted, flexed, rotated or adducted, its length will be altered. The effective length of a thigh stump is governed by its inside dimension. Measure length of normal thigh if present and indicate whether amputation is in upper, middle, or lower third. When amputation is bilateral, estimate the same for a person of similar height. Processing date: Total pending from previous month: Requests received for date range: Exams returned as insufficient: Requests returned complete: Requests returned incomplete: Total processing time: Pending end of month: Average processing time: Greater than 3 days to schedule: Greater than 30 days to examine: Pending, 0-90 days: Pending, 91-120 days: Pending, 121-150 days: Pending, 151-180 days: Pending, 181-365 days: Pending, 366 or more days: Transfers in from other sites: Transfers returned to other sites: Transfers pending return to other sites: Transfers out to other sites: Transfers returned from other sites: Transfers pending return from other sites: ** Transfer figures are for information only ** * and should not be used to balance this report * Bulletin will NOT be sent!! AMIS 290 report for Loading AMIS 290 bulletin ... >> Mail message transmitted << AMIS 290 Report for For date range: AMIS 290 REPORT Enter STARTING DATE: and ENDING DATE: Invalid date sequence - ending date is before starting date. Please enter the total pending from the previous month: Enter the totals for the month previous to the one you are processing. Must be a number from 0 to 9999. Do you want to send a bulletin when processing is done Enter Y to send a bulletin to selected recipients or N not to send it at all. 2507 Amis Report RO* TOT* DVBCDT(0) XM* For regional office: Requests sent for date range: Exams received incomplete: Exams received complete: Pending for office at end of month: Greater than 5 days to schedule: Greater than 45 days to examine: Press RETURN to continue Regional Office AMIS 290 Report for C&P Examinations Page: 1 When selecting regional offices you may enter individual station name or station number. Select REGIONAL OFFICE NUMBER: Want to send a bulletin when processing is done Enter Y to send the bulletin to selected recipients or N not to send it at all. b. Describe the following: 1. General appearance and mental status - 2. Head and neck - H. Indicate whether or not there is evidence of neoplasia in the veteran: I. Indicate whether or not there is evidence of neoplasia in the veteran's family and specify the family member and type of neoplasia, if known: J. Indicate if there is evidence of infertility, spontaneous abortions or teratogenesis in the veteran or the veteran's spouse or immediate family (and describe, if present): K. Indicate if the veteran's spouse or children were in Vietnam (and if so, give details): L. Diagnostic/clinical test results (indicate the results of the following, if performed): a. Complete blood count, including differential - b. Chest X-Ray (if no chest X-Ray within six months) - c. Liver function profile - d. Renal function profile - e. Sperm count - f. Referral to a dermatologist - N. The veteran has been informed of the results of this examination, including X-Ray, blood chemistry, urinalysis, and CBC tests and the following abnormalities were discussed (if none, write Signature of veteran: Examiner's signature: Reviewed by: Environmental Health Physician Full Exam Worksheet RESIDUALS OF DIOXIN EXPOSURE (AGENT ORANGE) Narrative: A. Initial data base for possible exposure to toxic chemicals: Branch of service: Service serial number: Dates of service: Last period: Next to last period: Date of birth: __________ Marital status: ___ married ___ divorced ___ separated Did veteran have military service in Vietnam? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, list all tours of duty in Vietnam: Indicate the Corps or area where veteran served in Vietnam: I Corps ___ II Corps ___ III Corps ___ IV Corps ___ Sea duty ___ More than one ___ Don't know ___ Other (specify) List military units in which veteran served (specify complete unabbreviated titles such as company, battalion, etc.): B. Veteran's exposure to Agent Orange (indicate one category for each circumstance): Definitely Probably Not Definitely 1. Veteran was involved in handling or spraying A.O. 2. Veteran was not directly sprayed but was in a recently sprayed area. 3. Veteran was exposed to herbicides other than A.O. 4. Veteran was directly sprayed with Agent Orange. 5. Veteran ate food or drink that could have been contaminated. C. Indicate how many exposures the veteran alleges: D. Indicate the nature of each exposure: E. Medical history (include symptoms at time of exposure or later attributed by veteran to exposure): F. Subjective complaints: G. Objective findings: a. Height _____ weight _____ pulse _____ blood pressure _______ REGULAR AID AND ATTENDANCE/HOUSEBOUND STATUS D. Present complaints (symptoms only, NOT diagnosis): E. Examination data: Height: Weight: Max wgt past year: Build and state of nutrition: Posture: Gait: General appearance: Pulse: Blood pressure: Respiration: L. Additional remarks as examiner deems necessary in individual case: Compensation and Pension Exam daily services not required HIGHER LEVEL AID & ATTENDANCE BONES (FRACTURES/BONE DISEASE) Type of Exam: Evaluate the effect of functional impairment on gait, posture and specific functions of adjacent joints, muscles and nerves. b. False motion - 3. Intra-articular involvement TRACHEA AND BRONCHI Identify the disease present, describe clinical findings and provide current chest X-Ray results if no recent studies are available. Report pulmonary function studies unless medically contraindicated. 1. Presence of cor pulmonale - 2. If veteran is asthmatic, report frequency of attacks and baseline functional status between attacks - 3. Report any indications of cyanosis/clubbing of extremities - 4. Productive cough/sputum - 5. Dyspnea on exertion/slight exertion/at rest - 6. Indicate whether infectious disease is present - Diagnostic/clincal test results: ==========================< Additional comments >========================== The following veteran had one or more 2507 exams added: Request date: Note: Scheduling for this request must now be recompleted. A new request copy will be printed tomorrow morning. DVBA C EXAM ADDED Bulletin not sent. DVBA C EXAM ADDED mail group not found. Addition of 2507 Exams Cancellation comments: A bulletin will now be sent to the 2507 Cancellation mail group. Exams cancelled Reason *** All exams on this request are now CANCELLED. *** open on this request. *** *** This request is now COMPLETE and should be released by MAS *** DVBA C 2507 CANCELLATION 2507 mail group NOT found! Bulletin not sent. Cancellation of 2507 Exams Undetermined #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################