object frmNoteProperties: TfrmNoteProperties Left = 176 Top = 204 AutoScroll = False BorderIcons = [] Caption = 'Progress Note Properties' ClientHeight = 371 ClientWidth = 543 Color = clBtnFace Constraints.MinWidth = 551 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter OnResize = FormResize OnShow = FormShow PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object lblNewTitle: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 14 Width = 93 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify Caption = 'Progress Note Title:' end object lblDateTime: TLabel Left = 6 Top = 138 Width = 94 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Date/Time of Note:' end object lblAuthor: TLabel Left = 6 Top = 165 Width = 94 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Author:' end object lblCosigner: TLabel Left = 6 Top = 192 Width = 94 Height = 13 Alignment = taRightJustify AutoSize = False Caption = 'Expected Cosigner:' end object lblProcSummCode: TOROffsetLabel Left = 371 Top = 135 Width = 125 Height = 15 Caption = 'Procedure Summary Code' HorzOffset = 2 Transparent = False VertOffset = 2 WordWrap = False end object lblProcDateTime: TOROffsetLabel Left = 371 Top = 174 Width = 105 Height = 15 Caption = 'Procedure Date/Time' HorzOffset = 2 Transparent = False VertOffset = 2 WordWrap = False end object cboNewTitle: TORComboBox Left = 104 Top = 11 Width = 347 Height = 118 Style = orcsSimple AutoSelect = True Caption = 'Progress Note Title' Color = clWindow DropDownCount = 8 ItemHeight = 13 ItemTipColor = clWindow ItemTipEnable = True ListItemsOnly = True LongList = True LookupPiece = 0 MaxLength = 0 ParentShowHint = False Pieces = '2' ShowHint = True Sorted = False SynonymChars = '<>' TabOrder = 0 OnDblClick = cboNewTitleDblClick OnDropDownClose = cboNewTitleDropDownClose OnEnter = cboNewTitleEnter OnExit = cboNewTitleExit OnMouseClick = cboNewTitleMouseClick OnNeedData = cboNewTitleNeedData end object calNote: TORDateBox Left = 104 Top = 135 Width = 140 Height = 21 TabOrder = 1 OnEnter = calNoteEnter DateOnly = False RequireTime = True Caption = 'Date/Time of Note:' end object cboAuthor: TORComboBox Left = 104 Top = 162 Width = 239 Height = 21 Style = orcsDropDown AutoSelect = True Caption = 'Author' Color = clWindow DropDownCount = 8 ItemHeight = 13 ItemTipColor = clWindow ItemTipEnable = True ListItemsOnly = False LongList = True LookupPiece = 2 MaxLength = 0 ParentShowHint = False Pieces = '2,3' ShowHint = True Sorted = False SynonymChars = '<>' TabOrder = 2 OnEnter = cboAuthorEnter OnExit = cboAuthorExit OnMouseClick = cboAuthorMouseClick OnNeedData = NewPersonNeedData end object cboCosigner: TORComboBox Left = 104 Top = 189 Width = 239 Height = 21 Style = orcsDropDown AutoSelect = True Caption = 'Expected Cosigner:' Color = clWindow DropDownCount = 8 ItemHeight = 13 ItemTipColor = clWindow ItemTipEnable = True ListItemsOnly = False LongList = True LookupPiece = 2 MaxLength = 0 ParentShowHint = False Pieces = '2,3' ShowHint = True Sorted = False SynonymChars = '<>' TabOrder = 3 OnExit = cboCosignerExit OnNeedData = cboCosignerNeedData end object cmdOK: TButton Left = 465 Top = 11 Width = 72 Height = 21 Caption = 'OK' Default = True TabOrder = 8 OnClick = cmdOKClick end object cmdCancel: TButton Left = 465 Top = 38 Width = 72 Height = 21 Cancel = True Caption = 'Cancel' TabOrder = 9 OnClick = cmdCancelClick end object cboProcSummCode: TORComboBox Left = 371 Top = 150 Width = 142 Height = 21 Style = orcsDropDown AutoSelect = True Caption = 'Procedure Summary Code' Color = clWindow DropDownCount = 8 Items.Strings = ( '1^Normal' '2^Abnormal' '3^Borderline' '4^Incomplete') ItemHeight = 13 ItemTipColor = clWindow ItemTipEnable = True ListItemsOnly = False LongList = False LookupPiece = 0 MaxLength = 0 Pieces = '2' Sorted = False SynonymChars = '<>' TabOrder = 4 end object calProcDateTime: TORDateBox Left = 371 Top = 189 Width = 142 Height = 21 TabOrder = 5 OnEnter = calNoteEnter DateOnly = False RequireTime = True Caption = 'Procedure Date/Time' end object pnlSurgery: TORAutoPanel Tag = 2 Left = 0 Top = 218 Width = 543 Height = 153 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 6 object lblSurgDate: TLabel Tag = 2 Left = 2 Top = 40 Width = 62 Height = 13 Caption = 'Surgery Date' end object lblSurgProc: TLabel Tag = 2 Left = 98 Top = 40 Width = 49 Height = 13 Caption = 'Procedure' end object lblSurgeon: TLabel Tag = 2 Left = 362 Top = 40 Width = 40 Height = 13 Caption = 'Surgeon' end object bvlSurgery: TBevel Tag = 2 Left = 1 Top = 2 Width = 531 Height = 2 end object lblSurgery1: TStaticText Tag = 2 Left = 103 Top = 8 Width = 284 Height = 17 Caption = 'This document title must be associated with a surgery case.' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False TabOrder = 1 end object lblSurgery2: TStaticText Tag = 2 Left = 93 Top = 22 Width = 335 Height = 17 Caption = 'Select one of the following or press cancel and choose a differe' + 'nt title.' TabOrder = 2 end object lstSurgery: TORListBox Tag = 2 Left = 0 Top = 52 Width = 543 Height = 101 Align = alBottom ItemHeight = 13 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 Caption = 'Associated Surgery Case' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '3,2,4' TabPositions = '16,60,85' end end object pnlConsults: TORAutoPanel Tag = 1 Left = 0 Top = 218 Width = 543 Height = 153 BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 7 object lblConsult1: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 26 Top = 8 Width = 309 Height = 13 Caption = 'This progress note title must be associated with a consult reque' + 'st.' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False end object lblConsult2: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 26 Top = 22 Width = 247 Height = 13 Caption = 'Select one of the following or choose a different title.' end object lblCsltDate: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 2 Top = 40 Width = 104 Height = 13 Caption = 'Consult Request Date' end object lblCsltServ: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 128 Top = 40 Width = 36 Height = 13 Caption = 'Service' end object lblCsltProc: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 261 Top = 40 Width = 49 Height = 13 Caption = 'Procedure' end object lblCsltStat: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 416 Top = 40 Width = 30 Height = 13 Caption = 'Status' end object lblCsltNotes: TLabel Tag = 1 Left = 482 Top = 40 Width = 38 Height = 13 Caption = '# Notes' end object bvlConsult: TBevel Tag = 1 Left = 1 Top = 2 Width = 531 Height = 2 end object lstRequests: TORListBox Tag = 1 Left = 0 Top = 52 Width = 543 Height = 101 Align = alBottom ItemHeight = 13 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 0 Caption = 'Associated Consult Request' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2,3,4,5,6' TabPositions = '21,43,69,83' end object btnShowList: TButton Left = 386 Top = 12 Width = 100 Height = 21 Caption = 'Show Unresolved' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = btnShowListClick end end end