inherited frmNotesBP: TfrmNotesBP Left = 230 Top = 376 Width = 318 Height = 182 BorderIcons = [] Caption = 'Boilerplate Text' KeyPreview = True Position = poScreenCenter OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object Label1: TStaticText Left = 6 Top = 6 Width = 229 Height = 13 AutoSize = False Caption = 'The selected title has associated boilerplate text.' TabOrder = 3 end object radOptions: TRadioGroup Left = 6 Top = 25 Width = 295 Height = 90 Caption = ' Choose from: ' ItemIndex = 0 Items.Strings = ( '&Ignore the boilerplate text (text of note will not change).' '&Append the boilerplate text to the text in the note.' '&Replace the text in the note with the boilerplate text.') TabOrder = 0 end object cmdPreview: TButton Left = 6 Top = 127 Width = 79 Height = 21 Caption = 'Preview Text' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = cmdPreviewClick end object cmdClose: TButton Left = 230 Top = 127 Width = 72 Height = 21 Caption = 'OK' Default = True TabOrder = 2 OnClick = cmdCloseClick end end