{ EmbeddedED ver 1.21 (Jan. 19, 2004) } { } { For Delphi 4, 5, 6 and 7 } { } { Copyright (C) 1999-2004, Kurt Senfer. } { All Rights Reserved. } { } { Support@ks.helpware.net } { } { Documentation and updated versions: } { } { http://KS.helpware.net } { } { ********************************************* } { This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA This unit forms the basic core of a MSHTML Edit component witch can be used as the starting point for a full blown WYSIWYG HTML Editor. Don't change this unit, but subclass it in order to build your own advanced HTML Editor on top of it. If you change the unit you'll run into unnecessary troubles when official updates of this unit is released. If you build a subclassed editor you can benefit from new versions of the EmbeddedED unit without the need of changing your own code. If you find bugs or have ideas / wishes for new features that either should be incorporated into the EmbeddedED unit or cant be placed in a subclassed unit, then please let me know and I'll try to keep EmbeddedED updated at any time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Once I tried to get an HTML editor written as OSP. When it didn't succeeded I tried to get different groups of people to share the workload of writing a good HTML editor around the MSHTML engine - no succeed either. Then I finally had to do everything myself and finally I decided only to make parts of my source public. If you ever need to do more than the basic editing that the EmbeddedED unit will give you, you need to write some code yourself, or you might chose to acquire some of the code I wrote - check out my site at http://KS.helpware.net. The power of all units are compiled into the KsDHTMLEDLib.ocx witch you can use free of charge. } (* NOTE: Modified by K. Toppenberg (marked by //kt) *) unit EmbeddedED; //core VCL HTML edit component {.$DEFINE EDOCX} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDTABLE} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDUNDO} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDMONIKER} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDGLYPHS} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDLIB} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDPARSER} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDDRAGDROP} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDZINDEX} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDDESIGNER} //unit not included {.$DEFINE EDPRINT} //unit not included { $DEFINE DEBUG } //kt removed. {$I KSED.INC} //Compiler version directives interface uses Windows, Classes, ActiveX, Forms, //ktMSHTML_TLB, MSHTML_EWB, //kt AXCtrls, menus, Controls, messages, URLMon, {$IFDEF D6D7} Variants, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDPRINT} EDPrint, {$ENDIF} IEConst, EmbedEDconst, KS_Lib, SHDocVw; type TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE = (DEAPPEARANCE_FLAT, DEAPPEARANCE_3D); TUserInterfaceOption = (NoBorder, NoScrollBar, FlatScrollBar, DivBlockOnReturn); TUserInterfaceOptions = set of TUserInterfaceOption; TDHTMLEditShowContextMenu = procedure(Sender: TObject; xPos: Integer; yPos: Integer) of object; TDHTMLEditContextMenuAction = procedure(Sender: TObject; itemIndex: Integer) of object; TQueryServiceEvent = function(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj: IUnknown): HResult of object; TShowContextMenuEvent = function(const dwID: DWORD; const ppt: PPOINT; const pcmdtReserved: IUnknown; const pdispReserved: IDispatch): HRESULT of object; TShowContextMenuEventEx = procedure(Sender: TObject; xPos, yPos: Integer) of object; TTranslateURLEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var URL: string; var Changed: Boolean) of object; TMessageEventEx = procedure(Sender: TObject; var msg: LongWord; var wParam: SYSINT; var lParam: SYSINT; var Result: SYSINT) of object; TEditDesignerEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; inEvtDispId: Integer; const pIEventObj: IHTMLEventObj; var Result: HResult) of object; TNotifyEventEx2 = procedure(Sender: TObject; NewFile: String) of object; TNotifyEventEx4 = procedure(Sender: TObject; var S: String) of object; //kt TSnapRect = procedure(Sender: TObject; const pIElement: IHTMLElement; var prcNew: tagRECT; eHandle: _ELEMENT_CORNER; var Result: HResult) of object; TNotifyEventEx = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Cancel: Boolean) of object; TNotifyEventEx8 = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Key: Integer; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj) of object; TNotifyProcedureEvent = procedure of object; TRefreshEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; CmdID: Integer; var Cancel: Boolean) of object; TMouseEventEx = procedure(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj; X, Y: Integer; var Cancel: Boolean) of object; {$IFNDEF EDPRINT} TPrintSetup = array[0..8] of string; //Dummy type - if EDPRINT is undefines {$ENDIF} TEmbeddedED = class(TWebbrowser, IDocHostUIHandler, IDispatch, //invoke ~ general event sink IServiceProvider, IOleControlSite, IPropertyNotifySink, {$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} IDropTarget, {$ENDIF} IOleCommandTarget, ISimpleFrameSite ) private FOnQueryService: TQueryServiceEvent; FOnDisplayChanged: TNotifyEvent; FOnShowContextMenu: TShowcontextmenuEvent; FOnShowContextmenuEx: TShowContextMenuEventEx; FOnTranslateURL: TTranslateURLEvent; FOnDocumentComplete: TNotifyEvent; FWaitMessage: Boolean; DWEBbrowserEvents2Cookie: Integer; //event sink stuff FReadyState: Integer; FShowDetails: Boolean; FIEVersion: String; FIE6: boolean; FMSHTMLDropTarget: IDropTarget; FInternalStyles: String; FExternalStyles: String; FStylesRefreshed: Boolean; FStyles: TStringList; FFonts: TStringList; FHTMLImage: String; //Source image of the current page as opened / last saved FDebug: Boolean; DebugBool: Boolean; //used to test any Boolean value DebugString: String; //used to test any string value DebugElement: IHTMLElement; DummyString: String; FSetInitialFocus: Boolean; FEDMessageHandler: TMessageEvent; FMessageHandler: TMessageEventEx; FUserInterfaceValue: DWORD; FDownloadControlValue: Integer; FPrintFinished: Boolean; // IHTMLEditHost FSnapEnabled: Boolean; FGridX: Integer; FGridY: Integer; //ktFExtSnapRect: TSnapRect; FOnPreDrag: TNotifyEventEx; FPreHandleEvent: TEditDesignerEvent; FPostHandleEvent: TEditDesignerEvent; FEDTranslateAccelerator: TEditDesignerEvent; FPostEditorEventNotify: TEditDesignerEvent; FOleInPlaceActiveObject: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; //kt .. moved to protected section .. FmsHTMLwinHandle: Hwnd; FLocalUndo: WordBool; //we handle UNDO and REDO ourselves FTUndo: Pointer; //we cant use TUndo heir, it will cause a Circular reference FTZindex: pointer; //we cant use TZindex ........ FTtable: pointer; //we cant use TTable ........ FEdit: pointer; //we cant use TEditDesigner ........ FEditHost: pointer; //we cant use TEditHost ........ FDestroyng: Boolean; FContextMenu: TPopupMenu; FCreateBakUp: Boolean; FActualTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; FActualControlRange: IHTMLControlRange; FSelectionType: string; FActualElement: IHTMLElement; FActualRangeIsText: Boolean; FSelection: Boolean; //There is a selection FHighlight: IHighlightRenderingServices; FHighlightSegment: IHighlightSegment; FRenderStyle: IHTMLRenderStyle; FDisplayPointerStart: IDisplayPointer; FDisplayPointerEnd: IDisplayPointer; FLoadFromString: Boolean; FParamLoad: Boolean; FRefreshing: Boolean; FUserInterfaceOptions: TUserInterfaceOptions; FBeforeSaveFile: TNotifyEvent; FAfterSaveFile: TNotifyEvent; FAfterSaveFileAs: TNotifyEvent; FAfterLoadFile: TNotifyEventEx2; FonAfterPrint: TNotifyEventEx; FonBeforePrint: TNotifyEventEx; FOnUnloadDoc: TNotifyEventEx; FOnRefreshBegin: TRefreshEvent; FOnRefreshEnd: TNotifyEvent; FBaseURL: String; {$IFNDEF EDMONIKER} FDummyString: String; {$ENDIF} FBaseTagInDoc: Boolean; FLiveResize: Boolean; F2DPosition: Boolean; FShowZeroBorderAtDesignTime: Boolean; FConstrain : boolean; EDMessageHandlerPtr: Pointer; FOnMouseUp: TMouseEventEx; FOnMouseDown: TMouseEventEx; FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; FOnKeyUp: TNotifyEventEx8; FOnKeyDown: TNotifyEventEx8; FOnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; FOnMouseMove: TMouseEventEx; FOnmouseout: TNotifyEvent; FOnmouseover: TNotifyEvent; FOnBlur: TNotifyEvent; FAbsoluteDropMode: Boolean; FShowBorders: Boolean; FCurrentDocumentPath: String; FOnReadystatechange: TNotifyEvent; KeepLI: boolean; FLength: Integer; //number of selected elements FFirstElement: Integer; FLastElement: Integer; FStartElementSourceIndex: Integer; FEndElementSourceIndex: Integer; FElementCollection: IHTMLElementCollection; FTagNumber: Integer; //actual tagnumber in a GetFirts GetNext sequence FMarkUpServices: IMarkupServices; FMarkupPointerStart: IMarkupPointer; FMarkupPointerEnd: IMarkupPointer; FOnInitialize: TNotifyEventEx4; FAXCtrl: Pointer; // pointer to TActiveXControl (KsDHTMLEDLib.ocx) FGenerator: String; FSkipDirtyCheck: Boolean; FWarmingUp: Boolean; //true while MSHTML is initialised FSettingBaseURL: Boolean; FkeepPath: Boolean; FOnContextMenuAction: TDHTMLEditContextMenuAction; // IDOCHOSTUIHANDLER function ShowContextMenu(const dwID: DWORD; const ppt: PPOINT; const pcmdtReserved: IUnknown; const pdispReserved: IDispatch): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetHostInfo(var pInfo: TDOCHOSTUIINFO): HRESULT; stdcall; function ShowUI(const dwID: DWORD; const pActiveObject: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; const pCommandTarget: IOleCommandTarget; const pFrame: IOleInPlaceFrame; const pDoc: IOleInPlaceUIWindow): HRESULT; stdcall; function HideUI: HRESULT; stdcall; function UpdateUI: HRESULT; stdcall; function EnableModeless(const fEnable: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; function OnDocWindowActivate(const fActivate: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; function OnFrameWindowActivate(const fActivate: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; function ResizeBorder(const prcBorder: PRECT; const pUIWindow: IOleInPlaceUIWindow; const FrameWindow: BOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; function TranslateAccelerator(const lpMsg: PMSG; const pguidCmdGroup: PGUID; const nCmdID: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetOptionKeyPath(var pchKey: POLESTR; const dw: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetDropTarget(const pDropTarget: IDropTarget; out ppDropTarget: IDropTarget): HRESULT; stdcall; function GetExternal(out ppDispatch: IDispatch): HRESULT; stdcall; function TranslateUrl(const dwTranslate: DWORD; const pchURLIn: POLESTR; var ppchURLOut: POLESTR): HRESULT; stdcall; function FilterDataObject(const pDO: IDataObject; out ppDORet: IDataObject): HRESULT; stdcall; // IDOCHOSTUIHANDLER END // IDispatch function GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; stdcall; function GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; stdcall; function GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; // IServiceProvider function QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; stdcall; // IServiceProvider END // IOleControlSite function OnControlInfoChanged: HResult; stdcall; function LockInPlaceActive(fLock: BOOL): HResult; stdcall; function GetExtendedControl(out disp: IDispatch): HResult; stdcall; function TransformCoords(var ptlHimetric: TPoint; var ptfContainer: TPointF; flags: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function IOleControlSite.TranslateAccelerator = OleControlSite_TranslateAccelerator; function OleControlSite_TranslateAccelerator(msg: PMsg; grfModifiers: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function OnFocus(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult; stdcall; function ShowPropertyFrame: HResult; stdcall; // IOleControlSite END {$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} // IDropTarget function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function IDropTarget.DragOver = _DragOver; function _DragOver(grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall; function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; // IDropTarget END {$ENDIF} // IOleCommandTarget function IOleCommandTarget.QueryStatus = _QueryStatus; function _QueryStatus(CmdGroup: PGUID; cCmds: Cardinal; prgCmds: POleCmd; CmdText: POleCmdText): HResult; stdcall; function Exec(CmdGroup: PGUID; nCmdID, nCmdexecopt: DWORD; const vaIn: OleVariant; var vaOut: OleVariant): HResult; stdcall; // IOleCommandTarget END function GetOleobject: IOleobject; function GetBaseURL: String; procedure SetBaseURL(const Value: String); {$IFNDEF EDMONIKER} function LoadFromIStream(aIStream: IStream): HResult; {$ENDIF} Procedure GetSourceSnapShot; function GetCharset: string; function EmptyDoc: String; procedure SubClassMsHTML; procedure UnSubClassMsHTML; function GetWebBrowserConnectionPoint(var CP: ICOnnectionPoint): boolean; procedure EDOnMouseOver(const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); procedure WaitAsyncMessage(var Msg: Tmessage); message WaitAsync_MESSAGE; function OpenChangeLog: HResult; function LoadFromStrings(aStrings: TStrings): HResult; function LoadFromString(aString: String): HResult; function Get_Busy: Boolean; procedure SetShowDetails(vIn: Boolean); Function GetBackup: Boolean; function CreateBackUp: Boolean; procedure SetDocumentHTML(NewHTML: String); procedure EDOnDownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); procedure HookEvents; function GetActualAppName: string; procedure SetActualAppName(const Value: string); procedure SetBrowseMode(const Value: WordBool); function GetBrowseMode: WordBool; procedure SetDirty(_dirty: boolean); function GetDirty: boolean; function GetDocTitle: String; procedure SetDocTitle(NewTitle: string); function GetDOC: IHTMLDocument2; function GetCmdTarget: IOleCommandTarget; function GetPersistStream: IPersistStreamInit; function GetPersistFile: IPersistFile; procedure SetLiveResize(const Value: Boolean); procedure Set2DPosition(const Value: Boolean); function GetBaseElement(var aBaseElement: IHTMLBaseElement): boolean; function GetActualElement: IHTMLElement; function GetActualTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; function GetActualControlRange: IHTMLControlRange; function GetSelLength: Integer; Procedure GetSelStartElement; Procedure GetSelEndElement; function GetElementNr(ElementNumber: Integer): IHTMLElement; function _GetNextItem(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; procedure EDBeforePrint(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); procedure EDAfterPrint(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); procedure EDOnUnloadDoc(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); procedure EDOnDocBlur(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); procedure EDBeforeDragStart(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); function GetLastError: string; function KSTEst(var pInVar, pOutVar: OleVariant): HResult; function Get_AbsoluteDropMode: Boolean; function Get_Scrollbars: WordBool; function Get_ShowBorders: WordBool; procedure Set_AbsoluteDropMode(const Value: Boolean); procedure Set_Appearance(const Value: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE); function GetAppearance(aType: TUserInterfaceOption): TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; function Get_Appearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; procedure Set_ScrollbarAppearance(const Value: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE); function Get_ScrollbarAppearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; procedure Set_Scrollbars(const Value: WordBool); procedure Set_ShowBorders(const Value: WordBool); function Get_UseDivOnCarriageReturn: WordBool; procedure Set_UseDivOnCarriageReturn(const Value: WordBool); procedure FContextMenuClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure SetGridX(const Value: integer); procedure SetGridY(const Value: integer); procedure SetSnapEnabled(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetUserInterfaceValue; procedure Accept(const URL:String;var Accept:Boolean); procedure Set_LocalUndo(const Value: WordBool); function GetPrintFileName: String; function ISEmptyParam(value: Olevariant): Boolean; protected KeyPressTime : FILETIME; //kt FEditMode: Boolean; FmsHTMLwinPtr: Pointer; //saved pointer to a subclassed MSHTML window FmsHTMLwinHandle: Hwnd; //kt moved here from private section. FMainWinHandle: Hwnd; //the "Shell Embedding" window FScrollTop: Integer; //saved WYSIWYG scroll position FBeforeCloseFile: TNotifyEventEx2; FCurBackFile: String; FCaret: IHTMLCaret; //kt moved from Private --> protected section FTMGDisplayPointer: IDisplayPointer; //kt // IPropertyNotifySink function OnChanged(dispid: TDispID): HResult; override; stdcall; function OnRequestEdit(dispid: TDispID): HResult; override; stdcall; // IPropertyNotifySink END procedure SubMessageHandler(var Message: TMessage); Virtual; function SubFocusHandler(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult; virtual; //kt procedure EDMessageHandler(var Message: TMessage); procedure DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant; var HandlingComplete: Boolean); virtual; function _DoSaveFile: HResult; Virtual; function DoSaveFile: HResult; function DoSaveFileAs(aFile: String): HResult; Virtual; procedure AfterFileSaved; Virtual; procedure loaded; override; procedure Set_Generator(const Value: String); Virtual; procedure _UpdateUI; //back door for derived component function GetDocumentHTML: string; function ComponentInDesignMode: Boolean; Virtual; function EndCurrentDocDialog(var mr: Integer; CancelPosible: Boolean = False; SkipDirtyCheck: Boolean = False): HResult; function DocIsPersist: boolean; function _LoadFile(aFileName: String): HResult; Virtual; function _CurDir: string; function _CurFileName: string; procedure NotImplemented(S: String); procedure _GetBuildInStyles; procedure EditInitialize; function GetSelStartEnd(Var SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): boolean; function SetSelStartEnd(SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): boolean; public property Onmouseover: TNotifyEvent read FOnmouseover write FOnmouseover; property OnReadystatechange: TNotifyEvent read FOnReadystatechange write FOnReadystatechange; {$IFDEF EDOCX} property AXCtrl: Pointer read FAXCtrl write FAXCtrl; {$ENDIF} // the folowing is for internal use (but need to be public), constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ShowHighlight(pIRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil); procedure HideHighlight; function GetInPlaceActiveObject: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; function DocumentIsAssigned: Boolean; procedure ShowCaret; procedure _CheckGenerator(MainCheck: Boolean = true); Virtual; procedure GetBaseTag(var BaseTagInDoc: Boolean; var BaseUrl: String); property Debug: Boolean read FDebug; property EDReadyState: Integer read FReadyState write FReadyState; property CurrentDocumentPath: string read FCurrentDocumentPath; property ExternalStyles: String read FExternalStyles write FExternalStyles; property Styles: TStringlist read FStyles; property MSHTMLDropTarget: IDropTarget read FMSHTMLDropTarget write FMSHTMLDropTarget; property LocalUndo: WordBool read FLocalUndo write FLocalUndo; property CmdTarget: IOleCommandTarget read GetCmdTarget; property PersistStream: IPersistStreamInit read GetPersistStream; property ScrollTop: Integer write FScrollTop; property PrintFinished: Boolean read FPrintFinished write FPrintFinished; property PersistFile: IPersistFile read GetPersistFile; property HTMLImage: String read FHTMLImage; function EndUndoBlock(aResult: HResult): HResult; function ClearUndoStack: HResult; procedure WaitAsync; function GetGenerator: string; virtual; function CmdSet(cmdID: CMDID; var pInVar: OleVariant): HResult; overload; virtual; //VCL versions that isn't exposed by the OCX function DoCommand(cmdID: CMDID): HResult; overload; function DoCommand(cmdID: CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT): HResult; overload; function DoCommand(cmdID: CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar: OleVariant): HResult; overload; function DoCommand(cmdID: CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar, pOutVar: OleVariant): HResult; overload; function CmdSet(cmdID: CMDID): HResult; overload; virtual; function CmdGet(cmdID: CMDID): OleVariant; overload; function GetSaveFileName(var aFile: string): HResult; function SaveFile: HResult; virtual; function SaveFileAs(aFile: string = ''): HResult; virtual; property CurDir: string read _CurDir; property CurFileName: string read _CurFileName; function WaitForDocComplete: Boolean; property DocumentTitle: string read GetDocTitle Write SetDocTitle; procedure ScrollDoc(Pos: Integer); procedure SetFocusToDoc; function GetMSHTMLwinHandle: Hwnd; Function CaretIsVisible: Boolean; procedure SetMouseElement(P: Tpoint; aWinHandle: Hwnd = 0); procedure MakeSelElementVisible(Show: boolean); Function RemoveElementID(const TagID: String): Boolean; Procedure SetDebug(value: Boolean); property CreateBakUp: Boolean read FCreateBakUp write FCreateBakUp; property LastError: string read GetLastError; property SkipDirtyCheck: Boolean read FSkipDirtyCheck write FSkipDirtyCheck; //Old DHTMLEdit stuff function ExecCommand(cmdID: CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar: OleVariant): OleVariant; procedure SetContextMenu(var menuStrings: OleVariant; var menuStates: OleVariant); procedure LoadDocument(var pathIn: OleVariant; var promptUser: OleVariant); procedure SaveDocument(var pathIn: OleVariant; var promptUser: OleVariant); property ShowBorders: WordBool read Get_ShowBorders write Set_ShowBorders; property ActualTextRange: IHTMLTxtRange read FActualTxtRange; //this is the general interface function NewDocument: HResult; virtual; procedure AssignDocument; procedure LoadURL(url: String); function Go(Url: String): HResult; function LoadFile(var aFileName: String; PromptUser: Boolean): HResult; overload; virtual; function LoadFile(var aFileName: String): HResult; overload; virtual; function EndCurrentDoc(CancelPosible: Boolean = False; SkipDirtyCheck: Boolean = False): HResult; virtual; Function GetPersistedFile: String; property IsDirty: Boolean read GetDirty write SetDirty; property DOC: IHTMLDocument2 read GetDOC; property DOM: IHTMLDocument2 read GetDOC; //just to enable old coding style function CmdGet(cmdID: CMDID; pInVar: OleVariant): OleVariant; overload; function CmdSet_B(cmdID: CMDID; pIn: Boolean): HResult; overload; virtual; function CmdSet_S(cmdID: CMDID; pIn: String): HResult; overload; virtual; function CmdSet_I(cmdID: CMDID; pIn: Integer): HResult; overload; virtual; function QueryStatus(cmdID: CMDID): OLECMDF; virtual; function QueryEnabled(cmdID: CMDID): Boolean; virtual; function QueryLatched(cmdID: CMDID): Boolean; function BeginUndoUnit(aTitle: String = 'Default'): HResult; function EndUndoUnit: HResult; procedure Refresh; property DocumentHTML: String read GetDocumentHTML write SetDocumentHTML; property Busy: Boolean read Get_Busy; function GetStyles: String; function GetBuildInStyles: String; function GetExternalStyles: String; function SetStyle(aStyleName: string): HResult; safecall; function GetStylesIndex: Integer; overload; safecall; function GetStylesIndex(aList: String): Integer; overload; safecall; function GetFonts: String; function GetFontSizeIndex(const aList: String; var Changed: String): Integer; safecall; function GetFontNameIndex(aList: String): Integer; safecall; function GetCurrentFontName: string; function SelectedDocumentHTML(var SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): String; procedure SyncDOC(HTML: string; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer); function Print(value: TPrintSetup; Showdlg: boolean = false): Boolean; function PrintEx(value: Olevariant; Showdlg: boolean): HResult; overload; function PrintPreview(value: Olevariant): HResult; overload; function PrintPreview(value: TPrintSetup): Boolean; overload; procedure PrintDocument(var withUI: OleVariant); property ActualAppName: string read GetActualAppName write SetActualAppName; property ActualTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange read GetActualTxtRange; property ActualControlRange: IHTMLControlRange read GetActualControlRange; property ActualElement: IHTMLElement read GetActualElement; property ActualRangeIsText: Boolean read FActualRangeIsText; function IsSelElementLocked: boolean; Function GetFirstSelElement(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; Function GetNextSelElement(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; procedure GetSelParentElement; function GetSelParentElementType(const aType: string; aMessage: string = ''): IHTMLElement; Function IsSelType(aType: string): boolean; Function IsSelElementID(const ID: String): Boolean; Function IsSelElementClassName(const ClassName: String): Boolean; Function IsSelElementTagName(const TagName: String): Boolean; Function IsSelElementInVisible: Boolean; function IsSelElementAbsolute: boolean; Function GetSelText: String; procedure TrimSelection; procedure SelectActualTextrange; procedure SelectElement(aElement: IhtmlElement); function SetCursorAtElement(aElement: IhtmlElement; ADJACENCY:_ELEMENT_ADJACENCY): Boolean; procedure CollapseActualTextrange(Start: boolean); procedure KeepSelectionVisible; procedure GetElementUnderCaret;// Refresh Selection function MovePointersToRange(const aRange: IHTMLTxtRange): HResult; function MovePointersToSel: HResult; function CreateElement(const tagID: _ELEMENT_TAG_ID; var NewElement: IHTMLElement; const aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil; const Attributes: string = ''): HResult; function InsertElementAtCursor(var aElement: IHTMLElement; const aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil): HResult; function MoveTextRangeToPointer(aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil): IHTMLTxtRange ; function CreateMetaTag(var aMetaElement: IHTMLMetaElement): HResult; property SelNumberOfElements: Integer read GetSelLength; property Selection: Boolean read FSelection; published // EditDesigner property OnPreHandleEvent: TEditDesignerEvent read FPreHandleEvent write FPreHandleEvent; property OnPostHandleEvent: TEditDesignerEvent read FPostHandleEvent write FPostHandleEvent; property OnPostEditorEventNotify: TEditDesignerEvent read FPostEditorEventNotify write FPostEditorEventNotify; property OnTranslateAccelerator: TEditDesignerEvent read FEDTranslateAccelerator write FEDTranslateAccelerator; property OnKeyDown: TNotifyEventEx8 read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp: TNotifyEventEx8 read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnMouseDown: TMouseEventEx read FOnMouseDown write FOnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove: TMouseEventEx read FOnMouseMove write FOnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp: TMouseEventEx read FOnMouseUp write FOnMouseUp; property Onmouseout: TNotifyEvent read FOnmouseout write FOnmouseout; property LocalUndoManager: WordBool read FLocalUndo write Set_LocalUndo; property Generator: String read GetGenerator write Set_Generator; //grid stuff property SnapToGridX: Integer read FGridX write SetGridX default 50; property SnapToGridY: Integer read FGridY write SetGridY default 50; property SnapToGrid: Boolean read FSnapEnabled write SetSnapEnabled Default true; //ktproperty OnSnapRect: TSnapRect read FExtSnapRect write FExtSnapRect; property BrowseMode: WordBool read GetBrowseMode write SetBrowseMode; property ShowDetails: boolean read FShowDetails write SetShowDetails; property UseDivOnCarriageReturn: WordBool read Get_UseDivOnCarriageReturn write Set_UseDivOnCarriageReturn; property OnContextMenuAction: TDHTMLEditContextMenuAction read FOnContextMenuAction write FOnContextMenuAction; property OnDisplayChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnDisplayChanged write FOnDisplayChanged; // IDOCHOSTUIHANDLER property OnShowContextMenu: TShowContextMenuEvent read FOnShowContextmenu write FOnShowContextmenu; property OnShowContextMenuEx: TShowContextMenuEventEx read FOnShowContextmenuEx write FOnShowContextmenuEx; property OnQueryService: TQueryServiceEvent read FOnQueryService write FOnQueryService; property OnPreDrag: TNotifyEventEx read FOnPreDrag write FOnPreDrag; property OnTranslateURL: TTranslateURLEvent read FOnTranslateURL write FOnTranslateURL; property OnBeforeCloseFile: TNotifyEventEx2 read FBeforeCloseFile write FBeforeCloseFile; property OnBeforeSaveFile: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeSaveFile write FBeforeSaveFile; property OnAfterSaveFile: TNotifyEvent read FAfterSaveFile write FAfterSaveFile; property OnAfterSaveFileAs: TNotifyEvent read FAfterSaveFileAs write FAfterSaveFileAs; property OnAfterLoadFile: TNotifyEventEx2 read FAfterLoadFile write FAfterLoadFile; property OnEDMessageHandler: TMessageEvent read FEDMessageHandler write FEDMessageHandler; property OnMessageHandler: TMessageEventEx read FMessageHandler write FMessageHandler; property OnBlur: TNotifyEvent read FOnBlur write FOnBlur; Property OnInitialize: TNotifyEventEx4 read FOnInitialize write FOnInitialize; property OnBeforePrint: TNotifyEventEx read FonBeforePrint write FonBeforePrint; property OnAfterPrint: TNotifyEventEx read FonAfterPrint write FonAfterPrint; property OnUnloadDoc: TNotifyEventEx read FOnUnloadDoc write FOnUnloadDoc; property OnRefreshBegin: TRefreshEvent read FOnRefreshBegin write FOnRefreshBegin; property OnRefreshEnd: TNotifyEvent read FOnRefreshEnd write FOnRefreshEnd; property OnDocumentComplete: TNotifyEvent read FOnDocumentComplete write FOnDocumentComplete; property Appearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE read Get_Appearance write Set_Appearance; property BaseURL: String read GetBaseURL write SetBaseURL; property Scrollbars: WordBool read Get_Scrollbars write Set_Scrollbars default true; property ScrollbarAppearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE read Get_ScrollbarAppearance write Set_ScrollbarAppearance; property AbsoluteDropMode: Boolean read Get_AbsoluteDropMode write Set_AbsoluteDropMode; property _2DPosition: Boolean read F2DPosition write Set2DPosition; property LiveResize: Boolean read FLiveResize write SetLiveResize; //the editor will try to load a file from paramstr(1) - has no meaning inside a OCX property ParamLoad: Boolean read FParamLoad write FParamLoad; end; threadVar TheActualAppName: String; procedure Register; implementation uses SysUtils, dialogs, FileCtrl, ComObj, {$IFDEF EDUNDO} UUndo, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDTABLE} EmbedEDTable, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDMONIKER} KS_EDMoniker, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDGLYPHS} CustomGlyphs, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDLIB} EDLIB, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDPARSER} KSIEParser, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} dragdrop, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} UZindex, {$ENDIF} math, //kt {$IFDEF EDDESIGNER} UEditDesigner, {$ENDIF} UEditHost, KS_Procs, KS_Procs2, IEDispConst, RegFuncs; const DLCTL_DLIMAGES = $00000010; DLCTL_VIDEOS = $00000020; DLCTL_BGSOUNDS = $00000040; DLCTL_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE = $00004000; CancelPosible: Boolean = true; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('KS', [TEmbeddedED]); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TEmbeddedED.Create(Owner: TComponent); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap inherited Create(Owner); FContextMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(nil); FStyles := TStringList.Create; FStyles.Sorted := true; FStyles.Duplicates := dupIgnore; FGridX := 50; //default values on startup FGridY := 50; FSnapEnabled := true; FUserInterfaceOptions := []; // default = Border, ScrollBar, 3DScrollBar, NoDivBlockOnReturn FGenerator := 'KS MSHTML Edit 1.0'; //set default value {$IFDEF DEBUG} FDEbug := True; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ destructor TEmbeddedED.Destroy; var CP: ICOnnectionPoint; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FDestroyng := true; UnSubClassMsHTML; //just in case FOleInPlaceActiveObject := nil; if (DWEBbrowserEvents2Cookie <> 0) and GetWebBrowserConnectionPoint(CP) then CP.UnAdvise(DWEBbrowserEvents2Cookie); FContextMenu.free; if assigned(FEditHost) then TObject(FEditHost).free; if FEdit <> nil then TObject(FEdit).Free; if FTUndo <> nil then TObject(FTUndo).Free; if FTZindex <> nil then TObject(FTZindex).Free; if FTtable <> nil then TObject(FTtable).Free; FStyles.free; FFonts.free; inherited Destroy; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ComponentInDesignMode: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := (csDesigning in ComponentState); {$IFDEF EDOCX} if Assigned(FAXCtrl) then begin //we are using the component from an OCX try result := not (TActiveXControl(FAXCtrl).ClientSite as IAmbientDispatch).UserMode; except //just catch any error - we are NOT in design mode result := false; end; end; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.loaded; var CP: ICOnnectionPoint; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap inherited loaded; if ComponentInDesignMode then exit; { TEmbeddedED's OnDocumentComplete override TWebbrowser's OnDocumentComplete We sink all DWEBbrowserEvents2 - although we only use OnDocumentComplete } if GetWebBrowserConnectionPoint(CP) then CP.Advise(self, DWEBbrowserEvents2Cookie) //send events to TEmbeddedED.Invoke else KSMessageE('TWebBrowser''s ICOnnectionPoint could not be found'); //set standard Download Control Values FDownloadControlValue := DLCTL_BGSOUNDS + //download sounds DLCTL_DLIMAGES + //download images DLCTL_VIDEOS + //download videos DLCTL_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE; //don't use the cache SetUserInterfaceValue; //linking in the EditHost FEditHost := TEditHost.Create(self); TEditHost(FEditHost).FSnapEnabled := FSnapEnabled; TEditHost(FEditHost).FGridX := FGridX; TEditHost(FEditHost).FGridY := FGridY; //ktTEditHost(FEditHost).FExtSnapRect := FExtSnapRect; TEditHost(FEditHost).FOnPreDrag := FOnPreDrag; {$IFDEF EDDESIGNER} //linking in the EditDesigner FEdit := Pointer(TEditDesigner.Create(self)); TEditDesigner(FEdit).FPreHandleEvent := FPreHandleEvent; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FPostHandleEvent := FPostHandleEvent; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FPostEditorEventNotify := FPostEditorEventNotify; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnDblClick := FOnDblClick; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnClick := FOnClick; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnKeyPress := FOnKeyPress; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnReadystatechange := FOnReadystatechange; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FEDTranslateAccelerator := FEDTranslateAccelerator; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FDebug := FDebug; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnMouseMove := FOnMouseMove; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnMouseUp := FOnMouseUp; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnMouseDown := FOnMouseDown; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnKeyUp := FOnKeyUp; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnKeyDown := FOnKeyDown; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnmouseout := FOnmouseOut; TEditDesigner(FEdit).FOnmouseover := EDOnmouseover; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} FTZindex := Pointer(TZindex.Create(self)); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDTABLE} FTtable := Pointer(TTable.Create(self)); {$ENDIF} FIEVersion := ReadRegString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\', 'Version'); if length(FIEVersion) > 0 then begin FIE6 := FIEVersion[1] >= '6'; if (not FIE6) then begin if (FIEVersion[1] < '5') or (FIEVersion[3] < '5') then KSMessageE('This HTML-editor Component '+CrLf+'need IE 5.5 or higher'); end; end; FWarmingUp := true; AssignDocument; //basic initialisation of MSHTML FWarmingUp := false; GetInPlaceActiveObject; //initialise FOleInPlaceActiveObject if FShowBorders then CmdSet_B(IDM_SHOWZEROBORDERATDESIGNTIME, true); if FEditMode then begin //initialisation of MSHTML edit mode {$IFDEF EDLIB} InitializeGenerator(Self); {$ENDIF} DOC.designMode := 'On'; //CmdSet(IDM_EDITMODE); //Not currently supported - but it works !! end; if FAXCtrl = nil //Only do this in VCL mode, the OCX needs a later initialization then EditInitialize; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EditInitialize; var aFile: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if ComponentInDesignMode then exit; aFile := ''; //get a file to open at start-up if Assigned(FOnInitialize) then FOnInitialize(Self, aFile); //get a initial file name if FParamLoad and (aFile = '') //if no file yet, look for a param - NB will not work inside an OCX then aFile := Paramstr(1); if aFile <> '' then begin if S_OK <> LoadFile(aFile) //load a "command line" / initial file - if any then aFile := ''; end; if aFile = '' then NewDocument; //load an empty document _GetBuildInStyles; FSetInitialFocus := true; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetUserInterfaceValue; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FUserInterfaceValue := 0; if NoBorder in FUserInterfaceOptions then Inc(FUserInterfaceValue, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DBORDER); if NoScrollBar in FUserInterfaceOptions then Inc(FUserInterfaceValue, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_SCROLL_NO); if FlatScrollBar in FUserInterfaceOptions then Inc(FUserInterfaceValue, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_FLAT_SCROLLBAR); if DivBlockOnReturn in FUserInterfaceOptions then Inc(FUserInterfaceValue, DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DIV_BLOCKDEFAULT); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SubClassMsHTML; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { We hook into the message chain in front of the MSHTML window after the hook is in place all massages send to MSHTML will be passed to EDMessageHandler first } if (GetInPlaceActiveObject <> nil) and (FmsHTMLwinHandle <> 0) then begin if EDMessageHandlerPtr <> nil then UnSubClassMsHTML; //create handle to EDMessageHandler EDMessageHandlerPtr := MakeObjectInstance(EDMessageHandler); //save pointer to the FmsHTMLwinHandle window FmsHTMLwinPtr := Pointer(SetWindowLong(FmsHTMLwinHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(EDMessageHandlerPtr))); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.UnSubClassMsHTML; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (GetInPlaceActiveObject <> nil) and (FmsHTMLwinHandle <> 0) and (EDMessageHandlerPtr <> nil) then begin //restore old MSHTML window as target SetWindowLong(FmsHTMLwinHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FmsHTMLwinPtr)); FreeObjectInstance(EDMessageHandlerPtr); EDMessageHandlerPtr := nil; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SubMessageHandler(var Message: TMessage); begin //overridden by derived components end; function TEmbeddedED.SubFocusHandler(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult; //kt added begin //overridden by derived components end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDMessageHandler(var Message: TMessage); var WinMsg: TMsg; handled: boolean; transformed: boolean; //---------------------------------------------------------- function HandlingDone(handled: Boolean): boolean; begin if handled then Message.Result := 1; result := handled; end; //---------------------------------------------------------- procedure transformMessage; begin if transformed then exit; WinMsg.HWnd := Handle; WinMsg.Message := Message.Msg ; WinMsg.WParam := Message.WParam; WinMsg.LParam := Message.LParam; WinMsg.Time := GetMessageTime; GetCursorPos(WinMsg.Pt); transformed := true; end; //---------------------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {when key messages arrives heir from a VCL implementation hey they are offset with CN_BASE but can come by a second time with no CN_BASE offset. OCX implementation they are not offset } { all messages to MSHTML comes through here - KEEP IT LEAN. if Handled is not set to true then the message is dispatched back to MSHTML. } transformed := false; Handled := false; if assigned(FMessageHandler) //external assigned message handler then begin FMessageHandler(Self, Message.Msg, Message.WParam, Message.LParam, Message.Result); if Message.Result = 1 then exit; end; if assigned(FEDMessageHandler) //external assigned message handler then begin transformMessage; FEDMessageHandler(WinMsg, handled); if HandlingDone(handled) then exit; end; {$IFDEF EDTABLE} //let the "table unit" have a look at the message if assigned(FTtable) and (Not FDestroyng) and (TTable(FTtable).CheckMessage(Message)) then exit; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} //let the "UZindex unit" have a look at the message if assigned(FTZindex) and (Not FDestroyng) and (TZindex(FTZindex).CheckMessage(Message)) then exit; {$ENDIF} SubMessageHandler(Message); if Message.Result = 1 then exit; //send the message back to the subclassed MSHTML window Message.Result := CallWindowProc(FmsHTMLwinPtr, FmsHTMLwinHandle, Message.Msg, Message.WParam, Message.LParam); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetWebBrowserConnectionPoint(var CP: ICOnnectionPoint): boolean; var CPC: IConnectionPointContainer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap TwebBrowser(Self).ControlInterface.QueryInterface(IConnectionPointContainer, CPC); if assigned(CPC) then CPC.FindConnectionPoint(DWEBbrowserEvents2, CP); result := Assigned(CP); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Invoke(DispID: Integer; const IID: TGUID; LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params; VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr: Pointer): HResult; var dps: TDispParams absolute Params; pDispIds: PDispIdList; iDispIdsSize: integer; handled: Boolean; //------------------------------------------- procedure BuildPositionalDispIds; var i: integer; begin pDispIds := nil; iDispIdsSize := dps.cArgs * SizeOf(TDispId); GetMem(pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); // by default, directly arrange in reverse order for i := 0 to dps.cArgs - 1 do pDispIds^[i] := dps.cArgs - 1 - i; if (dps.cNamedArgs > 0) // check for named args then begin // parse named args for i := 0 to dps.cNamedArgs - 1 do pDispIds^[dps.rgdispidNamedArgs^[i]] := i; end; end; //------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := S_OK; case Dispid of DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL: if (Flags and DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET <> 0) and (VarResult <> nil) then begin PVariant(VarResult)^ := FDownloadControlValue; Exit; end; 259: //DWebBrowserEvents2.OnDocumentComplete if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; //call the our DocumentComplete event handler DocumentComplete(self, //Sender: TObject IDispatch(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval), //pDisp: IDispatch POleVariant(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[1]].pvarval)^, //URL: OleVariant handled); FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit; end; 104 : //DWebBrowserEvents2.DownloadComplete begin EDOnDownloadComplete(Self); Exit; end; DISPID_HTMLWINDOWEVENTS2_ONBLUR: if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; EDOnDocBlur(self, //Sender: TObject IHTMLEventObj(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval)); //pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit; end; DISPID_HTMLWINDOWEVENTS2_ONUNLOAD: if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; EDOnUnloadDoc(self, //Sender: TObject IHTMLEventObj(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval)); //pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit;; end; DISPID_HTMLWINDOWEVENTS2_ONAFTERPRINT: if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; EDAfterPrint(self, //Sender: TObject IHTMLEventObj(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval)); //pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit; end; DISPID_HTMLWINDOWEVENTS2_ONBEFOREPRINT: if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; EDBeforePrint(self, //Sender: TObject IHTMLEventObj(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval)); //pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit; end; DISPID_HTMLDOCUMENTEVENTS2_ONDRAGSTART: if dps.cArgs > 0 then begin BuildPositionalDispIds; EDBeforeDragStart(self, //Sender: TObject IHTMLEventObj(dps.rgvarg^[pDispIds^[0]].dispval)); //pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj FreeMem (pDispIds, iDispIdsSize); Exit; end; DISPID_HTMLELEMENTEVENTS2_ONMOVESTART: Beep; (* //return S_OK for unhandled members of HTMLWindowEvents2 1002, 1003, 1014, 1016, 1017, -2147418102, -2147418111: exit; //return S_OK for unhandled members of DWebBrowserEvents2 102, 105, 106, 108, 112, 113, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 236, 234, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 : exit; *) end; //case //let TOleControl handle the invoke Result := inherited Invoke(DispID, IID, LocaleID, Flags, Params, VarResult, ExcepInfo, ArgErr); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetTypeInfoCount(out Count: Integer): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := inherited GetTypeInfoCount(Count); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID: Integer; out TypeInfo): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := inherited GetTypeInfo(Index, LocaleID, TypeInfo); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetIDsOfNames(const IID: TGUID; Names: Pointer; NameCount, LocaleID: Integer; DispIDs: Pointer): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := inherited GetIDsOfNames(IID, Names, NameCount, LocaleID, DispIDs); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnChanged(dispid: TDispID): HResult; var dp: TDispParams; vResult: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { Dispid = Dispatch identifier of the property that changed, or DISPID_UNKNOWN if multiple properties have changed. } if (TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil) and (DISPID_READYSTATE = Dispid) then begin if SUCCEEDED(Doc.Invoke(DISPID_READYSTATE, GUID_null, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, dp, @vresult, nil, nil)) then FReadyState := Integer(vresult); end; result := inherited OnChanged(dispid); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnRequestEdit(dispid: TDispID): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := inherited OnRequestEdit(dispid); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDBeforeDragStart(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); var Done: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap beep; if assigned(FonBeforePrint) then begin Done := false; beep; //FonBeforePrint(self, Done); if Done then pEvtObj.returnValue := True; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDBeforePrint(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); var Done: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if assigned(FonBeforePrint) then begin Done := false; FonBeforePrint(self, Done); if Done then pEvtObj.returnValue := True; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDAfterPrint(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); { MSHTML stores a copy of the HTML source in a cache from where it is printed. EDAfterPrint is fired when MSHTML has finished saving the document, at the state it vas in, into cache } var Done: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FPrintFinished := true; if assigned(FonAfterPrint) then begin Done := false; FonAfterPrint(self, Done); if Done then pEvtObj.returnValue := True; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDOnUnloadDoc(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); var Done: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FStylesRefreshed := False; //we need to load a fresh set together with the next document if assigned(FOnUnloadDoc) then begin Done := false; FOnUnloadDoc(self, Done); if Done then pEvtObj.returnValue := True; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDOnDocBlur(Sender: TObject; const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FWarmingUp then exit; {$IFDEF EDLIB} KeepSelection(Self); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDTABLE} if assigned(FTtable) and (Not FDestroyng) then TTable(FTtable).TblOnBlur; {$ENDIF} if Assigned(FOnBlur) then FOnBlur(Self); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDOnDownloadComplete(Sender: TObject); var aURL: OleVariant; handled: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FRefreshing //Refresh page and some other things don't result in a Document complete then begin FRefreshing := False; aURL := Doc.URL; DocumentComplete(Self, nil, aURL, handled); If Assigned(FOnRefreshEnd) then FOnRefreshEnd(Self); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.WaitAsync; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FWaitMessage := false; PostMessage(FMainWinHandle, WaitAsync_MESSAGE, 0, 0); while not FWaitMessage do SafeYield; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure TEmbeddedED.GetSourceSnapShot; {$IFNDEF EDLIB} var TempStream: TMemoryStream; {$ENDIF} begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFNDEF EDLIB} { First we need to force MSHTML to tidy up the source the way it wants. MSHTML inserts and updates certain elements in the when it saves the file } TempStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try //just a dummy save PersistStream.save(TStreamAdapter.Create(TempStream), true); finally TempStream.free; end; {$ENDIF} FHTMLImage := KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC); //Get Snapshot of HTML Source end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.ShowCaret; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FCaret.Show(0); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.GetBaseTag(var BaseTagInDoc: Boolean; var BaseUrl: String); var aElement: IHTMLElement; aCollection: IHTMLElementCollection; aDomNode, HTMLF, HTMLP: IHTMLDomNode; i: integer; DOC3: IHTMLDocument3; S: String; I2: Integer; DESIGNTIMEBASEURLfound: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { if the source have a tag without a tag, IE renders the source wrongly and we must correct it. If is followed by other tags in the these may end up as children of rather than children of The problem does not appear if the tag is followed by Parsing trough IHTMLDomNode MSHTML not only it places the body in the wrong place, but it also duplicates it: HTML |-HEAD | |-TITLE | |-BASE | |-META | |-META | |-BODY |-BODY Parsed trough IHTMLElement MSHTML produces a tree that looks like this: HTML |-HEAD |-TITLE |-BASE |-META |-META |-BODY The following code will cleanup a bad example as this: test empty } BaseTagInDoc := false; DESIGNTIMEBASEURLfound := false; BaseURL := ''; DOC3 := DOC as IHTMLDocument3; aCollection := DOC3.getElementsByTagName('BASE') as IHTMLElementCollection; if aCollection.length > 0 then begin for i := 0 to aCollection.length - 1 do begin aElement := aCollection.item(i, 0) as IHTMLElement; if not assigned(aElement) then continue; // we take the BaseURL from the last found base tag except if // its a DESIGNTIMEBASEURL if pos('DESIGNTIMEBASEURL', UpperCase(aElement.outerHTML)) = 0 then begin BaseURL := (aElement as IHTMLBaseElement).href; BaseTagInDoc := true; end else DESIGNTIMEBASEURLfound := true; aDomNode := aElement as IHTMLDomNode; if aDomNode.hasChildNodes then begin HTMLP := aDomNode.parentNode; HTMLF := aDomNode.firstChild; aDomNode.removeNode(false); //false = do not remove child nodes HTMLP.insertBefore(aDomNode, HTMLF); end; end; //for i := 0 to end; if DESIGNTIMEBASEURLfound then begin aCollection := DOC3.getElementsByTagName('BASE') as IHTMLElementCollection; if aCollection.length > 0 then begin for i := 0 to aCollection.length - 1 do begin aElement := aCollection.item(i, 0) as IHTMLElement; if assigned(aElement) and (pos('DESIGNTIMEBASEURL', UpperCase(aElement.outerHTML)) > 0) then begin //remove any temporary BASE tag aDomNode := aElement as IHTMLDomNode; aDomNode.removeNode(false); end end; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant; var HandlingComplete: Boolean); var IW: IwebBrowser2; adoc: IhtmlDocument2; iDocDisp: IDispatch; //----------------------------------------------------------- procedure OpenPointers; var FDisplayServices: IDisplayServices; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDDESIGNER} if assigned(FEdit) then TEditDesigner(FEdit).Connect(TWebBrowser(self).Document); //Connect EditDesigner {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDTABLE} if assigned(FTtable) then TTable(FTtable).OpenPointers; {$ENDIF} FDisplayServices := DOC as IDisplayServices; OleCheck(FDisplayServices.GetCaret(IHTMLCaret(FCaret))); OleCheck(FDisplayServices.CreateDisplayPointer(FDisplayPointerStart)); OleCheck(FDisplayServices.CreateDisplayPointer(FDisplayPointerEnd)); OleCheck(FDisplayServices.CreateDisplayPointer(FTMGDisplayPointer)); //kt added //kt FMarkUpServices := Doc as MSHTML_TLB.IMarkupServices; FMarkUpServices := Doc as MSHTML_EWB.IMarkupServices; //kt OleCheck(FMarkUpServices.CreateMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerStart)); OleCheck(FMarkUpServices.CreateMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerEnd)); FHighlight := Doc as IHighlightRenderingServices; FRenderStyle := (TwebBrowser(Self).Document as IHTMLDocument4).createRenderStyle(''); //false turns off (default) black and uses $8A2BE2 as highlight colour FRenderStyle.Set_defaultTextSelection('false'); FRenderStyle.Set_textBackgroundColor($8A2BE2); end; //---------------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { a derived component need a way to know if this DocumentComplete is completely handled - i.e. when we sets the BaseUrl - or this is a "real" DocumentComplete. If this eventhandler isn't exited then HandlingComplete is set to false at the very end } HandlingComplete := true; if FWarmingUp then exit; //just a test that newer seems to become true if Fdebug and (FReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE) then beep; iDocDisp := (pDisp as IwebBrowser2).Document; // NOTE: iDocDisp may be NIL or may be not an HTML document!!! if (iDocDisp = nil) or (iDocDisp.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, aDoc) <> S_OK) or (aDoc <> DOC) then exit; ShowCursor(true); if not FSettingBaseURL then begin if not FkeepPath then begin FCurrentDocumentPath := GetPersistedFile; FBaseUrl := _CurDir; end; { according to DHTMLEdit specs FBaseURL is set to the loaded files base. If the loaded file contains a BASE tag then BASEUrl is set accordingly in InitializeUndoStack } {$IFDEF EDLIB} InitializeUndoStack(Self, FBaseTagInDoc, FBaseUrl); {$ELSE} GetBaseTag(FBaseTagInDoc, FBaseUrl); if not BrowseMode then _CheckGenerator; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if FLocalUndo then OpenChangeLog; {$ENDIF} end; FkeepPath := false; //restore WYSIWYG scroll position if needed if FScrollTop > 0 then ScrollDoc(FScrollTop); OpenPointers; if FEditMode then begin if FShowDetails then begin {$IFDEF EDGLYPHS} ShowDefaultGlyphs(Self); {$ELSE} CmdSet(IDM_SHOWALLTAGS); {$ENDIF} end; //kt if F2DPosition //kt then CmdSet_B(IDM_2D_POSITION, true); //kt if FLiveResize //kt then CmdSet_B(IDM_LIVERESIZE, true); //set cursor to beginning of document SetCursorAtElement(DOC.elementFromPoint(1,1), ELEM_ADJ_AfterBegin); end; HookEvents; if FSettingBaseURL //nothing more to do then begin FSettingBaseURL := false; exit; end; if FLoadFromString then begin FLoadFromString := false; FHTMLImage := ''; //a document loaded from a string is always dirty if FEditMode then ClearUndoStack; //we cant allow old undo's after loading a "new" document end else begin if FEditMode then GetSourceSnapShot; end; //if we have a user created event handler call it if assigned(FOnDocumentComplete) then FOnDocumentComplete(Self); HandlingComplete := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.HookEvents; var aCPC: IConnectionPointContainer; aCP: IConnectionPoint; aCookie: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Doc.parentWindow.QueryInterface(IConnectionPointContainer, aCPC); //this events is automatically released when the document is unloaded aCPC.FindConnectionPoint(HTMLWindowEvents2, aCP); aCP.Advise(self, aCookie); //send events to TEmbeddedED.Invoke {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} if Assigned(FTZindex) then TZindex(FTZindex).HookEvents; {$ENDIF} //IpropertyNotifySink is automatic connected, so we do nothing here end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ShowContextMenu(const dwID: DWORD; const ppt: PPOINT; const pcmdtReserved: IUnknown; const pdispReserved: IDispatch): HRESULT; begin //Called from MSHTML to display a context menu //asm int 3 end; //trap if Assigned(FOnShowContextmenu) then begin Result := FOnSHowContextmenu(dwID, ppt, pcmdtreserved, pdispreserved); if Result = S_OK then exit; end else Result := S_FALSE; if assigned(FOnShowContextmenuEx) then FOnShowContextmenuEx(Self, ppt^.X, ppt^.Y); if (FContextMenu.Items.count > 0) then begin Result := S_OK; FContextMenu.Popup(ppt^.X, ppt^.Y); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetHostInfo(var pInfo: TDOCHOSTUIINFO): HRESULT; begin //Retrieves the UI capabilities of the MSHTML host //asm int 3 end; //trap pInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(pInfo); pInfo.dwFlags := FUserInterfaceValue; pInfo.dwDoubleClick := DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_DEFAULT; Result:=S_OK; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ShowUI(const dwID: DWORD; const pActiveObject: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; const pCommandTarget: IOleCommandTarget; const pFrame: IOleInPlaceFrame; const pDoc: IOleInPlaceUIWindow): HRESULT; begin //Allows the host to replace the MSHTML menus and toolbars //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := S_FALSE; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.HideUI: HRESULT; begin //Called when MSHTML removes its menus and toolbars //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED._UpdateUI; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap UpdateUI; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.UpdateUI: HRESULT; begin //Notifies the host that the command state has changed //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := S_OK; if (FReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE) and (not FWarmingUp) and Showing then begin if FSetInitialFocus then begin SetFocusToDoc; FSetInitialFocus := false; end; GetElementUnderCaret; if Assigned(FOnDisplayChanged) then FOnDisplayChanged(self); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.EnableModeless(const fEnable: BOOL): HRESULT; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnDocWindowActivate(const fActivate: BOOL): HRESULT; begin //Called from the MSHTML implementation of IOleInPlaceActiveObject.OnDocWindowActivate //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnFrameWindowActivate(const fActivate: BOOL): HRESULT; begin //Called from the MSHTML implementation of IOleInPlaceActiveObject.OnFrameWindowActivate //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ResizeBorder(const prcBorder: PRECT; const pUIWindow: IOleInPlaceUIWindow; const fRameWindow: BOOL): HRESULT; begin //Called from the MSHTML implementation of IOleInPlaceActiveObject.ResizeBorder //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.TranslateAccelerator(const lpMsg: PMSG; const pguidCmdGroup: PGUID; const nCmdID: DWORD): HRESULT; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { Called by MSHTML when IOleInPlaceActiveObject.TranslateAccelerator or IOleControlSite.TranslateAccelerator is called } //called by VCL //called by OCX { by OCX this is called from: from: if FOleInPlaceActiveObject.TranslateAccelerator(WinMsg) = S_OK in: procedure TOleControl.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); after this call comes calls to: TEmbeddedED._TranslateAccelerator TEditDesigner.TranslateAccelerator TEmbeddedED.OleControlSite_TranslateAccelerator } Result := E_NOTIMPL; { if we return S_OK then no further call to other "translate accelerator" occurs because TOleControl.WndProc doesn't delegate the message further up the chain} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetOptionKeyPath(var pchKey: POLESTR; const dw: DWORD): HRESULT; begin //Returns the registry key under which MSHTML stores user preferences //asm int 3 end; //trap pchKey := nil; Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetDropTarget(const pDropTarget: IDropTarget; out ppDropTarget: IDropTarget): HRESULT; begin { Called by MSHTML when it is being used as a drop target to allow the host to supply an alternative IDropTarget } //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} result := InitializeDropTarget(Self, pDropTarget, ppDropTarget); {$ELSE} Result := E_NOTIMPL; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetExternal(out ppDispatch: IDispatch): HRESULT; begin { Called by MSHTML to obtain the host's IDispatch interface. There is a sample on how to use it here: http://www.euromind.com/iedelphi/embeddedwb/ongetexternal.htm } //asm int 3 end; //trap ppDispatch := nil; Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.TranslateUrl(const dwTranslate: DWORD; const pchURLIn: POLESTR; var ppchURLOut: POLESTR): HRESULT; var Changed: boolean; URL: string; begin { Called by MSHTML to allow the host an opportunity to modify the URL to be loaded NB TranslateUrl is not called when you use Navigate or Navigate2 but only when a hyperlink is clicked } //asm int 3 end; //trap if Assigned(FOnTranslateURL) then begin Changed := False; URL := OleStrToString(pchURLIn); FOnTranslateURL(Self, URL, Changed); if Changed then begin ppchURLOut := StringToOleStr(URL); Result := S_OK; end else Result := S_FALSE; end else begin ppchURLOut := nil; Result := S_FALSE; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.FilterDataObject(const pDO: IDataObject; out ppDORet: IDataObject): HRESULT; begin { Called on the host by MSHTML to allow the host to replace MSHTML's data object. Returns S_OK if the data object is replaced, or S_FALSE if it's not replaced. Although the documentation does not explicitly mention it, it will only be called in paste situations } //asm int 3 end; //trap ppDORet := nil; Result := S_FALSE; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.QueryService(const rsid, iid: TGuid; out Obj): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap IUnknown(obj) := nil; if IsEqualGUID(rsid, SID_SHTMLEDitHost) and FEditMode then result := TEditHost(FEditHost).QueryService(rsid, iid, IUnknown(obj)) else begin if Assigned(FOnQueryService) then Result := FOnQueryService(rsid, iid, IUnknown(obj)) else Result := E_NOINTERFACE; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.LoadFromStrings(aStrings: TStrings): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := LoadFromString(aStrings.Text); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.LoadFromString(aString: String): HResult; {$IFNDEF EDMONIKER} var aHandle: THandle; aStream: IStream; {$ENDIF} begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FLoadFromString := true; {$IFDEF EDMONIKER} FKeepPath := True; result := LoadFromStringMoniker(Self, aString); {$ELSE} FCurrentDocumentPath := ''; aHandle := GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Length(aString) + 1); try if aHandle <> 0 then begin Move(aString[1], PChar(aHandle)^, Length(aString) + 1); CreateStreamOnHGlobal(aHandle, FALSE, aStream); result := LoadFromIStream(aStream); end else result := S_false; finally GlobalFree(aHandle); end; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {$IFNDEF EDMONIKER} function TEmbeddedED.LoadFromIStream(aIStream: IStream): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if not DocumentIsAssigned then AssignDocument; FReadyState := 0; Result := PersistStream.Load(aIStream); WaitForDocComplete; end; {$ENDIF} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED._CheckGenerator(MainCheck: Boolean = true); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDLIB} if MainCheck then CheckGenerator(Self); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetDocumentHTML: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if ComponentInDesignMode or (TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil) then Result := '' else begin _CheckGenerator(false); result := GetDocHTML(DOC); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetDocumentHTML(NewHTML: String); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if ComponentInDesignMode then exit; if DOC = nil then //kt exit; //kt //this is to avoid a very rear AV error (Doc.selection as IHTMLSelectionObject).empty; GetElementUnderCaret; if S_OK = (DOC as IPersistMoniker).IsDirty // avoid, question about save file from MSHTML then cmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, false); LoadFromString(NewHTML); //now The document must be dirty ! CmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, true); FHTMLImage := ''; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.AssignDocument; var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then begin HandleNeeded; //or a hidden MSHTML wont respond Ov := AboutBlank; FReadyState := 0; Navigate2(Ov); //this will run asynchronously and call OnDocumentComplete WaitForDocComplete; //For some reason, with IE8, OnDocumentComplete is not getting fired... FRefreshing := true; //kt added EDOnDownloadComplete(self); //kt added... correct??? end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Go(Url: String): HResult; const FileSlash = 'file://'; var aURLPath: string; {$IFNDEF EDMONIKER} FBindCtx: IBindCtx; aURLMoniker: IMoniker; {$ENDIF} //-------------------------------------- function DropFilePart(S: String): String; begin result := AnsiLowerCase(S); if Pos(FileSlash, result) = 1 then Delete(result, 1, length(FileSlash)); result := StringReplace(result, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]); if Length(result) < 3 then exit; if pos('//', result) = 1 then result := AfterTokenNr(result, '/', 4) else if result[2] = ':' then delete(result, 1, 3); end; //-------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_FALSE; FBaseURL := ''; {$IFDEF EDMONIKER} LoadFromEDMoniker(self, URL, ''); {$ELSE} //Navigate(Url); //this is a bit unstable here so we use a URLmoniker instead OleCheck(CreateBindCtx(0, FBindCtx)); CreateURLMoniker(nil, StringToOleStr(URL), aURLMoniker); FReadyState := 0; //make sure WaitForDocComplete don't return immediately result := (DOC as IPersistMoniker).Load(false, aURLMoniker, FBindCtx, STGM_READ); WaitForDocComplete; {$ENDIF} //se if we got to the target aURLPath := GetPersistedFile; if pos(DropFilePart(URL), DropFilePart(aURLPath)) = 1 then begin result := S_OK; //set BASEUrl according to the DHTMLEdit specs. FBaseURL := aURLPath; Delete(FBaseURL, LastDelimiter('\/', FBaseURL)+1, Length(FBaseURL)); end else begin //just in case if FDebug then KSMessageE('Wrong URL reached'+DblCrLf+ 'Target:'+Crlf+URL+DblCrLf+ 'Reached:'+Crlf+ DOC.URL, 'Go-error'); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetDirty: boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil) or (not FeditMode) then begin result := false; exit; end; Result := S_OK = (DOC as IPersistMoniker).IsDirty; { IPersistStream.IsDirty only reports that the document has been changed since it was read / last saved. Sometimes it don't know that a change have been changed back - if you make some text bold and then undo it back to normal again then IPersistStream knows that the document isn't dirty - but if you doesn't undo the bold operation but change the text back to normal again then IPersistStream reports the document dirty although its really clean } if result then begin { We cant completely trust it if IPersistStream reports the document dirty. So we compare the original image with the actual image of HTML source } result := (not AnsiSameText(FHTMLImage, KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC))); If not result { no need to spend time repeating GetHTMLtext more often than necessary so we sync IPersistMoniker.IsDirty with the real world } then cmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, false); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetDirty(_dirty: boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin cmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, _dirty); // Update IPersist**.IsDirty if not _dirty //we have just set dirty to clean { We really only need to get a new FHTMLImage if the current one is dirty - but it doesn't harm to set it again if its clean } then FHTMLImage := KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.QueryStatus(cmdID: CMDID): OLECMDF; var Cmd: OLECMD; Handled: boolean; //---------------------------------------------------- function DoQerry: OLECMDF; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Cmd.CmdID := cmdID; if S_OK = CmdTarget.QueryStatus(@CGID_MSHTML, 1, @Cmd, Nil) then Result := Cmd.cmdf else result := 0; //not supported end; //---------------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { 7 = OLECMDF_SUPPORTED or OLECMDF_ENABLED or OLECMDF_LATCHED 3 = OLECMDF_SUPPORTED or OLECMDF_ENABLED } result := 0; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin //we need to catch a few special commands here case cmdID of IDM_SHOWZEROBORDERATDESIGNTIME: begin //MSHTML don't remember this setting if FShowZeroBorderAtDesignTime then result := 7 else result := 3; end; IDM_CONSTRAIN: begin if FConstrain then result := 7 else result := 3; end; IDM_Undo, IDM_Redo, IDM_DROP_UNDO_PACKAGE, IDM_DROP_REDO_PACKAGE, IDM_LocalUndoManager: begin {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if FTUndo <> nil then begin result := TUndo(FTUndo).QueryStatus(cmdID); exit; end; {$ENDIF} if (cmdID = IDM_Undo) or (cmdID = IDM_Redo) then result := DoQerry; //else result := 0 end; IDM_NUDGE_ELEMENT, DECMD_LOCK_ELEMENT, DECMD_BRING_ABOVE_TEXT, DECMD_BRING_FORWARD, DECMD_BRING_TO_FRONT, DECMD_SEND_BELOW_TEXT, DECMD_SEND_TO_BACK, DECMD_SEND_BACKWARD: begin {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} if FTZindex <> nil then result := TZindex(FTZindex).QueryStatus(cmdID); {$ELSE} //else result := 0 {$ENDIF} end; else begin Handled := false; {$IFDEF EDTABLE} if assigned(FTtable) then result := TTable(FTtable).TableQeryCommand(cmdID, Handled, self); {$ENDIF} if not Handled then result := DoQerry; end end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ExecCommand(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap DoCommand(cmdID, cmdexecopt, pInVar, result); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.DoCommand(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DoCommand(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoCommand(cmdID, cmdexecopt, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.DoCommand(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar: OleVariant): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoCommand(cmdID, cmdexecopt, pInVar, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.DoCommand(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; cmdexecopt: OLECMDEXECOPT; var pInVar, pOutVar: OleVariant): HResult; const SetError: Boolean = true; var BoolInd: Boolean; Handled: Boolean; //OvParam: OleVariant; //------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TestResult(aResult: HResult; acceptError: Longint = 0); begin if FDebug and (aResult <> S_OK) and (aResult <> acceptError) then begin {$IFNDEF EDTABLE} if (cmdID = IDM_RestoreSystemCursor) or (cmdID = IDM_STRIPCELLFORMAT) then exit; {$ENDIF} KSMessageI('cmdID: '+IntTostr(cmdID), 'MSHTML command failed'); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------ function _DoCommand(acceptError: Longint = 0): HResult; begin Result := CmdTarget.Exec(@CGID_MSHTML, cmdID, cmdexecopt, pInVar, pOutVar); // For some reason, IE returns not supported if the user cancels. !! // and we cant use OLECMDERR_E_CANCELED to avoid that problem TestResult(Result, acceptError); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------ function TestBoolInd(DoSetError: Boolean = false): Boolean; begin result := (@pInVar <> nil) and (TVariantArg(pInVar).VT = VT_BOOL); if result then BoolInd := pInVar else begin if DoSetError then FLastError := 'pInVar must be of type boolean'; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------ begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_FALSE; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then begin AssignDocument; if not DocumentIsAssigned then begin if FDebug then KSMessageI('DOC not assigned', 'MSHTML command skipped'); exit; end; end; //we need to catch some commands here case cmdID of IDM_SHOWZEROBORDERATDESIGNTIME: begin //MSHTML don't remember this setting if TestBoolInd then begin result := _DoCommand; if result = S_OK then FShowZeroBorderAtDesignTime := BoolInd; end else begin result := _DoCommand; if result = S_OK then FShowZeroBorderAtDesignTime := not FShowZeroBorderAtDesignTime; end; TestResult(Result); end; IDM_SAVEAS: // IDM_SAVE is not supported by MSHTML begin result := _DoCommand(Integer($80040103)); //The dialog was cancelled if (result = S_OK) and FEditMode //we did a save then FHTMLImage := KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC); //get image of original source end; IDM_CONSTRAIN: begin FConstrain := not FConstrain; result := S_OK; end; IDM_Undo, IDM_Redo, IDM_DROP_UNDO_PACKAGE, IDM_DROP_REDO_PACKAGE, IDM_LocalUndoManager: begin {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if FTUndo <> nil then begin TestBoolInd; result := TUndo(FTUndo).DoCommand(cmdID, BoolInd, FEdit, Handled); if not Handled then result := _DoCommand; end else result := _DoCommand; {$ELSE} result := _DoCommand; {$ENDIF} TestResult(Result); end; IDM_NUDGE_ELEMENT, DECMD_LOCK_ELEMENT, DECMD_BRING_ABOVE_TEXT, DECMD_BRING_FORWARD, DECMD_BRING_TO_FRONT, DECMD_SEND_BELOW_TEXT, DECMD_SEND_TO_BACK, DECMD_SEND_BACKWARD: begin {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} if FTZindex <> nil then result := TZindex(FTZindex).ZindexCommand(cmdID, pInVar); {$ELSE} //else result := S_FALSE {$ENDIF} end; KS_TEST: result := KSTest(pInVar, pOutVar); else begin handled := false; {$IFDEF EDTABLE} if assigned(FTtable) then result := TTable(FTtable).TableCommand(cmdID, pInVar, Handled, self); {$ENDIF} if handled then TestResult(Result) else begin result := _DoCommand; exit; end; end; end; if result = S_OK then UpdateUI; //or buttons might jump out briefly end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CmdSet(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CmdSet(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; var pInVar: OleVariant): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, pInVar, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CmdSet_B(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; pIn: Boolean): HResult; var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Ov := pIn; result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, Ov, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CmdSet_S(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; pIn: String): HResult; var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Ov := pIn; result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, Ov, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CmdSet_I(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; pIn: Integer): HResult; var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Ov := pIn; result := DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, Ov, POlevariant(Nil)^); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.WaitForDocComplete: Boolean; var I: Cardinal; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap I := getTickCount + 20000; result := true; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil //avoid deadlock then exit; if FReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE then begin if FDebug then beep; exit; end; While FReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE do //wait until DHTMLedit is ready begin if getTickCount > I then begin result := false; if FDebug then KSMessageE('Dead lock break in WaitForDocComplete'); break; //avoid dead lock - break loop after 20 sec. end else SafeYield; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.EndCurrentDocDialog(var mr: Integer; CancelPosible: Boolean = False; SkipDirtyCheck: Boolean = False): HResult; var Buttons: Integer; NotDirty: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_OK; if SkipDirtyCheck then begin NotDirty := true; //avoid complains from MSHTML when loading new file - if DOC is dirty cmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, false); end else NotDirty := not GetDirty; if NotDirty //current file is clean then begin //just delete backup if Length(FCurBackFile) > 0 then DeleteFile(FCurBackFile); //works only for users with delete right //other users leave the bak-file behind mr := -1; end else begin //current file is dirty if CancelPosible then Buttons := MB_YESNOCANCEL else Buttons := MB_YESNO; mr := KSQuestion('Document changed.'+DblCrLf+ 'Save changes ?', '', MB_ICONQUESTION or Buttons); if mr = IDCANCEL //skip the ending document process then Result := S_False else if mr = IDNO //skip saving then begin //Don't save - just restore old file from backup if DocIsPersist //if file created then get backup then begin if Assigned(FBeforeCloseFile) then FBeforeCloseFile(Self, FCurrentDocumentPath); if GetBackup //restore original file from backup then begin DeleteFile(FCurBackFile); FCurBackFile := ''; end; end; //avoid complains from MSHTML when loading new file - if DOC is dirty cmdSet_B(IDM_SETDIRTY, false) end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.EndCurrentDoc(CancelPosible: Boolean = False; SkipDirtyCheck: Boolean = False): HResult; var mr: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := EndCurrentDocDialog(mr, CancelPosible, SkipDirtyCheck); if mr = IDYES then begin result := SaveFile; if Assigned(FBeforeCloseFile) then FBeforeCloseFile(Self, FCurrentDocumentPath); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.GetBackup: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //restore backup copy to current file (skip any changes) if DocIsPersist and (length(FCurBackFile) > 0) then result := FileCopy(FCurBackFile, FCurrentDocumentPath) else result := True; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.CreateBackUp: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FCreateBakUp then begin FCurBackFile := ChangeFileExt(FCurrentDocumentPath, '.bak'); result := FileCopy(FCurrentDocumentPath, FCurBackFile); if not result then FCurBackFile := ''; end else result := false;; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.GetCharset: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDLIB} result := _GetCharset; {$ELSE} result := 'windows-1252'; //resort to default value {$ENDIF} end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.EmptyDoc: String; var BodyContetn: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if Get_UseDivOnCarriageReturn then BodyContetn := '
' else BodyContetn := '


'; result := ''+CrLf+ 'No Title'+ ''+ ''+ '' + ''+ BodyContetn +''; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TEmbeddedED.NewDocument: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then AssignDocument else begin if EndCurrentDoc(CancelPosible, FSkipDirtyCheck) <> S_OK then begin Result := S_False; exit; end; end; Result := LoadFromString(EmptyDoc); GetSourceSnapShot; FBaseURL := ''; //set to empty string just like DHTMLEdit end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetShowDetails(vIn: Boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FShowDetails := vIn; {$IFDEF EDGLYPHS} _SetShowDetails(FShowDetails, Self); {$ELSE} if DocumentIsAssigned then begin if ShowDetails then CmdSet(IDM_SHOWALLTAGS) else CmdSet(IDM_EMPTYGLYPHTABLE); end; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetDocTitle: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then result := DOC.Title else result := ''; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetDocTitle(NewTitle: String); begin { MSHTML always creates an implicit empty title element, so you can safely assign a text to it } //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then DOC.Set_title(NewTitle); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetDOC: IHTMLDocument2; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then result := nil else result := TwebBrowser(Self).Document as IHTMLDocument2; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DocumentIsAssigned: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetInPlaceActiveObject: IOleInPlaceActiveObject; var aHandle: Windows.Hwnd; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { this function is called from initializeEditor, so FmsHTMLwinHandle is assured to be available at the time we got an document to operate on } if FOleInPlaceActiveObject <> nil then begin result := FOleInPlaceActiveObject; exit; end; if ControlInterface <> nil then OleCheck(ControlInterface.QueryInterface(IOleInPlaceActiveObject, FOleInPlaceActiveObject)) else begin result := nil; exit; end; //first get the "Shell Embedding" window OleCheck(FOleInPlaceActiveObject.GetWindow(FMainWinHandle)); //then get the "Shell DocObject View" window aHandle := FindWindowEx(FMainWinHandle, 0, 'Shell DocObject View', nil); //now get the mshtml components main window FmsHTMLwinHandle := FindWindowEx(aHandle, 0, 'Internet Explorer_Server', nil); result := FOleInPlaceActiveObject; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetCmdTarget: IOleCommandTarget; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then result := nil else result := TwebBrowser(Self).Document as IOleCommandTarget; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetPersistStream: IPersistStreamInit; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { In a Microsoft Visual C++ WebBrowser host or similar application, when you call the QueryInterface method for the IPersistStreamInit interface on a FRAME in a FRAMESET, it returns E_NOINTERFACE. When you query for other standard persistence interfaces (IPersistStream, IPersistFile, IPersistMemory), you receive the same error.} if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then result := nil else result := TwebBrowser(Self).Document as IPersistStreamInit; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetPersistFile: IPersistFile; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil then result := nil else result := TwebBrowser(Self).Document as IPersistFile; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.PrintDocument(var withUI: OleVariant); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if withUI then DoCommand(IDM_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER) else DoCommand(IDM_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Refresh; var Rect: TRect; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //DoCommand(IDM_REFRESH); //this reloads the document {DHTML Edit docs says: This method redraws the current document, including the latest changes. You can use this method to redisplay a document if a series of edits have left the document in a state that is hard to read. If you are hosting a DHTML Editing control on a Web page, and if the control is hidden, you can also use this method to load a document into a DHTML Editing control. By default, the window object's onload event does not load documents into hidden controls. The Refresh method does not reread information from a file. If the current document references an external file, such as an applet or an image, and that file has changed, the change is not displayed by the Refresh method. To see changes in external files, use the LoadURL or LoadDocument method. The Refresh method sets the isDirty property to False. - the later seems not to be true ! } { NB the undo stack isn't cleared so DHTML Editing doesn't reload the document in any way } //this is a guess Rect := BoundsRect; InvalidateRect(FmsHTMLwinHandle, @Rect, true); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_Busy: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := TWebBrowser(self).busy; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.CmdGet(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID): OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if S_OK <> DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, POlevariant(Nil)^, Result) then Result := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.CmdGet(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID; pInVar: OleVariant): OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if S_OK <> DoCommand(cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT, pInVar, Result) then Result := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetBuildInStyles: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { because we need this list each time we load a new document we store it in FInternalStyles } if Length(FInternalStyles) = 0 then _GetBuildInStyles; result := FInternalStyles; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED._GetBuildInStyles; var ov: OleVariant; I: Integer; StrCount: Integer; Ps: PSafeArray; Warr: array of WideString; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FStyles.Clear; TVariantArg(ov).VT := VT_ARRAY; FInternalStyles := ''; if (QueryStatus(IDM_GETBLOCKFMTS) and OLECMDF_ENABLED) = 0 then begin TVariantArg(Ov).VT := VT_EMPTY; //D6 throws an error if we don't do this ? exit; end; Ov := CmdGet(IDM_GETBLOCKFMTS); { now we can get the returned strings either via API-calls or by direct handling of the SafeArray pointed to by VarRange. API-calls are a bit slower but easy - the backside is that SafeArrays stay a mystery to you Direct handling involves much coding but executes faster In both cases Delphi destroys the SafeArray fore you when it get out of scope. } //this is the direct handling of the SafeArray //************************************************ //get a pointer to the SafeArray Ps := TVariantArg(ov).pArray; if Ps = nil then exit; //Get number of strings in the SafeArray StrCount := TSAFEARRAYBOUND(Ps.rgsabound).cElements; //make room fore all the strings in our WideString array SetLength(Warr, StrCount); try //lock the SafeArray = no risk of memory reallocation during copy Inc(Ps.cLocks); //copy OleStrings to WideString array //Ps.pvData points to start of the SafeArrays Data-segment //Ps.cbElements = size of each record = a PWideChar CopyMemory (@Warr[0], Ps.pvData, StrCount * 4 {Ps.cbElements}); //result := StrCount > 0; finally Dec(Ps.cLocks); //unlock the SafeArray end; for I := 0 to StrCount -1 do FStyles.Add(Warr[I]); //get each string from the WideString array FInternalStyles := FStyles.Text; TVariantArg(Ov).VT := VT_EMPTY; //D6 throws an error if we don't do this ? { //this is the the API way of doing the same task as above //************************************************ //get a pointer to the SafeArray Ps := TVariantArg(ov).pArray; sCommands := ''; for I := VarArrayLowBound(ov, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(ov, 1) do begin //get each string from the SafeArray SafeArrayGetElement(Ps, I, Pw); aList.Add(Pw); end; } end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetStyles: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := ''; if FStylesRefreshed then result := FStyles.Text else begin FStylesRefreshed := true; if Length(FInternalStyles) = 0 then _GetBuildInStyles; {$IFDEF EDLIB} MergeExterNalStyles(Self, FInternalStyles); {$ELSE} FStyles.Text := FInternalStyles; {$ENDIF} end; result := FStyles.Text; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetExternalStyles: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDLIB} if Length(FExternalStyles) = 0 then _GetExternalStyles(Self); {$ENDIF} result := FExternalStyles; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SetStyle(aStyleName: string): HResult; var aElement: IHTMLElement; aStyle: String; aIndex: Integer; I: Integer; aTagName: String; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer; //-------------------------------------------- procedure ClearAllTags; var aElement: IHTMLElement; TagText: String; aTag: string; S, S2: String; aDomNode: IHTMLDomNode; BreakLoop: Boolean; BreakTagInserted: Boolean; begin BreakTagInserted := False; aElement := GetFirstSelElement; DebugString := aElement.OuterHTML; while true do begin if not Assigned(aElement) then break; // aElement.ClassName := 'KS_DeleteMe'; // RHR //kt aElement._className := 'KS_DeleteMe'; // RHR aElement.className := 'KS_DeleteMe'; // kt aElement := GetNextSelElement; end; //now delete marked elements aElement := GetFirstSelElement; DebugString := aElement.OuterHTML; while true do begin if not Assigned(aElement) then break; // if aElement.ClassName = 'KS_DeleteMe' RHR //kt if aElement._ClassName = 'KS_DeleteMe' if aElement.className = 'KS_DeleteMe' //kt then begin aDomNode := aElement as IHTMLDomNode; aDomNode.removeNode(false); //false = do not remove child nodes end else break; //end of element to delete reached aElement := GetNextSelElement; end; //now delete marked elements aElement := GetFirstSelElement; DebugString := aElement.OuterHTML; end; //-------------------------------------------- procedure ClearClassStyles; var I: Integer; begin //loop trough all selected elements and remove known "tagName:className" aElement := GetFirstSelElement; DebugString := aElement.outerHTML; while assigned(aElement) do begin //kt if Length(aElement._className) > 0 // RHR if Length(aElement.className) > 0 // kt then begin //kt if FStyles.Find(aElement.tagName + '.' + aElement._className, I) // RHR if FStyles.Find(aElement.tagName + '.' + aElement.className, I) // kt then aElement.removeAttribute('className', 0); end; aElement := GetNextSelElement; end; end; //-------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_false; if not FStyles.Find(aStyleName, aIndex) then exit; //unknown style { As we added our style sheet-classes to FStyles we marked the FStyles's objet with 1 >> FStyles.AddObject(S, TObject(1)) Now we can distinguish between build in styles and external styles. } if FStyles.Objects[aIndex] = nil //this is an internal style then begin if (QueryStatus(IDM_BLOCKFMT) and OLECMDF_ENABLED) = 0 then exit; BeginUndoUnit('Set internal Style'); try //First remove any class style as MSHTML doesn't do that ClearClassStyles; //let MSHTML handle build in styles result := CmdSet_S(IDM_BLOCKFMT, aStyleName); { Style = Normal has different effect depending on the settings of UseDivOnCarriageReturn. If set the selected text will be "packed" into DIV tags, and if not set it will be P tags that encapsulates the selection } finally EndUndoBlock(result); end; exit; end; //handle our style-sheet classes I := pos('.', aStyleName); if I > 0 then begin aTagName := copy(aStyleName, 1, I -1); aStyle := copy(aStyleName, I+1, Length(aStyleName)); { loop trough all selected elements with aTagName and set className := aStyle } aElement := GetFirstSelElement;//(aTagName); if assigned(aElement) then begin BeginUndoUnit('Set external Style'); try while assigned(aElement) do begin {$IFDEF EDLIB} //substitute old tag with new tag ChangeTag(DOC, aElement, aTagName); {$ENDIF} //kt aElement._className := aStyle; // RHR aElement.className := aStyle; // kt aElement := GetNextSelElement(aTagName); end; result := S_OK; finally EndUndoBlock(result); end; end; end else begin //this must be an error end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.QueryEnabled(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := (QueryStatus(cmdID) and OLECMDF_ENABLED) = OLECMDF_ENABLED; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.QueryLatched(cmdID: KS_Lib.CMDID): Boolean; var dwStatus : OLECMDF; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap dwStatus := QueryStatus(cmdID); Result := (dwStatus and OLECMDF_LATCHED) = OLECMDF_LATCHED; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._CurFileName: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FCurrentDocumentPath; if Length(result) > 0 then Delete(result, 1, LastDelimiter('\/', result)); //drop path end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._CurDir: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FCurrentDocumentPath; if (Length(result) > 0) and (S_OK = IsFilePath(result, result)) then Delete(result, LastDelimiter('\/', result)+1, length(result)); //drop file end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetOleobject: IOleobject; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF VER120} result := TwebBrowser(Self).Application_ as IOleobject; // Delphi 4.0 {$ELSE} result := TwebBrowser(Self).Application as IOleobject; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetFocusToDoc; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then GetOleobject.DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, nil, self as IOleClientSite, 0, Handle, GetClientRect); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetBaseURL(const Value: String); //--------------------------------------- function ValidFilePath(aPath: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := LastDelimiter('.\:', aPath); result := (I > 0) and //we have a path ((aPath[I] = '\') or //it ends with backslash (aPath[I] = '.')); //we found a trailing file name end; //--------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if ComponentInDesignMode then begin FBaseURL := ''; exit; end; {$IFDEF EDMONIKER} {Setting BASEURL in the middle of an edit session has the side effect that the MSHTML UNDO stack is cleared. DHTMLEdit behaves even worse. The document is reloaded from disk causing all non saved changes to be lost without any warning } if AnsiSameText(FBaseURL, Value)//don't waist time setting the same BASEUrl then exit; if FBaseTagInDoc then exit; { a base tag in the document will override a BASEUrl so don't waist time trying } //check for trailing backslash in a file path if (pos('\', Value) > 0) and //this is a file path (Not ValidFilePath(Value)) then KsMessageI('SetBaseURL: Bad value') else begin FBaseURL := Value; FSettingBaseURL := true; SetBase_Url(Self); end; {$ELSE} NotImplemented('SetBaseURL'); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetBaseURL: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if ComponentInDesignMode then result := '' //always blank in design mode else result := FBaseURL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetBaseElement(var aBaseElement: IHTMLBaseElement): boolean; var aCollection: IHTMLElementCollection; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap aCollection := (DOC as IHTMLDocument3).getElementsByTagName('BASE') as IHTMLElementCollection; if aCollection.length < 1 then result := false else begin aBaseElement := aCollection.item(0, 0) as IHTMLBaseElement; result := true; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetActualAppName: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap - not used Result := TheActualAppName; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetActualAppName(const Value: string); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap TheActualAppName := Value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetBrowseMode(const Value: WordBool); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FEditMode := not Value; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin if FEditMode then DOC.designMode := 'On' else DOC.designMode := 'Off'; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetBrowseMode: WordBool; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := not FEditMode; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.GetElementUnderCaret; var aSel: IHTMLSelectionObject; aDispatch: IDispatch; //------------------------------ procedure GetSelection; begin aSel := Doc.selection; if assigned(aSel) then try //????? aDispatch := aSel.createRange; Except end; if assigned(aDispatch) then begin if supports(aSel.createRange, IHTMLTxtRange, FActualTxtRange) then begin FActualElement := FActualTxtRange.ParentElement; FActualRangeIsText := True; end; end else begin //last chance to ensure a valid TextRange try FActualTxtRange := (DOC.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; FActualTxtRange.Collapse(true); //move to start of aTxtRange / document except; FActualTxtRange := nil; end; end; end; //------------------------------ begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FLength := -1; FFirstElement := 0; FLastElement := 0; if (FReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE) then exit; FActualControlRange := nil; FActualTxtRange := nil; aSel := DOC.Selection; FSelectionType := aSel.type_; if SameText(FSelectionType, 'None') then begin GetSelection; FSelection := false; end else if SameText(FSelectionType, 'Text') then begin GetSelection; FSelection := true; end else if SameText(FSelectionType, 'Control') then begin FSelection := true; FActualElement := nil; if assigned(aSel) then begin if supports(aSel.createRange, IHTMLControlRange, FActualControlRange) then begin FActualElement := FActualControlRange.commonParentElement; FActualRangeIsText := False; FActualTxtRange := (DOC.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; OleCheck(FMarkupPointerStart.MoveAdjacentToElement(FActualElement, ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin)); OleCheck(FMarkupPointerEnd.MoveAdjacentToElement(FActualElement, ELEM_ADJ_AfterEnd)); //move rang in place OleCheck(FMarkUpServices.MoveRangeToPointers(FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, FActualTxtRange)); //FActualTxtRange.MoveToElementText(FActualElement); end; end else GetSelection; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetActualElement: IHTMLElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (not assigned(FActualElement)) or (FActualElement.OuterHTML = '') // or we might get into troubles after then GetElementUnderCaret; // deletion of a element result := FActualElement; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetActualTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if not assigned(FActualTxtRange) // or we might get into troubles after then GetElementUnderCaret; // deletion of a element result := FActualTxtRange; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetActualControlRange: IHTMLControlRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FActualControlRange; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure TEmbeddedED.GetSelStartElement; var aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap aTxtRange := FActualTxtRange.duplicate; aTxtRange.Collapse(True); //start of selection FStartElementSourceIndex := aTxtRange.ParentElement.SourceIndex; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure TEmbeddedED.GetSelEndElement; var aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap aTxtRange := FActualTxtRange.duplicate; aTxtRange.Collapse(False); //end of selection FEndElementSourceIndex := aTxtRange.ParentElement.SourceIndex; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetElementNr(ElementNumber: Integer): IHTMLElement; var aItem: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap aItem := FFirstElement + ElementNumber; Result := FElementCollection.item(aItem, null) as IHTMLElement; DebugString := Result.OuterHTML; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetSelLength: Integer; var aElement: IHTMLElement; PrevElement: IHTMLElement; I: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FLength < 0 //not yet initialised then begin GetSelStartElement; //get element at start selection GetSelEndElement; //get element at end selection FElementCollection := FActualElement.all as IHTMLElementCollection; FLength := FElementCollection.length; if FLength < FEndElementSourceIndex - FStartElementSourceIndex {sometimes i.e. if all cells in a table is selected only the last element is returned in the ElementCollection :-( But luckily FStartElementSourceIndex and FEndElementSourceIndex is correctly computed } then begin FElementCollection := DOC.all as IHTMLElementCollection; FLength := FElementCollection.length; end; if FLength = 0 //only one element selected then begin FFirstElement := 0;//FStartElementSourceIndex; FLastElement := 0;//FStartElementSourceIndex; Result := FLength; exit; end; { the collection may contain more elements than selected. return only elements that are inside the selection } //Find first element inside selection for I := 0 to FLength -1 do begin aElement := FElementCollection.item(i, null) as IHTMLElement; { the first element sometimes have an sourceindex of one higher than FStartElementSourceIndex ? so break on <= } if FStartElementSourceIndex <= aElement.SourceIndex then begin FFirstElement := I; //first element inside selection break; end; PrevElement := aElement; end; //certain elements must be kept together if (FFirstElement > 0) and (not KeepLI) and SameText(PrevElement.tagName, 'LI') then Dec(FFirstElement); //Find last element inside selection for I := FLength -1 downto 0 do begin aElement := FElementCollection.item(i, null) as IHTMLElement; if FEndElementSourceIndex = aElement.SourceIndex then begin FLastElement := I; //last element inside selection break; end; end; if FLastElement = FFirstElement then FLength := 0 //there is 1 element in the collection else FLength := FLastElement - FFirstElement;// +1; end; Result := FLength; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.GetSelParentElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FActualElement := FActualElement.ParentElement; FActualTxtRange.MoveToElementText(FActualElement); FActualTxtRange.Select; FLength := -1; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._GetNextItem(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; var aElement: IHTMLElement; //----------------------- Function LastElementsParents: boolean; begin LastElementsParents := False; //we might find the searched element higher up the chain while not SameText(aElement.tagName, cBODY) do begin aElement := aElement.parentElement; if SameText(aElement.tagName, aTag) then begin //we found it :-) _GetNextItem := aElement; LastElementsParents := true; break; end; end; end; //----------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if sameText('LI', aTag) then KeepLI := True else KeepLI := false; {FLength = -1 means the GetLength function isn't initialised yet} if (FLength > -1) and (FTagNumber >{=} FLength) //no more tags in collection then begin Result := Nil; exit; end; if GetSelLength = 0 //if GetLength isn't initialised yet it happens now then begin //only one element is selected if (System.length(aTag) = 0) or AnsiSameText(aTag, FActualElement.tagName) then Result := FActualElement else begin Result := Nil; aElement := FActualElement; LastElementsParents; end; inc(FTagNumber); exit; end; //get next element from collection Result := GetElementNr(FTagNumber); inc(FTagNumber); if (System.Length(aTag) = 0) or //no filter (AnsiSameText(aTag, Result.tagName)) //tag is filtered - but match tag name then exit; //the first tag might not fully contain the searched tag if FTagNumber = 1 //it is the first tag [ 0 incremented ] then begin aElement := Result; if LastElementsParents then exit; end; //loop tag collection looking fore a matching tag while true do begin if FTagNumber > FLength //no more tags in collection then begin Result := Nil; Break; end; //get next element from collection Result := GetElementNr(FTagNumber); inc(FTagNumber); if Assigned(Result) and AnsiSameText(aTag, Result.tagName) then Break; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.GetFirstSelElement(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FTagNumber := 0; FLength := - 1; Result := _GetNextItem(aTag); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.GetNextSelElement(const aTag: String = ''): IHTMLElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := _GetNextItem(aTag); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.GetSelText: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FActualRangeIsText Then Result := Trim(FActualTxtRange.Text) else result := ''; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.IsSelType(aType: string): boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := SameText(aType, FSelectionType); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.KeepSelectionVisible; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { after pasting text into a textrang the screen selection is cleared. } FMarkUpServices.MoveRangeToPointers(FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, FActualTxtRange); SelectActualTextrange; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetSelParentElementType(const aType: string; aMessage: string = ''): IHTMLElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //go up to the aType-tag GetParentElemetType(FActualElement, aType, Result); if SameText(Result.tagName, cBODY) and (not SameText(cBODY, aType)) then begin result := Nil; if System.length(aMessage) > 0 then KSMessageI(aMessage); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementID(const ID: String): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := assigned(FActualElement) and AnsiSameText(FActualElement.ID, ID) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementClassName(const ClassName: String): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //kt Result := AnsiSameText(FActualElement._ClassName, ClassName) // RHR Result := AnsiSameText(FActualElement.className, ClassName) // kt end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementTagName(const TagName: String): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := AnsiSameText(FActualElement.TagName, TagName) end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementInVisible: Boolean; begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap result := SameText(FActualElement.Style.display, 'none') end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementAbsolute: boolean; begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap - not used result := SameText(FActualElement.Style.Position, 'absolute') end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.MakeSelElementVisible(Show: boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if Show then FActualElement.Style.display := '' else FActualElement.Style.display := 'none'; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.TrimSelection; //remove any leading / trailing spaces from the selection. var S: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //beware Selection can contain selected elements ie. end wit an IMG tag S := FActualTxtRange.htmlText; //selection of spaces normaly only ocoures trailing, but just in case while (System.length(S) > 0) and (S[1] = #32) do begin FActualTxtRange.MoveStart('character', 1); Delete(S, 1, 1); end; while (System.length(S) > 0) and (S[System.Length(S)] = #32) do begin FActualTxtRange.MoveEnd('character', -1); Delete(S, System.Length(S), 1); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SelectActualTextrange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FActualTxtRange.Select; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SelectElement(aElement: IhtmlElement); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if not assigned(aElement) then exit; FActualElement := aElement; FActualRangeIsText := False; if not assigned(FActualTxtRange) then FActualTxtRange := (DOC.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; FActualTxtRange.MoveToElementText(FActualElement); FActualTxtRange.Select; if length(FActualElement.InnerHTML) = 0 then begin if SetCursorAtElement(aElement, ELEM_ADJ_BeforeBegin) then ShowCursor(true); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SetCursorAtElement(aElement: IhtmlElement; ADJACENCY:_ELEMENT_ADJACENCY): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := false; if not assigned(aElement) then exit; if S_OK = FMarkupPointerStart.MoveAdjacentToElement(aElement, ADJACENCY) then begin FDisplayPointerStart.SetDisplayGravity(DISPLAY_GRAVITY_NextLine); if S_OK = FDisplayPointerStart.MoveToMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerStart, nil) then result := S_OK = FCaret.MoveCaretToPointer(FDisplayPointerStart, 0, CARET_DIRECTION_SAME); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.CollapseActualTextrange(Start: boolean); begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap - not used FActualTxtRange.Collapse(Start); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._LoadFile(aFileName: String): HResult; var OldFilePath: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin FReadyState := 0; OldFilePath := FCurrentDocumentPath; FCurrentDocumentPath := aFileName; Result := PersistFile.Load(StringToOleStr(aFileName), STGM_READWRITE or STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE); { PersistStream.Load causes a DocumentComplete event with the last known URL Typically this is about:blank } WaitForDocComplete; if result <> S_OK then FCurrentDocumentPath := OldFilePath; end else result := S_false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.LoadFile(var aFileName: String): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := LoadFile(aFileName, false); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.LoadFile(var aFileName: String; PromptUser: boolean): HResult; var S: String; //--------------------------------------------- function GetFileName(Var aFileName: String): Boolean; var aOpenDlg: TOpenDialog; begin aOpenDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Nil); try aOpenDlg.Filter := aFilter; aOpenDlg.Filename := aFileName; aOpenDlg.Options := [ofEnableSizing, ofFileMustExist]; if aOpenDlg.Execute then begin aFileName := aOpenDlg.FileName; Result := true; end else result := false; finally aOpenDlg.free; end; end; //---------------------------------------------- function DoLocalFile: HResult; begin if (not PromptUser) and FileExists(aFileName) then result := _LoadFile(aFileName) else begin if GetFileName(aFileName) then Result := _LoadFile(aFileName) else result := S_false; end; end; //---------------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := EndCurrentDoc(CancelPosible, FSkipDirtyCheck); if result = S_OK then begin if pos('file://', LowerCase(aFileName)) = 1 then begin //we have a file protocol path if IsFilePath(aFileName, S) = S_OK then begin aFileName := S; if FileExists(aFileName) then result := _LoadFile(aFileName) else result := DoLocalFile; if result = S_OK then Delete(aFileName, LastDelimiter('\/', aFileName)+1, Length(aFileName)); end; end else if (pos('http://', LowerCase(aFileName)) = 1) or (pos('www.', LowerCase(aFileName)) = 1) then begin //we have a http protocol path Result := GO(aFileName); end else begin result := DoLocalFile; if result = S_OK then Delete(aFileName, LastDelimiter('\/', aFileName)+1, Length(aFileName)); end; if result = S_OK then begin if Assigned(FAfterLoadFile) then FAfterLoadFile(Self, FCurrentDocumentPath); end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DocIsPersist: boolean; var Pw: PWideChar; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then result := S_OK = PersistFile.GetCurFile(Pw) else result := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.GetPersistedFile: String; var Pw: PWideChar; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap // just return the BaseURL if we have a htttp path or a local file path if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin if S_OK = PersistFile.GetCurFile(Pw) //this also tests for persisted file then begin result := Pw; if (length(result) > 0) and (pos('file://', result) = 1) //we have a file protocol path then begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap delete(result, 1, 7); end; result := StringReplace(result, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); end else begin //the document is not a persisted file result := DOC.URL; //drop bookmark - just in case Delete(result, LastDelimiter('#', result), length(result)); { this is a special case - normally only in case of a "preview browser where the document content is feed in via DocumentHTML - causing the documents file path to become about:blank If the real document pat is set via SetDocumentPath we can use that in stead of about:blank} If SameText(result, AboutBlank) //and (Length(FDocumentPath) > 0) then result := '';//FDocumentPath; end; end else result := ''; { LocationName: the name of the resource currently displayed in the Web browser control. If the resource is an HTML page from the Web, LocationName is the title of that page. If the resource is a folder or file on the local network or on a disk, LocationName is the full UNC name of the folder or file. } end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetSaveFileName(var aFile: string): HResult; var aSaveDlg: TSaveDialog; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap aSaveDlg := TSaveDialog.Create(Nil); try aSaveDlg.DefaultExt := 'htm'; aSaveDlg.Filter := aFilter; aSaveDlg.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(aFile); aSaveDlg.Filename := aFile; aSaveDlg.Options := [ofOverwritePrompt, ofPathMustExist, ofNoReadOnlyReturn, ofEnableSizing]; if aSaveDlg.Execute then begin aFile := aSaveDlg.Filename; result := S_OK; end else begin aFile := ''; result := S_false; end; finally aSaveDlg.free; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.AfterFileSaved; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if Assigned(FAfterSaveFile) then FAfterSaveFile(Self); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SaveFile: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoSaveFile; if result = S_OK then AfterFileSaved; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._DoSaveFile: HResult; Const ClearDirtyFlag: boolean = true; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap _CheckGenerator(False); if DocIsPersist //DOC is file based then Result := PersistFile.Save(Nil, ClearDirtyFlag) else Result := PersistFile.Save(StringToOleStr(FCurrentDocumentPath), ClearDirtyFlag); if result = S_OK then FHTMLImage := KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC); //Get SnapShot of current HTML Source end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DoSaveFile: HResult; var IsPersist: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap IsPersist := DocIsPersist; //DOC is file based if (not IsDirty) and IsPersist and (not (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0)) then begin result := S_OK; //no need to save a clean file exit; end; result := S_false; if (TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil) or (not FEditMode) then exit; if Assigned(FBeforeSaveFile) then begin FBeforeSaveFile(Self); //WaitForDocComplete; //just in case the document was changed end; if IsPersist or ((Length(FCurrentDocumentPath) > 0) and fileExists(FCurrentDocumentPath)) then result := _DoSaveFile else result := SaveFileAs; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SaveFileAs(aFile: string = ''): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DoSaveFileAs(aFile); if result = S_OK then AfterFileSaved; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DoSaveFileAs(aFile: String): HResult; Const ClearDirtyFlag: boolean = true; var DoSave: boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (TwebBrowser(Self).Document = nil) or (not FEditMode) then begin result := S_false; exit; end; if length(aFile) > 0 then begin { this wont work because the MSHTML dialog always shows up Ov := aFile; result := DoCommand(IDM_SAVEAS, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, Ov); } { this gives the user a Delphi save dialog } If FileExists(aFile) then DoSave := IDYES = KSQuestion(aFile + ' already exists.' +CrLf+ 'Do you want to replace it?', '', MB_ICONWARNING or MB_YESNO) else begin ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(aFile)); DoSave := true; end; if DoSave then begin _CheckGenerator(false); Result := PersistFile.Save(StringToOleStr(aFile), false); end else Result := E_ABORT; end else begin {this gives the user MSHTML's own save dialog } _CheckGenerator(false); result := CmdSet(IDM_SAVEAS); end; if result = S_OK //file was saved successfully then begin FCurrentDocumentPath := GetPersistedFile; { we need to re-parse the DOC from the new path this also get us a new FHTMLImage ! FBASEUrl is set as a result to _LoadFile ! } result := _LoadFile(FCurrentDocumentPath); if FCurBackFile <> ChangeFileExt(FCurrentDocumentPath, '.bak') then begin Sysutils.DeleteFile(FCurBackFile); CreateBackUp; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetLiveResize(const Value: Boolean); var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FLiveResize := Value; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin Ov := FLiveResize; CmdSet(IDM_LIVERESIZE, Ov); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set2DPosition(const Value: Boolean); var Ov: OleVariant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap F2DPosition := Value; if TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil then begin Ov := F2DPosition; CmdSet(IDM_2D_POSITION, Ov); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetMSHTMLwinHandle: Hwnd; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //get the DHTMLedit component's main window handle if FOleInPlaceActiveObject = nil then GetInPlaceActiveObject; result := FmsHTMLwinHandle; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.ScrollDoc(Pos: Integer); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (TwebBrowser(Self).Document <> nil) and (Pos > 0) then begin (Doc.Body as IHTMLElement2).ScrollTop := Pos; FScrollTop := 0; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetMouseElement(P: Tpoint; aWinHandle: Hwnd = 0); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if aWinHandle > 0 { MouseClickOnElement is in screen coordinate, change it to DHTML window coordinate } then Windows.ScreenToClient(aWinHandle, P); FActualElement := DOC.elementFromPoint(P.x, P.y); FActualRangeIsText := False; if not assigned(FActualTxtRange) then FActualTxtRange := (DOC.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; FActualTxtRange.MoveToElementText(FActualElement); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function TEmbeddedED.RemoveElementID(const TagID: String): Boolean; var MarkUp: IMarkupServices; aElement: IHTMLElement; I: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap MarkUp := Doc as IMarkupServices; Result := False; for i := 0 to FLength - 1 do begin aElement := GetElementNr(i); if not assigned(aElement) then continue; if AnsiSameText(TagID, aElement.ID) then begin Markup.RemoveElement(aElement); Result := True; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.ShowHighlight(pIRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil); var aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if pIRange = nil then begin aTxtRange := (DOC.body as IHTMLBodyElement).createTextRange; aTxtRange.moveToElementText(FActualElement); end else aTxtRange := pIRange.duplicate; FMarkUpServices.MovePointersToRange(aTxtRange, FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd); //kt FDisplayPointerStart.MoveToMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerStart as MSHTML_TLB.IMarkupPointer, nil); FDisplayPointerStart.MoveToMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerStart as MSHTML_EWB.IMarkupPointer, nil); //kt //ktFDisplayPointerEnd.MoveToMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerEnd as MSHTML_TLB.IMarkupPointer, nil); FDisplayPointerEnd.MoveToMarkupPointer(FMarkupPointerEnd as MSHTML_EWB.IMarkupPointer, nil); //kt if assigned(FHighlightSegment) then HideHighlight; FHighlight.AddSegment(FDisplayPointerStart, FDisplayPointerEnd, FRenderStyle, FHighlightSegment); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.HideHighlight; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if assigned(FHighlightSegment) then FHighlight.RemoveSegment(FHighlightSegment); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.MovePointersToRange(const aRange: IHTMLTxtRange): HResult; begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap Result := FMarkUpServices.MovePointersToRange(aRange, FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.MovePointersToSel: HResult; begin //.asm int 3 end; //trap Result := MovePointersToRange(FActualTxtRange); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.CreateElement(const tagID: _ELEMENT_TAG_ID; var NewElement: IHTMLElement; const aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil; const Attributes: string = ''): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //attributes form: {$IFDEF EDLIB} if aTxtRange = nil then result := EDLIB.CreateElement(DOC, tagID, NewElement, FActualTxtRange, Attributes) else result := EDLIB.CreateElement(DOC, tagID, NewElement, aTxtRange, Attributes); {$ELSE} result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.InsertElementAtCursor(var aElement: IHTMLElement; const aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { The returned IHTMLTxtRange contains the new tag - if its not a control ??} {$IFDEF EDLIB} Result := EDLIB.InsertElementAtCursor(DOC, aElement, aTxtRange); {$ELSE} result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.CreateMetaTag(var aMetaElement: IHTMLMetaElement): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDLIB} Result := EDLIB.CreateMetaTag(DOC, aMetaElement); {$ELSE} result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.MoveTextRangeToPointer(aTxtRange: IHTMLTxtRange = nil): IHTMLTxtRange; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if assigned(aTxtRange) then begin FMarkUpServices.MoveRangeToPointers(FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, aTxtRange); result := aTxtRange; end else begin FMarkUpServices.MoveRangeToPointers(FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, FActualTxtRange); result := FActualTxtRange; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetDebug(value: Boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FDebug := value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetCurrentFontName: string; var FontName: variant; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := ''; // FontName not found if QueryEnabled(IDM_FONTNAME) then begin FontName := CmdGet(IDM_FONTNAME); if VarType(FontName) = varOleStr then result := FontName else; //multiple element selection end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetFontNameIndex(aList: String): Integer; var FontName: variant; //I: Integer; list: TStringlist; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := -1; // FontName not found if QueryEnabled(IDM_FONTNAME) then begin FontName := CmdGet(IDM_FONTNAME); if VarType(FontName) = varOleStr then begin list := TStringlist.Create; try list.Text := aList; result := List.IndexOf(FontName); finally list.free; end; end else; //multiple element selection end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function EnumFontsProc(var LogFont: TLogFont; var Metric: TTextMetric; FontType: Integer; Data: Pointer): Integer; stdcall; var St: TStrings; aFaceName: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap St := TStrings(Data); aFaceName := LogFont.lfFaceName; if (St.Count = 0) or (AnsiCompareText(St[St.Count-1], aFaceName) <> 0) then St.Add(aFaceName); Result := 1; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetFonts: String; var DC: HDC; LFont: TLogFont; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FFonts = nil then begin FFonts := TStringList.Create; DC := GetDC(GetMSHTMLwinHandle); try FFonts.Add('Default'); FillChar(LFont, sizeof(LFont), 0); LFont.lfCharset := DEFAULT_CHARSET; //we send the resulting fontlist (FFonts) to EnumFontsProc as a param EnumFontFamiliesEx(DC, LFont, @EnumFontsProc, LongInt(FFonts), 0); TStringList(FFonts).Sorted := TRUE; finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; end; Result := FFonts.Text; //just a test if (Screen.Fonts.text <> result) and //this seem newer to be true ! FDebug then beep; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetFontSizeIndex(const aList: String; var Changed: String): Integer; var vo: OleVariant; aCurStyle: IHTMLCurrentStyle; s: String; //------------------------------------------------ function GetBaseSize: string; begin result := '1 ( 8 pt)' +CrLf + '2 (10 pt)' +CrLf + '3 (12 pt)' +CrLf + '4 (14 pt)' +CrLf + '5 (18 pt)' +CrLf + '6 (24 pt)' +CrLf + '7 (36 pt)'; end; //------------------------------------------------ begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := -1; //no size found if Length(aList) = 0 then Changed := GetBaseSize else Changed := ''; if not QueryEnabled(IDM_FONTSIZE) then exit; Vo := CmdGet(IDM_FONTSIZE); //this gets the standard size 1-7 in stead of if VarType(vo) = VarInteger //x-small and the like then begin result := Vo-1; exit; end; if FActualElement = nil then exit; aCurStyle := (FActualElement as IHTMLElement2).Get_CurrentStyle; S := aCurStyle.Get_fontSize; if S <> '' then begin Changed := GetBaseSize +CrLf + S; result := 7; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetStylesIndex: Integer; var S: String; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if QueryEnabled(IDM_BLOCKFMT) then begin {$IFDEF EDLIB} S := getFontStyle(Self); {$ELSE} S := CmdGet(IDM_BLOCKFMT); {$ENDIF} if not FStyles.Find(S, result) then result := -1; end else result := -1; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetStylesIndex(aList: String): Integer; //this is only to keep compatibility with OCX ver 1.0 var S: String; List: TStringList; //aElement: IhtmlElement; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap //Available styles if QueryEnabled(IDM_BLOCKFMT) then begin {$IFDEF EDLIB} S := getFontStyle(Self); {$ELSE} S := CmdGet(IDM_BLOCKFMT); {$ENDIF} List := TStringList.Create; try List.Text := aList; result := List.IndexOf(S); finally List.free; end end else result := -1; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SyncDOC(HTML: string; SelStart, SelEnd: Integer); var Generator: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPARSER} {$IFDEF EDLIB} Generator := true; {$ENDIF} //place the cursor at same pos in WYSIWY as in the string KSIEParser.SyncDOC(Self, HTML, SelStart, SelEnd, Generator); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SelectedDocumentHTML(var SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): String; var Generator: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPARSER} {$IFDEF EDLIB} Generator := true; {$ENDIF} //place the cursor at same pos in WYSIWY as in the string Result := KSIEParser.SelectedDocumentHTML(Self, SelStart, SelEnd, Generator); {$ELSE} SelStart := -1; SelEnd := -1; Result := KS_Lib.GetHTMLtext(DOC); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetSelStartEnd(Var SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := (S_OK = FMarkUpServices.MovePointersToRange(ActualTextRange, FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd)) and //get selection in a reselectable form (S_OK = (FMarkupPointerStart as IMarkupPointer2).GetMarkupPosition(SelStart)) and (S_OK = (FMarkupPointerEnd as IMarkupPointer2).GetMarkupPosition(SelEnd)); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.SetSelStartEnd(SelStart, SelEnd: Integer): boolean; var aMarkupContainer: IMarkupContainer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if (SelStart > 0) and (SelEnd > 0) then begin //Restore selected TextRange aMarkupContainer := Doc as IMarkupContainer; if (S_OK = (FMarkupPointerStart as IMarkupPointer2).MoveToMarkupPosition(aMarkupContainer, SelStart)) and (S_OK = (FMarkupPointerEnd as IMarkupPointer2).MoveToMarkupPosition(aMarkupContainer, SelEnd)) and (S_OK = FMarkupServices.MoveRangeToPointers(FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, ActualTxtRange)) then ActualTxtRange.select; result := true; end else result := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ISEmptyParam(value: Olevariant): Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := (TVarData(value).VType = varError) and (TVarData(value).VError = $80020004); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetPrintFileName: String; var aFileName: String; //--------------------------------------- function ValidFileName(aPath: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := LastDelimiter('.\:', aPath); result := (I > 0) and //we have a path ((aPath[I] = '\') or //it ends with backslash (aPath[I] = '.')); //we found a trailing file name end; //--------------------------------------- begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if length(CurFileName) > 0 then result := CurFileName else begin if ValidFileName(FBaseUrl) then result := FBaseUrl else result := ''; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetLastError: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FLastError; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OpenChangeLog: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDUNDO} result := UUndo.OpenChangeLog(self, FTUndo); {$ELSE} result := S_OK; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.WaitAsyncMessage(var Msg: Tmessage); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FWaitMessage := true; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.BeginUndoUnit(aTitle: String = 'Default'): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FLocalUndo then begin {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if FTUndo <> nil then result := TUndo(FTUndo).BeginUndoUnit(aTitle) else result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end else begin {$IFDEF EDLIB} result := EDLIB.BeginUndoUnit(Self, aTitle); {$ELSE} result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.EndUndoUnit: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FLocalUndo then begin if FTUndo <> nil then begin {$IFDEF EDUNDO} TUndo(FTUndo).EndUndoBlock; result := S_OK; {$ENDIF} end else result := S_False; end else begin {$IFDEF EDLIB} result := EDLIB.EndUndoUnit(Self); {$ELSE} result := S_False; {$ENDIF} end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.LoadURL(url: String); var aFileName: String; begin // just DHTML Compatibility //asm int 3 end; //trap aFileName := url; if Length(aFileName) = 0 then begin if length(ActualAppName) = 0 //only set default one time then ActualAppName := LowerCase(ExtractFileName(GetModuleName)); aFileName := KSInputQuery(ActualAppName, 'URL:', 'http://', 40); if (length(aFileName) = 0) or (aFileName = 'http://') then exit; end; LoadFile(aFileName, False); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.LoadDocument(var pathIn, promptUser: OleVariant); var aFileName: String; aPrompt: boolean; begin // just DHTML Compatibility //asm int 3 end; //trap try if VarType(pathIn) = varOleStr then aFileName := pathIn else aFileName := ''; if VarType(promptUser) = varBoolean then aPrompt := promptUser else aPrompt := true; LoadFile(aFileName, aPrompt); pathIn := aFileName; except //just catch any error end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SaveDocument(var pathIn, promptUser: OleVariant); var aFileName: string; aPrompt: boolean; begin // just DHTML Compatibility //asm int 3 end; //trap try aFileName := pathIn; aPrompt := promptUser; if aPrompt then begin if GetSaveFileName(aFileName) <> S_OK then exit; end; if sameText(aFileName, FCurrentDocumentPath) then SaveFile else SaveFileAs(aFileName); pathIn := aFileName; except //catch any error end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.FContextMenuClicked(Sender: TObject); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if assigned(FOnContextMenuAction) then FOnContextMenuAction(Self, (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetContextMenu(var menuStrings, menuStates: OleVariant); var Ps: PSafeArray; Pw: PWideChar; aState: OLE_TRISTATE; I: Integer; aCaption: string; NewMenuItem: TMenuItem; begin // just DHTML Compatibility //asm int 3 end; //trap FContextMenu.Items.Clear; try if (VarArrayLowBound(menuStrings, 1) < 0) or (VarArrayLowBound(menuStates, 1) < 0) or (VarArrayHighBound(menuStrings, 1) <> VarArrayHighBound(menuStates, 1)) then exit; Ps := TVariantArg(menuStrings).pArray; for I := VarArrayLowBound(menuStrings, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(menuStrings, 1) do begin //add a new menu item to the popup menu NewMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(nil); NewMenuItem.OnClick := FContextMenuClicked; NewMenuItem.Tag := I; //get each string from the SafeArray SafeArrayGetElement(Ps, I, Pw); aCaption := OleStrToString(Pw); //blank menu item = separator in Context Menu if aCaption = '' //we need - in a TPopUpmenu as separator then NewMenuItem.Caption := '-' else NewMenuItem.Caption := aCaption; FContextMenu.Items.Add(NewMenuItem); end; Ps := TVariantArg(menuStates).pArray; for I := VarArrayLowBound(menuStates, 1) to VarArrayHighBound(menuStates, 1) do begin //get each string from the SafeArray SafeArrayGetElement(Ps, I, aState); case aState of // 0= Unchecked 1=Checked 2=Grayed 0: {Nop}; 1: FContextMenu.Items[I].Checked := True; 2: FContextMenu.Items[I].Enabled := false; end; end; except //just catch any error end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetGridX(const Value: integer); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FGridX := Value; if assigned(FEditHost) then TEditHost(FEditHost).FGridX := FGridX; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetGridY(const Value: integer); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FGridY := Value; if assigned(FEditHost) then TEditHost(FEditHost).FGridY := FGridY; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.SetSnapEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FSnapEnabled := Value; if assigned(FEditHost) then TEditHost(FEditHost).FSnapEnabled := FSnapEnabled; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_AbsoluteDropMode: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FAbsoluteDropMode; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_ShowBorders: WordBool; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FShowBorders; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_AbsoluteDropMode(const Value: Boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FAbsoluteDropMode := value; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetAppearance(aType: TUserInterfaceOption): TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if aType in FUserInterfaceOptions then result := DEAPPEARANCE_FLAT else result := DEAPPEARANCE_3D; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_Appearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := GetAppearance(NoBorder); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_Appearance(const Value: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if value <> Get_Appearance then begin if value = DEAPPEARANCE_FLAT then Include(FUserInterfaceOptions, NoBorder) else Exclude(FUserInterfaceOptions, NoBorder); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_ScrollbarAppearance: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := GetAppearance(FlatScrollBar); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_ScrollbarAppearance(const Value: TDHTMLEDITAPPEARANCE); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if value <> Get_ScrollbarAppearance then begin if value = DEAPPEARANCE_FLAT then Include(FUserInterfaceOptions, FlatScrollBar) else Exclude(FUserInterfaceOptions, FlatScrollBar); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_Scrollbars: WordBool; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := not(NoScrollBar in FUserInterfaceOptions); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_Scrollbars(const Value: WordBool); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if value <> Get_Scrollbars then begin if value then Exclude(FUserInterfaceOptions, NoScrollBar) else Include(FUserInterfaceOptions, NoScrollBar); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_ShowBorders(const Value: WordBool); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if value <> FShowBorders then begin FShowBorders := value; if not ComponentInDesignMode then CmdSet_B(IDM_SHOWZEROBORDERATDESIGNTIME, FShowBorders); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Get_UseDivOnCarriageReturn: WordBool; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := DivBlockOnReturn in FUserInterfaceOptions; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_UseDivOnCarriageReturn(const Value: WordBool); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if value <> Get_UseDivOnCarriageReturn then begin if value then Include(FUserInterfaceOptions, DivBlockOnReturn) else Exclude(FUserInterfaceOptions, DivBlockOnReturn); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.KSTEst(var pInVar, pOutVar: OleVariant): HResult; //call edit.CmdGet(KS_TEST, ov); var sFindThis: string; //kt FP: MSHTML_TLB.IMarkupPointer; //points to end of searched string - if found FP: MSHTML_EWB.IMarkupPointer; //points to end of searched string - if found FMarkupContainer: IMarkupContainer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDLIB} sFindThis := InputBox('Search', 'Please enter the string to search for...', ''); if length(sFindThis) = 0 then exit; FMarkupContainer := Doc as IMarkupContainer; //Search from start of document OleCheck(FMarkupPointerStart.MoveToContainer(FMarkupContainer, Integer(True))); //Search to end of document OleCheck(FMarkupPointerEnd.MoveToContainer(FMarkupContainer, Integer(False))); if S_OK = EDFindText(Self, FMarkupPointerStart, FMarkupPointerEnd, sFindThis, FP) then begin if S_OK = EDInsertText(Self, FP, '--Found It--') then KSMessageI('Did the insert...') else KSMessageI('Insert failed...'); end else KSMessageI('Could not locate ' + sFindThis + '.'); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnControlInfoChanged: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.LockInPlaceActive(fLock: BOOL): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetExtendedControl(out disp: IDispatch): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.TransformCoords(var ptlHimetric: TPoint; var ptfContainer: TPointF; flags: Longint): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OleControlSite_TranslateAccelerator(msg: PMsg; grfModifiers: Longint): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { KEYMOD_SHIFT = 0x00000001, KEYMOD_CONTROL = 0x00000002, KEYMOD_ALT = 0x00000004 S_OK, The container processed the message. S_FALSE, The container did not process the message. This value must also be returned in all other error cases besides E_NOTIMPL. E_NOTIMPL, The container does not implement accelerator support. } { we handle Accelerators in IDOCHOSTUIHANDLER:TranslateAccelerator witch is called before this function. After the call to IDOCHOSTUIHANDLER:TranslateAccelerator IHtmlEditDesigner.TranslateAccelerator is called. If MSHTML handle the key we don't come here ! } Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.OnFocus(fGotFocus: BOOL): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap { Each time the WebBrowser gains focus we hook its window and we unhook the window again when the WebBrowser loses focus. This makes all messages send to MSHTML flow trough EDMessageHandler before MSHTML get a chance to handle them } if fGotFocus then SubClassMsHTML else UnSubClassMsHTML; //ktResult := S_OK; Result := S_OK or SubFocusHandler(fGotFocus); //kt end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ShowPropertyFrame: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Result := E_NOTIMPL; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.IsSelElementLocked: boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDZINDEX} result := TZindex(FTZindex).IsSelElementLocked; {$ELSE} result := false; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.EDOnMouseOver(const pEvtObj: IHTMLEventObj); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDTABLE} if assigned(FTtable) and FEditMode then TTable(FTtable).TblOnmouseover(pEvtObj); {$ENDIF} if Assigned(FOnmouseover) then FOnmouseover(self); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.NotImplemented(S: String); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap KSMessageW(S + DblCrLf + 'is not implemented'); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.EndUndoBlock(aResult: HResult): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_OK; if aResult = S_OK then EndUndoUnit //no errors in the calling procedure, just close undo block else begin //the calling procedure had an error, so we need to clean up after it {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if assigned(FTUndo) then begin result := TUndo(FTUndo).CleanUpUndoBlock; exit; end; {$ENDIF} //we are using MSHTMLs UNDO stack {$IFDEF EDLIB} result := CleanUpMSHTMLUndoBlock(Self); {$ELSE} result := CmdSet(IDM_Undo); {$ENDIF} end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.ClearUndoStack: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_OK; if not FEditMode then exit; if FLocalUndo then begin {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if FTUndo <> nil then result := TUndo(FTUndo).ClearStack; exit; {$ENDIF} end; //we are using MSHTMLs UNDO stack {$IFDEF EDLIB} result := ClearMSHTMLStack(Self); {$ELSE} result := S_FALSE; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.CaretIsVisible: Boolean; var Visible: Integer; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap FCaret.IsVisible(Visible); result := Visible <> 0; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Accept(const URL: String; var Accept: Boolean); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap Accept := true; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Integer): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FMSHTMLDropTarget <> nil //just re delegate to MSHTML then result := FMSHTMLDropTarget.DragEnter(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect) else result := E_UNEXPECTED; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.DragLeave: HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FMSHTMLDropTarget <> nil //just re delegate to MSHTML then result := FMSHTMLDropTarget.DragLeave else result := E_UNEXPECTED; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._DragOver(grfKeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Integer): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if FMSHTMLDropTarget <> nil //just re delegate to MSHTML then result := FMSHTMLDropTarget.DragOver(grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect) else result := E_UNEXPECTED; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Integer; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Integer): HResult; var ProxyDataObj: TDataObjectProxy; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_OK; if (not FAbsoluteDropMode) or (FMSHTMLDropTarget = nil) then begin result := E_UNEXPECTED; exit; end; if dataObj <> nil then begin ProxyDataObj := TDataObjectProxy.Create(dataObj, DOC, FmsHTMLwinHandle, pt); try //just re delegate to MSHTML result := FMSHTMLDropTarget.Drop(ProxyDataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect); finally WaitAsync; ProxyDataObj.free; end; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {$ENDIF} //{$IFDEF EDDRAGDROP} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_LocalUndo(const Value: WordBool); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDUNDO} if Value = FLocalUndo then exit; FLocalUndo := Value; if(not ComponentInDesignMode) and DocumentIsAssigned then SetLocalUndo(Self, FTUndo, Value); {$ELSE} if ComponentInDesignMode then FLocalUndo := false else begin if value then NotImplemented('Set LocalUndo'); end; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED._QueryStatus(CmdGroup: PGUID; cCmds: Cardinal; prgCmds: POleCmd; CmdText: POleCmdText): HResult; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := S_OK; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Exec(CmdGroup: PGUID; nCmdID, nCmdexecopt: DWORD; const vaIn: OleVariant; var vaOut: OleVariant): HResult; var FCancel: Boolean; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if CmdGroup = nil then begin Result := OLECMDERR_E_UNKNOWNGROUP; exit; end else Result := OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED; if IsEqualGuid(cmdGroup^, CGID_DocHostCommandHandler) then begin case nCmdID of 6041 {F5}, 6042 {ContextMenu}, 2300 {IDM_REFRESH}: begin FCancel := False; If Assigned(FOnRefreshBegin) then FOnRefreshBegin(Self, nCmdID, FCancel); if FCancel then Result := S_OK else FRefreshing := true; end; end; end; end; {IOleCommandTarget END} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.GetGenerator: string; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap result := FGenerator; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TEmbeddedED.Set_Generator(const Value: String); begin //asm int 3 end; //trap if Value = FGenerator then exit; {$IFDEF EDLIB} FGenerator := Value {$ELSE} NotImplemented('Set Generator'); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.PrintPreview(value: Olevariant): HResult; var aResult: TPrintSetup; B: Boolean; CmdOpt: Cardinal; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPRINT} if ISEmptyParam(value) then begin aResult[0] := ''; aResult[1] := '0'; B := true; end else B := VariantArrayToPrintSetup(Value, aResult); if B and PrintPreview(aResult) then result := S_OK else result := S_FALSE; {$ELSE} if value then result := DoCommand(IDM_PRINTPREVIEW, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER) else result := DoCommand(IDM_PRINTPREVIEW, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.PrintEx(value: Olevariant; Showdlg: boolean): HResult; var aResult: TPrintSetup; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPRINT} if VariantArrayToPrintSetup(Value, aResult) and Print(aResult, Showdlg) then result := S_OK else result := S_FALSE; {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.Print(value: TPrintSetup; Showdlg: boolean = false): Boolean; const NotPreView: Boolean = False; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPRINT} result := SetPrintTemplate(value) and DoPrint(NotPreView, Doc, Showdlg, GetPrintFileName); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TEmbeddedED.PrintPreview(value: TPrintSetup): Boolean; const PreView: Boolean = true; NoShowdlg: Boolean = False; begin //asm int 3 end; //trap {$IFDEF EDPRINT} result := SetPrintTemplate(value) and DoPrint(PreView, Doc, NoShowdlg, GetPrintFileName); {$ENDIF} end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initialization OleInitialize(nil); TheActualAppName := ''; finalization try OleUninitialize; except end; end.