English French Notes Complete/Exclude Editing it will cause it to be passed to Accounts Receivable. Building the new cap transaction... Re-calculating the OPT copay charge for This equals the billed amount - this charge cannot be edited. This charge is ready to be billed. The original charge will be cancelled and re-billed for $ No change was made! I cannot find a billing clock that was effective on Please adjust this patient's billing clocks before editing this charge. Medicare Deductible reduced due to GMT Copayment Status. Billing Clock ** Begin Date: # Inpt Days: The 'Bill From' date cannot preceed the Billing Clock Begin Date. Unable to determine the per diem rate. Please check your rate table. GMT Rate The 'Bill To' date cannot exceed the Billing Clock End Date ( The patient changed GMT Copayment status during the specified period! New charge to be billed (GMT Rate) The patient has GMT Copayment Status! GMT rate must be applied. Okay to update this charge and pass it to Accounts Receivable Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to update and pass the charge, or 'N', or '^' to quit. Updating the incomplete charge and passing to Accounts Receivable... Okay to pass this charge to Accounts Receivable Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to pass this charge to AR, or 'N' or '^' to quit. Passing the charge to Accounts Receivable... Building the updated transaction... This patient has never been Means Test billable. FEE SERVICE/OUTPATIENT ** Active Billing Clock ** # Inpt Days: ** Patient has no LTC billing clock ** **Last LTC Billing Clock Start Date: Free Days Remaining: The patient must use his free days first. This charge will put the patient > $ above their cap amount. Okay to proceed The patient has GMT Copayment Status. The patient has no LTC clock active for the date. This day is already marked as a Free Day. This patient has already been billed for this date. Unable to determine the per diem rate. Please check your rate table. The patient's GMT Copayment status changed within the specified period! LTC Copayment charges cannot go from one month to another. LTC INPATIENT COPAY Linked charge to admission on Still admitted) Discharged on Building the new transaction... Passing the charge directly to Accounts Receivable... CNH Contract Hospital LTC A FEE OPT FEE LTC OPT Please select one of the following admissions: or type '^' to quit: Enter a NUMBER from 1- The bill dates fall outside the admissions dates! I have to build the event record first... Updating the Date Last Calculated to Since the patient has been discharged, let me 'close' the IB event... Tried to link the charge to an admission on , but the Bill To date ) exceeds the discharge date of You may link this charge to one of the patient's admissions... This patient has no admissions -- this charge cannot be added. No admission selected -- transaction cannot be completed. I will need to build an event record in Integrated Billing for this charge. Unable to link this charge to an event in Integrated Billing! Sorry! The CHAMPVA billing module is not yet fully installed. You will need to generate a claim to bill this patient the inpatient subsistence charge. This patient has no admissions on file! You cannot bill the CHAMPVA inpatient subsistence charge at this time. You can only bill admissions which have been discharged! This admission has already been billed the CHAMPVA inpatient subsistence charge. Since this patient has no active clock to cover this charge, I would like to set up an active clock as follows: Clock Begin Date: 1st 90 days copay: $ # Inpatient days: Is it okay to set up a new clock with Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to create a new clock, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit. A new clock will not be established. Be sure this patient's clock is correct. Creating a new, active billing clock... FEE SERVICE (INPT) Please enter the Event Date for this Fee Service (which should be the admission date, and not exceed the Bill From date [ ]), or '^' to quit. This is a special inpatient billing case! The case will be dispositioned. Please note that you are creating a charge for a special inpatient case!! The Bill From date is prior to the start of the active clock... This patient has no clock which would cover this date. You should use the Clock Maintenance option to adjust this patient's clocks before proceeding. Please note that I cannot find an active or closed clock for this patient on this date. This charge will be billed under the following closed clock: # Inpt Days: Closed Date: This patient has been billed the full copayment under this billing clock! You cannot add another copay charge starting on this date. This patient had a Compensation & Pension exam on this date. Do you still want to add a charge Enter 'Y' to continue to add the charge, or 'N' or '^' to quit CHAMPVA SUB Select CHARGE TYPE: No CHARGE TYPE entered - transaction cannot be completed. This patient does not have a Primary Eligibility of CHAMPVA. You may only select a Pharmacy copay charge type. Patient is Exempt from Medication Copayment This patient has no LTC (1010EC) information on file. You cannot select a LTC charge type. This patient is Exempt from LTC Charges. NHCU PER DIEM Is this charge for a Contract Hospital Enter '' if the charge is for a VA admission, or '^' to quit. This patient has already been billed the Medicare Deductible ($ for his current 90 days of care. If you know this not to be the case, please adjust the billing clock before proceeding. This patient has no Fee PTF entries -- this charge cannot be added. No Fee PTF entry selected -- transaction cannot be completed. Building the Fee PTF event record... FEE ADMISSION Is this a C(N)H or Contract (H)ospital Admission? CNH// NHnh CONTRACT HOSPITAL Enter: '' - If the charge is for a CNH Admission 'H' - If the charge is for a Contract Hospital Admission '^' - To quit this option CHAMPUS OPT COPAY CHAMPUS INPT COPAY An admission was not available or not selected. This transaction has been cancelled. Do you still wish to create an inpatient copayment charge Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to create a charge, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit. Billing the CHAMPUS patient copayment charge... Please note that this patient does not have active CHAMPUS coverage! CHAMPUS coverage for Insured Person: Company: Service Branch: Service Rank: This transaction has already been cancelled. Please note that this cancellation action has not yet been passed to AR. There is no bill number associated with this charge. The charge cannot be cancelled. Passing the cancellation action to AR... This patient has no inpatient event records stored in Billing. Update Billable Events Date Charges Processing Event # Change the status of this event from This event will remain An error occured while changing the status - event is still The status has been changed to Please enter 'Y' or 'YES' to change the status of this event from , or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit. If the status of this event is changed to open, and the patient is still an inpatient in this ward (on the specified admission date), charges will be billed starting the day after the Date Last Calculated. If the status is changed to closed, no further charges will be associated with this event. Date Last Calculated: No change! An error occured while changing the Last Calc Date - no change made! The Date Last Calculated has been changed to The Date Last Calculated is used to record the last date for which Means Test charges were billed for an admission. This date cannot be deleted. Please enter a date not less than the Event Date ( ) and not greater than yesterday ( Fee Admissions cannot be edited! You must define your facility in the IB SITE PARAMETER file before proceeding! You must define the MAS Service Pointer in the IB SITE PARAMETER file before proceeding! Press RETURN to process the next charge or to return to the list A C H A R G E Processing Charge # ACTIVE BILLING CLOCK ** Amt: ** Please note that an active billing clock was not selected for updating ** Means Test Billing Clock information for Clock Start Date: Clock End Date: Medicare Deductible Co-payments: Can't update the clock to reflect inpatient days. Please review this patient's clock and use the Clock Maintenance option to make any changes, if necessary. Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to update the clock, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to stop. Update the number of inpatient days from The billing clock has not been updated. The clock has been updated. ** Please review to see if this patient requires a new copay charge. ** Can't update the clock to reflect a copayment of -$ Note that the effective Medicare Deductible for this billing clock is $ Please note that $ is beyond this limit. Update the 90 days copayment from $ reason entered - the transaction cannot be completed. RX COPAYMENT Units not entered - transaction cannot be completed. Charge for services from: Date not entered - transaction cannot be completed. This patient is not LTC billable on this date. This patient has already been billed the outpatient copay charge for Charge for services to: Bill To date not entered - transaction cannot be completed. Fee Amount: Charge not entered - transaction cannot be completed. Charge Amount: not Means Test billable on this date. Please enter 1, 2, or 3 to denote a 30, 60, or 90 days supply of medication, or '^' to quit. patient's outpatient visit date 'Bill From' date for this charge , which must follow (and be prior to today) , or '^' to quit. Please enter the 'Bill To' date for this charge, which may not precede Please enter the charge for this Fee Service, which may not be greater than the difference between the Medicare Deductible amount and the copay billed ($ ), or '^' to quit. Please enter the charge for this copayment. Charge to be billed --> $ The Medicare Deductible Amount for could not be determined. You should determine the cause of this problem before proceeding. Building the cancellation transaction... -1^^You can only cancel the last transaction for an original charge. -1^^There is no charge amount associated with this action. Updating the status of the charge to 'cancelled'... Okay to this charge Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to this charge, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit. This charge will not be OBSERVATION CARE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINENT SPECIAL CASE * Patient Claims EPISODE OF CARE related to: ** STATUS - Case has not been DISPOSITIONED ** Case has been DIPOSITIONED and Care is NOT BILLABLE Reason Not Billable: DG FEE SERVICE (OPT) NEW Fee Amount *** The Fee for Service can not be LESS than $1.00 or *** GREATER than $ *** The Fee for Service can not be GREATER than $ *** AND must be GREATER than $.99==> Please try Again OBS ADMIS The Integrated Billing filer has more than 10 transactions in the queue. The Integrated Billing filer is not running and has transactions to file. The Integrated Billing filer is late. It hasn't run since IBECPF-1 Select AMBULATORY SURGERY PROCEDURE: Select MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION: Enter the date the new rate or status becomes effective Select PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE DATE Are you adding a new RATE GROUP entry to this PROCEDURE Enter the date the new percentages or status becomes effective Are you adding a new WAGE PERCENTAGE entry to this DIVISION Ambulatory Surgery Procedure Billing Profile Medical Center Division Billing Profile Transfer HCFA updates to the Permanent BASC File This option transfers the HCFA updates from the temporary BASC file to the permanent BASC file. Proceed with transfer Beginning transfer, this could take some time. Please wait... Transferring HCFA updates to permanent BASC file. Transfer complete: Entries created in 409.71 Entries created in 350.4 Entries in 350.4 Codes already have entries for given effective date Codes unable to transfer CODE NOT ACTIVE IN CPT FILE (81) DATE EFFECTIVE ALREADY DEFINED FOR CODE STATED OLD GROUP DOES NOT MATCH CURRENT GROUP DEACTIVATING A CODE NOT IN BILLING DEACTIVATING A CODE ALREADY INACTIVE NO VALID UPDATE ACTION FOUND, NO CHANGE IN RATE/STATUS ERROR WHILE TRYING TO STORE THE DATA The CHAMPUS Billing engines cannot be started! *** Note that the AWP Update port has also not been defined. The Billing Transaction and AWP Update ports cannot be the same! The AWP Update port has not been defined. The AWP Update task will not start. Note that these jobs will be queued to run on Is it okay to queue these jobs to run Enter: 'Y' if you wish to task off this job, or 'N' or '^' to quit this option. The jobs have not been queued to run. IB - CHAMPUS Primary Billing Task Unable to queue the billing task! The CHAMPUS billing engine has been queued as task# IB - CHAMPUS Primary AWP Update Task #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################