English French Notes Complete/Exclude Enter '>' to be alerted for results GREATER than the lab value or '<' to be alerted for results LESS than the lab value. Enter THRESHOLD: Enter numeric threshold value. Results above/below this value will send alert. Enter '0' (zero) to remove a threshold. threshold for Error removing lab threshold: Error adding lab threshold: lab thresholds for Erase All of My Notifications You are not authorized to perform this function. This option purges all your existing notifications Purging notifications... Enable/Disable My Notifications Set My Flagged Orders Bulletin Default recipient users and teams: : ON because Default Recipient (USER) parameter set to Yes. : OFF because User's access to system has been terminated. will receive alert for user] is INACTIVE - neither will receive alert] OR(100.21, Default device: Default System Device parameter set to Yes. Default Division Device parameter set to Yes. Default team recipients from team Default Recipient (TEAM) parameter set to Yes. User's system access is terminated. Potential Orderer-flagged Results recipient: is a potential recipient. Special potential recipients from parameter: is a device recipient. Team potential recipients from team ORB LAST QUEUE DATE ORB LAST EXPIRE ONE TIME MED DISCONTINUED/EDIT ] Order expiring: OUTPATIENT MEDICATIONS UNIT DOSE MEDICATIONS IV MEDICATIONS PATIENT (req'd): Start Date/Time (req'd): End Date/Time (req'd): OR PATIENT ALERTS RECIPIENTS OF ALERT: Recipients of a Kernel Alert RECIPIENTS OF ALERTS FOR PATIENT: Alerts for Enter the display number of the alert whose recipients you wish to review in detail. Patient Alerts OR SELECT ALERTS 1st displayed to recipient: 1st selected by recipient: Processed by recipient: Auto deleted: Forwarded by: Forwarded to recipient: Non-process deletion by: NOTIFICATION (req'd): This notification uses order number to help determine alert recipients. Enter the order number associated with the alert for most accurate results. Order number must be entered as a whole number (e.g. 458829). RECIPIENT(S) FROM PACKAGE WHEN NOTIF WAS TRIGGERED: RECIPIENT(S) ENTERED AT GUI PROMPTS: Processing, please stand by... Determine Notification Recipients Report DETERMINE NOTIFICATION RECIPIENTS REPORT ORY( Report queued. - Report Interrupted - - End of Report - Would you like help understanding the list of notifications Notifications is disabled. No notifications will be processed or delivered. Notification possibilities for a user Notification List for This will take a moment or two, please stand by. Notification ON/OFF For This User and Why The delivery of notifications as alerts is determined from values set for: Users, OE/RR Teams, Service/Sections, Inpatient Locations, Hospital Divisions, Computer System and Order Entry/Results Reporting. Possible values include 'Enabled', 'Disabled' and 'Mandatory'. These values indicate a User's, OE/RR Team's, Service's, Location's, Division's, System's and OERR's desire for the notification to be 'Enabled' (sent under most conditions), 'Disabled' (not sent), or 'Mandatory' (almost always sent.) All values, except the OERR (Order Entry) value, can be set by IRM or Clinical Coordinators. Individual users can set 'Enabled/Disabled/Mandatory' values for each specific notification via the 'Enable/Disable My Notifications' option under the Personal Preferences and Notification Mgmt Menu option menus. 'ON' indicates the user will receive the notification under normal conditions. 'OFF' indicates the user normally will not receive the notification. Notification recipient determination can also be influenced by patient location (inpatients only.) This list does not consider patient location when calculating the ON/OFF value for a notification. Help Message - notification possibilities for a user Notification List Help Message The Lab Threshold Exceeded notification uses lab order results to determine alert recipients. Enter the order number associated with the lab result. is a potential recipient via team is Mandatory.^User value is Mandatory is Enabled.^User value is Enabled is Mandatory.^User's class value is Mandatory is Mandatory.^User's team is Disabled.^User's team value is Disabled is Mandatory.^User's service is Mandatory.^Pt's location is Disabled.^Pt's location is Mandatory, no Pt Location value.^Division is Disabled - no Mandatory values found.^User value is Disabled is Enabled.^User's team value is Enabled is Disabled.^User's service is Enabled.^User's service is Enabled.^Pt's location is Disabled.^Division is Enabled.^Division PSO OERR OR GTX ROUTING LOC.` ORWDPS ROUTING DEFAULT DOSE ORDERED ORWDPS SUPPRESS DISPENSE MSG PS MEDS UD RX IV RX is not authorized to write medication orders. OR OREMAS MED ORDERS RH/LM EN(X PSJ OR PAT OE PSJI OR PAT FLUID OE ORWDSET UD RX PKG. ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING This order has been deleted! Delay release of these orders? Enter NO to release these orders immediately upon signature; YES will delay release of these orders until the specified patient movement occurs. This action is no longer available! This order is already flagged! This order is not flagged! You are not authorized to cancel med orders! Future event orders may not be auto-discontinued! This order has been dc'd due to edit! This order has been cancelled! This order has been verified! This order has been reviewed! This order has not been released to the service. This order has already been released! This patient is not currently admitted! This action is not allowed on an allergy/adverse reaction! You are not authorized to enter med orders! This order has been released! The release event for this order may not be changed! Signed orders may not be delayed to another event! Only outpatient orders may be auto-discontinued! Only inpatient orders may be auto-discontinued! Active Radiology orders cannot be discontinued! Lab orders that have been collected may not be discontinued! Future Send Patient orders may not be auto-discontinued! Consults orders with partial results cannot be discontinued! Active Diets cannot be discontinued; please order a new diet! Orders not on hold cannot be released! orders cannot be released from hold! Orders held by a service must be released from hold through the service! This action is not allowed on a Only Outpatient Med orders may be refilled! Pending orders may not be refilled! Only generic text orders may be completed through this option! This order has not been released! This order does not generate results! This order is already flagged to alert the provider when resulted! Diet orders cannot be held! Lab orders cannot be held! Radiology orders cannot be held! Consult orders cannot be held! This order is already on hold! Only active Pharmacy orders may be held! Discontinue Release Hold Renew This order has been discontinued! This order has been completed! This order has expired! This order has been changed! This order has lapsed! This order has been renewed! This order cannot be released and must be discontinued! This order does not require a signature! This order has been signed! Outpatient meds may not be released without a clinician's signature! You are not privileged to sign this order! You are not authorized to release med orders! You are not authorized to sign med orders! You are no longer authorized to sign med orders! You must have a valid DEA# or VA# to sign this order! This order cannot be released without a Digital Signature TPN orders may not be copied! Orders for inactive orderables may not be transferred; please enter a new order! This drug may not be ordered for an outpatient! This drug may not be ordered for an inpatient! Orders that have been dc'd due to editing may not be copied! TPN orders may not be rewritten! This order has been marked 'Not to be Given' and may not be rewritten! This drug may not be ordered! This order may not be renewed! M.A.S. orders may not be renewed! Missing or invalid order number! Inpatient med orders may not be renewed more than 4 days after expiration! One-time NOW orders may not be renewed! This complex order has already been renewed! This complex order is not active and may not be renewed! Complex orders with sequential doses may not be renewed! Complex orders with terminated doses may not be renewed! This order may not be renewed: Inactive orderable item TPN orders may not be renewed! Orders released to Radiology cannot be changed! Orders released to Lab cannot be changed! Orders released to Dietetics cannot be changed! Orders released to Consults cannot be changed! TPN orders may not be changed! Orders on hold may not be changed! Complex orders may not be changed! This order may not be changed - a order already exists! Unreleased renewals may not be changed! Pending renewals may not be changed! OR GTX DOSE ORDOSE(0) ORDOSE( released from hold. You must be a nurse or clerk to verify these orders! Verifying orders ... not verified. is now All doses of this complex order must be verified together; adding remaining doses to signature list... UNVERIFIED ORDER Nothing completed! Completing orders ... This is part of a complex order, which will be discontinued in its entirety: FIRST DOSE NOW delayed order(s) for the same medication were found: >> delayed until Orders not signed or released to the service will be deleted. Discontinuing orders ... not discontinued. ... discontinue order(s) placed. Do you want to discontinue these orders this order Enter YES to also cancel the delayed order(s), or NO to allow the order(s) to be activated when the designated event occurs. REASON FOR DC: NOTE: NO current diet order exists for this patient! Note: Patient is on a WITHHOLD SERVICE order! Do you wish to resume tray service? Enter YES to resume the previous diet order This order was not released to the service and will be deleted. but signed and will be cancelled. has no more delayed orders. Do you want to cancel this event? Enter NO if you wish to enter new delayed orders for this event, otherwise enter YES to terminate it. event cancelled. Delayed Release Event OR DELAYED ORDERS Review delayed orders? Answer YES to review this patient's delayed orders ORC DELAY ACTIONS Enter the display numbers of the items you wish to act on; a menu of available actions will then be presented for selection. This action is no longer supported. Nothing changed! ... changes cancelled. ... changes placed. This is part of a complex order, which must be renewed in its entirety: OR GTX NOW OR GTX START DATE/TIME ... renewal cancelled. ... order renewed. Enter YES to continue and renew the entire complex order as shown, or NO to quit. This release event has occurred since you started copying delayed orders. The orders that were signed have now been released; this and any other unsigned orders will be released immediately upon signature. ... order cancelled. ... order rewritten. ... hold order placed. ... release hold order placed. (P)lace, (E)dit, or (C)ancel changes? Enter P to save the changes to this order, or E to change any of the displayed values; enter C to quit without changing this order (P)lace or (C)ancel renewal? Enter P to save this renewal or C to quit without renewing this order ORCB NOTIFICATIONS orders found. Enter the display numbers of the orders you wish to act on; select either DT for a detailed listing of information about each order, or the desired action. Enter Q to exit. ORCB ACTIONS ORC #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################