English French Notes Complete/Exclude This report will print all drugs marked for Outpatient use which are non- controlled substances and are not marked to transmit to CMOP. Outpatient Drugs Not Marked to Send To CMOP Report OUTPATIENT DRUGS NOT MARKED TO SEND TO CMOP DO NOT SEND CMOP Re-transmission CONFIRMATION: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: RE-TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION CMOP RE-TRANSMISSION Pharmacy Division : Batch Number : Transmitted by : Total orders/Rx's : Beginning order # : Ending order # : Original Batch # : IS ON HOLD. and has been sent to the automated system and is on hold Please review these transmissions and take appropriate action. CMOP Acknowledgement CMOP Close Transmission CMOP Unhold Transmission CMOP Transmission Processed CMOP Data Transmission Error, There was an error in the transmission of batch # Please contact the BIRMINGHAM ISC for assistance as soon as possible. Transmisssion Information Data collected at sending facility: Beginning msg # Ending msg # Total Rxs Total orders Data received at host facility: It gives you a hard copy of the Outpatient drugs from your local drug file which are not been marked at all OR ones marked as Do Not Transmit CMOP Local Drugs not Marked or Marked as NO Report LOCAL OUTPATIENT DRUGS WHICH ARE NOT MARKED AT ALL OR MARKED AS DO NOT TRANSMIT QUANTITY DISPENSE MESSAGE Print Log on Device: not queued CMOP Interface Log WEST LA CMOP OPERATIONS^554^1^1 Your Kernel Site Parameters File is missing the entry for the your CMOP mailman domain! Please contact the Birmingham CIO Field Office! Unable to determine CMOP setup, contact the Birmingham ISC for assistance. CMOP SYSTEM^550I^1^1 You do not have the PSX Resource device set up. Please read the CMOP Pre-Installation instructions for proper setup. CMOP MANAGERS The Mail Group CMOP MANAGERS must be set up and assigned at least one active user. Initialization complete!! CMOP SYSTEM^550I This install of the Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy software at your medical center requires that you select the CMOP Host Facility which will be receiving your Outpatient Pharmacy prescription data. Select the CMOP to RECEIVE YOUR DATA Validating required RX CONSULT FILE entries...... You must have Outpatient Pharmacy patch PSO*6*148 installed before installing CMOP Software. ...INITIALIZATION ABORTED! You do not have an RX CONSULT FILE........INITIALIZATION ABORTED! Your RX CONSULT File entry # is invalid.!! INITIALIZATION ABORTED! CMOP SYSTEM Enter CMOP System: Purge Status of CMOP Rx Queue does not have any purge data to report. Date/Time of Last Purge: Starting Message Number: Ending Message Number : Total Orders Purged : Enter the date and time to start purge: CMOP Background Purge for CMOP Database file CMOP PROCESSED MSG has transmissions that are marked as processed that have data to go to the vendor. all transmissions processed correctly. marked as processed but has data to send to the vendor. QUERY # MSH|^~\&|DHCP|| SI BAKER DHCP STOPPED QUERY No Response to Bid, DHCP terminated query. MSA| AA| AR| COMPLETED DATE NO CANCELLED REASON STX/EOT NTE|100 QRY1 QRY message never received for query # QRY2 EOT received with no terminator while waiting for QRY message QRY3 EOT received while waiting for QRY message QRY5 Unexpected character received: ) while waiting for QRY message QRY6 Timeout Timer D reading QRY message QRY7 QRY message longer than 240 characters QRY8 QRY message did not end with ETX QRY9 QRY was null QRY10 Timeout reading QRY checksum QRY11 QRY checksum contained an invalid hex digit ( QRY12 QRY checksum does not match QRY13 Message # was rejected by OMCS QRY14 ENQ received with no terminator QRY15 MSA message ID did not match PSXQRYID # expected QRY16 Block count greater than 7. QRY17 Wrong Block count received. QRY18 Maximum retries reached for receiving message. QRY19 Maximum Rxs received, query terminated. QRY20 No activity on line continuing to monitor. The interface must be stopped in order to prioritize the queue!! ********** Queue is empty. ********* CMOP TRANSMISSION QUEUE Accept Sequence Yes - Download in FIFO sequence. No - Set a priority to download to the vendor. RECEIVED DATE ORDERS/RXS Press RETURN to start interface, Reset to Original Sequence Enter priority Accept ENTER BEGINNING TRANSMISSION DATE ENTER ENDING TRANSMISSION DATE Ending date must follow beginning date! DIVNM( DIVDA( CMOP Activity Report Report Queued to Print!! Grand Total Summary FILLED IN CMOP ACTIVITY REPORT names of divisions iens of divisions SELECTION OF DIVISION(S) Is this corrrect ? There is a transmission in progress, try again later. Please wait, checking for data to send. CMOP TRAN A transmission build is in process, try again later Transmission Recovery CMOP Recovery Message CMOP Managers The last CMOP transmission did not complete properly. The data for this transmission will be sent to the CMOP during the next transmission for that division. If you have scheduled auto transmissions for CMOP, please check to see that they are still scheduled for the correct time. This message is just a notification that problems were detected with the last transmission and that the data will be sent to the CMOP facility for processing. Otherwise there is not anything that you need to do. Transmission: Division: CMOP Host: Type: Date/Time: The prescriptions have been reset into CMOP suspense and this transmission has been closed Recovery CMOP Controlled Substances Transmission CS TRANSMISSION NTE|1| ORC|NW ORD# PATIENT RX# FILL DRUG NAME CMOP Review # ENTER BEGINNING DATE: ENTER ENDING DATE: CMOP Rejected Messages Report There were no rejected messages for the date range selected: CMOP Rejected Messages for Transmission # Printed : REJECTED REASON: This option will only release/complete Rx's which have labels printed manually. Enter 'R' to release a prescription that has been filled. Enter 'C' to mark a prescription as not filled. Enter Cancel Reason PREVIOUSLY RELEASED ON not dispensed. the number printed below the barcode. You have chosen CMOP to receive your transmissions. There is no Mailmain Domain entry for . Please add this domain to your system and re-run the CMOP installation. Discontinuing installation.... CMOPH 2.0T5 CMOP Prescription Resubmission Utility Enter the Rx # to resubmit Enter the prescription number you want to send back to the CMOP to be dispensed. either does not exist or is an invalid #. There have been no CMOP transmissions for this Rx. You can not Resubmit it! This Rx cannot be resubmitted. A later fill has already been entered. This prescription has expired. You cannot resubmit it. This Rx has already been resubmitted the maximum allowable times. You cannot resubmit it. This Rx is not eligible for resubmission. The last fill must have a status of 'NOT DISPENSED'. The last fill has been returned as a duplicate. This RX is not eligible for resubmission. The fill # appears to have been canceled. You have chosen Rx # to be resubmitted to the CMOP. Enter Y if you want to send the selected prescription to the CMOP. This is not a CMOP Rx. Make sure the last fill has a Mail routing, the drug is marked for CMOP, etc... - Initiate CMOP Transmission will gather data for the selected date range and transmit to the CMOP. The sender receives a Transmission Confirmation via Mailman when the data transmission is completed. - Print CMOP Labels from Suspense will gather data for the selected date range and print the labels. NO DATA will TRANSMIT to the CMOP. Drugs or items for all labels printed should be filled locally. 5 - Standard Print from Suspense will print all labels for Rx's NOT 'Queued to Send' for the selected date range. All usual outpatient prompts will be displayed. 1 - Reset and Transmit to CMOP will reset entries which have 'printed but not transmitted for the selected date range and automatically transmit data to the CMOP. 2 - Reset and Print CMOP Labels will reset entries which have 'printed but not transmitted' for the selected date range and print labels. There will be NO DATA TRANSMITTED to the CMOP. The Rx's for the labels printed must be filled locally. 3 - Standard Reset and Print Again will reset and print all outpatient labels not 'Queued to Send' and usual outpatient prompts will be displayed. WARNING: There are Rx's currently suspended for CMOP. If you inactivate CMOP processing: 1) These Rx's will not transmit to the CMOP, but will remain in the RX SUSPENSE file. These Rx's cannot be accessed by Outpatient Pharmacy options. Ideally, these Rx's should be transmitted or printed before inactivation takes place. If CMOP processing is activated, these prescriptions can be transmitted. Before inactivating, please have all pharmacy users sign off until inactivation is complete. CMOP Rx's input by users who do not sign off the system will be suspended for CMOP transmission. These Rx's can not be accessed by Outpatient Pharmacy options. If CMOP processing is activated these prescriptions can be transmitted. Your current auto transmission schedule will be cancelled on inactivation. Prescriptions will be processed into are in CMOP suspense and held until either: 1. CMOP transmissions are activated. 2. Outpatient menues are used to pull prescriptions from CMOP suspense. PRINTER 'LABEL' DEVICE: You must select a printer! CMOP Suspense Label Reprinted CMOP Suspense Label Printed PSXERR CMOP Error CS CMOP Print Local encountered the following error. Please investigate Division: Type/Batch Error: This batch has been set to closed. Call NVS to investigate which prescriptions have been printed and which are yet to print. A copy of file 550.1 can be found in ^XTMP( Select (1, 2, 3): 1 - Reset CMOP Batches for Transmission 2 - Reprint CMOP Batches 3 - Standard Reprint Batches from Suspense No - Exits. Yes - Transmits data to the CMOP. Yes - Prints labels. There is another job in process, please try again later. RESET and TRANSMIT CMOP DATA RESET and REPRINT CMOP LABELS **** Date Selection **** BEGIN DATE: ENDING DATE: Begin Date must be before Ending Date! Nothing to Transmit. Nothing to Reprint. DO YOU WISH TO TRANSMIT TO THE CMOP NOW No - Exits the option. Yes - Transmits to the CMOP. DO YOU WISH REPRINT CMOP LABELS NOW Yes - Reprints CMOP labels. TRANSMISSIONS CMOP Transmission Report Summary Enter Begin Date for Report: Enter End Date for Report: Beginning date must be before ending date. NO DEVICE SELECTED Another report No data for the report. S - Provides a report of all transmissions received for the date range entered. Q - Provides a report of all transmissions that are queued to download to the vendor for the date range entered. P - Provides a report of all transmissions that are processed for the date range C - Provides a report of all transmissions that are closed for the date range H - Provides a report of all transmissions that are on hold status for the date range entered. L - Provides a report of all transmissions that were printed for the date range entered. #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################