English French Notes Complete/Exclude No slots remain to file stop codes and CPT procedure codes. CPT code ' ' is not a valid code. Procedure data not added. The desired number of CPT code ' ' have already been filed. Error occurred during add/edit backdoor filing. . Code not processed. ' is not a valid code. Code not processed. Stop code ' ' did not exist for encounter. Nothing to delete. The number of CPT code ' ' to delete was larger than what was entered for encounter. SELECT CLINIC NAME: Patient has restricted consults due to the following team assignment(s): SC CONSULT Team Members will be notified of new enrollments You need the SC CONSULT key to do enrollments for this patient Patient must be a veteran!! Clinic is inactive SCHEDULE TESTS FOR WHICH NUMBERED APPOINTMENT: INVALID ENTRY, MUST BE NUMERIC ENTER A NUMBER BETWEEN 1 AND NOTHING SCHEDULED TEST SCHEDULED) Enter the number that corresponds to the appointment. This appointment has been checked out! Please use Add/Edit stop code functionality to the appropriate test. NOT REBOOKED, PATIENT HAS DIED NOT REBOOKED, NO PATTERN FOUND NOT REBOOKED, NO OPEN SLOTS MULTIPLE APPNTS. ON CANCELLED DATE THIS CLINIC IS MISSING THE INCREMENTS PER HOUR FIELD, CANNOT REBOOK Select CLINIC NAME: AVAILABILITY DATE: Clinic is inactive Availability has been cancelled previously. The day(s) has been overwritten with the new availability. Would you like to see the day(s) that has been affected Dates of Availability Previously Cancelled for Previously Cancelled Availability Dates TIME: [ CANNOT BE EARLIER THAN CLINIC START TIME ] [ MUST BEGIN AFTER LAST ENDING TIME ] [ MUST END AFTER BEGIN TIME ] [ TIME SPAN ENTERED NOT CONSISTENT WITH MIN APPT LENGTH ] DELETE TOO WIDE TO FIT ON 80-CHAR SCREEN! OK FOR [ MUST SCHEDULE APPTS ON 5 MIN BOUNDARIES ] [ MUST ENTER VALID MILITARY TIME FORMATS ] DAYS UNTIL PATTERN FILED! THERE ARE ALREADY APPOINTMENTS PENDING ON THIS DATE ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE EXISTING AVAILABILITY IF YOU SAY YES, THE EXISTING APPOINTMENTS MAY BECOME OVERBOOKS WHEN THE NEW AVAILABILITY IS APPLIED HAS PENDING APPTS - DELETE AVAILABILITY NOT ALLOWED Clinic is inactive from ENTER THE DATE THIS CLINIC BECOMES AVAILABLE TO SEE PATIENTS THE DATE ENTERED WILL BE THE FIRST DATE THAT APPOINTMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR THIS CLINIC CLINIC MEETS AT THIS FACILITY? M:MEDICINE;S:SURGERY;P:PSYCHIATRY;R:REHAB MEDICINE;N:NEUROLOGY;0:NONE; NON-COUNT CLINIC? (Y OR N) INCLUDE ON FILE ROOM LISTS? STOP CODE NUMBER AT;1 DEFAULT APPOINTMENT TYPE RAD;1 REQUIRE X-RAY FILMS? PS;1 REQUIRE ACTION PROFILES? LTR;1 NO SHOW LETTER VA(407.5, LTR;2 PRE-APPOINTMENT LETTER LTR;3 CLINIC CANCELLATION LETTER LTR;4 APPT. CANCELLATION LETTER ASK FOR CHECK IN/OUT TIME PC;1 DEFAULT TO PC PRACTITIONER? WORKLOAD VALIDATION AT CHK OUT SDP;1 ALLOWABLE CONSECUTIVE NO-SHOWS SDP;2 MAX # DAYS FOR FUTURE BOOKING SL;3 HOUR CLINIC DISPLAY BEGINS SDP;3 START TIME FOR AUTO REBOOK MUST NOT BE EARLIER THAN CLINIC START TIME SDP;4 MAX # DAYS FOR AUTO-REBOOK SL;8 SCHEDULE ON HOLIDAYS? SDPROT;1 PROHIBIT ACCESS TO CLINIC? PRIVILEGED USER PHYSICAL LOCATION SL;5 SL;7 OVERBOOKS/DAY MAXIMUM SL;1 RNJ2,0X LENGTH OF APP'T SL;2 VARIABLE APP'NTMENT LENGTH V:YES, VARIABLE LENGTH; SL;6 DISPLAY INCREMENTS PER HOUR DEFAULT PROVIDER A default provider has already been assigned for this clinic. DEFAULT DIAGNOSIS A default diagnosis has already been assigned for this clinic. MP200'X# CANCEL ' ' FOR WHAT DATE: APPOINTMENTS HAVE ALREADY BEEN CANCELLED CLINIC DOES NOT MEET ON THAT DAY NO APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULED FIRST, I'LL LIST THE EXISTING APPOINTMENTS WANT TO CANCEL THE WHOLE DAY WANT TO CANCEL PART OF THE DAY STARTING TIME: ENDING TIME: Ending time must be greater than starting time YOU MAY ENTER A MESSAGE CONCERNING THE CANCELLATION HERE CANCELLED UNTIL CANCELLED! WANT TO AUTO-REBOOK APPOINTMENTS NOW WANT LETTERS PRINTED NOW NO LETTERS ARE ASSIGNED TO THE AUTO-REBOOKING NOT ALLOWED FOR THIS CLINIC does not have an appointment length indicated. The cancelled appointment(s) were rescheduled as follows: Clinic Pre-cancellation list APPT TIME Clinic already has the following cancellation(s) for that date: Do you want to Cancel another portion of the day Ending time must be later than starting time! Enter a time after starting time for clinic and which is a valid time for clinic. DAY STARTS AT Time frame selected overlaps previously cancelled time frame! The cancelled appointments have been rescheduled as follows: At least one appointment has been checked out in the time period selected. As a result, to avoid the loss of workload credit, you are not allowed to cancel availability for this time period. MULTIPLE APPNTS. ON CANCELLED DATE CANCELLED CLINIC AUTO-REBOOK REPORT CLINIC HAS NO NAME CLINIC CANCELLED: NEW DATE/TIME >>> Patient not enrolled in ' >>> Patient is not actively enrolled in any clinics. PATIENT ALREADY DISCHARGED FROM ' ***Discharging patient from PATIENT HAS FUTURE APPOINTMENT(S) IN THIS CLINIC ALREADY Discharged from clinic !! PATIENT NOT ENROLLED IN ANY CLINICS!! Appointment at This patient has no appointments scheduled today. Do you want to add a new 'unscheduled' appointment' INPATIENT APPOINTMENT LIST FOR WHICH DIVISION: FOR WARD (TYPE 'ALL' FOR ALL WARDS): ENTER A WARD NAME OR ALL FOR ALL WARDS Start date must be in the future INPATIENT APPOINTMENT LIST NO MATCHES FOUND! OTHER INFORMATION Select 'As of' Date: A date must be entered here to get a 'snapshot' of the clinic's enrollment as of this date. Date can not be in future. on date selected Do you want the report for active patients only Respond (Y)es for a report of only patients with future appointments Respond (N)o for a report which also includes patients who are enrolled, but have no future appointments Sort by (C)linic or (S)top Code?: Select Stop Code: ALL// Enter C to select and sort by clinic or S to sort and select by a stop code Valid responses: A clinic name or abbreviation A range of clinics separated by two dashes (example: GEN MED--GEN MEDZ will report all clinics whose names start GEN MED) 'ALL' to report all clinics Hit return when done selecting clinics Enter a stop code or 'All' for all stop codes SDMT1( NOT REQ NSC MT COPAY EXEMPT As of Date: CLINIC ASSIGNMENT LISTING Stop Code * = Enrolled and active as of + = Enrolled as of with no future appts. NUMBER OF ACTIVE PATIENTS : NUMBER OF ENROLLED PATIENTS (NO FUTURE APPOINTMENTS) : Eligibility Code Totals: Means Test Category Totals: CATEGORY B GMT COPAY REQUIRD REQUIRED (NOT DONE) INCLUDE CANCELLATIONS AND/OR NO-SHOWS Responding 'N' will exclude appts cancelled by cancelling availability and all no-showed appts. FOR INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT LISTINGS: * --APPTS CANCELLED WHEN CLINIC WAS *** --UNSCHEDULED VISIT Clinic --inactive CLINIC AVAILABILITY REPORT^CLINIC^PAGE# THIS CLINIC DOES NOT HAVE APPT. LENGTH No appointments scheduled PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE OR ^ TO QUIT FOR CLINIC AVAILABILITY PATTERNS: --denote available slots where j=10,k=11...z=26 --denote overbooks with A being the first slot to be overbooked and B being the second for that same time, etc. --denote overbooks or appts. that fall outside of a clinic's regular hours CLINIC LIST BY DOW FOR WHICH DIVISION: CLINIC LIST BY DAY OF WEEK AS OF *C* = CLINIC CURRENTLY MEETS ON THIS DAY *F* = CLINIC WILL MEET IN THE FUTURE ON THIS DAY CLINIC: No appointments scheduled for this patient. Enter CLINIC: There are no appointments for this patient to this clinic. Enter APPOINTMENT DATE/TIME: Appointment Made By Date Appointment Made UNSCHED. VISIT Appt. Cancelled to make this appt. Appointment Status No-show/Cancelled By No-show/Cancel Date/Time Cancellation Remarks Rescheduled for No appointments on date selected. Enter a number 1- (1) '??' to see a list of appointments. (2) Date alone to see appointments for this patient to this clinic on a date. (3) A valid appointment date after JAN 1, 1982. is currently an inpatient! The rescheduled appointment(s) follow: has the following cancelled appointment(s) in but no letter is assigned to the clinic DO YOU WANT TO CANCEL (P)AST OR (F)UTURE APPOINTMENTS? F// Enter a P to cancel past appointments or F to cancel future appointments APPOINTMENTS CANCELLED BY (P)ATIENT OR BY (C)LINIC? P// Enter a P for by Patient or a C for by Clinic Must be 3 to 160 characters in length NO CONTROL CHARACTERS READY TO CANCEL DISPLAY APPTS STARTING WITH DATE: FIRST// SELECT APPOINTMENTS TO BE CANCELLED OR HIT RETURN TO CONTINUE DISPLAY has a check out date and cannot be cancelled. *** JUST CANCELLED *** JUST CANCELLED DELETED CLINIC NOTHING CANCELLED NO AUTO-REBOOKING --Patient has died. DO YOU WISH TO REBOOK ANY APPOINTMENT(S) THAT YOU HAVE CANCELLED PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST ENTER A DEVICE TO AUTO-REBOOK DEVICE TO OUTPUT REBOOKED APPT(S). : Max days for rebooking= SELECT APPOINTMENT(S) TO BE REBOOKED DO YOU WISH TO PRINT LETTERS FOR THE CANCELLED APPOINTMENT(S) SDCL#^DUZ^DFN^DT^A^SDWH SDCL#^NDATE^A^GDATE^DT^DUZ NOTHING REBOOKED There is no appointment number ANSWER (Y)ES OR (N)O IN START REBOOKING FROM WHAT DATE: Exceeds maximum number of days for rebooking in NO REBOOKING ALLOWED FOR Appt. in NOT CANCELLED Access to this clinic is restricted to only privileged users! Clinic is not assigned a letter The appointment(s) have been rescheduled as follows: CANCELLED AND AUTO-REBOOKED REPORT FOR: CANCELLED BY: CANCELLED APPT. NEW DATE NOT REBOOKED SDCO CHECK OUT GAF Score: New GAF Required Checked Out: #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################