English French Notes Complete/Exclude PROCEDURE 1 PR;2 PROCEDURE 2 PR;3 PROCEDURE 3 PR;4 PROCEDURE 4 PR;5 PROCEDURE 5 Variables must be defined, edit using option. User not defined. CPT/HCPCS Code Synonyms RAM Group Reimbursement Local Cost RAM Reimbursement: Local Cost: CPT/HCPCS RAM GROUP Weight [1 - low ; 4 - high] ) inactivated as of 1/31/94... The following will provide a listing which will include patients that have an inactive enrollment with no date of discharge. Because the date of discharge cannot be automatically determined, the dates of discharge will have to be entered manually via the 'Edit Clinic Enrollment Data' option. Enrollment Information Report Patients with inactive enrollments and no Date of Discharge No inactive enrollments with missing discharge dates found. >>> Setting API Notification Parameters... >>> Adding Scheduling to Visit Parameters files... ...successfully added with value of 'ACTIVE FLAG' set to ' ...NOTE: Unable to add Scheduling. >>> Set API Notification Parameters... >>> Enabling New CPT Protocols SDCO CPT SDAM CPT ** Unable to find SDCO CPT in PROTOCOL file (#101) >>> Deleting Provider screen on file 44 ... >>> Changing CDR numbers in CLINIC STOP CODE FILE (#40.7)... ) inactivated as of 10/1/94... CDR ACCOUNT NUMBER: >>>Adding entries to the OUTPATIENT CLASSIFICATION STOP CODE EXCEPTION Stop code ...could not be added...try again later. ...added to file ...already in file. ...as of 10/1/95. >>> Adding new Clinic Stops (DSS IDs) to CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... [NOTE: These Stop Codes CANNOT be used UNTIL 4/1/03] >>> Inactivating Clinic Stops (DSS IDs) in CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... [NOTE: These Stop Codes CANNOT be used AFTER the indicated inactivation date] >>> Changing Clinic Stop (DSS ID) names in CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... >>> Changing CDR numbers in CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... >>> Reactivating Clinic Stops (DSS IDs) in CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... >>> Changing Restriction Data in CLINIC STOP File (#40.7)... Added: Restricted Type: Restricted Date: already exists. Inactivated: Reactivated: Changed: Changed: <> PATIENT FILE ENROLLMENT CLINIC CLEAN-UP >>> UNABLE TO QUEUE THIS JOB. The Patient file Enrollment Clinic clean-up began on ** Please delete the SDYR* routines at this time. ** Patient File Enrollment Clinic Clean-up Complete SD-AMB-PROC-LIST COST DISTRIBUTION CENTER^651OI^0^0 Checking for invalid clinics. is an invalid Clinic. NO invalid Clinics were found!!! Do you wish to delete these invalid clinics now to delete all invalid clinics or to continue with the initialization. Are you sure you want to delete all the invalid Clinics now to delete the clinics or is an INVALID CLINIC. Deleted ...... These entries need to be deleted or changed to avoid future problems. The invalid clinics in file (650.1 Clinic Subfile) can be deleted now or after the init process by running the routine CHECK^SOWCPOI at the programmer prompt. ALL CASES STARTING FROM: ALL CASES ENDING: Enter Supervisor's last name: RCH REGISTRY REPORT RCH PATIENT REGISTRY COMPLETE: ALL CASES PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE or '^' TO EXIT: HOME: SOCIAL WORKER: MEDICAL/SURGICAL ORGANIC & SENILE PRIOR LIVING: CLOSED: OTHER INSTITUTIONAL DISP: LEVEL OF CARE: SUMMARY: ALL CASES HOME NAME SOCIAL WORKER COMPILING RCH 10-0173 AMIS DATA RCH 10-0173 RECORDS TRANSMITTED TO AUSTIN> RCH 10-0173 AMIS DATA MESSAGE NO.: XXX@Q-RHC.VA.GOV ALL CASES STARTING FROM: ENDING: SELECT SUPERVISOR: WARNING !!! This report is formatted for 132 columns and will be difficult to read if printed to the screen. REGISTRY REPORT FOR A INDIVIDUAL SUPERVISOR REGISTRY REPORT - INDIVIDUAL SUPERVISOR (CLOSED CASES) (OPENED CASES) (ALL CASES) CASE NAME CDC LOCATION OPEN DATE CLOSE DATE SELECT WORKER: REGISTRY REPORT FOR A INDIVIDUAL WORKER REGISTRY REPORT - INDIVIDUAL WORKER REGISTRY REPORT FOR ALL WORKERS REGISTRY REPORT - ALL WORKERS REGISTRY REPORT FOR ALL SUPERVISOR REGISTRY REPORT - ALL SUPERVISORS This report will identify any incomplete Social Work cases. SOCIAL WORK CASE CORRECTION Searching for incomplete cases There were no incomplete cases found in your Social Work Case file. Incomplete Case Information Report Incomplete Case Information Report.... is incomplete. This routine will delete any incomplete or incorrect case data in the Social Work files (650)(655)(655.2). After correcting the data, file (650) will be reindexed. to delete the data, associated with incomplete cases, from the Case (650), RCH (655), and ASSESSMENT (655.2) files. PRINTOUT MUST BE SENT TO PRINTER !! These patients were associated with incomplete case openings. The incomplete records were probably a direct result of exiting, out of the Open Case option at the RCH prompts. There were no incomplete cases located within your case file (650). Do you want Single level sort (S) Multiple level sort (M): S// 'S' for single level sort 'M' for multiple level sort SINGLE LEVEL SORT MULTIPLE LEVEL SORT COMMUNITY RESOURCE MODULE REPORT AGENCY: STREET ADDRESS 1: STREET ADDRESS 2: CITY: STATE: COUNTY: PHONE NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER #2: FAX NUMBER: HOURS: ELIGIBILITY: FEES: REFERRAL: DATE OF INFO: VA LIAISON: SPECIAL POPULATION: AD will stand for ADDICTION DA will stand for DAY CARE EM will stand for EMPLOYMENT FI will stand for FINANCES FO will stand for FOOD HE will stand for HEALTH HO will stand for HOUSING IH will stand for IN HOME SERVICES IN will stand for INFORMATION/REFERRALS LE will stand for LEGAL MH will stand for MENTAL HEALTH SH will stand for SELF HELP SP will stand for SP ED/RECREATION TR will stand for TRANSPORTATION VO will stand for VOLUNTEER SINGLE LEVEL SORT Select By: Agency Enter two or more characters: MULTIPLE SORT COMMUNITY RESOURCE MODULE PRINT OPTION CO for COUNTY AG for AGENCY CI for CITY ZI for ZIP TY for TYPE SOCIAL WORK COST DISTRIBUTION FTEE REPORT COST DISTRIBUTION CENTER FTEE REPORT FOR ALL DIVISIONS SERVICE CLINICAL REPORT - SOCIAL WORK ELIG. CAT. AGE RANGE DIRECT SERVICES Social Work Information Management System Service Clinical Report Reporting Period CUTOFF DATE: ALL CASES ON OR BEFORE DO YOU WANT THIS OPTION QUEUED Option to Purge Case Management Data (files 650 and 655) Purge Case Management Data option Queued to run RECORDS DELETED> SELECT CASE: CLINICAL REPORT FOR A INDIVIDUAL SUPERVISOR CLINICAL REPORT - INDIVIDUAL SUPERVISOR REPORTING PERIOD CLINICAL REPORT FOR A INDIVIDUAL WORKER CLINICAL REPORT - INDIVIDUAL WORKER SELECT PATIENT: INCOMPLETE CLOSING INFORMATION!! INFORMATION DELETED. DO YOU WANT TO CLOSE ANOTHER CASE INCOMPLETE CLOSING DATA!! DATA DELETED. INCOMPLETE CLOSING DATA!! DATA DELETED. The Closing Note Summary in the Data Base Assessment file must be complete before attempting to close case !! SPECIAL POPULATION REPORT - SOCIAL WORK SPECIAL PATIENT POPULATION: Special Patient Population Report CLINICAL SUMMARY FOR ALL SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORY CLINICAL SUMMARY - ALL SUPERVISORS (CLOSED CASES) (OPENED CASES) (ALL CASES) CLINICAL SUMMARY FOR ALL WORKERS SOCIAL WORKER CLINICAL SUMMARY - ALL WORKERS (CLOSED CASES) (OPENED CASES) (ALL CASES) POSSIBLE HIGH RISK PATIENTS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN SEEN BY SOCIAL WORK SERVICE POSSIBLE HIGH RISK PATIENT(S) THAT HAVE NOT BEEN SEEN BY SOCIAL WORK SERVICE ADMIT DATE/TIME SOCIAL WORK CASE^650OI^0^0 SOCIAL WORK PATIENT^655OP^0^0 INITIALIZATION ROUTINE FINISHED ! Enter Social Worker's last name: MS: RCH INQUIRY REPORT HOME REGISTRY FOR A SINGLE WORKER: LAST ASSESSMENT DATE: NUMBER OF BEDS: ADDRESS 1: ADDRESS 2: TELEPHONE 1: TELEPHONE 2: LICENSED BY STATE ?: VETS ONLY ?: Data Base Assessment Profile SOCIAL WORK DATA BASE/ASSESSMENT Referral Date: Demographic 1. Date of Admission: 2. Date of Previous Admission: 3. Veteran's Home Address: PATIENT ADDRESS UNAVAILABLE ADDRESS: WORK #: 6. Veteran's date of birth: 7. Veteran's place of birth: 11. Veteran's religious preference: II. Employment/Financial 1. Veteran's employment status: Veteran's Name: WARD NO.: BED-SECTION: , Social Worker Social Work Service Reports and Summaries 10-9034 VAF VICE 10-1349 2. Usual Occupation: 3. Present Source of Funds: Total Income: _________ HB: _________ Employment:__________ Social Security: _________ VA Pension: _________ Retirement: _________ SSI: _________ VA Compensation: _________ Other Disability:_________ None:________ Other: _________ 4. Potential source of other financial resources: 6. Potential Employability: 7. Insurance Coverage: 8. Employment/Financial Assessment: LESS THAN 6^6 - 12^12 - 16^MORE THAN 16 III. Education: #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################