English French Notes Complete/Exclude You may not ATTACH this to an ID note. You may not DETACH this You may not detach this note from its interdisciplinary note. Do you want to detach it Entry not detached. Entry detached. ** Entry detached ** ** Entry not detached ** You cannot attach these notes; they do not have the same patient. Please reselect the child and choose a different parent. ** Note not attached ** ** Note attached to Enter '??' or '???' for additional details. The Following Statuses are defined: The Following Indicators are defined: '+' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates that a report has addenda. '*' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates '<' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates an interdisciplinary note, which can be expanded to show entries. '>' to the left of the Title or Patient's name indicates that the note is an entry of an interdisciplinary note. These will appear at the top of the list. TIU Health Summary Object. No Health Summary Type Found Select Entry: (1- No HS Object found. Create new HS Object now? Enter OBJECT NAME: TIUHS EDIT --- Create TIU/Health Summary Object --- Enter a New TIU OBJECT NAME: This is the technical name, 3-54* characters, not starting with punctuation. Name must be unique among all object Names, Abbreviations, and Print Names. Any lower case characters will automatically be changed to uppercase. will be appended to the name entered to differentiate how the object was created. Example: OBJECT becomes OBJECT (TIU) Enter RETURN to abort TIU Object creation... The object name Object Name: Use a pre-existing Health Summary Object with Health Summary... that name already exists. Enter the name of the Health Summary Object: Create a TIU Object named: TIU Object creation failed. The following error message was returned: TIU Object created successfully. You are not the owner - cannot edit name! TIUHS OBJ DISPLAY Detailed Display for ?? More Actions HS Object Customized Header Blank Line After Header Can't edit this HS Object: Only the owner can edit this HS Object Can't edit this National Object ***WARNING*** By changing the HS Type this will change the output data. Enter HEALTH SUMMARY TYPE: Detailed Display/Edit for Invalid Health Summary Type IEN Invalid Health Summary Object IEN Can't edit this TIU Object: Only the owner can edit this TIU Object Changing the HS Object will change the output data and may change the HS Type. Enter HEALTH SUMMARY OBJECT: Can't edit this National Object. Can't edit this HS object: Only the owner can edit this HS object. ***WARNING*** Changing the HS Type will change the output data. 'TIU BROWSE FOR CLINICIAN' List Template... TIU BROWSE FOR CLINICIAN^1^^^5^17^1^1^Document^TIU BROWSE MENU CLINICIAN^Browse Document 'TIU BROWSE FOR MGR' List Template... TIU BROWSE FOR MGR TIU BROWSE FOR MGR^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU BROWSE MENU MGR^Browse Document 'TIU BROWSE FOR MRT' List Template... TIU BROWSE FOR MRT^1^^^5^18^1^1^^TIU BROWSE MENU MRT^Browse Document 'TIU BROWSE FOR READ ONLY' List Template... TIU BROWSE FOR READ ONLY^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU BROWSE MENU READ ONLY^Browse Document 'TIU CHANGE TITLE' List Template... TIU CHANGE TITLE TIU CHANGE TITLE^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU CHANGE TITLE^Change Document Title 'TIU COMPLETE NOTES' List Template... TIU COMPLETE NOTES TIU COMPLETE NOTES^1^^^5^20^1^1^Progress Note^TIU COMPLETE NOTES MENU^Complete Notes 'TIU COPY DOCUMENT' List Template... TIU COPY DOCUMENT TIU COPY DOCUMENT^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU COPY^Copy Document 'TIU DISPLAY AUDIT TRAIL' List Template... TIU DISPLAY AUDIT TRAIL^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU BROWSE MENU READ ONLY^Detailed Display 'TIU DISPLAY FILING EVENT' List Template... TIU DISPLAY FILING EVENT TIU DISPLAY FILING EVENT^1^^110^4^18^1^1^Event^TIU ERROR RESOLUTION MENU^Detailed Display 'TIU EDIT ADDENDUM' List Template... TIU EDIT ADDENDUM^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU EDIT ADDENDUM^Edit Addendum 'TIU LINK TO PROBLEM' List Template... TIU LINK TO PROBLEM TIU LINK TO PROBLEM^1^^^4^18^1^1^Problem^TIU ACTION MENU LINK TO PROBLEM^Active Problems^1 'TIU OE/RR REVIEW PN' List Template... TIU OE/RR REVIEW PN TIU OE/RR REVIEW PN^1^^80^5^19^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU OE/RR^Progress Notes^4^^1 REF DATE^56^14^Date/Time 'TIU REASSIGN' List Template... TIU REASSIGN TIU REASSIGN^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU REASSIGN^Reassign Document 'TIUFT ITEMS EDIT/VIEW CLIN' List Template... TIUFT ITEMS EDIT/VIEW CLIN^1^^123^5^18^1^1^ITEM^TIUFT ACTION MENU EDIT/VIEW ITEMS^Items^1^^1 'TIUFT ITEMS VIEW MGR/CLIN' List Template... TIUFT ITEMS VIEW MGR/CLIN^1^^123^5^18^1^1^ITEM^TIUFT ACTION MENU VIEW ITEMS^Items^1^^1 'TIUFX BOILERPLATE TEXT' List Template... TIUFX BOILERPLATE TEXT^1^^80^4^18^1^1^^TIUFX ACTION MENU MGR^Boilerplate Text^^^1 'TIUFX BOILERPLATE TEXT VIEW' List Template... TIUFX BOILERPLATE TEXT VIEW^1^^80^4^18^1^1^^TIUFX ACTION MENU VIEW^Boilerplate Text^^^1 'TIU REVIEW BY PATIENT & TITLE' List Template... TIU REVIEW BY PATIENT & TITLE TIU REVIEW BY PATIENT & TITLE^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU PT/TTL REVIEW^Progress Notes PATIENT NAME^6^14^Patient REF DATE^53^8^Ref Date SIG DATE^82^8^Completed LAST I/LAST 4^20^7^^^0 DOCUMENT TYPE^28^24^Document^^1 'TIU REVIEW BY TITLE' List Template... TIU REVIEW BY TITLE TIU REVIEW BY TITLE^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU TITLE REVIEW^Progress Notes by Title 'TIU REVIEW DS CLINICIAN' List Template... TIU REVIEW DS CLINICIAN TIU REVIEW DS CLINICIAN^1^^135^4^17^1^1^Discharge Summary^TIU ACTION MENU CLINICIAN^Discharge Summaries 'TIU REVIEW DS MGR' List Template... TIU REVIEW DS MGR TIU REVIEW DS MGR^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Discharge Summary^TIU ACTION MENU MGR REVIEW^Discharge Summaries DISCH DATE^72^8^Disch'd DICT DATE^82^8^Dictated LINE COUNT^92^5^Lines ADMISSION DATE^62^8^Admitted LAST I/LAST 4^20^8^^^1 DOCUMENT TYPE^29^31^Document 'TIU REVIEW DS MRT' List Template... TIU REVIEW DS MRT TIU REVIEW DS MRT^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Discharge Summary^TIU ACTION MENU MRT REVIEW^Discharge Summaries 'TIU REVIEW FILING ERRORS' List Template... TIU REVIEW FILING ERRORS TIU REVIEW FILING ERRORS^1^^^5^18^1^1^Error^TIU ACTION MENU ERRORS^FILING ERRORS PROCESS ID^4^12^Process ID ERROR DATE/TIME^17^17^Error Date/time RESOL DATE/TIME^36^17^Resol Date/time USER NAME^55^24^User Name 'TIU REVIEW FILING EVENTS' List Template... TIU REVIEW FILING EVENTS^1^^115^4^20^1^1^Event^TIU ACTION MENU UPLOAD EVENTS^Filing Events EVENT DATE/TIME^65^15^Event Date/time RESOL DATE/TIME^82^15^Resol Date/time USER NAME^99^16^User Name DOCUMENT TYPE^6^36^Document Type^^1 EVENT TYPE^44^19^Event Type 'TIU REVIEW PN CLINICIAN' List Template... TIU REVIEW PN CLINICIAN TIU REVIEW PN CLINICIAN^1^^135^4^17^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU CLINICIAN^Progress Notes 'TIU REVIEW PN MGR' List Template... TIU REVIEW PN MGR TIU REVIEW PN MGR^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU MGR REVIEW^Progress Notes 'TIU REVIEW PN MRT' List Template... TIU REVIEW PN MRT TIU REVIEW PN MRT^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU MRT REVIEW^Progress Notes 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN CLINICIAN' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN CLINICIAN TIU REVIEW SCREEN CLINICIAN^1^^135^4^17^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU CLINICIAN^Clinical Documents^ PATIENT NAME^6^14^Patient^^ REF DATE^60^8^Ref Date DOCUMENT TYPE^28^31^Document^^1 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN DS UNSIGNED' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN DS UNSIGNED TIU REVIEW SCREEN DS UNSIGNED^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Discharge Summary^TIU ACTION MENU CLINICIAN^Discharge Summaries 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN MGR' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN MGR TIU REVIEW SCREEN MGR^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU MGR REVIEW^CLINICAL DOCUMENTS 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN MRT' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN MRT TIU REVIEW SCREEN MRT^1^^145^4^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU MRT REVIEW^CLINICAL DOCUMENTS 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN PN UNSIGNED' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN PN UNSIGNED TIU REVIEW SCREEN PN UNSIGNED^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Progress Note^TIU ACTION MENU CLINICIAN^Progress Notes 'TIU REVIEW SCREEN READ ONLY' List Template... TIU REVIEW SCREEN READ ONLY TIU REVIEW SCREEN READ ONLY^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU READ-ONLY^Clinical Documents LAST I/LAST 4^20^7 DOCUMENT TYPE^28^31^Document 'TIU SEARCH LIST MGR' List Template... TIU SEARCH LIST MGR TIU SEARCH LIST MGR^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU MGR^CLINICAL DOCUMENTS LAST I/LAST 4^20^7^^^ 'TIU SEARCH LIST MRT' List Template... TIU SEARCH LIST MRT TIU SEARCH LIST MRT^1^^135^4^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU MRT^CLINICAL DOCUMENTS 'TIU SEND BACK' List Template... TIU SEND BACK TIU SEND BACK^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU SEND BACK^REVIEW/SEND BACK 'TIU SIGN ON CHART' List Template... TIU SIGN ON CHART TIU SIGN ON CHART^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU SIGN ON CHART^Sign On Chart 'TIU SIGN/COSIGN' List Template... TIU SIGN/COSIGN TIU SIGN/COSIGN^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU SIGN/COSIGN^SIGN/COSIGN 'TIU VERIFY' List Template... TIU VERIFY TIU VERIFY^1^^^5^18^1^1^Document^TIU ACTION MENU VERIFY^Verify Document 'TIUFA SORT DDEFS CLIN' List Template... TIUFA SORT DDEFS CLIN^1^^186^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFA ACTION MENU CLIN^Sort Docmt Definitions^1^^1 'TIUFA SORT DDEFS MGR' List Template... TIUFA SORT DDEFS MGR^1^^195^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFA ACTION MENU MGR^Sort Docmt Definitions^1^^1 'TIUFC CREATE DDEFS MGR' List Template... TIUFC CREATE DDEFS MGR^1^^188^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFC ACTION MENU^Create Document Definitions^1^^1 'TIUFD DISPLAY CLIN' List Template... TIUFD DISPLAY CLIN^1^^80^4^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFD ACTION MENU CLIN^Detailed Display^1^^1 'TIUFD DISPLAY MGR' List Template... TIUFD DISPLAY MGR^1^^80^4^18^1^1^^TIUFD ACTION MENU MGR^Detailed Display^1^^1 'TIUFD DISPLAY VIEW' List Template... TIUFD DISPLAY VIEW^1^^80^4^18^1^1^^TIUFD ACTION MENU VIEW^Detailed Display^1^^1 'TIUFDJ DISPLAY OBJECT MGR' List Template... TIUFDJ DISPLAY OBJECT MGR^1^^80^4^18^1^1^^TIUFDJ ACTION MENU MGR^Detailed Display^1^^1 'TIUFH EDIT DDEFS CLIN' List Template... TIUFH EDIT DDEFS CLIN^1^^179^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFH ACTION MENU CLIN^Edit Document Definitions^1^^1 'TIUFH EDIT DDEFS MGR' List Template... TIUFH EDIT DDEFS MGR^1^^188^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFH ACTION MENU MGR^Edit Document Definitions^1^^1 'TIUFJ OBJECTS CLIN' List Template... TIUFJ OBJECTS CLIN^1^^157^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFJ ACTION MENU CLIN^Objects^1^^1 'TIUFJ OBJECTS MGR' List Template... TIUFJ OBJECTS MGR^1^^166^5^18^1^1^Entry^TIUFJ ACTION MENU MGR^Objects^1^^1 'TIUFT ITEMS ADD/EDIT/VIEW MGR' List Template... TIUFT ITEMS ADD/EDIT/VIEW MGR^1^^123^5^18^1^1^Item^TIUFT ACTION MENU ADD/EDIT/VIEW ITEMS^Items^1^^1 OR enter Return for ALL services. This Service has already been selected. TIU REVIEW SCREEN MENU Transcrip Date [Time]: Select SERVICE CATEGORY The Document Class has no active titles at present... Where SUBJECT CONTAINS Select HOSPITAL LOCATION Select SEARCH CATEGOR --- Search Categories --- SINGLE ITEM Other title Available Do you wish to see any of these notes Please specify a date range from which to select LAST,FI One found within date range... Choose one or more Select AUTHOR Please Select the TITLES to search for: There is only one TITLE under Please Specify Sort Order: A:ascending (OLDEST FIRST);D:descending (NEWEST FIRST) Enter DATE AND TIME of the note [TIME REQUIRED] (future dates prohibited). Edit (L)ist, (D)efault TITLE, or (B)oth? Personal Title List for Press to see more titles, '^' to exit personal list, or CHOOSE is not an ACTIVE title. Please choose another. You may want to remove it from your list... Check with your Clinical Application Coordinator. Please choose another title. Exiting NUMBERED personal list. Please select other title by NAME: Other Title Gathering Laboratory Data. Gathering Allergy Data. Patient has answered NKA Allergies Unknown AMTH DD, CCYY@HR:MIN:SEC MEDICAL RECORDS TECHNICIAN CHIEF, MIS MEDICAL STUDENT Movement data doesn't exist for admission, can't create Correct VISIT PROGRESS NOTE CONSULT RESULT Date/time of Admission: Visit: Date/time of Note: Author of Note: GMP(757.01, DD(8925.9, Use 'Edit Electronic Signature Code' option on Secondary Menu under User's Toolbox. Only authorized PROVIDERS may sign. Contact IRM for PROVIDER Key allocation. SAVED - WITHOUT SIGNATURE > You are now selecting ONE interdisciplinary parent note. Acting on line as your parent note selection. Outpatient Pharmacy 7.0 Required for this Object. PSO*7.0*20 Outpatient Pharmacy Patch PSO*7.0*20 is required for this Object. PSJ*5.0*22 Inpatient Pharmacy Patch PSJ*5.0*22 is required for this Object. ACTIVE (S) No Medications Found (By Class) (By Drug Class) ====== Drug Class Unknown ====== Drug Class: #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################