English French Notes Complete/Exclude Z SEGMENT is null MFI CODE is null PRE-UPDATE ROUTINE is null POST-UPDATE ROUTINE is null MAIL GROUP is null MFE ID & ALT ID field and codsys required MFE PKV X-REF required MFE PKV types are null ASSIGNING AUTHORITY is null is pointer EXTENDED POINTER LKUP is NULL missing FIELD NUMBER MULT IEN FUNCTION is null SUBFILE KEY LKUP/KEY SEQ mismatch SUBFILE null with subfile parameters XUMF get using MFS 1IFN not valid MFS in XUMF 1IEN not valid MFS in XUMF 1type not support by MFS in XUMF XUMF MFR^XUMF XUMF MFQ XUMF MFS XUMF Load DOD DMIS ID's XUMF ARRAY XUMF IMF EDIT STATUS XUMF LOAD INSTITUTION Patch XU*8*335 clean 4.1 and 4 XUMF333 clean 4.1 and 4 HEALTH CARE SYSTEM DUZ not defined. Please log on. MISSING DATA - please fix is okay is MISSING DATA - please fix IEN null STATE is missing Physical address St. line 1 missing Physical address City missing Physical address ZIP missing Physical address St. line 2 missing Mailing address St. line 1 missing Mailing address City missing Mailing address State missing Mailing address ZIP missing Mailing address St. line 2 missing FACILITY TYPE is missing FACILITY TYPE is not NATIONAL OFFICIAL VA NAME is missing Inactive facility NAME not ZZ'd XUMF 4.1 ...getting Facility Types - wait please 5 min... ...getting Institutions - wait please 10 min... ...connecting with master file server... Connection to master file server failed! XUMF NAME No duplicates to select from! Pointed to by HL7 Logical Link *select other entry* XUMF XUMF DSTA XUMF TMP INSTITUTION NAME ***No duplicates*** This action will auto-delete local/duplicate station numbers. deleting duplicate station number from IEN: deleting local station number XUMF LLCL FACILITY TYPE ***None found*** XUMF NATL NATIONAL NAME XUMF TABLE GOLD NAME ...getting FACILITY TYPE file... ...getting INSTITUTION file... ...please wait...(approx. 5 minutes)... IFR clean up XUMF INSTITUTION Duplicates sta #s exist! -- NOTHING UPDATED!!! XUMF CHCK Local/Duplicate station #s exist -- use DSTA INSTITUTION file not updated with NATIONAL data -- use AUTO CONGRATULATIONS!!! Update complete! This list displays duplicate STATION NUMBER (#99). The action associated with this list will automatically remove the value from field #99 for local and duplicate This list displays entries that are in the INSTITUTION (#4) file but not in the national file. This list is informational only and has no actions associated with it. This list displays the Master Institutution File data. This list displays station numbers that are in the national file but not in the INSTITUTION (#4) file. This action will automatically update the INSTITUTION (#4) file with national data. Use this action to check if the all the required steps have been performed and the clean up has completed. This main screen displays a side-by-side view of the INSTITUTION (#4) file and the national file names by station number. LLCL - lists local station numbers to be deleted. DSTA - automatically deletes local/duplicate station numbers. NATL - lists Institution Master File entries to merge. AUTO - merges national data with local INSTITUTION (#4) file. CHCK - run this action to see pending clean up actions to perform. XUMF Institution file background cleanup XUMF ADD XUMF MOD XUMF DEL VETERANS INTEGRATED SERVICE NETWORK VISN 23 A check of the INSTITUTION file (#4) indicates the IFR cleanup has NOT been performed. The IFR cleanup is a required action. Future initiatives are dependant on consistent and reliable Institution data at each site. A copy of this message is being sent to NVS for tracking purposes. If you require assistance performing the IFR cleanup, you may contact NVS and someone will contact you and help you with the IFR cleanup process. To request assistance you may send a MailMan message to the G.XUMF INSTITUTION mail group on FORUM or log a NOIS. Note: Running the IFR cleanup on LEGACY systems is OPTIONAL. If this message refers to a legacy system please disregard this message. IFR/cleanup/REQUIRED at G.XUMF INSTITUTION G.XUMF INSTITUTION@FORUM ~FACILITY TYPE~VA A backgroud job just updated your Institution file with data from the Institution Master File (IMF) on FORUM. This job was a special task to insure sites that have already run the cleanup are up-to-date with all updates. These updates were broadcast previously, but your site may not have received them due to enabling and/or disabling broadcasting to sites for various This message has three sections (in addition to this initial text.) The first section lists entries that have been added to your file. The second section lists existing entries that have modified. The third section lists entries that have had their STATUS (#11) changed from National to Local and their STATION NUMBER (#99) removed (was never a valid sta #.) The lists are in Station Number order and are up-arrow delimited strings in the HL7 Institution segment format. The values correspond to the FileMan fields SECTION ONE The following entries were ADDED: None. SECTION TWO The following entries were MODIFIED (old/new value): SECTION THREE The following STATION NUMBERS were removed: Note: Just the STATION NUMBER (#99) was removed and the STATUS (#11) changed to Local. The entry itself was NOT deleted. IFR/cleanup/updates at Station numbers added: File entries modified: IFR/cleanup/status at UPDATE FILE XUMF MFN Are you ready to update the Institution Master File WARNING: You modified your entry without updating the IMF! ...send HL7 message to Master File Server... XUMF IMF MFK^XUMF XUMF IMF MFN Sent. Enter Station Number Invalid selection! to edit an inactive faciliy log on to that division you must have DIVISION in your NEW PERSON multiple. If Inactive facility not selectable - assign with XUMGR security key. Enter VISN Number Parent ASSOCIATION - Enter the admin PARENT for this facility QRD,QDT,QFC,QP,QID,DRT,DRDT,QLR,WHO,WHAT,WDDC,WDCVQ,QRL MFE segment NULL key MFE segment couldn't resolve IEN update DIE call error message in ZZZ file DIE call error message in ZZZ update DIE call error message in SUBFILE Null KEY found in the following segment: HL7 message ID: MFS ERROR G.XUMF ERROR DINUMed field cannot MSA segement error/reject message XUMF Broadcast IMF address changes IMF HANDLER ERROR MESSAGE A XUMF ID XUMF MFK^ IEN ARRAY VA FM INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE VA TS XUMF PRE PRE UPDATE VALUES: POST UPDATE VALUES: MFS UPDATE - G.XUMF SERVER XUOAA PMU EMAIL ADDRESS CURRENT DEGREE LEVEL:ABBREVIATION PROGRAM OF STUDY LAST TRAINING YEAR msgid^error code^error msg Clinical Trainee Core Dataset Clinical Trainee Transmission Count Number of trainees transmitted to OAA: XUOAA CLIN TRAINEE TRANS G.XUOAA CLIN TRAINEE TRANS Setting up programmer environment Switched Identities HOME; Terminal Type set to: new message XUS-XUP SET ERROR TRAP XUS-XUP VPE Access Code Want to record the error: No// Site Honolulu - no action taken. Unable to lookup protocol 'XUHUI FIELD CHANGE EVENT' - no action taken. 2///*Do NOT remove this message Protocol 'XUHUI FIELD CHANGE EVENT' has been DISABLED. XUHUI SEND MESSAGE Unable to lookup protocol 'XUHUI SEND MESSAGE' - no action taken. Protocol 'XUHUI SEND MESSAGE' has been DISABLED. This option will print a report which will display the System Response Time (RT) hourly averages over a selected range of dates. The data that is displayed in this report is from the data that is stored in the ^%ZRTL(3 global node. This report should be printed to a 132 column output device. System Response Time Report for This report will print a System Response Time (RT) bar graph of hourly averages over a selected range of dates. The data that is displayed in this report is from the data that is stored in the ^%ZRTL(3 global node. Enter Starting Hour Ending Hour GRAPHIC RESPONSE TIME REPORT RESPONSE TIME LOG for VOLUME SET: ROUTINE: AVE RESPONSE TIME SECONDS for DATES REMARKS:<< sample(s) greater than seconds; not included in average >> sample(s) equal to 0 seconds >> This report will print a report which will display the System Response Time (RT) multiday hourly averages over a selected range of dates. The data that is displayed in this report is from the data that is stored in the ^%ZRTL(3 global node. MULTIDAY RESPONSE TIME REPORT Multiday Average Response Time Log for Volume Set Printed This option will purge all of the System Response Time (RT) metrics in the RESPONSE TIME (#3.091), RT DATE_UCI,VOL (#3.092) and RT RAWDATA (#3.094) files. The data in these files is irrecoverable after being purged. Purge ALL data in three files RESPONSE TIME^3.091P^^ RT DATE_UCI,VOL^3.092^^ RT RAWDATA^3.094D^0^0 All of the data in the RT RAWDATA (#3.094) has been purged. ** THIS REQUIRES VAX DSM ** Enter the appropriate DSM ENVIRONMENT MANAGER: Press return if logged in as your DSM MANAGER. Otherwise, enter the account manager's name. DSM/E= DSM RTSAMP_ Select HFS-type DEVICE: $!SCRIPT DRIVER-SUBMIT TO BATCH $ SET ON $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO EXIT $ ENV MAIL^XURTL4 $ PURGE RTSAMP*.* ...Done. The command file, SUBMIT/NOPRINT/KEEP TEXT FROM RT SAMPLER XRTLTXT($J, RTSAMP. -AUTO RESPONSE TIME SAMPLER RESPONSE TIME INFO ON NODE This option queues a task to copy the Response Time (RT) data that is stored in the ^%ZRTL(3 global node to the RT RAWDATA (#3.094) file. When significant amounts of RT data are involved, this option will take a long time for completion and can consume a lot of disk storage. It will TRIPLE the size of the ^%ZRTL global in MGR where the Response Time (RT) raw data and files are stored. COPY %ZRTL DATA TO RT RAWDATA FILE Option queued successfully as Task # This option will queue a background job that will save the Means into the RESPONSE TIME (#3.091) file. The background job will also purge the System Response Time (RT) raw data which is stored in the ^%ZRTL(3 global If this option is scheduled to run nightly through TaskManager, the default purge through date will be T-1. Purge through Date: STORE AND PURGE RT DATA ERROR: TaskManager was not able to queue this option. Volume set: #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### #################### ####################