TMGSRCH ;TMG/kst/Search API ; 5/24/10 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;05/19/10 ; ;"TMG FILEMAN SEARCH API ; ;"Copyright Kevin Toppenberg MD 5/19/10 ;"Released under GNU General Public License (GPL) ;" ;"NOTE: this function depends on new version of LIST^DIC, from G. Timpson Patch ;"======================================================================= ;" RPC -- Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"SRCH(OUT,FILENUM,STR) --A search function, to support calls by RPC from CPRS ;"BKSRCH(FILENUM,STR) -- designed to be called via JOB --> separate job thread ;"FMSRCH(OUT,FILENUM,COMPEXPR) --A wrapper for Fileman search call ;"======================================================================= ;"PRIVATE API FUNCTIONS ;"======================================================================= ;"PARSESTR(FILENUM,STR,ARRAY,FNUMPTR) -- Parse user input into formatted array ;"PARSE1(FILENUM,STR,FNUMPTR,ARRAY) --Parse a simple search term ;"BKPGFN(MSG,PCT) -- Callable progress function code for background thread. ;"DOSRCH(PTMGOUT,FILENUM,STR,PGFN) --Common search codes ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= ;"Dependencies: ;" DIC, TMGDEBUG,TMGUSRIF, TMGDBAPI, DIE, XLFSTR, TMGSRCH* ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= ; ; ;"======================================================================= ;" SEARCH STRING DOCUMENTATION ;"======================================================================= ;"Search string examples: ;" 8925:.02(.01="SMITH,JOHN") ;" 1234:.01(.03in"32..55") <-- this is a range test ;" 1234:.99((.01="SMITH,JOHN") OR (.01="SMITH,BILL")) AND 4567:.01(.02'="4/2/10") NOT (1["HAPPY") ;" 8925:(REPORT TEXT[DM-2)!(REPORT TEXT[HTN) AND 120.5:((VITAL TYPE=PULSE)&(RATE>70)) Targetfile=2 ;" ;"SYNTAX: ;" -- File specifier. To specify searching in a file OTHER THAN target filenumber, an optional ;" FILENUM:FLD[:FLD[:FLD...]] may be specified. However, ultimately, this must point back ;" to the target filenumber. E.g. Search in file 8925, but for each entry found, use the IEN ;" specified by FLD (or FLDA:FLDB or FLDA:FLDB:FLDC:...). NOTE: If just FILENUM is provided ;" without specifying FLD(s) to point to target filenumber, then the code will find a path ;" (if possible), using first one found. ;" FILENUM:(...) ;" The logic is read from left to right, honoring parentheses. If a filenumber ;" is not specified, then the last specified filenumber is used. ;" E.g. 1234:.01( LogicA ) OR 234:.99( LogicB ) AND ( LogicC ) ;" LogicA fields refer to file 1234:.01. ;" LogicB fields refer to file 234:.99 ;" LogicA fields refer to file 234:.99 (last specified file number) ;" E.g. 5678:.01( (LogicA1) OR 5432:.88(LogicA2) NOT (LogicA3) ) or (LogicB) ;" LogicA1 fields refer to file 5678:.01 ;" LogicA2 fields refer to file 5432:.88 ;" LogicA3 fields refer to file 5432:.88 (last specified file number inside parentheses) ;" LogicB fields refer to file 5678 (last specified file number at same parentheses level) ;" -- Each individual search term must be enclosed in parentheses, and may contain sub-terms ;" enclosed in nested parentheses ;" -- Each individual search term is comprised of: ;" FIELD then COMPARATOR then VALUE ;" 1. FIELDS -- can be name or number. This is for currently active file (see below) ;" may also be FIELDA:FIELDB:... when FIELDA is a pointer, then FIELDB ;" is taken from the pointed-to file. If FIELDB is not provided, and FIELDA ;" is a pointer, then the .01 field of pointed-to-file. Individual field ;" names may be inclosed in quotes ;" 2. COMPARATOR -- can be: ;" "=" -- means exact match ;" "'=", "<>", -- any of these means Does-not-equal ;" ">=", "'<" -- means greater-than-or-equal-to (same as not-less-than) ;" "<=", "'>" -- means less-than-or-equal-to (same sa not-greater-than) ;" "in","IN","In","{" -- means field is in specified rage (see Value below) ;" When using IN, if field name is provided by NAME (not number), ;" then field name should be inclosed in quotes to separate the ;" letters of the field name from the letters of 'IN'. ;" "[" -- means 'contains'. Interpreted as follows: ;" -- For Word processor (WP) fields, this means that any line in the entire field ;" can contain search term, to be matched positive. ;" -- For free text field, then just text of field is searched. ;" 3. VALUE -- The search term to search for. Should be in quotes. ;" Note: if comparator is "IN", then syntax is "Value1..Value2" ;" There should be a ".." between the two values. ;" -- Logical combiners of separate search terms allowed are: ;" "OR" or "|" or "||" or "!" ;" "AND" or "&" or "&&" ;" "NOT" or "'" or "ANDNOT" ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= ; ; TEST ; NEW STR,OUT ;"SET STR="8925:(STATUS=COMPLETED)&((PATIENT[CUTSHALL)!(PATIENT[CUTSHAW))" SET STR="8925:(REPORT TEXT[DM-2)!(REPORT TEXT[HTN) AND 120.5:((VITAL TYPE=PULSE)&(RATE>70))" ;"SET STR="8925:(REPORT TEXT[DM-2) AND 120.5:((VITAL TYPE=PULSE)&(RATE>70))" ;"SET STR="8925:(REPORT TEXT[HTN) AND 120.5:((VITAL TYPE=PULSE)&(RATE{70..75))" ;"SET STR="8925:(REPORT TEXT[DM-2)!(REPORT TEXT[HTN)" ;"WRITE STR,! ;"DO SRCH(.OUT,2,STR) ;"NEW CT SET CT=+$GET(OUT("COUNT")) ;"WRITE "Found ",CT," total matches.",! ;"DO PressToCont^TMGUSRIF DO BKSRCH(2,STR) NEW STATUS,PCT NEW REF SET REF=$NAME(^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J)) FOR DO QUIT:(STATUS["#DONE#") . HANG 1 . SET STATUS=$GET(@REF@("MSG")) . WRITE "STATUS: ",STATUS,! ;"IF $DATA(@REF) ZWR @REF QUIT ; SRCH(OUT,FILENUM,STR) ; ;"Purpose: A search function, to support calls by RPC from CPRS ;"Input: OUT-- Pass by reference. AN OUT PARAMETER. ;" FILENUM -- The target file number that resulting IENs will be in ;" STR -- This is a logic string for searching. See details above. ;"Results: OUT is filled in. Format: ;" OUT(0)=1 for success, or -1^Error Message ;" OUT(IEN)="" ;" OUT(IEN)="" ;" OUT("COUNT")=Count of number of found records. ;"Results: None ;" DO DOSRCH("OUT",.FILENUM,.STR) ; SRCHDN QUIT ; ; BKSRCH(FILENUM,STR) ; ;"Purpose: this function is designed to be called via JOB, to setup separate job thread ;" E.g. JOB BKSRCH^TMGTMGSRCH(FILENUM,STR) NEW MSGJOB SET MSGJOB=$ZJOB ;" NOTE: When job, output MSG will be "#DONE#" (see below) ;"Input: Filenum: This this is the target file of the search. ;" STR -- This is the logic string for searching. Format as per SRCH() docs ;"Output: Output will go into ^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"OUT") ;" Messages will go into ^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"MSG") ;" % Done will go into ^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"PCT") ;"Results: none NEW PGFN SET PGFN="DO BKPGFN^TMGSRCH(.TMGSTAT,.TMGPCT)" NEW POUT SET POUT=$NAME(^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"OUT")) KILL @POUT DO DOSRCH(POUT,.FILENUM,.STR,PGFN) ; DO BKPGFN("#DONE#",100) QUIT ;"This should terminate thread (if called by JOB as above) ; BKPGFN(MSG,PCT) ; ;"Callable progress function code for background thread. SET ^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"MSG")=$GET(MSG) SET ^TMP("TMG","TMGSRCH",$J,"PCT")=$GET(PCT) QUIT ; ; DOSRCH(PTMGOUT,FILENUM,STR,PGFN) ; ;"Common entry endpoint for search entry tags. See docs in SRCH() ;"Input: PTMGOUT -- Pass by NAME. The name of the output array ;" FILENUM -- See SRCH() ;" STR -- See SRCH() ;" TMGPGFN -- OPTIONAL. Mumps code that will be called periodically ;" to allow display of progress of slow searches. ;" Code may depend on the following variables: ;" TMGSTAT -- The most recent status text ;" TMGPCT -- a very gross estimate of % done (0-100%) ;"Results -- None. NEW TMGARRAY,RESULT,CT SET RESULT=$$PARSESTR(.FILENUM,STR,.TMGARRAY) ; ;"MERGE ^TMG("TMP","RPC","TMGRPCSR","TMGARRAY")=TMGARRAY ;"TEMP!!! ; IF +RESULT=-1 SET @PTMGOUT@(0)=RESULT GOTO DSRCHDN SET CT=$$ARRYSRCH^TMGSRCH0(FILENUM,PTMGOUT,.TMGARRAY,.PGFN) SET @PTMGOUT@("COUNT")=CT SET @PTMGOUT@("FILENUM")=FILENUM IF $GET(@PTMGOUT@(0))="" SET @PTMGOUT@(0)=1 ;"Success DSRCHDN QUIT ; ; PARSESTR(FILENUM,STR,ARRAY,FNUMPTR) ; ;"Purpose: To take user input, validate it, and parse into an formatted array ;"Input: FILENUM -- The file number that is the target of the search. ;" STR: This is the user input string. Format as documented in SRCH() above. ;" ARRAY -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. Format as follows. ;" ARRAY(1,"FNUMPTR")= FNUM:FLDA[:FLDB[:FLDC...]] FNUM is filenumber that ;" contain search field, and then fields used to point ;" back to *TARGET* FILENUM for entire search ;" ARRAY(1,"FLD")=Fieldnumber to search ;" ARRAY(1,"COMP")=Comparator, will be "=", "'=", "'<", or "'>", "[", "{", "IN" ;" ARRAY(1,"SRCH")=The value of to be used in search. ;" ARRAY(1,"WP")=1 if field is a WP field ;" ARRAY(2,...) The second search term. ;" ARRAY(2,"LOGIC")=#^Combiner ;" # means the set so far. ;" Combiner will be "AND", "OR", or "NOT" ;" ARRAY(3,...) The third search term (which is comprised of sub terms) ;" ARRAY(3,1,... The first subterm (same format as higher level) ;" ARRAY(3,2,... The second subterm (same format as higher level) ;" ARRAY(n,...) The N'th search term. ;" removed-> ARRAY("SETCOMP",i)= NumA^Combiner^NumB ;" NumA and NumB refer to seach term number (e.g. 1, 2, ... n above) ;" If NumA="#", then it means 'the resulting set of results so far' ;" Combiner will be "AND", "OR", or "NOT" ;" i is the index variable, and logic should be evaluated in numerical order ;" FNUMPTR: Will be used when calling self reiteratively. Leave blank in first call. ;" DON'T pass by reference. This is 'FileNum:FLD[:FLD[:FLD...]] specifier ;"Results: 1 if OK, or -1^Message if error during processing. ; NEW SUBSTRA,SUBSTRB,POS NEW RESULT SET RESULT=1 ;"default to success NEW TERMNUM SET TERMNUM=0 SET FILENUM=+$GET(FILENUM) IF FILENUM'>0 DO GOTO PSDN . SET RESULT="-1^Target file number not provided." SET FNUMPTR=$GET(FNUMPTR,FILENUM) SET ARRAY("FILE")=FILENUM NEW LOGICNUM SET LOGICNUM=0 NEW DONE SET DONE=0 FOR DO QUIT:(DONE=1)!(+RESULT=-1) . NEW TEMPARRAY . SET TERMNUM=TERMNUM+1 . ;"--- Get file number, if any . SET STR=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(STR) . IF +$PIECE(STR,"(",1)>0 DO QUIT:(+RESULT=-1) . . SET FNUMPTR=$PIECE(STR,"(",1) ;"Convert 1234:.01:.02:(...) --> 1234:.01:.02: . . IF $EXTRACT(FNUMPTR,$LENGTH(FNUMPTR))=":" SET FNUMPTR=$EXTRACT(FNUMPTR,1,$LENGTH(FNUMPTR)-1) . . IF ($PIECE(FNUMPTR,":",2)="")&(+FNUMPTR'=FILENUM) DO QUIT:(+RESULT=-1) . . . NEW SAVPTR SET SAVPTR=FNUMPTR . . . SET FNUMPTR=$PIECE($$PATHTO^TMGSRCH1(+FNUMPTR,FILENUM),"^",1) . . . IF FNUMPTR="" SET RESULT="-1^Unable to find path to file #"_FILENUM_" from "_SAVPTR . . ELSE IF $$FNPTR^TMGSRCH1(FNUMPTR)'=FILENUM DO QUIT . . . SET RESULT="-1^'"_FNUMPTR_"' points to file #"_$$FNPTR^TMGSRCH1(FNUMPTR)_", not file #"_FILENUM_" as expected" . ;"Split STR --> SUBSTRA + SUBSTRB . SET SUBSTRA=$$MATCHXTR^TMGSTUTL(STR,"(",,,"(") . IF SUBSTRA="" SET DONE=1 QUIT . SET POS=$FIND(STR,SUBSTRA) ;"Return pos of following character . SET SUBSTRB=$EXTRACT(STR,POS+1,9999) ;"Should be " [LOGICTERM] [SearchTerm]..." . ;"Process SUBSTRA, either directly if single term, or recursively if compound term. . IF $$HNQTSUB^TMGSTUTL(SUBSTRA,"(") DO . . SET RESULT=$$PARSESTR(FILENUM,SUBSTRA,.TEMPARRAY,FNUMPTR) . . SET ARRAY(TERMNUM,"SUBTERMS")=1 . ELSE DO . . SET RESULT=$$PARSE1(FILENUM,SUBSTRA,FNUMPTR,.TEMPARRAY) . IF +RESULT=-1 QUIT . SET SUBSTRA="" . MERGE ARRAY(TERMNUM)=TEMPARRAY . ;"Now get Logic term connecting this to next term (if any) . SET SUBSTRB=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(SUBSTRB) ;"Remove opening (and closing) spaces . NEW LOGICTERM SET LOGICTERM="" . NEW P,CH . NEW DNCOMB SET DNCOMB=0 . FOR P=1:1:$LENGTH(SUBSTRB) DO QUIT:DNCOMB!(+RESULT=-1) . . SET CH=$$UP^XLFSTR($EXTRACT(SUBSTRB,P)) . . IF ("&|'!ANDORNOT"'[CH) SET DNCOMB=1 QUIT . . SET LOGICTERM=LOGICTERM_CH . SET STR=$EXTRACT(SUBSTRB,$LENGTH(LOGICTERM)+1,9999),SUBSTRB="" . IF LOGICTERM="" QUIT . SET LOGICTERM=$$FIXCOMB^TMGSRCH1(LOGICTERM,.RESULT) QUIT:(+RESULT=-1) . NEW CURSET SET CURSET=$SELECT(TERMNUM=1:"1",1:"#") . SET LOGICNUM=LOGICNUM+1 . ;"SET ARRAY("SETCOMP",LOGICNUM)=CURSET_"^"_LOGICTERM_"^"_(TERMNUM+1) ;"will check later that TERMNUM+1 is supplied . SET ARRAY(TERMNUM+1,"LOGIC")="#^"_LOGICTERM PSDN QUIT RESULT ; ; PARSE1(FILENUM,STR,FNUMPTR,ARRAY) ; ;"Purpose: Parse a simple search term (e.g. .01="SMITH,JOHN"). Also validate that field exists in file. ;"Input: FILENUM -- The TARGET filenumber that the entire search is referencing. ;" STR: This is part of the user input string to parse ;" FNUMPTR: FNUM:FLDA[:FLDB[:FLDC...]] FNUM is filenumber that contain search field, and then ;" fields used to point back to *TARGET* FILENUM for entire search ;" ARRAY -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. Format as follows. ;" ARRAY("FNUMPTR")=Filenumber that contains field) ;" ARRAY("FLD")=Fieldnumber to search ;" ARRAY("COMP")=Comparator, will be "=", "'=", "'<", or "'>", "[","IN", "{" ;" ARRAY("SRCH")=The value of to be used in search. ;" ARRAY("WP")=1 if field is a WP field ;"NOTE: If field specifies a DATE, then the search value will be converted to FileMan format ;"Results: 1 if OK, or -1^Message if error during processing. ;" NEW RESULT SET RESULT=1 ;"default to success NEW SAV SET SAV=STR SET STR=$$TRIM^XLFSTR($GET(STR)) SET ARRAY("FNUMPTR")=FNUMPTR NEW FLD,FLDS SET FLDS="" NEW TMGTFILE SET TMGTFILE=+FNUMPTR FOR QUIT:("'<>=[:({"[$EXTRACT(STR,1))!(STR="") DO . SET FLD=$$GETFLD^TMGSRCH1(.STR) ; . NEW SAVFIL SET SAVFIL=TMGTFILE . NEW ONEFLD SET ONEFLD=$$FLDNUM^TMGSRCH1(.TMGTFILE,.FLD) . IF ONEFLD'>0 DO QUIT . . SET RESULT="-1^Field ["_FLD_"] was not found in file ["_SAVFIL_"]" . IF FLDS'="" SET FLDS=FLDS_":" . SET FLDS=FLDS_ONEFLD IF +RESULT=-1 GOTO PS1DN SET ARRAY("FLD")=FLDS IF $$ISWPFLD^TMGDBAPI(+FNUMPTR,+FLDS) SET ARRAY("WP")=1 NEW FLDTYPE SET FLDTYPE=$PIECE($GET(^DD(+FNUMPTR,+FLDS,0)),"^",2) IF FLDTYPE["M" DO GOTO PS1DN . SET RESULT="-1^Searches in fields that are MULTIPLES not supported" SET STR=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(STR) NEW COMP IF $$UP^XLFSTR($EXTRACT(STR,1,3))="'IN" SET COMP="'IN" ELSE IF $$UP^XLFSTR($EXTRACT(STR,1,2))="IN" SET COMP="IN" ELSE DO . SET COMP="" NEW P,CH . FOR P=1:1:$LENGTH(STR) SET CH=$EXTRACT(STR,P) QUIT:("'!<>=[{"'[CH) SET COMP=COMP_CH SET STR=$EXTRACT(STR,$LENGTH(COMP)+1,9999) SET COMP=$$FIXCOMP^TMGSRCH1(COMP,.RESULT) IF +RESULT=-1 GOTO PS1DN SET ARRAY("COMP")=COMP SET STR=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(STR) ;"Remove any spaces after comparator NEW SRCH SET SRCH=$$TRIM^XLFSTR(STR,,"""") ;"Trim quotes, if any. IF FLDTYPE["D" DO GOTO:(+RESULT=-1) PS1DN ;"standardized dates . NEW ADATE SET ADATE=SRCH . NEW TEMPRSLT SET TEMPRSLT="" . FOR QUIT:(ADATE="")!(+RESULT=-1) DO . . IF TEMPRSLT'="" SET TEMPRSLT=TEMPRSLT_".." . . SET TEMPRSLT=TEMPRSLT_$$STDDATE^TMGSRCH1($PIECE(ADATE,"..",1),.RESULT) . . IF +RESULT=-1 QUIT . . SET ADATE=$PIECE(SRCH,"..",2) . SET SRCH=TEMPRSLT ELSE IF FLDTYPE["S" DO ;"Convert FM SET type into internal format . NEW OUT,TMGMSG . DO VAL^DIE(+FNUMPTR,"+1,",FLD,"E",SRCH,.OUT,,"TMGMSG") . SET SRCH=$GET(OUT) IF SRCH'="" SET ARRAY("SRCH")=SRCH ELSE DO GOTO PS1DN . SET RESULT="-1^Search value is invalid" ; PS1DN IF +RESULT=-1 SET RESULT=RESULT_", found in ["_SAV_"]" QUIT RESULT ; ; FMSRCH(TMGFILE,TMGCOMPEXPR,TMGOUT,TMGOPTION) ; QUIT $$FMSRCH^TMGSRCH0(.TMGFILE,.TMGCOMPEXPR,.TMGOUT,.TMGOPTION)