inherited frmDiagnoses: TfrmDiagnoses Left = 304 Top = 169 Caption = 'Encounter Diagnoses' PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited lblSection: TLabel Width = 89 Caption = 'Diagnoses Section' ExplicitWidth = 89 end inherited btnOK: TBitBtn TabOrder = 7 end inherited btnCancel: TBitBtn TabOrder = 8 end inherited pnlGrid: TPanel Width = 523 TabOrder = 1 ExplicitWidth = 523 inherited lbGrid: TORListBox Tag = 20 Width = 523 Pieces = '1,2,3' ExplicitWidth = 523 end inherited hcGrid: THeaderControl Width = 523 Sections = < item ImageIndex = -1 MinWidth = 60 Text = 'Add to PL' Width = 60 end item ImageIndex = -1 MinWidth = 65 Text = 'Primary' Width = 65 end item ImageIndex = -1 MinWidth = 110 Text = 'Selected Diagnoses' Width = 110 end> ExplicitWidth = 523 end end inherited edtComment: TCaptionEdit TabOrder = 3 end object cmdDiagPrimary: TButton [8] Left = 536 Top = 306 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'Primary' Enabled = False TabOrder = 5 OnClick = cmdDiagPrimaryClick end object ckbDiagProb: TCheckBox [9] Left = 535 Top = 258 Width = 76 Height = 38 Caption = 'Add to Problem list' TabOrder = 4 WordWrap = True OnClick = ckbDiagProbClicked end inherited btnRemove: TButton TabOrder = 6 end inherited btnSelectAll: TButton Left = 454 TabOrder = 2 TabStop = True ExplicitLeft = 454 end inherited pnlMain: TPanel TabOrder = 0 inherited lbxSection: TORListBox Tag = 20 Height = 196 IntegralHeight = True Pieces = '2,3,4,5' ExplicitHeight = 196 end inherited pnlLeft: TPanel inherited lbSection: TORListBox Tag = 20 TabOrder = 0 end inherited btnOther: TButton Tag = 12 Caption = 'Other Diagnosis...' TabOrder = 1 end end end inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager Data = ( ( 'Component = cmdDiagPrimary' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = ckbDiagProb' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = edtComment' 'Label = lblComment' 'Status = stsOK') ( 'Component = btnRemove' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = btnSelectAll' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = pnlMain' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lbxSection' 'Label = lblList' 'Status = stsOK') ( 'Component = pnlLeft' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lbSection' 'Label = lblSection' 'Status = stsOK') ( 'Component = btnOther' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = pnlGrid' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lbGrid' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = hcGrid' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = btnOK' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = btnCancel' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = frmDiagnoses' 'Status = stsDefault')) end end