inherited frmOrdersPrint: TfrmOrdersPrint Left = 353 Top = 194 Caption = 'Print orders' ClientHeight = 288 ClientWidth = 356 OldCreateOrder = True Position = poScreenCenter OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object pnlBase: TORAutoPanel [0] Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 356 Height = 288 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 0 object lblDevice: TLabel Left = 127 Top = 74 Width = 71 Height = 13 Caption = 'Print to device:' end object lblPartOne: TMemo Left = 16 Top = 7 Width = 327 Height = 26 TabStop = False BorderStyle = bsNone Color = clBtnFace Lines.Strings = ( 'One or more of the following prints are available for this set o' + 'f orders. ' 'Check those you desire and select a device, if necessary. ') ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 14 end object lblPart2: TMemo Left = 17 Top = 40 Width = 323 Height = 26 TabStop = False BorderStyle = bsNone Color = clBtnFace Lines.Strings = ( 'Highlighted items are configured to print automatically in all c' + 'ases for ' 'this location. Greyed out items are not available.') ReadOnly = True TabOrder = 15 end object ckChartCopy: TCheckBox Left = 17 Top = 95 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Chart Copies' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ckChartCopyClick end object ckLabels: TCheckBox Left = 17 Top = 131 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Labels' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ckLabelsClick end object ckRequisitions: TCheckBox Left = 17 Top = 170 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Requisitions' TabOrder = 6 OnClick = ckRequisitionsClick end object ckWorkCopy: TCheckBox Left = 17 Top = 208 Width = 97 Height = 17 Caption = 'Work Copies' TabOrder = 9 OnClick = ckWorkCopyClick end object lstChartDevice: TORListBox Left = 127 Top = 93 Width = 121 Height = 21 ExtendedSelect = False Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ItemHeight = 13 ParentFont = False ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 1 OnClick = DeviceListClick Caption = 'Print to device:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' end object lstLabelDevice: TORListBox Left = 127 Top = 129 Width = 121 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 4 OnClick = DeviceListClick Caption = 'Print to device:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' end object lstReqDevice: TORListBox Left = 127 Top = 168 Width = 121 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 7 OnClick = DeviceListClick Caption = 'Print to device:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' end object lstWorkDevice: TORListBox Left = 127 Top = 206 Width = 121 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 10 OnClick = DeviceListClick Caption = 'Print to device:' ItemTipColor = clWindow LongList = False Pieces = '2' end object cmdChart: TORAlignButton Left = 266 Top = 93 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'Change' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = cmdChartClick end object cmdLabels: TORAlignButton Left = 266 Top = 129 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'Change' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = cmdLabelsClick end object cmdReqs: TORAlignButton Left = 266 Top = 168 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'Change' TabOrder = 8 OnClick = cmdReqsClick end object cmdWork: TORAlignButton Left = 266 Top = 206 Width = 75 Height = 21 Caption = 'Change' TabOrder = 11 OnClick = cmdWorkClick end object cmdOK: TORAlignButton Left = 7 Top = 253 Width = 160 Height = 21 Caption = 'Print All Checked Items' TabOrder = 12 OnClick = cmdOKClick end object cmdCancel: TORAlignButton Left = 188 Top = 253 Width = 160 Height = 21 Caption = 'Print Highlighted Items Only' TabOrder = 13 OnClick = cmdCancelClick end end inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager Data = ( ( 'Component = pnlBase' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lblPartOne' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lblPart2' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = ckChartCopy' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = ckLabels' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = ckRequisitions' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = ckWorkCopy' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lstChartDevice' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lstLabelDevice' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lstReqDevice' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = lstWorkDevice' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdChart' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdLabels' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdReqs' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdWork' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdOK' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = cmdCancel' 'Status = stsDefault') ( 'Component = frmOrdersPrint' 'Status = stsDefault')) end end