13 years |
George Lilly |
test of simulated insertions without VistA required (except XLFDT)
13 years |
George Lilly |
version with BULKLOAD
13 years |
George Lilly |
new user entry point FILEINC0XF2N and more timing messages and blocking
13 years |
George Lilly |
a new user prompting entry point FILEINC0XF2N and more timing messages
13 years |
George Lilly |
add the Quality Data Set rdf files as samples
13 years |
George Lilly |
version that blocks updates with more timings - may be broken
13 years |
George Lilly |
modification with blocking factor of 10000 nodes
13 years |
George Lilly |
initial load of ftms project files and test data
13 years |
George Lilly |
initial directory setup for fmts project
13 years |
George Lilly |
initial directory setup for fmts project
13 years |
George Lilly |
Fileman Triple Store project
13 years |
George Lilly |
initial build of fileman file for tranporting ewd source
13 years |
George Lilly |
new version
13 years |
George Lilly |
moving EWD toolkit to EWD project
13 years |
George Lilly |
putting the C0C routines back
13 years |
George Lilly |
old version of EWD fileman file and sample applications
13 years |
George Lilly |
archive directory
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
commiting a copy of 0.1 version of vistalink-tester jar
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
fleshed out VistALink Tester program
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
set version number embedded in flex application to match the one in …
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
initial commit of command-line vistalink-tester
13 years |
George Lilly |
newest version
13 years |
George Lilly |
newest version
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
deleted duplicate classes from gov.va.med.edp.rpc package in favor of …
13 years |
Solomon Blaz |
added guard clauses to VistaLinkSessionDao in case initUser RPC fails
14 years |
George Lilly |
newest version
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
added information about configuring VistALink and SSL to README
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
moved VistALink configuration into its own file
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
removed cruft related to KAAJEE, stubbed in spring-security/VistALink …
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
stubbed out preliminary README about building EDIS java web …
14 years |
George Lilly |
a KIDS build with only file #260
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
integrated tracking-help into build, added build output ('target') …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Scheduling v 1.61. Dll and exes. Added new control to handle print …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Added Page Orientation Button. Changes to Portrait/Landscape.
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Adding Enhanced Print Preview to Repo
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
ChangeLog and Readme in 1.6 tag file
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Updated ChangeLog and Readme for 1.6
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
tag and zip for 1.6
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Final 1.6 exe and dlls.
14 years |
George Lilly |
readme with analysis of what's new in the new version
14 years |
George Lilly |
new version from the VA
14 years |
George Lilly |
adding traking-help
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
renamed tracking-maven-repository to match neighboring directories
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
fixed flex compiler warning
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
removed dependencies on KAAJEE
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
committing first working version of EDIS maven build - upgraded to …
14 years |
Solomon Blaz |
adding external dependencies to source control in maven repository format
14 years |
Tariq Hamkari |
fixing bug "crash when user name has a single quote"
14 years |
George Lilly |
added smoking status and cpoe calculation
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Release version of BSDX 1.6 Kids; removed beta version
14 years |
George Lilly |
update instead of delete old patient lists for performance
14 years |
George Lilly |
documentation from the VDL
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
tag for 2.31
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial load of EDIS 1.0
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial setup of repository
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial creation of the EDIS repository
--ThisK line, and those below, …
14 years |
George Lilly |
lastest update to C0Q Quality Reporting Package
14 years |
George Lilly |
lastest update to C0Q Quality Reporting package
14 years |
George Lilly |
setting up for enhancements to C0Q Quality Reporting
14 years |
George Lilly |
setting up for enhancements to C0Q quality reporting
14 years |
George Lilly |
inital load of HL7 Tables new file
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial load
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial load
14 years |
George Lilly |
initial upload of HL7tables
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Added VALKBANEWD1 as a wrapper around VALDIE
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
valfield puts destination text in innerhtml rather than value; modesig …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Reorganized files.
Now we have a definitions kids build and a data …
14 years |
George Lilly |
VWTIME needed for CPRS 27 - fix for eRX
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Added some of the lost functionality
14 years |
George Lilly |
certification version of C0Q quality reporting package - to be enhanced
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
New version of BMX. Fixes error trap problem
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
BMXMON fix; updated all routines to v 2.31
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Added SignonTxt
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Changed un/pw to access/verify; added prepage script to welcome.ewd
14 years |
George Lilly |
removed tabs after certification
14 years |
George Lilly |
version for certification
14 years |
George Lilly |
updates for MU Certification
14 years |
George Lilly |
updates for certification
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Added routines; reorganized dirs
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
New VISTA EWD Project for webifying the toolbox
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
fix compilation error in BMXADOV1
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
BMX 4 IHS Docs
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Reorganized directory structure
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
CGDocumentManager updated with tiny tests and a try/catch.
Updated …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
oops forgot to update readme.txt
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
RPCLogging support .cs files for the Scheduling GUI.
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
All changes to support BMX4. Now works with BMX 4.
AssemblyInfo: …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
BMXNetEhrSessionConnection.cs implements ConnectionEncoding so that …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
BMXMON now gets the port number for GT.M in BMX CONNECT STATUS RPC …
14 years |
George Lilly |
upgrade to send message text as well as attachment
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
CGView: Wording Change.
Updated exes.
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
BSDX 1.6 T2 Kids file
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Changes to BSDX01 to prevent Scheduled,dc'ed,completed radiology …
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
1. Check to see if Radiology Appointment is cancellable. Check …
14 years |
George Lilly |
fix for VistACom
14 years |
George Lilly |
VistACom changes
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Updated BMX 4.1000
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
No changes. Just making my icon look green.
14 years |
Sam Habiel |
Fixes and enhancements to BMX4