{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (12 matches)

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Active Tickets (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#2 Upper case access verify codes WorldVistA EHR defect new 15 years ago
#3 Resolution for "Remote data not available - Only local order checks processed." error message... WorldVistA EHR 1.0 defect new 15 years ago
#9 ACRP Package crashes when reports accessed WorldVistA EHR defect new 15 years ago
#10 Bug in the Fileman import data code (DDMP)... WorldVistA EHR defect new 15 years ago
#11 Robust hashes for XUSHSH WorldVistA EHR enhancement new 15 years ago
#12 %DT flag "I" (for international input) prevent Fileman from accepting month names in Dates. CPRS relies on that. WorldVistA EHR defect new 14 years ago
#14 Issue in listing down the Radiology order status in reports tab in CPRS CPRS defect Kevin Toppenberg new 14 years ago
#19 how to find source code CPRS task Kevin Toppenberg new 14 years ago
#20 Make NPI optional CCD-CCR defect George Lilly new 12 years ago
#21 Setup RPC functions during KID Install CCD-CCR enhancement George Lilly new 12 years ago
#22 Expand CCD data CCD-CCR 2.0 enhancement sanchu assigned 12 years ago
#26 Many NDC not found from file ^PSNDF(50.67) on http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/ndc/ WorldVistA EHR 2.0 milestone4 defect new 10 years ago
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.