BPSCMT01 ;BHAM ISC/SS - ECME ADD/VIEW COMMENTS ;05-APR-05 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;USER SCREEN Q ; ADD ;entry point for Add option in Add/View screen ;full screen mode D FULL^VALM1 D ADDCMT S VALMBCK="R" Q ;make element for the patient ;BPLINE - line number in LM ARRAY (by ref) ;BPTMP - VALMAR (TMP global for LM) ;BPDFN - patient's DFN ;BPSINSUR - ;patient's insurance ien^name^phone ;BPLMIND - passed by ref - current patient(/insurance) index ( to make 1, 2,etc) ;BPDRIND - passed by ref - current claim level index ( to make .1, .2, .10,... .20,... ) ;BPPREV - to store previous data to update patient summary line MKPATELM(BPLINE,BPTMP,BPDFN,BPSINSUR,BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPPREV) ;*/ N BPSSTR,BPLNS,BPSTAT ;PATIENT SUMMARY level ;-------- first process previous patient & insurance group ;determine patient summary statuses for the previous "patient" group ;update the record for previous patient summary after we went thru all his claims I BPLMIND>0,+BPPREV=BPLMIND D UPDPREV(BPTMP,BPLMIND,BPPREV) ;process new "patient & insurance" group ------------------ S BPDRIND=0 S BPLMIND=(BPLMIND\1)+1 ;save the all necessary data for the patient & insurance to use as previous for STAT4PAT later on S BPPREV=BPLMIND_U_BPLINE_U_BPDFN_U_$$PATINF^BPSSCR02(BPDFN,BPSINSUR)_U_(+BPSINSUR) S BPSSTR=$$LJ^BPSSCR02(BPLMIND,4)_$P(BPPREV,U,4) D SAVEARR^BPSSCR02(BPTMP,BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPDFN,0,BPLINE,BPSSTR,+BPSINSUR) S BPLINE=BPLINE+1 Q ; ;/** ;update patient summary info in LM array UPDPREV(BPTMP,BPLMIND,BPPREV) ; N BPSSTR ;update the record for previous patient summary after we went thru all his claims S BPSSTR=$$LJ^BPSSCR02(BPLMIND,4)_$P(BPPREV,U,4)_" "_$$STAT4PAT^BPSSCR02(BPLMIND) D SAVEARR^BPSSCR02(BPTMP,BPLMIND,0,+$P(BPPREV,U,3),0,+$P(BPPREV,U,2),BPSSTR,+$P(BPPREV,U,5)) Q ;/** ;make array element for a claim ;BPLINE - line number in LM ARRAY (by ref) ;BPTMP - VALMAR (TMP global for LM) ;BP59 - ptr to 9002313.59 ;BPDFN - patient's DFN ;BPSINSUR - ;patient's insurance ien ;BPLMIND - passed by ref - current patient(/insurance) index ( to make 1, 2,etc) ;BPDRIND - passed by ref - current claim level index ( to make .1, .2, .10,... .20,... ) ;BPPREV - to store previous data to update patient summary line MKCLMELM(BPLINE,BPTMP,BP59,BPDFN,BPSINSUR,BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPPREV) ;*/ N BPSSTR,BPLNS,BPSTAT ;CLAIMS level I +$O(@BPTMP@("LMIND",BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPDFN,0))'=BP59 D . S BPDRIND=BPDRIND+1 . S BPSSTR=" "_$$LJ^BPSSCR02(+$P(BPLMIND,".")_"."_BPDRIND,5)_" "_$$CLAIMINF^BPSSCR02(BP59) . D SAVEARR^BPSSCR02(BPTMP,BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPDFN,BP59,BPLINE,BPSSTR,BPSINSUR) . S BPLINE=BPLINE+1 . N BPARR,X . ;use ADDINF^BPSSCR03 to get comments . S BPLNS=$$ADDINF^BPSSCR03(BP59,.BPARR,74,"C") . F X=1:1:BPLNS D . . I $G(BPARR(X))="" Q . . D SAVEARR^BPSSCR02(BPTMP,BPLMIND,BPDRIND,BPDFN,BP59,BPLINE," "_BPARR(X),BPSINSUR) . . S BPLINE=BPLINE+1 Q ;/** ;input: ; BPDFLT1 - default selection (optional) ;add comment ;the user can select ; a patient - comment will be added to all claims ; a claim - comment will be added only to this claim ADDCMT ;*/ N BPRET,BPSEL,BP59ARR,BPRCMNT,BP59,BPNOW,BPLCK,BPREC,BPDFLT1 I '$D(@(VALMAR)) Q D FULL^VALM1 ;select an item W !,"Enter the line number for which you wish to Add comments." S BPDFLT1=$G(^TMP("BPSCMT",$J,"VALM","SELLN")) S BPDFLT1=$P(BPDFLT1,U,6)_"."_$P(BPDFLT1,U,7) S BPSEL=$$ASKLINE^BPSSCRU4("Select item","PC","Please select Patient Line to add a comment to all RXs or a SINGLE RXs",$G(BPDFLT1)) I BPSEL<1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ;if single claim I $P(BPSEL,U,7)>0 S BP59ARR(+$P(BPSEL,U,4))="" E D MKPATARR^BPSCMT(VALMAR,+$P(BPSEL,U,6),.BP59ARR) S BPRCMNT=$$COMMENT^BPSSCRCL("Enter Comment",60) I (BPRCMNT="^")!($L(BPRCMNT)=0)!(BPRCMNT?1" "." ") Q S BP59=0 F S BP59=$O(BP59ARR(BP59)) Q:+BP59=0 D . N BPDA,BPERR,% . D NOW^%DTC . S BPNOW=% . L +^BPST(9002313.59111,+BP59):10 . S BPLCK=$T . I 'BPLCK Q ;quit . D INSITEM(9002313.59111,+BP59,BPNOW) . S BPREC=$O(^BPST(BP59,11,"B",BPNOW,0)) . I BPREC>0 D . . S BPDA(9002313.59111,BPREC_","_BP59_",",.02)=+$G(DUZ) . . S BPDA(9002313.59111,BPREC_","_BP59_",",.03)=$G(BPRCMNT) . . D FILE^DIE("","BPDA","BPERR") . I BPLCK L -^BPST(9002313.59111,+BP59) D REDRWCMT^BPSCMT ;update the content of the screen and display it S ^TMP("BPSSCR",$J,"VALM","UPDATE")=1 Q ; ;/** ;BPSFILE - subfile# (9002313.59111) for comment ;BPIEN - ien for file in which the new subfile entry will be inserted ;BPVAL01 - .01 value for the new entry INSITEM(BPSFILE,BPIEN,BPVAL01) ;*/ N BPSSI,BPIENS,BPFDA,BPER S BPIENS="+1,"_BPIEN_"," S BPFDA(BPSFILE,BPIENS,.01)=BPVAL01 D UPDATE^DIE("","BPFDA","BPSSI","BPER") I $D(BPER) D BMES^XPDUTL(BPER("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) Q ; ;Function to return username data from NEW PERSON file VA(200) ; Parameter ; BPSDUZ - IEN of NEW PERSON file ; ; Returns ; Username in format of Lastname, Firstname MI USERNAM(BPSDUZ) ; Return username from NEW PERSON file N BPSNMI,BPSNMO I '$G(BPSDUZ) Q "" S BPSNMI=$$VA200NM^BPSJUTL(+BPSDUZ,"") I $G(BPSNMI)="" Q "" Q:$P(BPSNMI,U)="" "" S BPSNMO=$P(BPSNMI,U) Q:$P(BPSNMI,U,2)="" BPSNMO S BPSNMO=BPSNMO_", "_$P(BPSNMI,U,2) Q:$P(BPSNMI,U,3)="" BPSNMO S BPSNMO=BPSNMO_" "_$E($P(BPSNMI,U,3),1) Q BPSNMO