BPSOSSG ;BHAM ISC/SD/lwj/FLS - Special gets for formats ;06/01/2004 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; Q ; FLD439 ;Reason for service code ;Called by SET logic in BPS NCPDP Field DEFS for field 439 ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,2)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD440 ;Professional Service Code ;Called by set logic in BPS NCPDP Field DEFS for field 440 ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,3)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD441 ;Result of Service Code ;Called by SET logic in BPS NCPDP Field DEFS for field 441 ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,4)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD473 ;DUR/PPS code counter - called from SET logic in BPS NCPDP Field Defs ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,1)=BPS("X") S ^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,"B",BPS("X"),DUR)="" Q FLD474 ;DUR/PPS level of effort - called from set logic in BPS NCPDP Field ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,5)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD475 ;DUR Co-agent ID Qualifier - called from set logic in BPS NCPDP Field ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,6)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD476 ;DUR Co-agent ID - called from set logic in BPS NCPDP Field ;DUR is newed in BPSOSHF I ^BPS(9002313.99,1,"CERTIFIER")=DUZ S DUR=1 S $P(^BPSC(BPS(9002313.02),400,BPS(9002313.0201),473.01,DUR,0),U,7)=BPS("X") Q ; FLD480 ;Other Amount Claimed Submitted field ;Called by set logic in BPS NCPDP Field DEFS for field 480 ;Sets fields 478, 479, and 480 in BPS Claims Q:BPS("X")=""!(BPS("X")=0)!($TR(BPS("X"),"{}0.H7H8H9")="") N FDA,MSG S FDA(9002313.0601,"+1,"_BPS(9002313.0201)_","_BPS(9002313.02)_",",.01)="H7"_1 S FDA(9002313.0601,"+1,"_BPS(9002313.0201)_","_BPS(9002313.02)_",",480)=BPS("X") S FDA(9002313.0601,"+1,"_BPS(9002313.0201)_","_BPS(9002313.02)_",",479)="H8"_$G(BPS("Insurer","Other Amt Claim Sub Qual")) D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","BPS(9002313.0601)","MSG") I $D(MSG) D . D LOG2CLM^BPSOSL(BPS(9002313.02),$T(+0)_"-Failed to update NCPDP field 480 and/or 479") . D LOGARAY2^BPSOSL(BPS(9002313.02),"MSG") Q ; EMPL ;Get employer info ; This by GET logic in BPS NCPDP Field Defs for field 315 (Employer Name) ; DMB 11/13/2006 - It makes some sense to only set these fields if ; they exist on the payer sheet. However, it assumes that the ; employer name field will always be before the other fields and ; that the other fields will not exist without the Employer Name ; field. For now, leave this be as these fields are on the ; Worker's Comp segment, which we do not do. We may want to evaluate ; if we were to ever add the Worker's Comp segment Q:'$G(BPS("Patient","IEN")) D GETS^DIQ(2,BPS("Patient","IEN"),".3111;.3112;.3113;.3115;.3116;.3117;.3118;.3119","","EMPL") S BPS("Employer","Name")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3111) S:EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3111)=""&(EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3112)'="") BPS("Employer","Name")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3112) S BPS("Employer","Address")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3113) S BPS("Employer","City")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3116) S BPS("Employer","State")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3117) I BPS("Employer","State")'="" D . S STATEIEN="",STATEIEN=$O(^DIC(5,"B",BPS("Employer","State"),STATEIEN)),BPS("Employer","State")=$P($G(^DIC(5,STATEIEN,0)),"^",2) S BPS("Employer","Zip Code")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3118) S BPS("Employer","Phone")=EMPL(2,BPS("Patient","IEN")_",",.3119) K EMPL,STATEIEN Q ; STLIC(STATE) ; Retrieve the state license number. ; This can be called by the special code in the payer sheet ; References to State file (DIC(5)) covered by IA 10056 ; References to New Person file (VA(200)) covered by IA 10060 ; ; ; Validate the STATE parameter I $G(STATE)="" Q "" ; ; Get state IEN and make sure it exists N STIEN S STIEN=$O(^DIC(5,"C",STATE,0)) I STIEN="" Q "" ; ; Get Provider IEN and make sure it exist N PROVIEN S PROVIEN=$G(BPS("RX",BPS(9002313.02),"Prescriber IEN")) I PROVIEN="" Q "" ; ; Get the expiration date and compare to the date of service N EXPDT S EXPDT=$$GET1^DIQ(200.541,STIEN_","_PROVIEN_",",2) I EXPDT,EXPDT+17000000<$G(BPS("RX",BPS(9002313.02),"Date Filled")) Q "" ; ; Get the license number Q $$GET1^DIQ(200.541,STIEN_","_PROVIEN_",",1) ; STDEA(STATE) ; Retrieve the state DEA number. ; This can be called by the special code in the payer sheet ; References to State file (DIC(5)) covered by IA 10056 ; References to New Person file (VA(200)) covered by IA 10060 ; ; Validate the STATE parameter I $G(STATE)="" Q "" ; ; Get state IEN and make sure it exists N STIEN S STIEN=$O(^DIC(5,"C",STATE,0)) I STIEN="" Q "" ; ; Get Provider IEN and make sure it exist N PROVIEN S PROVIEN=$G(BPS("RX",BPS(9002313.02),"Prescriber IEN")) I PROVIEN="" Q "" ; ; Get the license number Q $$GET1^DIQ(200.55,STIEN_","_PROVIEN_",",1)