BPSPHAR ;BHAM ISC/BEE - ECME MGR PHAR OPTION ;14-FEB-05 ;;1.0;E CLAIMS MGMT ENGINE;**1,3,2,5**;JUN 2004;Build 45 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine is called by the BPS SETUP PHARMACY menu option. It updates ; several fields in the BPS PHARMACIES file. ; Q ; EN ; Main Entry Point N D0,DA,DI,DIC,DLAYGO,DIE,DIRUT,DQ,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; ; First select the pharmacy or enter a new one W !! S DIC(0)="QEALM",(DLAYGO,DIC)=9002313.56,DIC("A")="Select BPS PHARMACIES NAME: " D ^DIC ; ;Check for "^", timeout, or blank entry I ($G(DUOUT)=1)!($G(DTOUT)=1)!($G(Y)=-1) Q ; ;Pull internal entry S DA=$P($G(Y),U) Q:'$G(Y) ; ; If new BPS Pharmacy, default the CMOP Switch and Auto-Reversal Parameter I $P(Y,U,3)=1 D . N DIE,DR,DTOUT . S DIE=9002313.56,DR="1////0;.09////0" . D ^DIE ; ; Display the BPS Pharmacy name, NCPDP #, and NPI W !!,"NAME: ",$P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,DA,0)),U,1) W !,"STATUS: ",$$GET1^DIQ(9002313.56,DA,.1,"E") W !,"NCPDP #: ",$P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,DA,0)),U,2) W !,"NPI: ",$P($G(^BPS(9002313.56,DA,"NPI")),U,1) ; ; Now edit OUTPATIENT SITE, CMOP SWITCH, AUTO-REVERSE PARAMETER, ; and the DEFAULT DEA # S DIE=9002313.56 S DR="13800;1;.09;.03" S DR(2,9002313.5601)=".01" D ^DIE ; Q