unit uSpell; // Word settings need to be restored to origional settings! {$O-} {$DEFINE CPRS} {$UNDEF CPRS} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, ComObj, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, rCore, ORFn, Word2000, Office_TLB, Variants, clipbrd, ActiveX, Contnrs, PSAPI, ExtCtrls; type TSpellCheckAvailable = record Evaluated: boolean; Available: boolean; end; function SpellCheckInProgress: Boolean; procedure KillSpellCheck; function SpellCheckAvailable: Boolean; procedure SpellCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo; OpenSource: Boolean = False); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine ; added 2nd parameter} procedure GrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); // Do Not Call these routines - internal use only procedure InternalSpellCheck(SpellCheck: boolean; EditControl: TCustomMemo); procedure RefocusSpellCheckWindow; const SpellCheckerSettingName = 'SpellCheckerSettings'; //ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine ; {moved following from implementation section to this place to make them visible outside unit too} TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK = 'Spell checking is unavailable.'; TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK = 'Grammar checking is unavailable.'; TX_SPELL_COMPLETE = 'The spelling check is complete.'; TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE = 'The grammar check is complete.'; TX_SPELL_ABORT = 'The spelling check terminated abnormally.'; TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT = 'The grammar check terminated abnormally.'; TX_SPELL_CANCELLED = 'Spelling check was cancelled before completion.'; TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED = 'Grammar check was cancelled before completion.'; TX_NO_CORRECTIONS = 'Corrections have NOT been applied.'; TX_NO_DETAILS = 'No further details are available.'; CRLF = #13#10; var SpellCheckerSettings: string = ''; implementation uses VAUtils, fSpellNotify, uInit, fHunSpell; const TX_ERROR_TITLE = 'Error'; TX_ERROR_INTRO = 'An error has occured.'; TX_TRY_AGAIN = 'Would you like to try again?'; TX_WINDOW_TITLE = 'CPRS-Chart Spell Checking #'; { TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK = 'Spell checking is unavailable.'; {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine ;} {moved following from implementation section to this place to make them visible outside unit too} //begin comment @ska { TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK = 'Grammar checking is unavailable.'; TX_SPELL_COMPLETE = 'The spelling check is complete.'; TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE = 'The grammar check is complete.'; TX_SPELL_ABORT = 'The spelling check terminated abnormally.'; TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT = 'The grammar check terminated abnormally.'; TX_SPELL_CANCELLED = 'Spelling check was cancelled before completion.'; TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED = 'Grammar check was cancelled before completion.'; TX_NO_DETAILS = 'No further details are available.'; TX_NO_CORRECTIONS = 'Corrections have NOT been applied.'; CRLF = #13#10;} //end comment @ska // TABOO_STARTING_CHARS = '!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}'; VALID_STARTING_CHARS = '''-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; type TMSWordThread = class(TThread) private FBeforeLines: TStringList; FAfterLines: TStringList; FWordSettings: TList; FWordVersion: single;{To support Office 2010 & above ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine ; added new variable;} FEditControl: TCustomMemo; FShowingMessage: boolean; // FEmptyVar: OleVariant; FFalseVar: OleVariant; // FTrueVar: OleVariant; FNullStr: OleVariant; FWord: WordApplication; FDoc: WordDocument; FDialog: OleVariant; FDocDlg: OleVariant; FText: string; FSpellCheck: boolean; FSucceeded: boolean; FCanceled: boolean; FTitle: string; FDocWindowHandle: HWnd; FOldFormChange: TNotifyEvent; FOldOnActivate: TNotifyEvent; FError: Exception; FErrorText1: string; FErrorText2: string; FAllowErrorRetry: boolean; FRetryResult: TShow508MessageResult; FResultMessage: string; FSpellChecking: boolean; FLock: TRTLCriticalSection; procedure OnFormChange(Sender: TObject); procedure OnAppActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure OnThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); procedure FindDocumentWindow; procedure TransferText; function RunWithErrorTrap(AMethod: TThreadMethod; SpellCheckErrorMessage, GrammarCheckErrorMessage, AdditionalErrorMessage: string; AllowRetry: boolean): boolean; procedure WordError; procedure StartWord; procedure CreateDocument; procedure DoCheck; procedure ConfigWord; procedure ConfigDoc; procedure GetDialogs; procedure SaveUserSettings; procedure LoadUserSettings; procedure ExitWord; procedure ReportResults; procedure SaveWordSettings; procedure RestoreWordSettings; function UserSetting(Index: integer): boolean; procedure ThreadLock; procedure ThreadUnlock; protected constructor CreateThread(SpellCheck: boolean; AEditControl: TCustomMemo); procedure Execute; override; public procedure RefocusSpellCheckDialog; property Text: string read FText; property Succeeded: boolean read FSucceeded; property Canceled: boolean read FCanceled; end; var MSWordThread: TMSWordThread = nil; function ControlHasText(SpellCheck: boolean; AnEditControl: TCustomMemo): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := FALSE; if not assigned(AnEditControl) then ShowMsg('Spell Check programming error') else begin for i := 0 to AnEditControl.Lines.Count - 1 do begin if trim(AnEditControl.Lines[i]) <> '' then begin Result := TRUE; break; end; end; if not Result then begin if SpellCheck then ShowMsg(TX_SPELL_COMPLETE) else ShowMsg(TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE) end; end; end; function SpellCheckInProgress: boolean; begin Result := assigned(MSWordThread); end; var uSpellCheckAvailable: TSpellCheckAvailable; procedure KillSpellCheck; var checking: boolean; WordHandle: HWnd; ProcessID: DWORD; ProcessHandle: THandle; begin if assigned(MSWordThread) then begin with MSWordThread do begin ThreadLock; try checking := FSpellChecking; WordHandle := FDocWindowHandle; Terminate; finally ThreadUnlock; end; try if checking then begin GetWindowThreadProcessId(WordHandle, ProcessID); ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ProcessID); try TerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, 0); finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; if assigned(MSWordThread) then begin WaitFor; end; except end; end; end; end; { Spell Checking using Visual Basic for Applications script } function SpellCheckAvailable: Boolean; //const // WORD_VBA_CLSID = 'CLSID\{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'; begin // CHANGED FOR PT. SAFETY ISSUE RELEASE 19.16, PATCH OR*3*155 - ADDED NEXT 2 LINES: //result := false; //exit; // Reenabled in version 21.1, via parameter setting (RV) // Result := (GetUserParam('ORWOR SPELL CHECK ENABLED?') = '1'); with uSpellCheckAvailable do // only want to call this once per session!!! v23.10+ begin if not Evaluated then begin Available := (GetUserParam('ORWOR SPELL CHECK ENABLED?') = '1'); Evaluated := True; end; Result := Available; end; end; {//ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine, added new proc} procedure DoHanSpellCheck(anEditControl: TCustomMemo); //Initiates OpenSource (HunSpell) based Spell check begin SuspendTimeout; try {being a class function, we don't have to create an object instance beforehand} TfrmHunSpell.DoHunSpellCheck(AnEditControl); finally ResumeTimeout; end; end; procedure DoSpellCheck(SpellCheck: boolean; AnEditControl: TCustomMemo; OpenSource: Boolean = False); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Added second parameter} var frmSpellNotify: TfrmSpellNotify; begin {//ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; commented out net line} //if assigned(MSWordThread) then exit; {commented out this line and instead added additional check for OpenSource in next line} if (assigned(MSWordThread) and not OpenSource) then exit; if ControlHasText(SpellCheck, AnEditControl) then {//ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine} //Begin @ska ; added next three new lines if OpenSource and SpellCheck then DoHanSpellCheck(AnEditControl) else //end @ska; 01 May 2015 begin frmSpellNotify := TfrmSpellNotify.Create(Application); try SuspendTimeout; try frmSpellNotify.SpellCheck := SpellCheck; frmSpellNotify.EditControl := AnEditControl; frmSpellNotify.ShowModal; finally ResumeTimeout; end; finally frmSpellNotify.Free; end; end; end; procedure InternalSpellCheck(SpellCheck: boolean; EditControl: TCustomMemo); begin MSWordThread := TMSWordThread.CreateThread(SpellCheck, EditControl); while assigned(MSWordThread) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; sleep(50); end; end; procedure RefocusSpellCheckWindow; begin if assigned(MSWordThread) then MSWordThread.RefocusSpellCheckDialog; end; procedure SpellCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo; OpenSource: Boolean = False); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; added second parameter} begin DoSpellCheck(True, AnEditControl, OpenSource); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; added second parameter} end; procedure GrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); begin DoSpellCheck(False, AnEditControl); end; { TMSWordThread } const RETRY_MAX = 3; usCheckSpellingAsYouType = 1; usCheckGrammarAsYouType = 2; usIgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses = 3; usIgnoreMixedDigits = 4; usIgnoreUppercase = 5; usCheckGrammarWithSpelling = 6; usShowReadabilityStatistics = 7; usSuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly = 8; usSuggestSpellingCorrections = 9; usHideSpellingErrors = 10; usHideGrammarErrors = 11; sTrueCode = 'T'; sFalseCode = 'F'; // AFAYT = AutoFormatAsYouType wsAFAYTApplyBorders = 0; wsAFAYTApplyBulletedLists = 1; wsAFAYTApplyFirstIndents = 2; wsAFAYTApplyHeadings = 3; wsAFAYTApplyNumberedLists = 4; wsAFAYTApplyTables = 5; wsAFAYTAutoLetterWizard = 6; wsAFAYTDefineStyles = 7; wsAFAYTFormatListItemBeginning = 8; wsAFAYTInsertClosings = 9; wsAFAYTReplaceQuotes = 10; wsAFAYTReplaceFractions = 11; wsAFAYTReplaceHyperlinks = 12; wsAFAYTReplaceOrdinals = 13; wsAFAYTReplacePlainTextEmphasis = 14; wsAFAYTReplaceSymbols = 15; wsAutoFormatReplaceQuotes = 16; wsTabIndentKey = 17; wsWindowState = 18; wsSaveInterval = 19; wsTrackRevisions = 20; wsShowRevisions = 21; wsShowSummary = 22; {not used for Word 2010; ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; added second parameter } procedure TMSWordThread.Execute; var ok: boolean; procedure EnableAppActivation; begin FWord.Caption := FTitle; Synchronize(FindDocumentWindow); end; procedure Run(AMethod: TThreadMethod; force: boolean = false); begin if terminated then exit; if ok or force then begin ok := RunWithErrorTrap(AMethod, TX_SPELL_ABORT, TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT, '', FALSE); end; end; procedure BuildResultMessage; begin FResultMessage := ''; if FCanceled or (not FSucceeded) then begin if FSpellCheck then FResultMessage := TX_SPELL_CANCELLED else FResultMessage := TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED; FResultMessage := FResultMessage + CRLF + TX_NO_CORRECTIONS; end else if FSucceeded then begin if FSpellCheck then FResultMessage := TX_SPELL_COMPLETE else FResultMessage := TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE; end; end; procedure SetStatus(value, force: boolean); begin if ok or force then begin ThreadLock; FSpellChecking := value; ThreadUnlock; end; end; begin CoInitialize(nil); ok := true; try if RunWithErrorTrap(StartWord, TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK, TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK, TX_TRY_AGAIN, TRUE) then begin try if RunWithErrorTrap(CreateDocument, TX_SPELL_ABORT, TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT, '', FALSE) then begin try EnableAppActivation; Run(SaveWordSettings); Run(ConfigWord); Run(ConfigDoc); Run(GetDialogs); Run(LoadUserSettings); SetStatus(True, False); Run(DoCheck); SetStatus(False, True); Run(SaveUserSettings); Run(RestoreWordSettings); Run(ExitWord, True); if ok and (not terminated) then begin Synchronize(TransferText); BuildResultMessage; Synchronize(ReportResults); end; finally FDoc := nil; end; end; finally FWord := nil; end; end; finally CoUninitialize; end; end; procedure TMSWordThread.ExitWord; var Save: OleVariant; Doc: OleVariant; begin VarClear(FDialog); VarClear(FDocDlg); VariantInit(Save); VariantInit(Doc); try Save := wdDoNotSaveChanges; Doc := wdWordDocument; FWord.Quit(Save, Doc, FFalseVar); finally VarClear(Save); VarClear(Doc); end; end; var WindowTitle: string; WindowHandle: HWnd; function FindDocWindow(Handle: HWND; Info: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall; var title: string; begin title := GetWindowTitle(Handle); if title = WindowTitle then begin WindowHandle := Handle; Result := FALSE; end else Result := True; end; procedure TMSWordThread.FindDocumentWindow; begin WindowTitle := FTitle; WindowHandle := 0; EnumWindows(@FindDocWindow, 0); FDocWindowHandle := WindowHandle; end; procedure TMSWordThread.GetDialogs; //var // DispParams: TDispParams; // OleArgs: array of OleVariant; // ExcepInfo: TExcepInfo; // Status: integer; begin // SetLength(OleArgs, 1); // VariantInit(OleArgs[0]); // try VariantInit(FDialog); FDialog := FWord.Dialogs.Item(wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar); VariantInit(FDocDlg); FDocDlg := FWord.ActiveDocument; (* OleArgs[0] := wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar; DispParams.rgvarg := @OleArgs[0]; DispParams.cArgs := 1; DispParams.rgdispidNamedArgs := nil; DispParams.cNamedArgs := 0; // FDialog := FWord.Dialogs.Item(wdDialogToolsOptionsSpellingAndGrammar); // dispid 0 is the Item method Status := FWord.Dialogs.Invoke(0, GUID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, DispParams, @FDialog, @ExcepInfo, nil); if Status <> S_OK then DispatchInvokeError(Status, ExcepInfo); VariantInit(FDocDlg); DispParams.rgvarg := nil; DispParams.cArgs := 0; Status := FWord.Invoke(3, GUID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, DispParams, @FDocDlg, @ExcepInfo, nil); if Status <> S_OK then DispatchInvokeError(Status, ExcepInfo); finally VarClear(OleArgs[0]); SetLength(OleArgs, 0); end; *) end; procedure TMSWordThread.LoadUserSettings; begin // load FUserSettings from server // these are default values (* 9 AlwaysSuggest, 8 SuggestFromMainDictOnly, 5 IgnoreAllCaps, 4 IgnoreMixedDigits, ResetIgnoreAll, Type, CustomDict1, CustomDict2, CustomDict3, CustomDict4, CustomDict5, CustomDict6, CustomDict7, CustomDict8, CustomDict9, CustomDict10, 1 AutomaticSpellChecking, 3 FilenamesEmailAliases, UserDict1, 2 AutomaticGrammarChecking, 6?? ForegroundGrammar, 7 ShowStatistics, Options, RecheckDocument, IgnoreAuxFind, IgnoreMissDictSearch, 10 HideGrammarErrors, CheckSpelling, GrLidUI, SpLidUI, DictLang1, DictLang2, DictLang3, DictLang4, DictLang5, DictLang6, DictLang7, DictLang8, DictLang9, DictLang10, 11 HideSpellingErrors, HebSpellStart, InitialAlefHamza, FinalYaa, GermanPostReformSpell, AraSpeller, ProcessCompoundNoun *) // FDialog. ThreadLock; try FDialog.AutomaticSpellChecking := UserSetting(usCheckSpellingAsYouType); FDialog.AutomaticGrammarChecking := UserSetting(usCheckGrammarAsYouType); FDialog.FilenamesEmailAliases := UserSetting(usIgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses); FDialog.IgnoreMixedDigits := UserSetting(usIgnoreMixedDigits); FDialog.ForegroundGrammar := UserSetting(usCheckGrammarWithSpelling); FDialog.ShowStatistics := UserSetting(usShowReadabilityStatistics); FDialog.SuggestFromMainDictOnly := UserSetting(usSuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly); FDialog.IgnoreAllCaps := UserSetting(usIgnoreUppercase); FDialog.AlwaysSuggest := UserSetting(usSuggestSpellingCorrections); FDialog.HideSpellingErrors := UserSetting(usHideSpellingErrors); FDialog.HideGrammarErrors := UserSetting(usHideGrammarErrors); FDialog.Execute; finally ThreadUnlock; end; // need list of custom dictionaries - default to CUSTOM.DIC (or query Word for it!!!) // FWord.CustomDictionaries end; procedure TMSWordThread.OnAppActivate(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(FOldOnActivate) then FOldOnActivate(Sender); RefocusSpellCheckDialog; end; procedure TMSWordThread.OnFormChange(Sender: TObject); begin if assigned(FOldFormChange) then FOldFormChange(Sender); RefocusSpellCheckDialog; end; procedure TMSWordThread.OnThreadTerminate(Sender: TObject); begin Application.OnActivate := FOldOnActivate; Screen.OnActiveFormChange := FOldFormChange; // VarClear(FEmptyVar); VarClear(FFalseVar); // VarClear(FTrueVar); FWordSettings.Free; FBeforeLines.Free; FAfterLines.Free; DeleteCriticalSection(FLock); Screen.Cursor := crDefault; MSWordThread := nil; end; procedure TMSWordThread.RefocusSpellCheckDialog; begin Application.ProcessMessages; if Application.Active and (not FShowingMessage) and (FDocWindowHandle <> 0) then begin SetForegroundWindow(FDocWindowHandle); SetFocus(FDocWindowHandle); end; end; procedure TMSWordThread.ReportResults; var icon: TShow508MessageIcon; begin if FSucceeded then icon := smiInfo else icon := smiWarning; FShowingMessage := True; try ShowMsg(FResultMessage, icon, smbOK); finally FShowingMessage := False; end; end; procedure TMSWordThread.RestoreWordSettings; function Load(Index: integer): integer; begin if FWordSettings.Count > Index then Result := Integer(FWordSettings[Index]) else Result := 0 end; begin FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyBorders)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyBulletedLists)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyFirstIndents)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyHeadings)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyNumberedLists)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTApplyTables)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTAutoLetterWizard)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTDefineStyles)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTFormatListItemBeginning)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTInsertClosings)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplaceQuotes)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplaceFractions)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplaceHyperlinks)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplaceOrdinals)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplacePlainTextEmphasis)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols := boolean(Load(wsAFAYTReplaceSymbols)); FWord.Options.AutoFormatReplaceQuotes := boolean(Load(wsAutoFormatReplaceQuotes)); FWord.Options.TabIndentKey := boolean(Load(wsTabIndentKey)); FWord.WindowState := Load(wsWindowState); FWord.Options.SaveInterval := Load(wsSaveInterval); FDoc.TrackRevisions := boolean(Load(wsTrackRevisions)); FDoc.ShowRevisions := boolean(Load(wsShowRevisions)); if (FWordVersion < 13) then {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Only call next line if office verion if version < office10} // altered for Word 2010 FDoc.ShowSummary := boolean(Load(wsShowSummary)); end; function TMSWordThread.RunWithErrorTrap(AMethod: TThreadMethod; SpellCheckErrorMessage, GrammarCheckErrorMessage, AdditionalErrorMessage: string; AllowRetry: boolean): boolean; var RetryCount: integer; Done: boolean; begin RetryCount := 0; Result := TRUE; repeat Done := TRUE; try AMethod; except on E: Exception do begin if not terminated then begin inc(RetryCount); Done := FALSE; if RetryCount >= RETRY_MAX then begin FError := E; FAllowErrorRetry := AllowRetry; if FSpellCheck then FErrorText1 := SpellCheckErrorMessage else FErrorText1 := GrammarCheckErrorMessage; FErrorText2 := AdditionalErrorMessage; Synchronize(WordError); if AllowRetry and (FRetryResult = smrRetry) then RetryCount := 0 else begin Result := FALSE; Done := TRUE; end; end; end; end; end; until Done; end; procedure TMSWordThread.DoCheck; begin FDoc.Content.Text := FText; FDoc.Content.SpellingChecked := False; FDoc.Content.GrammarChecked := False; if FSpellCheck then begin FDocDlg.Content.CheckSpelling; // FDoc.CheckSpelling(FNullStr, FEmptyVar, FEmptyVar, {Ignore, Suggest, }FNullStr, FNullStr, // FNullStr, FNullStr, FNullStr, FNullStr, FNullStr, FNullStr, FNullStr); FSucceeded := FDoc.Content.SpellingChecked; FText := FDoc.Content.Text; end else begin FDoc.Content.CheckGrammar; FSucceeded := FDoc.Content.GrammarChecked; FText := FDoc.Content.Text; end; FCanceled := (FText = ''); end; procedure TMSWordThread.SaveUserSettings; procedure SaveSetting(Value: boolean; Index: integer); begin while length(SpellCheckerSettings) < Index do SpellCheckerSettings := SpellCheckerSettings + ' '; if Value then SpellCheckerSettings[Index] := sTrueCode else SpellCheckerSettings[Index] := sFalseCode; end; begin ThreadLock; try SpellCheckerSettings := ''; FDialog.Update; SaveSetting(FDialog.AutomaticSpellChecking, usCheckSpellingAsYouType); SaveSetting(FDialog.AutomaticGrammarChecking, usCheckGrammarAsYouType); SaveSetting(FDialog.FilenamesEmailAliases, usIgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses); SaveSetting(FDialog.IgnoreMixedDigits, usIgnoreMixedDigits); SaveSetting(FDialog.IgnoreAllCaps, usIgnoreUppercase); SaveSetting(FDialog.ForegroundGrammar, usCheckGrammarWithSpelling); SaveSetting(FDialog.ShowStatistics, usShowReadabilityStatistics); SaveSetting(FDialog.SuggestFromMainDictOnly, usSuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly); SaveSetting(FDialog.AlwaysSuggest, usSuggestSpellingCorrections); SaveSetting(FDialog.HideSpellingErrors, usHideSpellingErrors); SaveSetting(FDialog.HideGrammarErrors, usHideGrammarErrors); finally ThreadUnlock; end; (* 9 AlwaysSuggest, 8 SuggestFromMainDictOnly, 5 IgnoreAllCaps, 4 IgnoreMixedDigits, ResetIgnoreAll, Type, CustomDict1, CustomDict2, CustomDict3, CustomDict4, CustomDict5, CustomDict6, CustomDict7, CustomDict8, CustomDict9, CustomDict10, 1 AutomaticSpellChecking, 3 FilenamesEmailAliases, UserDict1, 2 AutomaticGrammarChecking, 6?? ForegroundGrammar, 7 ShowStatistics, Options, RecheckDocument, IgnoreAuxFind, IgnoreMissDictSearch, 10 HideGrammarErrors, CheckSpelling, GrLidUI, SpLidUI, DictLang1, DictLang2, DictLang3, DictLang4, DictLang5, DictLang6, DictLang7, DictLang8, DictLang9, DictLang10, 11 HideSpellingErrors, HebSpellStart, InitialAlefHamza, FinalYaa, GermanPostReformSpell, AraSpeller, ProcessCompoundNoun *) end; procedure TMSWordThread.SaveWordSettings; procedure Save(Value, Index: integer); begin while FWordSettings.Count <= Index do FWordSettings.Add(nil); FWordSettings[Index] := Pointer(Value); end; begin Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders) , wsAFAYTApplyBorders); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists) , wsAFAYTApplyBulletedLists); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents) , wsAFAYTApplyFirstIndents); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings) , wsAFAYTApplyHeadings); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists) , wsAFAYTApplyNumberedLists); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables) , wsAFAYTApplyTables); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard) , wsAFAYTAutoLetterWizard); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles) , wsAFAYTDefineStyles); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning) , wsAFAYTFormatListItemBeginning); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings) , wsAFAYTInsertClosings); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes) , wsAFAYTReplaceQuotes); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions) , wsAFAYTReplaceFractions); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks) , wsAFAYTReplaceHyperlinks); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals) , wsAFAYTReplaceOrdinals); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis) , wsAFAYTReplacePlainTextEmphasis); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols) , wsAFAYTReplaceSymbols); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.AutoFormatReplaceQuotes) , wsAutoFormatReplaceQuotes); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.TabIndentKey) , wsTabIndentKey); Save(Ord(FWord.WindowState) , wsWindowState); Save(Ord(FWord.Options.SaveInterval) , wsSaveInterval); Save(Ord(FDoc.TrackRevisions) , wsTrackRevisions); Save(Ord(FDoc.ShowRevisions) , wsShowRevisions); if (FWordVersion < 13) then {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Only call next line if office verion if version < office10} Save(Ord(FDoc.ShowSummary) , wsShowSummary); end; procedure TMSWordThread.StartWord; begin FWord := CoWordApplication.Create; FWordVersion := StrToFloatDef(FWord.Version, 0.0); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Get Office version for office10 specific calls} end; procedure TMSWordThread.ThreadLock; begin EnterCriticalSection(FLock); end; procedure TMSWordThread.ThreadUnlock; begin LeaveCriticalSection(FLock); end; procedure TMSWordThread.TransferText; var i: integer; Lines: TStringList; begin if FSucceeded and (not FCanceled) then begin Lines := TStringList.Create; try Lines.Text := FText; // For some unknown reason spell check adds garbage lines to text while (Lines.Count > 0) and (trim(Lines[Lines.Count-1]) = '') do Lines.Delete(Lines.Count-1); for i := 0 to FBeforeLines.Count-1 do Lines.Insert(i, FBeforeLines[i]); for i := 0 to FAfterLines.Count-1 do Lines.Add(FAfterLines[i]); FastAssign(Lines, FEditControl.Lines); finally Lines.Free; end; end; end; function TMSWordThread.UserSetting(Index: integer): boolean; begin if SpellCheckerSettings = '' then begin case Index of usCheckSpellingAsYouType: Result := True; usCheckGrammarAsYouType: Result := False; usIgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses: Result := True; usIgnoreMixedDigits: Result := True; usIgnoreUppercase: Result := True; usCheckGrammarWithSpelling: Result := False; usShowReadabilityStatistics: Result := False; usSuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly: Result := False; usSuggestSpellingCorrections: Result := True; usHideSpellingErrors: Result := False; usHideGrammarErrors: Result := True; else Result := False; end; end else Result := copy(SpellCheckerSettings,Index,1) = sTrueCode; end; procedure TMSWordThread.ConfigDoc; begin FDoc.TrackRevisions := False; FDoc.ShowRevisions := False; if (FWordVersion < 13) then {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Only call next line if office verion if version < office10} FDoc.ShowSummary := False; FWord.Height := 1000; FWord.Width := 1000; FWord.Top := -2000; FWord.Left := -2000; end; procedure TMSWordThread.ConfigWord; begin // save all old values to FWord, restore when done. FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols := False; FWord.Options.AutoFormatReplaceQuotes := False; FWord.Options.TabIndentKey := False; FWord.WindowState := wdWindowStateNormal; FWord.Options.SaveInterval := 0; FWord.ResetIgnoreAll; end; procedure TMSWordThread.CreateDocument; var DocType: OleVariant; begin VariantInit(DocType); try DocType := wdNewBlankDocument; FDoc := FWord.Documents.Add(FNullStr, FFalseVar, DocType, FFalseVar); {ska@WorldVista ; 01 May 2015; to implement OpenSource SpellCheck Engine; Commented out following line as it would fail for office 10 and above and also not really required for previous versions} // FDoc.Activate; finally VarClear(DocType); end; end; constructor TMSWordThread.CreateThread(SpellCheck: boolean; AEditControl: TCustomMemo); function WordDocTitle: string; var Guid: TGUID; begin if ActiveX.Succeeded(CreateGUID(Guid)) then Result := GUIDToString(Guid) else Result := ''; Result := TX_WINDOW_TITLE + IntToStr(Application.Handle) + '/' + Result; end; function BeforeLineInvalid(Line: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := (trim(Line) = ''); if not Result then begin for I := 1 to length(Line) do if pos(Line[i], VALID_STARTING_CHARS) > 0 then exit; Result := True; end; end; procedure GetTextFromComponent; var Lines: TStrings; begin Lines := TStringList.Create; try FastAssign(AEditControl.Lines, Lines); while (Lines.Count > 0) and (trim(Lines[Lines.Count-1]) = '') do begin FAfterLines.Insert(0, Lines[Lines.Count-1]); Lines.Delete(Lines.Count-1); end; while (Lines.Count > 0) and (BeforeLineInvalid(Lines[0])) do begin FBeforeLines.Add(Lines[0]); Lines.Delete(0); end; FText := Lines.Text; finally Lines.Free; end; end; begin inherited Create(TRUE); Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; InitializeCriticalSection(FLock); FBeforeLines := TStringList.Create; FAfterLines := TStringList.Create; FWordSettings := TList.Create; FSpellChecking := False; FEditControl := AEditControl; // VariantInit(FEmptyVar); VariantInit(FFalseVar); // VariantInit(FTrueVar); VariantInit(FNullStr); // TVarData(FEmptyVar).VType := VT_EMPTY; TVarData(FFalseVar).VType := VT_BOOL; // TVarData(FTrueVar).VType := VT_BOOL; TVarData(FNullStr).VType := VT_BSTR; // FEmptyVar := 0; FFalseVar := 0; // FTrueVar := -1; FNullStr := ''; FDocWindowHandle := 0; FSpellCheck := SpellCheck; GetTextFromComponent; FSucceeded := FALSE; FCanceled := FALSE; FTitle := WordDocTitle; FreeOnTerminate := True; OnTerminate := OnThreadTerminate; FOldOnActivate := Application.OnActivate; Application.OnActivate := OnAppActivate; FOldFormChange := Screen.OnActiveFormChange; Screen.OnActiveFormChange := OnFormChange; Resume; end; procedure TMSWordThread.WordError; var btn: TShow508MessageButton; msg: string; procedure Append(txt: string); begin if txt <> '' then msg := msg + CRLF + txt; end; begin if FAllowErrorRetry then btn := smbRetryCancel else btn := smbOK; msg := TX_ERROR_INTRO; Append(FErrorText1); if FError.Message <> '' then Append(FError.Message) else Append(TX_NO_DETAILS); Append(FErrorText2); FShowingMessage := True; try FRetryResult := ShowMsg(Msg, TX_ERROR_TITLE, smiError, btn); finally FShowingMessage := False; end; end; initialization finalization KillSpellCheck; end.