unit fAddlSigners; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, Buttons, ORCtrls, ORfn, ExtCtrls, FNoteProps,Dialogs; type TfrmAddlSigners = class(TForm) cmdOK: TButton; cmdCancel: TButton; cboSrcList: TORComboBox; DstList: TORListBox; SrcLabel: TLabel; DstLabel: TLabel; pnlBase: TPanel; cmdRemove: TButton; lblAuthor: TOROffsetLabel; cboCosigner: TORComboBox; lblCosigner: TOROffsetLabel; txtAuthor: TCaptionEdit; pnlAdditional: TORAutoPanel; pnlButtons: TORAutoPanel; pnlTop: TORAutoPanel; procedure NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSrcListMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure cboCosignerChange(Sender: TObject); procedure DstListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSrcListKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure cboCosignerNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboCosignerExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboSrcListClick(Sender: TObject); private FSigners: TStringList ; FCosigner: int64; FExclusions: TStringList; FSigAction: integer; FChanged: Boolean; FNoteIEN: integer; FRefDate: TFMDateTime; FToday: string; FTabID: integer; function CosignerOK: Boolean; end; TSignerList = record Changed: Boolean; Signers: TStringList ; Cosigner: int64; end; procedure SelectAdditionalSigners(FontSize, NoteIEN, SigAction: Integer; Exclusions: TStrings; var SignerList: TSignerList; TabID: integer; ARefDate: TFMDateTime) ; const SG_ADDITIONAL = 1; SG_COSIGNER = 2; SG_BOTH = 3; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rCore, uCore, rTIU, uConst, rPCE; const TX_SIGNER_CAP = 'Error adding signers'; TX_SIGNER_TEXT = 'Select signers or press Cancel.'; TX_BAD_SIGNER = 'Cannot select author, user, expected signer, or expected cosigner' ; TX_DUP_SIGNER = 'You have already selected that additional signer'; TX_NO_COSIGNER = ' is not authorized to cosign this document.'; TX_NO_COSIGNER_CAP = 'Invalid Cosigner'; TX_NO_DELETE = 'A cosigner is required'; TX_NO_DELETE_CAP = 'No cosigner selected'; procedure SelectAdditionalSigners(FontSize, NoteIEN, SigAction: Integer; Exclusions: TStrings; var SignerList: TSignerList; TabID: integer; ARefDate: TFMDateTime) ; { displays additional signer form for notes and returns a record of the selection } var frmAddlSigners: TfrmAddlSigners; W, H, i: Integer; begin frmAddlSigners := TfrmAddlSigners.Create(Application); try with frmAddlSigners do begin FTabID := TabID; FSigAction := SigAction; FNoteIEN := NoteIEN; FRefDate := ARefDate; FExclusions.Assign(Exclusions); FToday := FloatToStr(FMToday); if FSigAction = SG_COSIGNER then begin pnlAdditional.Visible := False; Height := Height - pnlAdditional.Height; end; Font.Size := FontSize; W := ClientWidth; H := ClientHeight; ResizeToFont(FontSize, W, H); ClientWidth := W; pnlBase.Width := W; ClientHeight := H; pnlBase.Height := H; with FExclusions do for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin if Piece(Strings[i],U,3) = 'Author' then txtAuthor.Text := Piece(Strings[i], U, 2) else if Piece(Strings[i],U,3) = 'Expected Cosigner' then begin cboCosigner.Items.Add(Strings[i]); cboCosigner.ItemIndex := 0; end else DstList.Items.Add(Strings[i]); end; if (SigAction = SG_COSIGNER) or (SigAction = SG_BOTH) then begin lblCosigner.Caption := 'Expected cosigner'; cboCosigner.Caption := 'Expected cosigner'; cboCosigner.Color := clWindow; cboCosigner.Enabled := True; cboCosigner.InitLongList(''); end; if (SigAction = SG_ADDITIONAL) or (SigAction = SG_BOTH) then cboSrcList.InitLongList(''); FChanged := False; ShowModal; with SignerList do begin Signers := TStringList.Create; Signers.Assign(FSigners); Cosigner := FCosigner; Changed := FChanged ; end ; end; {with frmAddlSigners} finally frmAddlSigners.Release; end; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin FChanged := False; if (FSigAction = SG_ADDITIONAL) and ((DstList.Items.Count = 0) and (FSigners.Count = 0)) then begin InfoBox(TX_SIGNER_TEXT, TX_SIGNER_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if not CosignerOK then Exit; FChanged := True; FCosigner := cboCosigner.ItemIEN; for i := 0 to DstList.Items.Count-1 do begin if fExclusions.IndexOf(DstList.Items[i]) < 0 then FSigners.Add(DstList.Items[i]); end; Close; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboSrcListMouseClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin if cboSrcList.ItemIndex = -1 then exit; if (DstList.SelectByID(cboSrcList.ItemID) <> -1) then begin InfoBox(TX_DUP_SIGNER, TX_SIGNER_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; for i := 0 to FExclusions.Count-1 do if (Piece(FExclusions.Strings[i],U,1) = cboSrcList.ItemID) then begin InfoBox(TX_BAD_SIGNER, TX_SIGNER_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; DstList.Items.Add(cboSrcList.Items[cboSrcList.Itemindex]) ; cboSrcList.SelectByID(cboSrcList.ItemID); end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cmdRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); var i,j: integer; begin with DstList do begin if ItemIndex = -1 then exit ; for i := Items.Count-1 downto 0 do if Selected[i] then begin j := FExclusions.IndexOf(Items[i]); FSigners.Add(ORFn.Pieces(Items[i], U, 1, 2) + '^REMOVE'); if j > -1 then FExclusions.Delete(j); Items.Delete(i) ; end; end; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboCosignerChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin if UserInactive(cboCosigner.ItemID) then if (InfoBox(fNoteProps.TX_USER_INACTIVE, TC_INACTIVE_USER, MB_OKCANCEL)= IDCANCEL) then exit; if not CosignerOK then Exit; i := DstList.SelectByID(cboCosigner.ItemID); if i > -1 then begin DstList.Items.Delete(i); FSigners.Add(ORFn.Pieces(cboCosigner.Items[cboCosigner.ItemIndex], U, 1, 2) + '^REMOVE'); end; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin cboCosigner.Color := ReadOnlyColor; txtAuthor.Color := ReadOnlyColor; FSigners := TStringList.Create; FExclusions := TStringList.Create; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FSigners.Free; FExclusions.Free; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.DstListClick(Sender: TObject); begin if DstList.ItemIndex > -1 then cmdRemoveClick(Self); end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboSrcListKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_RETURN then cboSrcListMouseClick(Self); end; function TfrmAddlSigners.CosignerOK: Boolean; begin Result := False; if not cboCosigner.Enabled then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if cboCosigner.ItemIndex < 0 then begin InfoBox(TX_NO_DELETE, TX_NO_DELETE_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; case FTabID of CT_NOTES, CT_CONSULTS: if (not CanCosign(TitleForNote(FNoteIEN), 0, cboCosigner.ItemIEN, FRefDate)) then begin InfoBox(cboCosigner.Text + TX_NO_COSIGNER, TX_NO_COSIGNER_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; CT_DCSUMM: if not IsUserAProvider(cboCosigner.ItemIEN, FMNow) then begin InfoBox(cboCosigner.Text + TX_NO_COSIGNER, TX_NO_COSIGNER_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; end; Result := True; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboCosignerNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin case FTabID of CT_NOTES: TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(SubSetOfUsersWithClass(StartFrom, Direction, FToday)); CT_CONSULTS: TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(SubSetOfUsersWithClass(StartFrom, Direction, FToday)); CT_DCSUMM: TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction)); end; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboCosignerExit(Sender: TObject); begin with cboCosigner do if Text = '' then ItemIndex := -1; end; procedure TfrmAddlSigners.cboSrcListClick(Sender: TObject); var UserEIN:string; begin UserEIN := Piece(cboSrcList.Items[cboSrcList.Itemindex],U,1); if UserInactive(UserEIN) then if (InfoBox(fNoteProps.TX_USER_INACTIVE, TC_INACTIVE_USER, MB_OKCANCEL)= IDCANCEL) then exit; end; end.