unit fProbLex; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ORFn, uProbs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ORctrls, uConst, fAutoSz, uInit; type TfrmPLLex = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; bbCan: TBitBtn; bbOK: TBitBtn; Panel1: TPanel; Bevel1: TBevel; lblstatus: TLabel; ebLex: TCaptionEdit; lbLex: TORListBox; bbSearch: TBitBtn; procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure bbOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure bbCanClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure ebLexKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure bbSearchClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbLexClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation uses fprobs, rProbs, fProbEdt; {$R *.DFM} var ProblemList:TstringList; const TX_CONTINUE_799 = 'A suitable term was not found based on user input and current defaults.'#13#10 + 'If you proceed with this nonspecific term, an ICD code of "799.9 - OTHER'#13#10 + 'UNKNOWN AND UNSPECIFIED CAUSE OF MORBIDITY OR MORTALITY" will be filed.'#13#10#13#10 + 'Use '; procedure TfrmPLLex.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin ProblemList.free; {frmProblems.lblProbList.Caption := frmProblems.pnlRight.Caption ;} Release; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.bbOKClick(Sender: TObject); const TX799 = '799.9'; var x, y: string; i: integer; begin if (ebLex.Text = '') and ((lbLex.itemindex < 0) or (lbLex.Items.Count = 0)) then exit {bail out - nothing selected} else if ((lbLex.itemindex < 0) or (lbLex.Items.Count = 0)) then begin if InfoBox(TX_CONTINUE_799 + UpperCase(ebLex.Text) + '?', 'Unresolved Entry', MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES then Exit; PLProblem:=u + ebLex.Text + u + TX799 + u; end else if (Piece(ProblemList[lbLex.ItemIndex], U, 3) = '') then begin if InfoBox(TX_CONTINUE_799 + UpperCase(lbLex.DisplayText[lbLex.ItemIndex]) + '?', 'Unresolved Entry', MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES then Exit; PLProblem:=u + lbLex.DisplayText[lbLex.ItemIndex] + u + TX799 + u; end else begin x := ProblemList[lbLex.ItemIndex]; y := Piece(x, U, 2); i := Pos(' *', y); if i > 0 then y := Copy(y, 1, i - 1); SetPiece(x, U, 2, y); PLProblem := x; end; if (not Application.Terminated) and (not uInit.TimedOut) then {prevents GPF if system close box is clicked while frmDlgProbs is visible} if Assigned(frmProblems) then PostMessage(frmProblems.Handle, UM_PLLex, 0, 0) ; Close; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.bbCanClick(Sender: TObject); begin PLProblem:=''; close; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin PLProblem := ''; ProblemList:=TStringList.create; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(self); //Resize bevel to center horizontally Bevel1.Width := Panel1.ClientWidth - Bevel1.Left- Bevel1.Left; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.ebLexKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if key=#13 then begin bbSearchClick(Sender); Key:=#0; end else begin lblStatus.caption:=''; lbLex.Items.clear; end; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.bbSearchClick(Sender: TObject); VAR ALIST:Tstringlist; v,Max, Found:string; onlist: integer; procedure SetLexList(v:string); var {too bad ORCombo only allows 1 piece to be shown} i, j: integer; txt, term, code, sys, lin, x: String; begin lbLex.Clear; onlist:=-1; for i:=0 to pred(ProblemList.count) do begin txt:=ProblemList[i]; Term:=Piece(txt,u,2); code:=Piece(txt,u,3); sys:=Piece(txt,u,5); lin:=Piece(txt,u,1) + u + term + ' ' + sys ; if code<>'' then lin:=lin + ':(' + code + ')'; //lin:=Piece(txt,u,1) + u + term {+ ' ' + sys} ; //{if code<>'' then lin:=lin + ':(' + code + ')'; } j := Pos(' *', Term); if j > 0 then x := UpperCase(Copy(Term, 1, j-1)) else x := UpperCase(Term); if (x=V) or (code=V) then onlist:=i; lbLex.Items.add(lin); end; if onlist < 0 then begin {Search term not in return list, so add it} lbLex.Items.insert(0,(u + V) ); ProblemList.insert(0,(u + V + u + u)); lbLex.itemIndex:=0; end else begin {search term is on return list, so highlight it} lbLex.itemIndex:=onlist; ActiveControl := bbOK; end; lbLex.SetFocus; end; begin {body} if ebLex.text='' then begin InfoBox('Enter a term to search for, then click "SEARCH"', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION); exit; {don't bother to drop if no text entered} end ; Alist:=TStringList.create; try if lblStatus.caption = '' then begin lblStatus.caption := 'Searching Lexicon...'; lblStatus.refresh; end; v:=uppercase(ebLex.text); if (v<>'') and (lbLex.itemindex<1) then begin ProblemList.clear; {Alist.Assign(ProblemLexiconSearch(v)) ;} Alist.Assign(OldProblemLexiconSearch(v, 100)) ; end; if Alist.count > 0 then begin lbLex.Items.assign(Alist); ProblemList.assign(Alist); Max:=ProblemList[pred(ProblemList.count)]; {get max number found} ProblemList.delete(pred(ProblemList.count)); {shed max# found} SetLexList(V); if onlist < 0 then Found := inttostr(ProblemList.Count -1) else Found := inttostr(ProblemList.Count); lblStatus.caption:='Search returned ' + Found + ' items.' + ' out of a possible ' + Max; lbLex.Itemindex := 0 ; end else begin lblStatus.caption:='No Entries Found for "' + ebLex.text + '"'; end ; finally Alist.free; end; end; procedure TfrmPLLex.lbLexClick(Sender: TObject); begin bbOKClick(sender); end; procedure TfrmPLLex.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin ebLex.setfocus; end; end.