unit fPtSelOptns; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ORDtTmRng, ORCtrls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ORFn; type TSetCaptionTopProc = procedure of object; TSetPtListTopProc = procedure(IEN: Int64) of object; TfrmPtSelOptns = class(TForm) orapnlMain: TORAutoPanel; bvlPtList: TORAutoPanel; lblPtList: TLabel; lblDateRange: TLabel; cboList: TORComboBox; cboDateRange: TORComboBox; calApptRng: TORDateRangeDlg; radDflt: TRadioButton; radProviders: TRadioButton; radTeams: TRadioButton; radSpecialties: TRadioButton; radClinics: TRadioButton; radWards: TRadioButton; radAll: TRadioButton; procedure radHideSrcClick(Sender: TObject); procedure radShowSrcClick(Sender: TObject); procedure radLongSrcClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboListExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboListKeyPause(Sender: TObject); procedure cboListMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboListNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure cboDateRangeExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboDateRangeMouseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private FLastTopList: string; FLastDateIndex: Integer; FSrcType: Integer; FSetCaptionTop: TSetCaptionTopProc; FSetPtListTop: TSetPtListTopProc; procedure HideDateRange; procedure ShowDateRange; public function IsLast5(x: string): Boolean; function IsFullSSN(x: string): Boolean; procedure cmdSaveListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SetDefaultPtList(Dflt: string); procedure UpdateDefault; property LastTopList: string read FLastTopList write FLastTopList; property SrcType: Integer read FSrcType write FSrcType; property SetCaptionTopProc: TSetCaptionTopProc read FSetCaptionTop write FSetCaptionTop; property SetPtListTopProc: TSetPtListTopProc read FSetPtListTop write FSetPtListTop; end; const { constants referencing the value of the tag property in components } TAG_SRC_DFLT = 11; // default patient list TAG_SRC_PROV = 12; // patient list by provider TAG_SRC_TEAM = 13; // patient list by team TAG_SRC_SPEC = 14; // patient list by treating specialty TAG_SRC_CLIN = 16; // patient list by clinic TAG_SRC_WARD = 17; // patient list by ward TAG_SRC_ALL = 18; // all patients var frmPtSelOptns: TfrmPtSelOptns; clinDoSave, clinSaveToday: boolean; clinDefaults: string; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rCore, fPtSelOptSave, fPtSel; const TX_LS_DFLT = 'This is already saved as your default patient list settings.'; TX_LS_PROV = 'A provider must be selected to save patient list settings.'; TX_LS_TEAM = 'A team must be selected to save patient list settings.'; TX_LS_SPEC = 'A specialty must be selected to save patient list settings.'; TX_LS_CLIN = 'A clinic and a date range must be selected to save settings for a clinic.'; TX_LS_WARD = 'A ward must be selected to save patient list settings.'; TC_LS_FAIL = 'Unable to Save Patient List Settings'; TX_LS_SAV1 = 'Save '; TX_LS_SAV2 = CRLF + 'as your default patient list setting?'; TC_LS_SAVE = 'Save Patient List Settings'; function TfrmPtSelOptns.IsLast5(x: string): Boolean; { returns true if string matchs patterns: A9999 or 9999 (BS & BS5 xrefs for patient lookup) } var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if not ((Length(x) = 4) or (Length(x) = 5)) then Exit; if Length(x) = 5 then begin if not (x[1] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z']) then Exit; x := Copy(x, 2, 4); end; for i := 1 to 4 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; Result := True; end; function TfrmPtSelOptns.IsFullSSN(x: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := False; if (Length(x) < 9) or (Length(x) > 12) then Exit; case Length(x) of 9: // no dashes, no 'P' for i := 1 to 9 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; 10: // no dashes, with 'P' begin for i := 1 to 9 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; if (Uppercase(x[10]) <> 'P') then Exit; end; 11: // dashes, no 'P' begin if (x[4] <> '-') or (x[7] <> '-') then Exit; x := Copy(x,1,3) + Copy(x,5,2) + Copy(x,8,4); for i := 1 to 9 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; end; 12: // dashes, with 'P' begin if (x[4] <> '-') or (x[7] <> '-') then Exit; x := Copy(x,1,3) + Copy(x,5,2) + Copy(x,8,5); for i := 1 to 9 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; if UpperCase(x[10]) <> 'P' then Exit; end; end; Result := True; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.radHideSrcClick(Sender: TObject); { called by radDflt & radAll - hides list source combo box and refreshes patient list } begin cboList.Pieces := '2'; FSrcType := TControl(Sender).Tag; FLastTopList := ''; HideDateRange; cboList.Visible := False; cboList.Caption := TRadioButton(Sender).Caption; FSetCaptionTop; FSetPtListTop(0); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.radShowSrcClick(Sender: TObject); { called by radTeams, radSpecialties, radWards - shows items for the list source } begin cboList.Pieces := '2'; FSrcType := TControl(Sender).Tag; FLastTopList := ''; HideDateRange; FSetCaptionTop; with cboList do begin Clear; LongList := False; Sorted := True; case FSrcType of TAG_SRC_TEAM: ListTeamAll(Items); TAG_SRC_SPEC: ListSpecialtyAll(Items); TAG_SRC_WARD: ListWardAll(Items); end; Visible := True; end; cboList.Caption := TRadioButton(Sender).Caption; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.radLongSrcClick(Sender: TObject); { called by radProviders, radClinics - switches to long list & shows items for the list source } begin cboList.Pieces := '2'; FSrcType := TControl(Sender).Tag; FLastTopList := ''; FSetCaptionTop; with cboList do begin Sorted := False; LongList := True; Clear; case FSrcType of TAG_SRC_PROV: begin cboList.Pieces := '2,3'; HideDateRange; ListProviderTop(Items); end; TAG_SRC_CLIN: begin ShowDateRange; ListClinicTop(Items); end; end; InitLongList(''); Visible := True; end; cboList.Caption := TRadioButton(Sender).Caption; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboListExit(Sender: TObject); begin with cboList do if ItemIEN > 0 then FSetPtListTop(ItemIEN); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboListKeyPause(Sender: TObject); begin with cboList do if ItemIEN > 0 then FSetPtListTop(ItemIEN); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboListMouseClick(Sender: TObject); begin with cboList do if ItemIEN > 0 then FSetPtListTop(ItemIEN); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboListNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); {CQ6363 Notes: This procedure was altered for CQ6363, but then changed back to its original form, as it is now. The problem is that in LOM1T, there are numerous entries in the HOSPITAL LOCATION file (44) that are lower-case, resulting in a "B" xref that looks like this: ^SC("B","module 1x",2897) = ^SC("B","pt",3420) = ^SC("B","read",3146) = ^SC("B","zz GIM/WONG NEW",2902) = ^SC("B","zz bhost/arm",3076) = ^SC("B","zz bhost/day",2698) = ^SC("B","zz bhost/eve/ornelas",2885) = ^SC("B","zz bhost/resident",2710) = ^SC("B","zz bhost/sws",2946) = ^SC("B","zz c&P ortho/patel",3292) = ^SC("B","zz mhc md/kelley",320) = ^SC("B","zz/mhc/p",1076) = ^SC("B","zzMHC MD/THRASHER",1018) = ^SC("B","zztest clinic",3090) = ^SC("B","zzz-hbpc-phone-jung",1830) = ^SC("B","zzz-hbpcphone cocohran",1825) = ^SC("B","zzz-home service",1428) = ^SC("B","zzz-phone-deloye",1834) = ^SC("B","zzz/gmonti impotence",2193) = ASCII sort mode puts those entries at the end of the "B" xref, but when retrieved by CPRS and upper-cased, it messes up the logic of the combo box. This problem has been around since there was a CPRS GUI, and the best possible fix is to require those entries to either be in all uppercase or be removed. If that's cleaned up, the logic below will work correctly. } begin case frmPtSelOptns.SrcType of TAG_SRC_PROV: cboList.ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction)); TAG_SRC_CLIN: cboList.ForDataUse(SubSetOfClinics(StartFrom, Direction)); end; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.HideDateRange; begin lblDateRange.Hide; cboDateRange.Hide; cboList.Height := cboDateRange.Top - cboList.Top + cboDateRange.Height; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.ShowDateRange; var DateString, DRStart, DREnd: string; TStart, TEnd: boolean; begin with cboDateRange do if Items.Count = 0 then begin ListDateRangeClinic(Items); ItemIndex := 0; end; DateString := DfltDateRangeClinic; // Returns "^T" even if no settings. DRStart := piece(DateString,U,1); DREnd := piece(DateString,U,2); if (DRStart <> ' ') then begin TStart := false; TEnd := false; if ((DRStart = 'T') or (DRStart = 'TODAY')) then TStart := true; if ((DREnd = 'T') or (DREnd = 'TODAY')) then TEnd := true; if not (TStart and TEnd) then cboDateRange.ItemIndex := cboDateRange.Items.Add(DRStart + ';' + DREnd + U + DRStart + ' to ' + DREnd); end; cboList.Height := lblDateRange.Top - cboList.Top - 4; lblDateRange.Show; cboDateRange.Show; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboDateRangeExit(Sender: TObject); begin if cboDateRange.ItemIndex <> FLastDateIndex then cboDateRangeMouseClick(Self); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cboDateRangeMouseClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (cboDateRange.ItemID = 'S') then begin with calApptRng do if Execute then cboDateRange.ItemIndex := cboDateRange.Items.Add(RelativeStart + ';' + RelativeStop + U + TextOfStart + ' to ' + TextOfStop) else cboDateRange.ItemIndex := -1; end; FLastDateIndex := cboDateRange.ItemIndex; if cboList.ItemIEN > 0 then FSetPtListTop(cboList.ItemIEN); end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.cmdSaveListClick(Sender: TObject); var x: string; begin x := ''; case FSrcType of TAG_SRC_DFLT: InfoBox(TX_LS_DFLT, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK); TAG_SRC_PROV: if cboList.ItemIEN <= 0 then InfoBox(TX_LS_PROV, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK) else x := 'P^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + U + 'Provider = ' + cboList.Text; TAG_SRC_TEAM: if cboList.ItemIEN <= 0 then InfoBox(TX_LS_TEAM, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK) else x := 'T^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + U + 'Team = ' + cboList.Text; TAG_SRC_SPEC: if cboList.ItemIEN <= 0 then InfoBox(TX_LS_SPEC, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK) else x := 'S^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + U + 'Specialty = ' + cboList.Text; TAG_SRC_CLIN: if (cboList.ItemIEN <= 0) or (Pos(';', cboDateRange.ItemID) = 0) then InfoBox(TX_LS_CLIN, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK) else begin clinDefaults := 'Clinic = ' + cboList.Text + ', ' + cboDaterange.text; frmPtSelOptSave := TfrmPtSelOptSave.create(Application); // Calls dialogue form for user input. frmPtSelOptSave.showModal; frmPtSelOptSave.free; if (not clinDoSave) then Exit; if clinSaveToday then x := 'CT^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + cboDateRange.ItemID + U + 'Clinic = ' + cboList.Text + ', ' + cboDateRange.Text else x := 'C^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + cboDateRange.ItemID + U + 'Clinic = ' + cboList.Text + ', ' + cboDateRange.Text; end; TAG_SRC_WARD: if cboList.ItemIEN <= 0 then InfoBox(TX_LS_WARD, TC_LS_FAIL, MB_OK) else x := 'W^' + IntToStr(cboList.ItemIEN) + U + U + 'Ward = ' + cboList.Text; TAG_SRC_ALL : x := 'A'; end; if (x <> '') then begin if not (FSrcType = TAG_SRC_CLIN) then // Clinics already have a "confirm" d-box. begin if (InfoBox(TX_LS_SAV1 + Piece(x, U, 4) + TX_LS_SAV2, TC_LS_SAVE, MB_YESNO) = IDYES) then begin SavePtListDflt(x); UpdateDefault; end; end else // Skip second confirmation box for clinics. begin SavePtListDflt(x); UpdateDefault; end; end; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FLastDateIndex := -1; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.SetDefaultPtList(Dflt: string); begin if Length(Dflt) > 0 then // if default patient list available, use it begin radDflt.Caption := '&Default: ' + Dflt; radDflt.Checked := True; // causes radHideSrcClick to be called end else // otherwise, select from all patients begin radDflt.Enabled := False; radAll.Checked := True; // causes radHideSrcClick to be called end; end; procedure TfrmPtSelOptns.UpdateDefault; begin FSrcType := TAG_SRC_DFLT; fPtSel.FDfltSrc := DfltPtList; // Server side default setting: "DfltPtList" is in rCore. fPtSel.FDfltSrcType := Piece(fPtSel.FDfltSrc, U, 2); fPtSel.FDfltSrc := Piece(fPtSel.FDfltSrc, U, 1); if (IsRPL = '1') then // Deal with restricted patient list users. fPtSel.FDfltSrc := ''; SetDefaultPtList(fPtSel.FDfltSrc); end; end.