unit fRptBox; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ORFn, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, fFrame; type TfrmReportBox = class(TForm) lblFontTest: TLabel; memReport: TRichEdit; pnlButton: TPanel; cmdPrint: TButton; dlgPrintReport: TPrintDialog; cmdClose: TButton; procedure memReportClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdPrintClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCloseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); end; procedure ReportBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean); function ModelessReportBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean): TfrmReportBox; procedure PrintStrings(Form: TForm; StringText: TStrings; const Title, Trailer: string); implementation uses uCore, rCore, rReports, Printers, rMisc; {$R *.DFM} function CreateReportBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean): TfrmReportBox; var i, AWidth, MaxWidth, AHeight: Integer; Rect: TRect; // %$@# buttons! BtnArray: array of TButton; BtnRight: array of integer; BtnLeft: array of integer; //cmdCloseRightMargin: integer; //cmdPrintRightMargin: integer; j, k: integer; begin Result := TfrmReportBox.Create(Application); try with Result do begin k := 0; with pnlButton do for j := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do if Controls[j] is TButton then begin SetLength(BtnArray, k+1); SetLength(BtnRight, k+1); BtnArray[j] := TButton(Controls[j]); BtnRight[j] := ResizeWidth(Font, MainFont, BtnArray[j].Width - BtnArray[j].Width - BtnArray[j].Left); k := k + 1; end; //cmdCloseRightMargin := ResizeWidth(Font, MainFont, pnlButton.Width - cmdClose.Width - cmdClose.Left); //cmdPrintRightMargin := ResizeWidth(Font, MainFont, pnlButton.Width - cmdPrint.Width - cmdPrint.Left); MaxWidth := 350; for i := 0 to ReportText.Count - 1 do begin AWidth := lblFontTest.Canvas.TextWidth(ReportText[i]); if AWidth > MaxWidth then MaxWidth := AWidth; end; cmdPrint.Visible := AllowPrint; MaxWidth := MaxWidth + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); AHeight := (ReportText.Count * (lblFontTest.Height + 2)) + pnlbutton.Height; AHeight := HigherOf(AHeight, 250); if AHeight > (Screen.Height - 80) then AHeight := Screen.Height - 80; if MaxWidth > Screen.Width then MaxWidth := Screen.Width; ClientWidth := MaxWidth; ClientHeight := AHeight; Rect := BoundsRect; ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect); BoundsRect := Rect; ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(Result); memReport.Align := alClient; //CQ6661 //CQ6889 - force Print & Close buttons to bottom right of form regardless of selected font size cmdClose.Left := (pnlButton.Left+pnlButton.Width)-cmdClose.Width; cmdPrint.Left := (cmdClose.Left-cmdPrint.Width)-1; //end CQ6889 SetLength(BtnLeft, k); for j := 0 to k - 1 do begin BtnLeft[j] := pnlButton.Width - BtnArray[j].Width - BtnRight[j]; end; //cmdClose.Left := pnlButton.Width - cmdClose.Width - cmdCloseRightMargin; //cmdPrint.Left := pnlButton.Width - cmdPrint.Width - cmdPrintRightMargin; memReport.Lines.Assign(ReportText); for i := 1 to Length(ReportTitle) do if ReportTitle[i] = #9 then ReportTitle[i] := ' '; Caption := ReportTitle; memReport.SelStart := 0; end; except KillObj(@Result); raise; end; end; procedure ReportBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean); var frmReportBox: TfrmReportBox; begin frmReportBox := CreateReportBox(ReportText, ReportTitle, AllowPrint); try frmReportBox.ShowModal; finally frmReportBox.Release; end; end; function ModelessReportBox(ReportText: TStrings; ReportTitle: string; AllowPrint: boolean): TfrmReportBox; begin Result := CreateReportBox(ReportText, ReportTitle, AllowPrint); Result.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; Result.Show; end; procedure PrintStrings(Form: TForm; StringText: TStrings; const Title, Trailer: string); var AHeader: TStringList; memPrintReport: TRichEdit; MaxLines, LastLine, ThisPage, i: integer; ErrMsg: string; // RemoteSiteID: string; //for Remote site printing // RemoteQuery: string; //for Remote site printing dlgPrintReport: TPrintDialog; const PAGE_BREAK = '**PAGE BREAK**'; begin // RemoteSiteID := ''; // RemoteQuery := ''; dlgPrintReport := TPrintDialog.Create(Form); try frmFrame.CCOWBusy := True; if dlgPrintReport.Execute then begin AHeader := TStringList.Create; CreatePatientHeader(AHeader, Title); memPrintReport := TRichEdit.Create(Form); try MaxLines := 60 - AHeader.Count; LastLine := 0; ThisPage := 0; with memPrintReport do begin Visible := False; Parent := Form; Font.Name := 'Courier New'; Font.Size := MainFontSize; Width := Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(StringOfChar('-', 74)); //Width := 600; repeat with Lines do begin AddStrings(AHeader); for i := 0 to MaxLines do if i < StringText.Count then Add(StringText[LastLine + i]) else Break; LastLine := LastLine + i; Add(' '); Add(' '); Add(StringOfChar('-', 74)); if LastLine >= StringText.Count - 1 then Add(Trailer) else begin ThisPage := ThisPage + 1; Add('Page ' + IntToStr(ThisPage)); Add(PAGE_BREAK); end; end; until LastLine >= StringText.Count - 1; PrintWindowsReport(memPrintReport, PAGE_BREAK, Title, ErrMsg); end; finally memPrintReport.Free; AHeader.Free; end; end; finally frmFrame.CCOWBusy := False; dlgPrintReport.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmReportBox.memReportClick(Sender: TObject); begin //Close; end; procedure TfrmReportBox.cmdPrintClick(Sender: TObject); begin PrintStrings(Self, memReport.Lines, Self.Caption, 'End of report'); memReport.Invalidate; end; procedure TfrmReportBox.cmdCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TfrmReportBox.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin if(not (fsModal in FormState)) then Action := caFree; end; procedure TfrmReportBox.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin memReport.Color := ReadOnlyColor; end; end.