unit rReports; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, ComCtrls, Chart, graphics; { Consults } procedure ListConsults(Dest: TStrings); procedure LoadConsultText(Dest: TStrings; IEN: Integer); { Reports } procedure ListReports(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListLabReports(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListReportDateRanges(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListHealthSummaryTypes(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListImagingExams(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListProcedures(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListNutrAssessments(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListSurgeryReports(Dest: TStrings); procedure ColumnHeaders(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: String); procedure SaveColumnSizes(aColumn: String); procedure LoadReportText(Dest: TStrings; ReportType: string; const Qualifier: string; ARpc, AHSTag: string); procedure RemoteQueryAbortAll; procedure RemoteQuery(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: string; AHSType, ADaysback, AExamID: string; Alpha, AOmega: Double; ASite, ARemoteRPC, AHSTag: String); procedure DirectQuery(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: string; AHSType, ADaysback, AExamID: string; Alpha, AOmega: Double; ASite, ARemoteRPC, AHSTag: String); function ReportQualifierType(ReportType: Integer): Integer; function ImagingParams: String; function AutoRDV: String; function HDRActive: String; procedure PrintReportsToDevice(AReport: string; const Qualifier, Patient, ADevice: string; var ErrMsg: string; aComponents: TStringlist; ARemoteSiteID, ARemoteQuery, AHSTag: string); function HSFileLookup(aFile: String; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; procedure HSComponentFiles(Dest: TStrings; aComponent: String); procedure HSSubItems(Dest: TStrings; aItem: String); procedure HSReportText(Dest: TStrings; aComponents: TStringlist); procedure HSComponents(Dest: TStrings); procedure HSABVComponents(Dest: TStrings); procedure HSDispComponents(Dest: TStrings); procedure HSComponentSubs(Dest: TStrings; aItem: String); procedure HealthSummaryCheck(Dest: TStrings; aQualifier: string); function GetFormattedReport(AReport: string; const Qualifier, Patient: string; aComponents: TStringlist; ARemoteSiteID, ARemoteQuery, AHSTag: string): TStrings; procedure PrintWindowsReport(ARichEdit: TRichEdit; APageBreak, ATitle: string; var ErrMsg: string); function DefaultToWindowsPrinter: Boolean; procedure PrintGraph(GraphImage: TChart; PageTitle: string); procedure PrintBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap); procedure CreatePatientHeader(var HeaderList: TStringList; PageTitle: string); procedure SaveDefaultPrinter(DefPrinter: string) ; function GetRemoteStatus(aHandle: string): String; function GetAdhocLookup: integer; procedure SetAdhocLookup(aLookup: integer); procedure GetRemoteData(Dest: TStrings; aHandle: string; aItem: PChar); procedure ModifyHDRData(Dest: string; aHandle: string; aID: string); procedure PrintVReports(Dest, ADevice, AHeader: string; AReport: TStringList); implementation uses uCore, rCore, Printers, clipbrd, uReports, fReports; var uTree: TStringList; uReportsList: TStringList; uLabReports: TStringList; uDateRanges: TStringList; uHSTypes: TStringList; { Consults } procedure ListConsults(Dest: TStrings); var i: Integer; x: string; begin CallV('ORWCS LIST OF CONSULT REPORTS', [Patient.DFN]); with RPCBrokerV do begin SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 2); InvertStringList(TStringList(Results)); SetListFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', TStringList(Results), U, 2); for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; x := Pieces(x, U, 1, 2) + U + Piece(x, U, 3) + ' (' + Piece(x, U, 4) + ')'; Results[i] := x; end; Dest.Assign(Results); end; end; procedure LoadConsultText(Dest: TStrings; IEN: Integer); begin CallV('ORWCS REPORT TEXT', [Patient.DFN, IEN]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; { Reports } procedure ExtractSection(Dest: TStrings; const Section: string; Mixed: Boolean); var i: Integer; begin with RPCBrokerV do begin i := -1; repeat Inc(i) until (i = Results.Count) or (Results[i] = Section); Inc(i); while (i < Results.Count) and (Results[i] <> '$$END') do begin {if (Pos('OR_ECS',UpperCase(Results[i]))>0) and (not uECSReport.ECSPermit) then begin Inc(i); Continue; end;} if Mixed = true then Dest.Add(MixedCase(Results[i])) else Dest.Add(Results[i]); Inc(i); end; end; end; procedure LoadReportLists; begin CallV('ORWRP REPORT LISTS', [nil]); uDateRanges := TStringList.Create; uHSTypes := TStringList.Create; uReportsList := TStringList.Create; ExtractSection(uDateRanges, '[DATE RANGES]', true); ExtractSection(uHSTypes, '[HEALTH SUMMARY TYPES]', true); ExtractSection(uReportsList, '[REPORT LIST]', true); end; procedure LoadLabReportLists; begin CallV('ORWRP LAB REPORT LISTS', [nil]); uLabReports := TStringList.Create; ExtractSection(uLabReports, '[LAB REPORT LIST]', true); end; procedure LoadTree; begin CallV('ORWRP3 EXPAND COLUMNS', [nil]); uTree := TStringList.Create; ExtractSection(uTree, '[REPORT LIST]', false); end; procedure ListReports(Dest: TStrings); var i: Integer; begin if uTree = nil then LoadTree else begin uTree.Clear; LoadTree; end; for i := 0 to uTree.Count - 1 do Dest.Add(Pieces(uTree[i], '^', 1, 15)); end; procedure ListLabReports(Dest: TStrings); var i: integer; begin if uLabreports = nil then LoadLabReportLists; for i := 0 to uLabReports.Count - 1 do Dest.Add(Pieces(uLabReports[i], U, 1, 10)); end; procedure ListReportDateRanges(Dest: TStrings); begin if uDateRanges = nil then LoadReportLists; Dest.Assign(uDateRanges); end; procedure ListHealthSummaryTypes(Dest: TStrings); begin if uHSTypes = nil then LoadReportLists; MixedCaseList(uHSTypes); Dest.Assign(uHSTypes); end; procedure HealthSummaryCheck(Dest: TStrings; aQualifier: string); begin if aQualifier = '1' then begin ListHealthSummaryTypes(Dest); end; end; procedure ColumnHeaders(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: String); begin CallV('ORWRP COLUMN HEADERS',[AReportType]); Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); end; procedure SaveColumnSizes(aColumn: String); begin CallV('ORWCH SAVECOL', [aColumn]); end; procedure ListImagingExams(Dest: TStrings); var x: string; i: Integer; begin CallV('ORWRA IMAGING EXAMS1', [Patient.DFN]); with RPCBrokerV do begin SetListFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn', TStringList(Results), U, 3); for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; if Piece(x,U,7) = 'Y' then SetPiece(x,U,7, ' - Abnormal'); x := Piece(x,U,1) + U + 'i' + Pieces(x,U,2,3)+ U + Piece(x,U,4) + U + Piece(x,U,6) + Piece(x,U,7) + U + MixedCase(Piece(Piece(x,U,9),'~',2)) + U + Piece(x,U,5) + U + '[+]' + U + Pieces(x, U, 15,17); (* x := Piece(x,U,1) + U + 'i' + Pieces(x,U,2,3)+ U + Piece(x,U,4) + U + Piece(x,U,6) + Piece(x,U,7) + U + Piece(x,U,5) + U + '[+]' + U + Piece(x, U, 15);*) Results[i] := x; end; Dest.Assign(Results); end; end; procedure ListProcedures(Dest: TStrings); var x,sdate: string; i: Integer; begin CallV('ORWMC PATIENT PROCEDURES1', [Patient.DFN]); with RPCBrokerV do begin for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; if length(piece(x, U, 8)) > 0 then begin sdate := ShortDateStrToDate(piece(piece(x, U, 8),'@',1)) + ' ' + piece(piece(x, U, 8),'@',2); end; x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + 'i' + Piece(x, U, 2) + U + sdate + U + Piece(x, U, 3) + U + Piece(x, U, 9) + '^[+]'; Results[i] := x; end; Dest.Assign(Results); end; end; procedure ListNutrAssessments(Dest: TStrings); var x: string; i: Integer; begin CallV('ORWRP1 LISTNUTR', [Patient.DFN]); with RPCBrokerV do begin for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + 'i' + Piece(x, U, 3) + U + Piece(x, U, 3); Results[i] := x; end; Dest.Assign(Results); end; end; procedure ListSurgeryReports(Dest: TStrings); { returns a list of surgery cases for a patient, without documents} //Facility^Case #^Date/Time of Operation^Operative Procedure^Surgeon name) var i: integer; x, AFormat: string; begin CallV('ORWSR RPTLIST', [Patient.DFN]); with RPCBrokerV do begin for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := Results[i]; if Piece(Piece(x, U, 3), '.', 2) = '' then AFormat := 'mm/dd/yyyy' else AFormat := 'mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn'; x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + 'i' + Piece(x, U, 2) + U + FormatFMDateTimeStr(AFormat, Piece(x, U, 3))+ U + Piece(x, U, 4)+ U + Piece(x, U, 5); if Piece(Results[i], U, 6) = '+' then x := x + '^[+]'; Results[i] := x; end; Dest.Assign(Results); end; end; procedure LoadReportText(Dest: TStrings; ReportType: string; const Qualifier: string; ARpc, AHSTag: string); var HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, MaxOcc, AReport, x: string; Alpha, Omega, Trans: double; begin HSType := ''; DaysBack := ''; ExamID := ''; Alpha := 0; Omega := 0; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'T' then begin Alpha := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',1)); Omega := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',2)); if Alpha > Omega then begin Trans := Omega; Omega := Alpha; Alpha := Trans; end; MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',3); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'd' then begin MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',2); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); x := Piece(Qualifier,';',1); DaysBack := Copy(x, 2, Length(x)); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'h' then HSType := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'i' then ExamID := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); AReport := ReportType + '~' + AHSTag; if Length(ARpc) > 0 then begin CallV(ARpc, [Patient.DFN, AReport, HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, Alpha, Omega]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end else begin Dest.Add('RPC is missing from report definition (file 101.24).'); Dest.Add('Please contact Technical Support.'); end; end; procedure RemoteQueryAbortAll; begin CallV('XWB DEFERRED CLEARALL',[nil]); end; procedure RemoteQuery(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: string; AHSType, ADaysback, AExamID: string; Alpha, AOmega: Double; ASite, ARemoteRPC, AHSTag: String); var AReport: string; begin AReport := AReportType + ';1' + '~' + AHSTag; if length(AHSType) > 0 then AHSType := piece(AHSType,':',1) + ';' + piece(AHSType,':',2); //format for backward compatibility CallV('XWB REMOTE RPC', [ASite, ARemoteRPC, 0, Patient.DFN + ';' + Patient.ICN, AReport, AHSType, ADaysBack, AExamID, Alpha, AOmega]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure DirectQuery(Dest: TStrings; AReportType: string; AHSType, ADaysback, AExamID: string; Alpha, AOmega: Double; ASite, ARemoteRPC, AHSTag: String); var AReport: string; begin AReport := AReportType + ';1' + '~' + AHSTag; if length(AHSType) > 0 then AHSType := piece(AHSType,':',1) + ';' + piece(AHSType,':',2); //format for backward compatibility CallV('XWB DIRECT RPC', [ASite, ARemoteRPC, 0, Patient.DFN + ';' + Patient.ICN, AReport, AHSType, ADaysBack, AExamID, Alpha, AOmega]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; function ReportQualifierType(ReportType: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to uReportsList.Count - 1 do if StrToIntDef(Piece(uReportsList[i], U, 1), 0) = ReportType then Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(uReportsList[i], U, 3), 0); end; function ImagingParams: String; begin Result := sCallV('ORWTPD GETIMG',[nil]); end; function AutoRDV: String; begin Result := sCallV('ORWCIRN AUTORDV', [nil]); end; function HDRActive: String; begin Result := sCallV('ORWCIRN HDRON', [nil]); end; procedure PrintVReports(Dest, ADevice, AHeader: string; AReport: TStringList); begin CallV('ORWRP PRINT V REPORT', [ADevice, Patient.DFN, AHeader, AReport]); end; procedure PrintReportsToDevice(AReport: string; const Qualifier, Patient, ADevice: string; var ErrMsg: string; aComponents: TStringlist; ARemoteSiteID, ARemoteQuery, AHSTag: string); { prints a report on the selected device } var HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, MaxOcc, ARpt, x: string; Alpha, Omega: double; j: integer; RemoteHandle,Report: string; aHandles: TStringlist; begin HSType := ''; DaysBack := ''; ExamID := ''; Alpha := 0; Omega := 0; aHandles := TStringList.Create; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'T' then begin Alpha := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',1)); Omega := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',2)); MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',3); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'd' then begin MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',2); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); x := Piece(Qualifier,';',1); DaysBack := Copy(x, 2, Length(x)); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'h' then HSType := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'i' then ExamID := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); if Length(ARemoteSiteID) > 0 then begin RemoteHandle := ''; for j := 0 to RemoteReports.Count - 1 do begin Report := TRemoteReport(RemoteReports.ReportList.Items[j]).Report; if Report = ARemoteQuery then begin RemoteHandle := TRemoteReport(RemoteReports.ReportList.Items[j]).Handle + '^' + Pieces(Report,'^',9,10); break; end; end; if Length(RemoteHandle) > 1 then with RemoteSites.SiteList do aHandles.Add(ARemoteSiteID + '^' + RemoteHandle); end; ARpt := AReport + '~' + AHSTag; if aHandles.Count > 0 then begin ErrMsg := sCallV('ORWRP PRINT REMOTE REPORT',[ADevice, Patient, ARpt, aHandles]); if Piece(ErrMsg, U, 1) = '0' then ErrMsg := '' else ErrMsg := Piece(ErrMsg, U, 2); end else begin ErrMsg := sCallV('ORWRP PRINT REPORT',[ADevice, Patient, ARpt, HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, aComponents, Alpha, Omega]); if Piece(ErrMsg, U, 1) = '0' then ErrMsg := '' else ErrMsg := Piece(ErrMsg, U, 2); end; aHandles.Clear; aHandles.Free; end; function GetFormattedReport(AReport: string; const Qualifier, Patient: string; aComponents: TStringlist; ARemoteSiteID, ARemoteQuery, AHSTag: string): TStrings; { prints a report on the selected device } var HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, MaxOcc, ARpt, x: string; Alpha, Omega: double; j: integer; RemoteHandle,Report: string; aHandles: TStringlist; begin HSType := ''; DaysBack := ''; ExamID := ''; Alpha := 0; Omega := 0; aHandles := TStringList.Create; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'T' then begin Alpha := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',1)); Omega := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(Qualifier,';',2)); MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',3); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'd' then begin MaxOcc := Piece(Qualifier,';',2); SetPiece(AHSTag,';',4,MaxOcc); x := Piece(Qualifier,';',1); DaysBack := Copy(x, 2, Length(x)); end; if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'h' then HSType := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); if CharAt(Qualifier, 1) = 'i' then ExamID := Copy(Qualifier, 2, Length(Qualifier)); if Length(ARemoteSiteID) > 0 then begin RemoteHandle := ''; for j := 0 to RemoteReports.Count - 1 do begin Report := TRemoteReport(RemoteReports.ReportList.Items[j]).Report; if Report = ARemoteQuery then begin RemoteHandle := TRemoteReport(RemoteReports.ReportList.Items[j]).Handle + '^' + Pieces(Report,'^',9,10); break; end; end; if Length(RemoteHandle) > 1 then with RemoteSites.SiteList do aHandles.Add(ARemoteSiteID + '^' + RemoteHandle); end; ARpt := AReport + '~' + AHSTag; if aHandles.Count > 0 then begin CallV('ORWRP PRINT WINDOWS REMOTE',[Patient, ARpt, aHandles]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end else begin CallV('ORWRP PRINT WINDOWS REPORT',[Patient, ARpt, HSType, DaysBack, ExamID, aComponents, Alpha, Omega]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; aHandles.Clear; aHandles.Free; end; function DefaultToWindowsPrinter: Boolean; begin Result := (StrToIntDef(sCallV('ORWRP WINPRINT DEFAULT',[]), 0) > 0); end; procedure PrintWindowsReport(ARichEdit: TRichEdit; APageBreak, Atitle: string; var ErrMsg: string); var i, j, x, y, LineHeight: integer; aGoHead: string; aHeader: TStringList; const TX_ERR_CAP = 'Print Error'; TX_FONT_SIZE = 10; TX_FONT_NAME = 'Courier New'; begin aHeader := TStringList.Create; aGoHead := ''; if piece(Atitle,';',2) = '1' then begin Atitle := piece(Atitle,';',1); aGoHead := '1'; end; CreatePatientHeader(aHeader ,ATitle); with ARichEdit do begin (* if Lines[Lines.Count - 1] = APageBreak then // remove trailing form feed Lines.Delete(Lines.Count - 1); while (Lines[0] = '') or (Lines[0] = APageBreak) do Lines.Delete(0); // remove leading blank lines and form feeds*) {v20.4 - SFC-0602-62899 - RV} while (Lines.Count > 0) and ((Lines[Lines.Count - 1] = '') or (Lines[Lines.Count - 1] = APageBreak)) do Lines.Delete(Lines.Count - 1); // remove trailing blank lines and form feeds while (Lines.Count > 0) and ((Lines[0] = '') or (Lines[0] = APageBreak)) do Lines.Delete(0); // remove leading blank lines and form feeds if Lines.Count > 1 then begin (* i := Lines.IndexOf(APageBreak); if ((i >= 0 ) and (i < Lines.Count - 1)) then // removed in v15.9 (RV) begin*) Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := TX_FONT_SIZE; Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := TX_FONT_NAME; Printer.Title := ATitle; x := Trunc(Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(StringOfChar('=', TX_FONT_SIZE)) * 0.75); LineHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(TX_FONT_NAME); y := LineHeight * 5; // 5 lines = .83" top margin v15.9 (RV) Printer.BeginDoc; for i := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do begin if Lines[i] = APageBreak then begin Printer.NewPage; y := LineHeight * 5; // 5 lines = .83" top margin v15.9 (RV) if aGoHead = '1' then begin for j := 0 to aHeader.Count - 1 do begin Printer.Canvas.TextOut(x, y, aHeader[j]); y := y + LineHeight; end; end; end else begin Printer.Canvas.TextOut(x, y, Lines[i]); y := y + LineHeight; end; end; Printer.EndDoc; (* end else // removed in v15.9 (RV) TRichEdit.Print no longer used. try Font.Size := TX_FONT_SIZE; Font.Name := TX_FONT_NAME; Print(ATitle); except ErrMsg := TX_ERR_CAP; end;*) end else if ARichEdit.Lines.Count = 1 then if Piece(ARichEdit.Lines[0], U, 1) <> '0' then ErrMsg := Piece(ARichEdit.Lines[0], U, 2); end; aHeader.Free; end; procedure CreatePatientHeader(var HeaderList: TStringList; PageTitle: string); // standard patient header, from HEAD^ORWRPP var tmpStr, tmpItem: string; begin with HeaderList do begin Add(' '); Add(StringOfChar(' ', (74 - Length(PageTitle)) div 2) + PageTitle); Add(' '); tmpStr := Patient.Name + ' ' + Patient.SSN; tmpItem := tmpStr + StringOfChar(' ', 39 - Length(tmpStr)) + Encounter.LocationName; tmpStr := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd, yyyy', Patient.DOB) + ' (' + IntToStr(Patient.Age) + ')'; tmpItem := tmpItem + StringOfChar(' ', 74 - (Length(tmpItem) + Length(tmpStr))) + tmpStr; Add(tmpItem); Add(StringOfChar('=', 74)); Add('*** WORK COPY ONLY ***' + StringOfChar(' ', 24) + 'Printed: ' + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd, yyyy hh:nn', FMNow)); Add(' '); Add(' '); end; end; procedure PrintGraph(GraphImage: TChart; PageTitle: string); var AHeader: TStringList; i, y, LineHeight: integer; GraphPic: TBitMap; Magnif: integer; const TX_FONT_SIZE = 12; TX_FONT_NAME = 'Courier New'; CF_BITMAP = 2; // from Windows.pas begin ClipBoard; AHeader := TStringList.Create; CreatePatientHeader(AHeader, PageTitle); GraphPic := TBitMap.Create; try GraphImage.CopyToClipboardBitMap; GraphPic.LoadFromClipBoardFormat(CF_BITMAP, ClipBoard.GetAsHandle(CF_BITMAP), 0); with Printer do begin Canvas.Font.Size := TX_FONT_SIZE; Canvas.Font.Name := TX_FONT_NAME; Title := PageTitle; Magnif := (Canvas.TextWidth(StringOfChar('=', 74)) div GraphImage.Width); LineHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight(TX_FONT_NAME); y := LineHeight; BeginDoc; try for i := 0 to AHeader.Count - 1 do begin Canvas.TextOut(0, y, AHeader[i]); y := y + LineHeight; end; y := y + (4 * LineHeight); //GraphImage.PrintPartial(Rect(0, y, Canvas.TextWidth(StringOfChar('=', 74)), y + (Magnif * GraphImage.Height))); PrintBitmap(Canvas, Rect(0, y, Canvas.TextWidth(StringOfChar('=', 74)), y + (Magnif * GraphImage.Height)), GraphPic); finally EndDoc; end; end; finally ClipBoard.Clear; GraphPic.Free; AHeader.Free; end; end; procedure SaveDefaultPrinter(DefPrinter: string) ; begin CallV('ORWRP SAVE DEFAULT PRINTER', [DefPrinter]); end; function HSFileLookup(aFile: String; const StartFrom: string; Direction:Integer): TStrings; begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS FILE LOOKUP', [aFile, StartFrom, Direction]); MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; procedure HSComponentFiles(Dest: TStrings; aComponent: String); begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS COMP FILES', [aComponent]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSSubItems(Dest: TStrings; aItem: String); begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS SUBITEMS', [aItem]); MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSReportText(Dest: TStrings; aComponents: TStringlist); begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS REPORT TEXT', [aComponents, Patient.DFN]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSComponents(Dest: TStrings); begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS COMPONENTS', [nil]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSABVComponents(Dest: TStrings); begin CallV('ORWRP2 COMPABV', [nil]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSDispComponents(Dest: TStrings); begin CallV('ORWRP2 COMPDISP', [nil]); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure HSComponentSubs(Dest: TStrings; aItem: String); begin CallV('ORWRP2 HS COMPONENT SUBS',[aItem]); MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; function GetRemoteStatus(aHandle: string): String; begin CallV('XWB REMOTE STATUS CHECK', [aHandle]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; end; function GetAdhocLookup: integer; begin CallV('ORWRP2 GETLKUP', [nil]); if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then Result := StrToInt(RPCBrokerV.Results[0]) else Result := 0; end; procedure SetAdhocLookup(aLookup: integer); begin CallV('ORWRP2 SAVLKUP', [IntToStr(aLookup)]); end; procedure GetRemoteData(Dest: TStrings; aHandle: string; aItem: PChar); begin CallV('XWB REMOTE GETDATA', [aHandle]); if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count < 1 then RPCBrokerV.Results[0] := 'No data found.'; if (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count < 2) and (RPCBrokerV.Results[0] = '') then RPCBrokerV.Results[0] := 'No data found.'; QuickCopy(RPCBrokerV.Results,Dest); end; procedure ModifyHDRData(Dest: string; aHandle: string; aID: string); begin CallV('ORWRP4 HDR MODIFY', [aHandle, aID]); end; procedure PrintBitmap(Canvas: TCanvas; DestRect: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap); var BitmapHeader: pBitmapInfo; BitmapImage : POINTER; HeaderSize : DWORD; // Use DWORD for D3-D5 compatibility ImageSize : DWORD; begin GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, HeaderSize, ImageSize); GetMem(BitmapHeader, HeaderSize); GetMem(BitmapImage, ImageSize); try GetDIB(Bitmap.Handle, Bitmap.Palette, BitmapHeader^, BitmapImage^); StretchDIBits(Canvas.Handle, DestRect.Left, DestRect.Top, // Destination Origin DestRect.Right - DestRect.Left, // Destination Width DestRect.Bottom - DestRect.Top, // Destination Height 0, 0, // Source Origin Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, // Source Width & Height BitmapImage, TBitmapInfo(BitmapHeader^), DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY) finally FreeMem(BitmapHeader); FreeMem(BitmapImage) end end {PrintBitmap}; initialization { nothing to initialize } finalization uTree.Free; uReportsList.Free; uLabReports.Free; uDateRanges.Free; uHSTypes.Free; end.