unit ORFn; {$OPTIMIZATION OFF} interface // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Forms, Graphics, Menus, RichEdit; const U = '^'; CRLF = #13#10; BOOLCHAR: array[Boolean] of Char = ('0', '1'); UM_STATUSTEXT = (WM_USER + 302); // used to send update status msg to main form COLOR_CREAM = $F0FBFF; type TFMDateTime = Double; TORIdleCallProc = procedure(Msg: string); { Date/Time functions } function DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateTime: TDateTime): TFMDateTime; function FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime: TFMDateTime): TDateTime; function FMDateTimeOffsetBy(ADateTime: TFMDateTime; DaysDiff: Integer): TFMDateTime; function FormatFMDateTime(AFormat: string; ADateTime: TFMDateTime): string; function FormatFMDateTimeStr(const AFormat, ADateTime: string): string; function IsFMDateTime(x: string): Boolean; function MakeFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime; procedure SetListFMDateTime(AFormat: string; AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; KeepBad: boolean = FALSE); { Numeric functions } function HigherOf(i, j: Integer): Integer; function LowerOf(i, j: Integer): Integer; function StrToFloatDef(const S: string; ADefault: Extended): Extended; { String functions } function CharAt(const x: string; APos: Integer): Char; function ContainsAlpha(const x: string): Boolean; function ContainsVisibleChar(const x: string): Boolean; function ConvertSpecialStrings(const x: string): String; function CRCForFile(AFileName: string): DWORD; function CRCForStrings(AStringList: TStrings): DWORD; procedure ExpandTabsFilter(AList: TStrings; ATabWidth: Integer); function ExtractInteger(x: string): Integer; function ExtractFloat(x: string): Extended; function ExtractDefault(Src: TStrings; const Section: string): string; procedure ExtractItems(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string); procedure ExtractText(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string); function FilteredString(const x: string; ATabWidth: Integer = 8): string; procedure InvertStringList(AList: TStringList); procedure LimitStringLength(var AList: TStringList; MaxLength: Integer); function MixedCase(const x: string): string; procedure MixedCaseList(AList: TStrings); procedure MixedCaseByPiece(AList: TStrings; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer); function Piece(const S: string; Delim: char; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 added 'overload' function Piece(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 function PieceNCS(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: char; FirstNum, LastNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 added 'overload' function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceStart,PieceEnd: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 added function PiecesNCS(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceStart,PieceEnd: Integer): string; //kt 8/09 added function ComparePieces(P1, P2: string; Pieces: array of integer; Delim: char = '^'; CaseInsensitive: boolean = FALSE): integer; procedure PiecesToList(x: string; ADelim: Char; AList: TStrings); function ReverseStr(const x: string): string; procedure SetPiece(var x: string; Delim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string); procedure SetPieces(var x: string; Delim: Char; Pieces: Array of Integer; FromString: string); procedure SortByPiece(AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer); function DelimCount(const Str, Delim: string): integer; procedure QuickCopy(AFrom, ATo: TObject); function ValidFileName(const InitialFileName: string): string; { Display functions } procedure ForceInsideWorkArea( var Rect: TRect); //procedure ClearControl(AControl: TControl); function InfoBox(const Text, Caption: string; Flags: Word): Integer; procedure LimitEditWidth(AControl: TWinControl; NumChars: Integer); function MainFont: TFont; function MainFontSize: Integer; function MainFontWidth: Integer; function MainFontHeight: Integer; function BaseFont: TFont; procedure RedrawSuspend(AHandle: HWnd); procedure RedrawActivate(AHandle: HWnd); //procedure ResetControl(AControl: TControl); procedure ResetSelectedForList(AListBox: TListBox); procedure ResizeFormToFont(AForm: TForm); procedure ResizeAnchoredFormToFont( AForm: TForm); function ResizeWidth( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldWidth: integer): integer; function ResizeHeight( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldHeight: integer): integer; procedure ResizeToFont(FontSize: Integer; var W, H: Integer); procedure SetEqualTabStops(AControl: TControl; TabWidth: Integer = 8); procedure StatusText(const S: string); function ShowMsgOn(AnExpression: Boolean; const AMsg, ACaption: string): Boolean; function TextWidthByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer; function TextHeightByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer; function WrappedTextHeightByFont(Canvas: TCanvas; NewFont: TFont; ItemText: string; var ARect: TRect): integer; function NumCharsFitInWidth(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string; const MaxLen: integer): Integer; function PopupComponent(Sender: TObject; PopupMenu: TPopupMenu): TComponent; procedure ReformatMemoParagraph(AMemo: TCustomMemo); function ReadOnlyColor: TColor; { ListBox Grid functions } procedure ListGridDrawCell(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer; const x: string; WordWrap: Boolean); procedure ListGridDrawLines(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; Index: Integer; State: TOwnerDrawState); function ListGridRowHeight(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer; const x: string): Integer; { Misc functions } { You MUST pass an address to an object variable to get KillObj to work } procedure KillObj(ptr: Pointer; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE); { do NOT use CallWhenIdle to call RPCs. Use CallRPCWhenIdle in ORNet } procedure CallWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); procedure CallWhenIdleNotifyWhenDone(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); procedure menuHideAllBut(aMenuItem: tMenuItem; butItems: array of tMenuItem); function TabIsPressed : Boolean; function ShiftTabIsPressed : Boolean; implementation // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- uses StrUtils, //kt 8/09 ORCtrls, Grids, Chart, CheckLst; const { names of months used by FormatFMDateTime } MONTH_NAMES_SHORT: array[1..12] of string[3] = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); MONTH_NAMES_LONG: array[1..12] of string[9] = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October', 'November', 'December'); // ConvertSpecialStrings arrays SearchChars: array[0..7] of String = (' Ii ',' Iii ',' Iv ',' Vi ',' Vii ',' Viii ',' Ix ','-Va'); ReplaceChars: array[0..7] of String = (' II ',' III ',' IV ',' VI ',' VII ',' VIII ',' IX ','-VA'); { table for calculating CRC values (DWORD is Integer in Delphi 3, Cardinal in Delphi 4} CRC32_TABLE: array[0..255] of DWORD = ($0, $77073096, $EE0E612C, $990951BA, $76DC419, $706AF48F, $E963A535, $9E6495A3, $EDB8832, $79DCB8A4, $E0D5E91E, $97D2D988, $9B64C2B, $7EB17CBD, $E7B82D07, $90BF1D91, $1DB71064, $6AB020F2, $F3B97148, $84BE41DE, $1ADAD47D, $6DDDE4EB, $F4D4B551, $83D385C7, $136C9856, $646BA8C0, $FD62F97A, $8A65C9EC, $14015C4F, $63066CD9, $FA0F3D63, $8D080DF5, $3B6E20C8, $4C69105E, $D56041E4, $A2677172, $3C03E4D1, $4B04D447, $D20D85FD, $A50AB56B, $35B5A8FA, $42B2986C, $DBBBC9D6, $ACBCF940, $32D86CE3, $45DF5C75, $DCD60DCF, $ABD13D59, $26D930AC, $51DE003A, $C8D75180, $BFD06116, $21B4F4B5, $56B3C423, $CFBA9599, $B8BDA50F, $2802B89E, $5F058808, $C60CD9B2, $B10BE924, $2F6F7C87, $58684C11, $C1611DAB, $B6662D3D, $76DC4190, $1DB7106, $98D220BC, $EFD5102A, $71B18589, $6B6B51F, $9FBFE4A5, $E8B8D433, $7807C9A2, $F00F934, $9609A88E, $E10E9818, $7F6A0DBB, $86D3D2D, $91646C97, $E6635C01, $6B6B51F4, $1C6C6162, $856530D8, $F262004E, $6C0695ED, $1B01A57B, $8208F4C1, $F50FC457, $65B0D9C6, $12B7E950, $8BBEB8EA, $FCB9887C, $62DD1DDF, $15DA2D49, $8CD37CF3, $FBD44C65, $4DB26158, $3AB551CE, $A3BC0074, $D4BB30E2, $4ADFA541, $3DD895D7, $A4D1C46D, $D3D6F4FB, $4369E96A, $346ED9FC, $AD678846, $DA60B8D0, $44042D73, $33031DE5, $AA0A4C5F, $DD0D7CC9, $5005713C, $270241AA, $BE0B1010, $C90C2086, $5768B525, $206F85B3, $B966D409, $CE61E49F, $5EDEF90E, $29D9C998, $B0D09822, $C7D7A8B4, $59B33D17, $2EB40D81, $B7BD5C3B, $C0BA6CAD, $EDB88320, $9ABFB3B6, $3B6E20C, $74B1D29A, $EAD54739, $9DD277AF, $4DB2615, $73DC1683, $E3630B12, $94643B84, $D6D6A3E, $7A6A5AA8, $E40ECF0B, $9309FF9D, $A00AE27, $7D079EB1, $F00F9344, $8708A3D2, $1E01F268, $6906C2FE, $F762575D, $806567CB, $196C3671, $6E6B06E7, $FED41B76, $89D32BE0, $10DA7A5A, $67DD4ACC, $F9B9DF6F, $8EBEEFF9, $17B7BE43, $60B08ED5, $D6D6A3E8, $A1D1937E, $38D8C2C4, $4FDFF252, $D1BB67F1, $A6BC5767, $3FB506DD, $48B2364B, $D80D2BDA, $AF0A1B4C, $36034AF6, $41047A60, $DF60EFC3, $A867DF55, $316E8EEF, $4669BE79, $CB61B38C, $BC66831A, $256FD2A0, $5268E236, $CC0C7795, $BB0B4703, $220216B9, $5505262F, $C5BA3BBE, $B2BD0B28, $2BB45A92, $5CB36A04, $C2D7FFA7, $B5D0CF31, $2CD99E8B, $5BDEAE1D, $9B64C2B0, $EC63F226, $756AA39C, $26D930A, $9C0906A9, $EB0E363F, $72076785, $5005713, $95BF4A82, $E2B87A14, $7BB12BAE, $CB61B38, $92D28E9B, $E5D5BE0D, $7CDCEFB7, $BDBDF21, $86D3D2D4, $F1D4E242, $68DDB3F8, $1FDA836E, $81BE16CD, $F6B9265B, $6FB077E1, $18B74777, $88085AE6, $FF0F6A70, $66063BCA, $11010B5C, $8F659EFF, $F862AE69, $616BFFD3, $166CCF45, $A00AE278, $D70DD2EE, $4E048354, $3903B3C2, $A7672661, $D06016F7, $4969474D, $3E6E77DB, $AED16A4A, $D9D65ADC, $40DF0B66, $37D83BF0, $A9BCAE53, $DEBB9EC5, $47B2CF7F, $30B5FFE9, $BDBDF21C, $CABAC28A, $53B39330, $24B4A3A6, $BAD03605, $CDD70693, $54DE5729, $23D967BF, $B3667A2E, $C4614AB8, $5D681B02, $2A6F2B94, $B40BBE37, $C30C8EA1, $5A05DF1B, $2D02EF8D); {Properties assigned to BaseFont} BaseFontSize = 8; BaseFontName = 'MS Sans Serif'; var FBaseFont: TFont; type EFMDateTimeError = class(Exception); {TFontControl is an artifact used for font resizing. Do not add virtual methods or class variables to it!} TFontControl = class(TControl) public property Font; property ParentFont; end; { Date/Time functions } function DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateTime: TDateTime): TFMDateTime; { converts a Delphi date/time type to a Fileman date/time (type double) } var y, m, d, h, n, s, l: Word; DatePart,TimePart: Integer; begin DecodeDate(ADateTime, y, m, d); DecodeTime(ADateTime, h, n, s, l); DatePart := ((y-1700)*10000) + (m*100) + d; TimePart := (h*10000) + (n*100) + s; Result := DatePart + (TimePart / 1000000); end; function FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime: TFMDateTime): TDateTime; { converts a Fileman date/time (type double) to a Delphi date/time } var ADate, ATime: TDateTime; DatePart, TimePart: string; begin DatePart := Piece(FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 14, 6), '.', 1); TimePart := Piece(FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 14, 6), '.', 2) + '000000'; if Length(DatePart) <> 7 then raise EFMDateTimeError.Create('Invalid Fileman Date'); if Copy(TimePart, 1, 2) = '24' then TimePart := '23595959'; ADate := EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 1, 3)) + 1700, StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 4, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 6, 2))); ATime := EncodeTime(StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 1, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 3, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 5, 2)), 0); Result := ADate + ATime; end; function FMDateTimeOffsetBy(ADateTime: TFMDateTime; DaysDiff: Integer): TFMDateTime; { adds / subtracts days from a Fileman date/time and returns the offset Fileman date/time } var Julian: TDateTime; begin Julian := FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime); Result := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Julian + DaysDiff); end; function FormatFMDateTime(AFormat: string; ADateTime: TFMDateTime): string; { formats a Fileman Date/Time using (mostly) the same format string as Delphi FormatDateTime } var x: string; y, m, d, h, n, s: Integer; function TrimFormatCount: Integer; { delete repeating characters and count how many were deleted } var c: Char; begin Result := 0; c := AFormat[1]; repeat Delete(AFormat, 1, 1); Inc(Result); until CharAt(AFormat, 1) <> c; end; begin {FormatFMDateTime} Result := ''; if not (ADateTime > 0) then Exit; x := FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 15, 6) + '0000000'; y := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 1, 3), 0) + 1700; m := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 4, 2), 0); d := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 6, 2), 0); h := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 9, 2), 0); n := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 11, 2), 0); s := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 13, 2), 0); while Length(AFormat) > 0 do case UpCase(AFormat[1]) of '"': begin // literal Delete(AFormat, 1, 1); while not (CharAt(AFormat, 1) in [#0, '"']) do begin Result := Result + AFormat[1]; Delete(AFormat, 1, 1); end; if CharAt(AFormat, 1) = '"' then Delete(AFormat, 1, 1); end; 'D': case TrimFormatCount of // day/date 1: if d > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(d); 2: if d > 0 then Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', d); end; 'H': case TrimFormatCount of // hour 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(h); 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', h); end; 'M': case TrimFormatCount of // month 1: if m > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(m); 2: if m > 0 then Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', m); 3: if m in [1..12] then Result := Result + MONTH_NAMES_SHORT[m]; 4: if m in [1..12] then Result := Result + MONTH_NAMES_LONG[m]; end; 'N': case TrimFormatCount of // minute 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(n); 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', n); end; 'S': case TrimFormatCount of // second 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(s); 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', s); end; 'Y': case TrimFormatCount of // year 2: if y > 0 then Result := Result + Copy(IntToStr(y), 3, 2); 4: if y > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(y); end; else begin // other Result := Result + AFormat[1]; Delete(AFormat, 1, 1); end; end; {case} end; {FormatFMDateTime} function FormatFMDateTimeStr(const AFormat, ADateTime: string): string; var FMDateTime: TFMDateTime; begin Result := ADateTime; if IsFMDateTime(ADateTime) then begin FMDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(ADateTime); Result := FormatFMDateTime(AFormat, FMDateTime); end; end; function IsFMDateTime(x: string): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if Length(x) < 7 then Exit; for i := 1 to 7 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; if (Length(x) > 7) and (x[8] <> '.') then Exit; if (Length(x) > 8) and not (x[9] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit; Result := True; end; function MakeFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime; begin Result := -1; if (Length(AString) > 0) and IsFMDateTime(AString) then Result := StrToFloat(AString); end; procedure SetListFMDateTime(AFormat: string; AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; KeepBad: boolean = FALSE); var i: Integer; s, x, x1: string; begin for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do begin s := AList[i]; x := Piece(s, ADelim, PieceNum); if Length(x) > 0 then begin x1 := FormatFMDateTime(AFormat, MakeFMDateTime(x)); if(x1 <> '') or (not KeepBad) then x := x1; end; SetPiece(s, ADelim, PieceNum, x); AList[i] := s; end; end; { Numeric functions } function HigherOf(i, j: Integer): Integer; { returns the greater of two integers } begin Result := i; if j > i then Result := j; end; function LowerOf(i, j: Integer): Integer; { returns the lesser of two integers } begin Result := i; if j < i then Result := j; end; function StrToFloatDef(const S: string; ADefault: Extended): Extended; begin if not TextToFloat(PChar(S), Result, fvExtended) then Result := ADefault; end; { String functions } function CharAt(const x: string; APos: Integer): Char; { returns a character at a given position in a string or the null character if past the end } begin if Length(x) < APos then Result := #0 else Result := x[APos]; end; function ContainsAlpha(const x: string): Boolean; { returns true if the string contains any alpha characters } var i: Integer; begin Result := False; for i := 1 to Length(x) do if x[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'] then begin Result := True; break; end; end; function ContainsVisibleChar(const x: string): Boolean; { returns true if the string contains any printable characters } var i: Integer; begin Result := False; for i := 1 to Length(x) do if x[i] in ['!'..'~'] then // ordinal values 33..126 begin Result := True; break; end; end; function ConvertSpecialStrings(const x: string): string; var i : Integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(SearchChars)-1 do begin Result := StringReplace(Result,SearchChars[i], ReplaceChars[i],[rfReplaceAll]); end; end; function UpdateCrc32(Value: DWORD; var Buffer: array of Byte; Count: Integer): DWORD; var i: integer; begin Result:=Value; for i := 0 to Pred(Count) do Result := ((Result shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) xor CRC32_TABLE[(Result xor Buffer[i]) and $000000FF]; end; function CRCForFile(AFileName: string): DWORD; const BUF_SIZE = 16383; type TBuffer = array[0..BUF_SIZE] of Byte; var Buffer: Pointer; AHandle, BytesRead: Integer; begin Result:=$FFFFFFFF; GetMem(Buffer, BUF_SIZE); AHandle := FileOpen(AFileName, fmShareDenyWrite); repeat BytesRead := FileRead(AHandle, Buffer^, BUF_SIZE); Result := UpdateCrc32(Result, TBuffer(Buffer^), BytesRead); until BytesRead <> BUF_SIZE; FileClose(AHandle); FreeMem(Buffer); Result := not Result; end; function CRCForStrings(AStringList: TStrings): DWORD; { returns a cyclic redundancy check for a list of strings } var i, j: Integer; begin Result:=$FFFFFFFF; for i := 0 to AStringList.Count - 1 do for j := 1 to Length(AStringList[i]) do Result:=((Result shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) xor CRC32_TABLE[(Result xor Ord(AStringList[i][j])) and $000000FF]; end; function FilteredString(const x: string; ATabWidth: Integer = 8): string; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(x) do case x[i] of #9: for j := 1 to (ATabWidth - (Length(Result) mod ATabWidth)) do Result := Result + ' '; #32..#127: Result := Result + x[i]; #128..#159: Result := Result + '?'; #10,#13,#160: Result := Result + ' '; #161..#255: Result := Result + x[i]; end; if Copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) = ' ' then Result := TrimRight(Result) + ' '; end; procedure ExpandTabsFilter(AList: TStrings; ATabWidth: Integer); var i, j, k: Integer; x, y: string; begin with AList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin x := Strings[i]; y := ''; for j := 1 to Length(x) do case x[j] of #9: for k := 1 to (ATabWidth - (Length(y) mod ATabWidth)) do y := y + ' '; #32..#127: y := y + x[j]; #128..#159: y := y + '?'; #160: y := y + ' '; #161..#255: y := y + x[j]; end; if Copy(y, Length(y), 1) = ' ' then y := TrimRight(y) + ' '; Strings[i] := y; //Strings[i] := TrimRight(y) + ' '; end; end; function ExtractInteger(x: string): Integer; { strips leading & trailing alphas to return an integer } var i: Integer; begin while (Length(x) > 0) and not (x[1] in ['0'..'9']) do Delete(x, 1, 1); for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then break; Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 1, i - 1), 0); end; function ExtractFloat(x: string): Extended; { strips leading & trailing alphas to return a float } var i: Integer; begin while (Length(x) > 0) and not (x[1] in ['0'..'9', '.']) do Delete(x, 1, 1); for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9','.']) then break; Result := StrToFloatDef(Copy(x, 1, i - 1), 0); end; function ExtractDefault(Src: TStrings; const Section: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; i := -1; repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section); Inc(i); if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat if Src[i][1] = 'd' then Result := Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt); Inc(i); until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~') or (Length(Result) > 0); end; procedure ExtractItems(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string); var i: Integer; begin i := -1; repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section); Inc(i); if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat if Src[i][1] = 'i' then Dest.Add(Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt)); Inc(i); until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~'); end; procedure ExtractText(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string); var i: Integer; begin i := -1; repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section); Inc(i); if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat if Src[i][1] = 't' then Dest.Add(Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt)); Inc(i); until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~'); end; procedure InvertStringList(AList: TStringList); var i: Integer; begin with AList do for i := 0 to ((Count div 2) - 1) do Exchange(i, Count - i - 1); end; function MixedCase(const x: string): string; var i: integer; begin Result := x; for i := 2 to Length(x) do if (not (x[i-1] in [' ',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['A'..'Z']) // save line if (not (x[i-1] in [' ','''',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['A'..'Z']) then Result[i] := Chr(Ord(x[i]) + 32) else if ((x[i-1] in [' ',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['a'..'z']) then Result[i] := Chr(Ord(x[i]) - 32); //Call added to satisfy the need for special string handling(Roman Numerals II-XI) GRE-06/02 Result := ConvertSpecialStrings(x); end; procedure MixedCaseList(AList: TStrings); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to (AList.Count - 1) do AList[i] := MixedCase(AList[i]); end; procedure MixedCaseByPiece(AList: TStrings; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer); var i: Integer; x, p: string; begin for i := 0 to (AList.Count - 1) do begin x := AList[i]; p := MixedCase(Piece(x, ADelim, PieceNum)); SetPiece(x, ADelim, PieceNum, p); AList[i] := x; end; end; function Piece(const S: string; Delim: char; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 added 'overload;' { returns the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string delimited by Delim } var i: Integer; Strt, Next: PChar; begin i := 1; Strt := PChar(S); Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim); while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do begin Inc(i); Strt := Next + 1; Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim); end; if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt); if i < PieceNum then Result := '' else SetString(Result, Strt, Next - Strt); end; function PieceNCS(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 Name means Piece-Not-Case-Sensitive, meaning match for Delim is not case sensitive. //kt 8/09 Added entire function var tempS : string; begin tempS := AnsiReplaceText(S,Delim,UpperCase(Delim)); Result := Piece(tempS,UpperCase(Delim),PieceNum); end; function Piece(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceNum: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 Added entire function var Remainder : String; PieceLen,p : integer; begin Remainder := S; Result := ''; PieceLen := Length(Delim); while (PieceNum > 0) and (Length(Remainder) > 0) do begin p := Pos(Delim,Remainder); if p=0 then p := length(Remainder)+1; Result := MidStr(Remainder,1,p-1); Remainder := MidStr(Remainder,p+PieceLen,9999); Dec(PieceNum); end; end; function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceStart,PieceEnd: Integer): string; overload; //kt 8/09 Added entire function var Remainder : String; PieceNum : integer; PieceLen,p : integer; begin Remainder := S; Result := ''; PieceLen := Length(Delim); PieceNum := PieceStart; while (PieceNum > 1) and (Length(Remainder) > 0) do begin p := Pos(Delim,Remainder); if p=0 then p := length(Remainder)+1; Result := MidStr(Remainder,1,p-1); Remainder := MidStr(Remainder,p+PieceLen,9999); Dec(PieceNum); end; PieceNum := PieceEnd-PieceStart+1; Result := ''; while (PieceNum > 0) and (Length(Remainder) > 0) do begin p := Pos(Delim,Remainder); if p=0 then p := length(Remainder)+1; if Result <> '' then Result := Result + Delim; Result := Result + MidStr(Remainder,1,p-1); Remainder := MidStr(Remainder,p+PieceLen,9999); Dec(PieceNum); end; end; function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: char; FirstNum, LastNum: Integer): string; { returns several contiguous pieces } var PieceNum: Integer; begin Result := ''; for PieceNum := FirstNum to LastNum do Result := Result + Piece(S, Delim, PieceNum) + Delim; if Length(Result) > 0 then Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1); end; function PiecesNCS(const S: string; Delim: string; PieceStart,PieceEnd: Integer): string; //kt 8/09 Name means Pieces-Not-Case-Sensitive, meaning match for Delim is not case sensitive. //kt 8/09 Added entire function var tempS : string; begin tempS := AnsiReplaceText(S,Delim,UpperCase(Delim)); Result := Pieces(tempS,UpperCase(Delim),PieceStart,PieceEnd); end; function ComparePieces(P1, P2: string; Pieces: array of integer; Delim: char = '^'; CaseInsensitive: boolean = FALSE): integer; var i: integer; begin i := 0; Result := 0; while i <= high(Pieces) do begin if(CaseInsensitive) then Result := CompareText(Piece(P1, Delim, Pieces[i]), Piece(P2, Delim, Pieces[i])) else Result := CompareStr(Piece(P1, Delim, Pieces[i]), Piece(P2, Delim, Pieces[i])); if(Result = 0) then inc(i) else break; end; end; procedure PiecesToList(x: string; ADelim: Char; AList: TStrings); { adds each piece to a TStrings list, the list is cleared first } var APiece: string; begin AList.Clear; while Length(x) > 0 do begin APiece := Piece(x, ADelim, 1); AList.Add(APiece); Delete(x, 1, Length(APiece) + 1); end; end; function ReverseStr(const x: string): string; var i, j: Integer; begin SetString(Result, PChar(x), Length(x)); i := 0; for j := Length(x) downto 1 do begin Inc(i); Result[i] := x[j]; end; end; procedure SetPiece(var x: string; Delim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string); { sets the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string to NewPiece, adding delimiters as necessary } var i: Integer; Strt, Next: PChar; begin i := 1; Strt := PChar(x); Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim); while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do begin Inc(i); Strt := Next + 1; Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim); end; if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt); if i < PieceNum then x := x + StringOfChar(Delim, PieceNum - i) + NewPiece else x := Copy(x, 1, Strt - PChar(x)) + NewPiece + StrPas(Next); end; procedure SetPieces(var x: string; Delim: Char; Pieces: Array of Integer; FromString: string); var i: integer; begin for i := low(Pieces) to high(Pieces) do SetPiece(x, Delim, Pieces[i], Piece(FromString, Delim, Pieces[i])); end; procedure SortByPiece(AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do AList[i] := Piece(AList[i], ADelim, PieceNum) + ADelim + AList[i]; AList.Sort; for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do AList[i] := Copy(AList[i], Pos(ADelim, AList[i]) + 1, MaxInt); end; function DelimCount(const Str, Delim: string): integer; var i, dlen, slen: integer; begin Result := 0; i := 1; dlen := length(Delim); slen := length(Str) - dlen + 1; while(i <= slen) do begin if(copy(Str,i,dlen) = Delim) then begin inc(Result); inc(i,dlen); end else inc(i); end; end; type TREStrings = class(TStrings) protected FPlainText: Boolean; public property PlainText: Boolean read FPlainText write FPlainText; end; type QuickCopyError = class(Exception); procedure QuickCopy(AFrom, ATo: TObject); var ms: TMemoryStream; idx: integer; str: array[0..1] of TStrings; fix: array[0..1] of boolean; procedure GetStrings(obj: TObject); begin if (CompareText(obj.ClassName, 'TRichEditStrings') = 0) then raise QuickCopyError.Create('You must pass the TRichEdit object into QuickCopy, NOT it''s Lines property.'); if obj is TStrings then str[idx] := TStrings(obj) else if obj is TMemo then str[idx] := TMemo(obj).Lines else if obj is TORListBox then str[idx] := TORListBox(obj).Items else if obj is TListBox then str[idx] := TListBox(obj).Items else if obj is TRichEdit then begin with TRichEdit(obj) do begin str[idx] := Lines; if not PlainText then begin fix[idx] := TRUE; PlainText := TRUE; end; end; end else raise QuickCopyError.Create('Unsupported object type (' + obj.ClassName + ') passed into QuickCopy.'); inc(idx); end; begin fix[0] := FALSE; fix[1] := FALSE; idx := 0; GetStrings(AFrom); GetStrings(ATo); ms := TMemoryStream.Create; try str[0].SaveToStream(ms); ms.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); str[1].LoadFromStream(ms); finally ms.Free; end; if fix[0] then TRichEdit(AFrom).PlainText := FALSE; if fix[1] then TRichEdit(ATo).PlainText := FALSE; end; function ValidFileName(const InitialFileName: string): string; var i: integer; begin Result := InitialFileName; i := 1; while i <= length(Result) do begin if Result[i] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9',#32] then inc(i) else delete(Result,i,1); end; end; procedure LimitStringLength(var AList: TStringList; MaxLength: Integer); var i, SpacePos: Integer; x: string; NewList: TStringList; begin NewList := TStringList.Create; try for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do begin if Length(AList[i]) > MaxLength then begin x := AList[i]; while Length(x) > MaxLength do begin SpacePos := MaxLength; // while SpacePos > 0 do {**REV**} removed after v11b // if (x[SpacePos] <> ' ') then Dec(SpacePos); {**REV**} removed after v11b while (x[SpacePos] <> ' ') and (SpacePos > 1) do Dec(SpacePos); {**REV**} {changed 0 to 1} if SpacePos = 1 then SpacePos := MaxLength; {**REV**} {changed 0 to 1} NewList.Add(Copy(x, 1, SpacePos )); // CQ PSI-05-040 change SpacePos-1 to SpacePos Delete(x, 1, SpacePos); end; {while Length(x)} if Length(x) > 0 then NewList.Add(x); end {then} else NewList.Add(AList[i]); end; {for i} AList.Clear; AList.Assign(NewList); finally NewList.Free; end; end; { Display functions } (* procedure ClearControl(AControl: TControl); { clears a control, removes text and listbox items } begin if AControl is TLabel then with TLabel(AControl) do Caption := '' else if AControl is TButton then with TButton(AControl) do Caption := '' else if AControl is TEdit then with TEdit(AControl) do Text := '' else if AControl is TMemo then with TMemo(AControl) do Clear else if AControl is TListBox then with TListBox(AControl) do Clear else if AControl is TORComboBox then with TORComboBox(AControl) do begin MItems.Clear; Text := ''; end else if AControl is TComboBox then with TComboBox(AControl) do begin Clear; Text := ''; end; end; procedure ResetControl(AControl: TControl); { clears text, deselects items, does not remove listbox or combobox items } begin if AControl is TLabel then with TLabel(AControl) do Caption := '' else if AControl is TButton then with TButton(AControl) do Caption := '' else if AControl is TEdit then with TEdit(AControl) do Text := '' else if AControl is TMemo then with TMemo(AControl) do Clear else if AControl is TListBox then with TListBox(AControl) do ItemIndex := -1 else if AControl is TORComboBox then with TORComboBox(AControl) do begin Text := ''; ItemIndex := -1; end else if AControl is TComboBox then with TComboBox(AControl) do begin Text := ''; ItemIndex := -1; end; end; *) function InfoBox(const Text, Caption: string; Flags: Word): Integer; { wrap the messagebox object in case we want to modify it later } begin Result := Application.MessageBox(PChar(Text), PChar(Caption), Flags or MB_TOPMOST); end; procedure LimitEditWidth(AControl: TWinControl; NumChars: Integer); { limits the editing area to be no more than N characters (also sets small left margin) } const LEFT_MARGIN = 4; var ARect: TRect; AHandle: DWORD; AWidth, i: Integer; x: string; begin Inc(NumChars); SetString(x, nil, NumChars); for i := 1 to NumChars do x[i] := 'X'; with AControl do begin AHandle := 0; if AControl is TEdit then AHandle := TEdit(AControl).Font.Handle; if AControl is TMemo then AHandle := TMemo(AControl).Font.Handle; if AControl is TRichEdit then AHandle := TRichEdit(AControl).Font.Handle; if AHandle = 0 then Exit; AWidth := TextWidthByFont(AHandle, x); ARect := Rect(LEFT_MARGIN, 0, AWidth + LEFT_MARGIN, ClientHeight); // set the editing rectangle to with with of NumChars SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETRECT, 0, Longint(@ARect)); // turn on auto-scrolling for a rich edit if AControl is TRichEdit then SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETOPTIONS, ECOOP_OR, ECO_AUTOHSCROLL + ECO_AUTOVSCROLL); end; end; function BaseFont: TFont; begin result := FBaseFont; end; function MainFont: TFont; begin if Application.MainForm <> nil then Result := Application.MainForm.Font else Result := BaseFont; end; function MainFontSize: Integer; { return font size of the Main Form in the application } begin Result := MainFont.Size; end; function FontWidthSubPixel( Font: TFont): real; { return in pixels the average character width of the font passed in FontHandle } var TotalWidth: integer; begin TotalWidth := TextWidthByFont( Font.Handle, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); result := TotalWidth / 52; end; function FontWidthPixel( Font: TFont): integer; begin //Round() is too fancy to be correct here result := Trunc(FontWidthSubPixel(Font) + 0.5); end; function MainFontWidth: Integer; begin Result := FontWidthPixel(MainFont); end; function MainFontHeight: Integer; { return font size of the Main Form in the application. Note that TFont.Height is negative of what we want (see Delphi documentation)} begin Result := Abs(MainFont.Height); end; procedure RedrawSuspend(AHandle: HWnd); begin SendMessage(AHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0); end; procedure RedrawActivate(AHandle: HWnd); begin SendMessage(AHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0); InvalidateRect(AHandle, nil, True); end; procedure ResetSelectedForList(AListBox: TListBox); var i: Integer; begin with AListBox do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do Selected[i] := False; end; function ResizeWidth( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldWidth: integer): integer; begin result := Trunc( OldWidth *FontWidthSubPixel(NewFont) / FontWidthSubPixel(OldFont) +0.5); end; function ResizeHeight( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldHeight: integer): integer; begin result := Trunc( OldHeight *Abs(NewFont.Height) / Abs(OldFont.Height) +0.5); end; procedure ResizeToFont(FontSize: Integer; var W, H: Integer); { resizes form relative to the font size, assumes form designed with DefaultFont (>MS Sans Serif 8pt<) } var Font: TFont; begin Font := TFont.Create; Font.Name := BaseFontName; Font.Size := FontSize; W := ResizeWidth( BaseFont, Font, W); H := ResizeHeight( BaseFont, Font, H); end; procedure ResizeHeaderControl( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: THeaderControl); {Tested against fOrders page.} var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Control.Sections.Count-1 do Control.Sections[i].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Control.Sections[i].Width); end; procedure ResizeListView( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TListView); var i: integer; begin if not Assigned(Control.OnResize) then for i := 0 to Control.Columns.Count-1 do Control.Columns[i].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Control.Columns[i].Width); end; procedure ResizeComboBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TComboBox); begin Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight); end; procedure ResizeListBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TListBox); begin Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight); end; procedure ResizeCheckListBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TCheckListBox); begin Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight); end; procedure ResizeDescendants( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; AControl: TWinControl); var i: integer; Child: TControl; VisibleWidth, TotalWidth: integer; VisibleHeight, TotalHeight: integer; begin if AControl.Align <> alNone then Application.ProcessMessages; AControl.DisableAlign; try //I think I finally got this next part right, so I will try to explain what //it is doing. //At this stage, the control is resized, but all of the childern are in //original size. //These children are corretly aligned to the visible part of the control, //but may not be correctly aligned in the underlying canvas if there are //scroll bars. //We wish to transform the children to have the correct new size and be //aligned to the new underlying canvas size. //For the widths, I have kept track of what parts of the screen we are //resizing. The height will work the same way. //The notation is A[B]C, where A is the space to the left of the child //control, B is the space containing the child control, and C is the space //to the right. VisibleWidth := AControl.Width; VisibleHeight := AControl.Height; TotalWidth := VisibleWidth; TotalHeight := VisibleHeight; if AControl is TScrollingWinControl then begin TotalWidth := HigherOf(TotalWidth, TScrollingWinControl(AControl).HorzScrollBar.Range); TotalHeight := HigherOf(TotalHeight, TScrollingWinControl(AControl).VertScrollBar.Range); end; for i := 0 to AControl.ControlCount -1 do begin Child := AControl.Controls[i]; //Tab sheets auto-size with their parents if not (Child is TTabSheet) then with Child do begin if [akLeft,akRight] <= Anchors then //X[.]X Width := TotalWidth - ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleWidth - Width) else //.[X]. Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Width); if not(akLeft in Anchors) then //.[X]X Left := TotalWidth - ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleWidth - Left) else Left := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Left); //X[.]. if [akTop,akBottom] <= Anchors then Height := TotalHeight - ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleHeight - Height) else Height := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Height); if not(akTop in Anchors) then Top := TotalHeight - ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleHeight - Top) else Top := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Top); end; //Recurse. Let Auto-Size panels take care of themselves if (Child is TWinControl) and not (Child is TORAutoPanel) then ResizeDescendants( OldFont, NewFont, TWinControl(Child)); if Child is TComboBox then ResizeComboBox( OldFont, NewFont, TComboBox(Child)); if Child is TCheckListBox then ResizeCheckListBox( OldFont, NewFont, TCheckListBox(Child)); if Child is THeaderControl then ResizeHeaderControl( OldFont, NewFont, THeaderControl(Child)); if Child is TListBox then ResizeListBox( OldFont, NewFont, TListBox(Child)); if Child is TListView then ResizeListView( OldFont, NewFont, TListView(Child)); if Child is TDrawGrid then with TDrawGrid(Child) do //from Win32 "How to Calculate the Height of Edit Control..." DefaultRowHeight := Abs(NewFont.Height) * 3 div 2; if Child is TTabControl then with TTabControl(Child) do begin if Tabs.Count > 0 then TabWidth := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, TabWidth); Width := TabWidth * Tabs.Count +3; end; end; finally AControl.EnableAlign; end; end; procedure ResizeChartFonts( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TChart); var i: integer; begin with Control do begin if LeftAxis.Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then LeftAxis.Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size; if LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Size = OldFont.Size then LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Size := NewFont.Size; if BottomAxis.Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then BottomAxis.Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size; if BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Size = OldFont.Size then BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Size := NewFont.Size; if Legend.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then Legend.Font.Size := NewFont.Size; if Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size; for i := 0 to SeriesCount - 1 do if Series[i].Marks.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then Series[i].Marks.Font.Size := NewFont.Size; end; end; procedure ResizeFontsInDescendants( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; AControl: TWinControl); var i: integer; Child: TControl; RESelectionStart: integer; RESelectionLength: integer; begin for i := 0 to AControl.ControlCount -1 do begin Child := AControl.Controls[i]; if Child is TRichEdit then begin with TRichEdit(Child) do if Font.Size = OldFont.Size then begin if not ParentFont then Font.Size := NewFont.Size; RESelectionStart := SelStart; RESelectionLength := SelLength; SelectAll; SelAttributes.Size := NewFont.Size; DefAttributes.Size := NewFont.Size; SelStart := RESelectionStart; SelLength := RESelectionLength; end end else if Child is TChart then ResizeChartFonts( OldFont, NewFont, TChart(Child)) else with TFontControl(Child) do if (Font.Size = OldFont.Size) and not ParentFont then Font.Size := NewFont.Size; if Child is TWinControl then ResizeFontsInDescendants( OldFont, NewFont, TWinControl(Child)); end; end; procedure ForceInsideWorkArea( var Rect: TRect); var Frame: TRect; begin Frame := Screen.WorkAreaRect; {Veritcal version:} {Align bottom (preserving height) if needed} if Rect.Bottom > Frame.Bottom then begin Rect.Top := Rect.Top + Frame.Bottom - Rect.Bottom; Rect.Bottom := Frame.Bottom; end; {Then align top (preserving height) if needed} if Rect.Top < Frame.Top then begin Rect.Bottom := Rect.Bottom + Frame.Top - Rect.Top; Rect.Top := Frame.Top; end; {Now shrink (preserving top) if needed} if Rect.Bottom > Frame.Bottom then Rect.Bottom := Frame.Bottom; {Horizontal version:} if Rect.Right > Frame.Right then begin Rect.Left := Rect.Left + Frame.Right - Rect.Right; Rect.Right := Frame.Right; end; if Rect.Left < Frame.Left then begin Rect.Right := Rect.Right + Frame.Left - Rect.Left; Rect.Left := Frame.Left; end; if Rect.Right > Frame.Right then Rect.Right := Frame.Right; end; procedure ResizeFormToFont(AForm: TForm); var Rect: TRect; begin with AForm do begin ClientWidth := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, ClientWidth); ClientHeight := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, ClientHeight); HorzScrollBar.Range := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, HorzScrollBar.Range); VertScrollBar.Range := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, VertScrollBar.Range); Rect := BoundsRect; ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect); BoundsRect := Rect; ResizeFontsInDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm); //Important: We are using the font to calculate everything, so don't //change font until now. Font.Size := MainFont.Size; end; end; procedure ResizeAnchoredFormToFont( AForm: TForm); var Rect: TRect; begin with AForm do begin ClientWidth := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, ClientWidth); ClientHeight := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, ClientHeight); HorzScrollBar.Range := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, HorzScrollBar.Range); VertScrollBar.Range := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, VertScrollBar.Range); Rect := BoundsRect; ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect); BoundsRect := Rect; ResizeDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm); ResizeFontsInDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm); //Important: We are using the font to calculate everything, so don't //change font until now. Font.Size := MainFont.Size; end; end; procedure SetEqualTabStops(AControl: TControl; TabWidth: Integer = 8); { sets tab stops to match the width when the tab is replaced with TabWidth spaces } const MAX_TABS = 10; POINTS_PER_INCH = 72; var DC: HDC; i, HorzPixelsPerInch, PixelsPerTabWidth, PointsPerTabWidth: Integer; begin if AControl is TRichEdit then with TRichEdit(AControl) do begin DC := GetDC(0); HorzPixelsPerInch := GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSX); ReleaseDC(0, DC); PixelsPerTabWidth := TextWidthByFont(Font.Handle, StringOfChar(' ', TabWidth)); PointsPerTabWidth := Round((PixelsPerTabWidth / HorzPixelsPerInch) * POINTS_PER_INCH); for i := 0 to MAX_TABS do Paragraph.Tab[i] := PointsPerTabWidth * Succ(i); end; end; procedure StatusText(const S: string); { sends a user defined message to the main window of an application to display the text found in lParam. Only useful if the main window has message event for this message } begin if (Application.MainForm <> nil) and (Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated) then SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, UM_STATUSTEXT, 0, Integer(PChar(S))); end; function ShowMsgOn(AnExpression: Boolean; const AMsg, ACaption: string): Boolean; begin Result := AnExpression; if Result then InfoBox(AMsg, ACaption, MB_OK); end; function TextWidthByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer; { returns the width of a string in pixels, given a FONT handle and string } var DC: HDC; SaveFont: HFont; TextSize: TSize; begin DC := GetDC(0); SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle); GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(x), Length(x), TextSize); Result := TextSize.cx; SelectObject(DC, SaveFont); ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; function TextHeightByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer; var DC: HDC; SaveFont: HFont; TextSize: TSize; begin DC := GetDC(0); SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle); GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(x), Length(x), TextSize); Result := TextSize.cy; SelectObject(DC, SaveFont); ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; function WrappedTextHeightByFont(Canvas: TCanvas; NewFont: TFont; ItemText: string; var ARect: TRect): integer; var MyTextMetric: TTextMetric; MyFontName: Array [0..31] of char; MyFontHandle, RealFontHandle: HFONT; begin { The next bit is a bunch of Windows code to accomodate the DrawText calls inside the try..finally block. The issue here comes when resizing the font. The Delphi font property is already set, but the DrawText call uses a Windows handle and the handle's font hasn't been set to the new value.} {This still has a vertical sizing bug when there is text that doesn't wrap but is too wide to display in the window (think long medicine names and 24 pt font on a 640*480 screen)} MyFontHandle := 0; RealFontHandle := 0; if GetTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle, MyTextMetric) then if GetTextFace( Canvas.Handle, 32, @MyFontName) <> 0 then with MyTextMetric do MyFontHandle := CreateFont( NewFont.Height, tmAveCharWidth * Abs(NewFont.Height) div tmHeight, 0, 0, tmWeight, tmItalic, tmUnderlined, tmStruckOut, tmCharSet, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, FF_DONTCARE or DEFAULT_PITCH, @MyFontName); if MyFontHandle <> 0 then RealFontHandle := SelectObject( Canvas.Handle, MyFontHandle); try result := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(ItemText), Length(ItemText), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) + 2; finally if MyFontHandle <> 0 then begin SelectObject( Canvas.Handle, RealFontHandle); DeleteObject( MyFontHandle ); end; end; end; function NumCharsFitInWidth(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string; const MaxLen: integer): Integer; var DC: HDC; SaveFont: HFont; TextSize: TSize; TmpX: string; done: boolean; l,h: integer; begin DC := GetDC(0); SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle); try h := length(x); l := 0; Result := h; repeat TmpX := copy(x, 1, Result); GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(TmpX), Length(TmpX), TextSize); if(TextSize.cx > MaxLen) then begin h := Result; Result := (l+h) div 2; done := (Result <= l); end else begin l := Result; Result := (l+h+1) div 2; done := (Result >= h); end; until(done); finally SelectObject(DC, SaveFont); ReleaseDC(0, DC); end; end; function PopupComponent(Sender: TObject; PopupMenu: TPopupMenu): TComponent; begin if(assigned(PopupMenu) and assigned(Sender) and (Sender is TPopupMenu) and assigned(PopupMenu.PopupComponent)) then Result := PopupMenu.PopupComponent else Result := Screen.ActiveControl; end; procedure ReformatMemoParagraph(AMemo: TCustomMemo); { rewrap lines starting with current line until there is a line that starts with whitespace } var ALine: Integer; x, OldText, NewText: string; begin with AMemo do begin ALine := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, SelStart, 0); repeat Inc(ALine); until (ALine >= Lines.Count) or (Lines[ALine] = '') or (Ord(Lines[ALine][1]) <= 32); SelLength := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, ALine, 0) - SelStart - 1; if SelLength < 1 then Exit; OldText := SelText; NewText := ''; repeat x := Copy(OldText, 1, Pos(CRLF, OldText) - 1); if Length(x) = 0 then x := OldText; Delete(OldText, 1, Length(x) + 2); {delete text + CRLF} if (NewText <> '') and (Copy(NewText, Length(NewText), 1) <> ' ') and (Copy(x, 1, 1) <> ' ') then NewText := NewText + ' '; NewText := NewText + x; until OldText = ''; SelText := NewText; end; end; var uReadOnlyColor: TColor; uHaveReadOnlyColor: boolean = FALSE; function ReadOnlyColor: TColor; begin if not uHaveReadOnlyColor then begin uHaveReadOnlyColor := TRUE; if ColorToRGB(clWindow) = ColorToRGB(clWhite) then uReadOnlyColor := $00F0FBFF else uReadOnlyColor := clWindow; end; Result := uReadOnlyColor; end; { ListBox Grid functions } procedure ListGridDrawCell(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer; const x: string; WordWrap: Boolean); var i, Format: Integer; ARect: TRect; begin ARect := AListBox.ItemRect(ARow); ARect.Left := 0; for i := 0 to AColumn - 1 do ARect.Left := ARect.Left + AHeader.Sections[i].Width; Inc(ARect.Left, 2); ARect.Right := ARect.Left + AHeader.Sections[AColumn].Width - 6; if WordWrap then Format := (DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) else Format := (DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX); DrawText(AListBox.Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, Format); end; procedure ListGridDrawLines(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; Index: Integer; State: TOwnerDrawState); var i, RightSide: Integer; ARect: TRect; begin with AListBox do begin ARect := ItemRect(Index); if odSelected in State then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight; Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText end; Canvas.FillRect(ARect); Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver; Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1); Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1); RightSide := -2; for i := 0 to AHeader.Sections.Count - 1 do begin RightSide := RightSide + AHeader.Sections[i].Width; Canvas.MoveTo(RightSide, ARect.Bottom - 1); Canvas.LineTo(RightSide, ARect.Top); end; end; end; function ListGridRowHeight(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer; const x: string): Integer; var ARect: TRect; begin ARect := AListBox.ItemRect(ARow); ARect.Right := AHeader.Sections[AColumn].Width - 6; Result := DrawText(AListBox.Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK) + 2; end; (* procedure SetEditWidth(AMemo: TMemo; AWidth: Integer); begin //SetString(x, nil, AWidth); //for i := 1 to AWidth do x[i] := 'X'; end; *) { You MUST pass an address to an object variable to get KillObj to work } procedure KillObj(ptr: Pointer; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE); var Obj: TObject; Lst: TList; SLst: TStringList; i: integer; begin Obj := TObject(ptr^); if(assigned(Obj)) then begin if(KillObjects) then begin if(Obj is TList) then begin Lst := TList(Obj); for i := Lst.count-1 downto 0 do if assigned(Lst[i]) then TObject(Lst[i]).Free; end else if(Obj is TStringList) then begin SLst := TStringList(Obj); for i := SLst.count-1 downto 0 do if assigned(SLst.Objects[i]) then SLst.Objects[i].Free; end; end; Obj.Free; TObject(ptr^) := nil; end; end; { Idle Processing } type TIdleCaller = class(TObject) private FTimerActive: boolean; FCallList: TStringList; FDoneList: TStringList; FOldIdler: TIdleEvent; FTimer: TTimer; protected procedure AppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean); procedure TimerDone(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: string); end; var IdleCaller: TIdleCaller = nil; { TIdleCaller } constructor TIdleCaller.Create; begin inherited; FCallList := TStringList.Create; FDoneList := TStringList.Create; FTimer := TTimer.Create(nil); FTimer.Enabled := FALSE; FTimer.Interval := 2000; // 2 seconds FTimer.OnTimer := TimerDone; FTimerActive := FALSE; FOldIdler := Application.OnIdle; Application.OnIdle := AppIdle; end; destructor TIdleCaller.Destroy; begin Application.OnIdle := FOldIdler; FTimer.Enabled := FALSE; KillObj(@FTimer); KillObj(@FDoneList); KillObj(@FCallList); inherited; end; procedure TIdleCaller.AppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean); begin if(not FTimerActive) and (FCallList.Count > 0) then begin FTimer.Enabled := TRUE; FTimerActive := TRUE; end; if assigned(FOldIdler) then FOldIdler(Sender, Done); end; procedure TIdleCaller.Add(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: string); begin FCallList.AddObject(Msg, TObject(@CallProc)); FDoneList.AddObject(Msg, TObject(@DoneProc)); end; procedure TIdleCaller.TimerDone(Sender: TObject); var CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; CallMsg, DoneMsg: string; begin FTimer.Enabled := FALSE; CallProc := TORIdleCallProc(FCallList.Objects[0]); CallMsg := FCallList[0]; DoneProc := TORIdleCallProc(FDoneList.Objects[0]); DoneMsg := FDoneList[0]; FCallList.Delete(0); FDoneList.Delete(0); if(assigned(CallProc)) then CallProc(CallMsg); if(assigned(DoneProc)) then DoneProc(DoneMsg); FTimerActive := FALSE; end; { do NOT use CallWhenIdle to call RPCs. Use CallRPCWhenIdle in ORNet. } procedure CallWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); begin if(not assigned(IdleCaller)) then IdleCaller := TIdleCaller.Create; IdleCaller.Add(CallProc, nil, Msg); end; procedure CallWhenIdleNotifyWhenDone(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); begin if(not assigned(IdleCaller)) then IdleCaller := TIdleCaller.Create; IdleCaller.Add(CallProc, DoneProc, Msg); end; procedure menuHideAllBut(aMenuItem: tMenuItem; butItems: array of tMenuItem); var aCount, bCount: integer; butFound: boolean; begin for aCount := 0 to (aMenuItem.count - 1) do // Iterate through menu items. begin butFound := false; for bCount := 0 to (length(butItems) - 1) do // Check for match in exceptions array. begin if (aMenuItem.items[aCount] = butItems[bCount]) then begin butFound := true; break; end; end; if (not butFound) then aMenuItem.items[aCount].visible := false; // Hide menu item if not an exception. end; end; function TabIsPressed : Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) and not Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))); end; function ShiftTabIsPressed : Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) and Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))); end; initialization FBaseFont := TFont.Create; FBaseFont.Name := BaseFontName; FBaseFont.Size := BaseFontSize; finalization FBaseFont.Free; KillObj(@IdleCaller); end.