#ALL false true true false true false @*| * node() *|comment()|processing-instruction() false default 1 false 1 2 1.0 This XSLT was automatically generated from a Schematron schema. 1.0 2.0 3a 3b Implementers: please note that overriding process-prolog or process-root is the preferred method for meta-stylesheets to use where possible. PHASES PROLOG XSD TYPES FOR XSLT2 KEYS AND FUNCTIONS DEFAULT RULES SCHEMA SETUP SCHEMATRON PATTERNS 4a 4b MODE: SCHEMATRON-SELECT-FULL-PATH This mode can be used to generate an ugly though full XPath for locators MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH This mode can be used to generate an ugly though full XPath for locators / *: [namespace-uri()=' '] [ ] / [] *[local-name()=' '] [] / @ @*[local-name()=' ' and namespace-uri()=' '] / @ @*[local-name()=' ' and namespace-uri()=' '] MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH-2 This mode can be used to generate prefixed XPath for humans / [ ] /@ MODE: SCHEMATRON-FULL-PATH-3 This mode can be used to generate prefixed XPath for humans (Top-level element has index) / [ ] /@ MODE: GENERATE-ID-FROM-PATH . MODE: GENERATE-ID-2 U U U. n U. _ _ Strip characters 5 6a 6b 7 ASSERT 8 REPORT 9 10 11a 11b 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20a 20b 21 20a 20b 21 19 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 //( ( ) | ) [not(self::text())] //( ( ) | ) [not(self::text())] 28 PATTERN 29 No property found with that ID 30 RULE 31 32 33 34 35a 35b 36a 36b 36a 36b 37a 37b 38a 38b 39a 39b TERMINATING TERMINATING TERMINATING title schema-title Schema error: Schematron elements in old and new namespaces found Schema error: in the queryBinding attribute, use 'xslt' Fail: This implementation of ISO Schematron does not work with schemas using the query language Phase Error: no phase has been defined with name Markup Error: no pattern attribute in <active> Reference Error: the pattern " " has been activated but is not declared Markup Error: no test attribute in <assert Markup Error: no test attribute in <report> Markup Error: no id attribute in <diagnostic> Markup Error: no rule attribute in <extends> Reference Error: the abstract rule " " has been referenced but is not declared Markup Error: no name attribute in <key> Markup Error: no path or use attribute in <key> Markup Error: no path or use attribute in <key> Schema error: The key element is not in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace. Markup Error: no name attribute in <function> Schema error: The function element is not in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace. Schema error: Empty href= attribute for include directive. Error: Impossible URL in Schematron include Unable to open referenced included file: Schema error: Use include to include fragments, not a whole schema Schema error: XSD schemas may only be imported if you are using the 'xslt2' query language binding Schema error: The import-schema element is not available in the ISO Schematron namespace. Use the XSLT namespace. Warning: Variables should not be used with the "xpath" query language binding. Warning: Variables should not be used with the "xpath2" query language binding. Markup Error: no uri attribute in <ns> Markup Error: no prefix attribute in <ns> Schema implementation error: This schema has abstract patterns, yet they are supposed to be preprocessed out already Markup Error: no id attribute in <phase> Markup Error: no context attribute in <rule> Markup Error: no id attribute on abstract <rule> Markup Error: (2) context attribute on abstract <rule> Markup Error: context attribute on abstract <rule> Markup Error: no select attribute in <value-of> Warning: must not contain any child elements Reference error: A diagnostic " " has been referenced but is not declared Using the XSLT namespace with a prefix other than "xsl" in Schematron rules is not supported in this processor: Error: unrecognized element in ISO Schematron namespace: check spelling and capitalization Warning: unrecognized element