[[PageOutline(2-5, Table of Contents, floated)]] = Scheduling GUI Installation = After installation, be sure to review post-installation tasks. This installation has only been validated for WorldVistA. I have never tried the software on FOIA VISTA, !OpenVista, or vxVista. == Version 1.6 == === Mumps Database Side Installation === Pre-requisites: * FM 22 and above * Kernel 8 and above * XB 3 and above * SD 5.3 * SD 5.3 patch 11310 (to fix a problem with the code from the VA that IHS has fixed that the VA still hasn't fixed) * BMX 2.31 XWB 1.1 patch 113102 is required if you don't have [http://mirrors.medsphere.org/pub/downloads.va.gov/files/FOIA/Software/Patches_By_Application/XWB-RPC%20BROKER/XWB-1P1_SEQ-40_PAT-49.TXT XWB-1P1_SEQ-40_PAT-49.TXT] installed, as it fixes a bug that patch fixes. In addition, it enables you to use the same port as CPRS in xinetd. For a Virgin WorldVistA 6-08/3-09 release install the following kids builds in this order: 1. XB 4 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/IHS-VA_UTILITIES-XB/tag/rel_20091207/xb0400.k.WV.zip) 2. BMX 2.3 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/BMXNET_RPMS_dotNET_UTILITIES-BMX/tag/2.31/bmx_0231.zip) 3. XWB 1.1 patch 113102 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/BMXNET_RPMS_dotNET_UTILITIES-BMX/tag/2.31/bmx_0231.zip) 4. SD 5.3 patch 11310 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/tag/1.6/bsdx_0160.zip) 5. BSDX 1.6 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/tag/1.6/bsdx_0160.zip) If you separate routines by local mods and canonical routines, all routines are canonical except for `SDAMEVT.m` and `XWBTCPM.m`, which are modifications of National VA Routines. === Windows Side Installation === You need to install .Net 4.0 runtime first. Find it at http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=17851. Client Profile distribution should also work (last link for full Profile .Net) but I haven't tested it. To run the client, place the exe and dll in the same folder. It will just work. To enable Arabic Support, place the ar folder in the same parent folder that contains the exe and dll. Client Files (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/tag/1.6/bsdx_0160.zip): * !ClinicalScheduling.exe * BMXNet23.dll * ar/ * ar/ClinicalScheduling.resources.dll == Version 1.7 (In Alpha Testing Right now) == === Mumps Database Side Installation === Pre-requisites: * FM 22 and above * Kernel 8 and above * XB 3 and above * SD 5.3 * SD 5.3 patch 11310 (to fix a problem with the code from the VA that IHS has fixed that the VA still hasn't fixed) * BMX 4.1000 XWB 1.1 patch 113102 is required if you don't have [http://mirrors.medsphere.org/pub/downloads.va.gov/files/FOIA/Software/Patches_By_Application/XWB-RPC%20BROKER/XWB-1P1_SEQ-40_PAT-49.TXT XWB-1P1_SEQ-40_PAT-49.TXT] installed, as it fixes a bug that patch fixes. In addition, it enables you to use the same port as CPRS in xinetd. This patch needs to be reworked to include that latest VA patch. For a Virgin WorldVistA 6-08/3-09 release install the following kids builds in this order: 1. XB 4 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/IHS-VA_UTILITIES-XB/tag/rel_20091207/xb0400.k.WV.zip) 2. BMX 4.1000 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/BMXNET_RPMS_dotNET_UTILITIES-BMX/branch/BMX41000/kids/bmx_041000.kids) 3. XWB 1.1 patch 113102 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/BMXNET_RPMS_dotNET_UTILITIES-BMX/tag/2.31/bmx_0231.zip) 4. SD 5.3 patch 11310 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/tag/1.6/bsdx_0160.zip) 5. BSDX 1.7 TEST 2 (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/trunk/kids/BSDX_1P7T2.KID) If you separate routines by local mods and canonical routines, all routines are canonical except for `SDAMEVT.m` and `XWBTCPM.m`, which are modifications of National VA Routines. === Windows Side Installation === You need to install .Net 4.0 runtime first. Find it at http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=17851. Client Profile distribution should also work (last link for full Profile .Net) but I haven't tested it. To run the client, place the exe and dlls in the same folder. It will just work. To enable Arabic Support, place the ar folder in the same parent folder that contains the exe and dll. Client Files: (in https://trac.opensourcevista.net/svn/Scheduling/trunk/cs/bsdx0200GUISourceCode/bin/Release/) * BMXNET40.dll * BMXWIN40.dll * !ClinicalScheduling.exe * !PrintPreview.dll * ar/ * ar/ClinicalScheduling.resources.dll