Changeset 1466 for Scheduling
- Timestamp:
- Jul 3, 2012, 7:45:46 PM (13 years ago)
- Location:
- Scheduling/trunk/m
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1464 r1466 1 BSDX25 ; VEN/SMH - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 6/29/12 12:04pm1 BSDX25 ; VEN/SMH - WINDOWS SCHEDULING RPCS ; 7/3/12 12:27pm 2 2 ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 3 3 ; Licensed under LGPL … … 34 34 ; - Another number or text if not 35 35 ; 36 ; Error reference: 37 ; -1 -> Invalid Appointment ID 38 ; -2 -> Invalid Check-in Date 39 ; -3 -> Cannot check-in due to Fileman Filer failure 40 ; -10 -> BSDXAPI error 41 ; -100 -> Mumps Error 42 ; 36 43 ; Turn off SDAM Appointment Events BSDX Protocol Processing 37 44 N BSDXNOEV … … 44 51 N $ET S $ET="G ERROR^BSDX25" 45 52 ; 53 ; Test for error trap for Unit Tests 54 I $G(BSDXDIE) N X S X=1/0 55 ; 46 56 N BSDXI S BSDXI=0 47 57 ; … … 51 61 S ^BSDXTMP($J,0)="T00020ERRORID"_$C(30) 52 62 ; 53 I '+BSDXAPPTID D ERR("Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT 54 I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID,0)) D ERR("Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT 55 ; 56 ; Lock the node for synchronizing access to appointment 57 LOCK +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID):1 58 ELSE DO ERR("-7~Lock not acquired") QUIT 63 I '+BSDXAPPTID D ERR("-1~Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT 64 I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID,0)) D ERR("-1~Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT 59 65 ; 60 66 ; Remove Date formatting v.1.5. Client will send date as FM Date. … … 62 68 ;S %DT="T",X=BSDXCDT D ^%DT S BSDXCDT=Y 63 69 S BSDXCDT=+BSDXCDT ; Strip off zeros if C# sends them 64 I BSDXCDT =-1 D ERR(70) Q70 I BSDXCDT'>2000000 D ERR("-2~Invalid Check-in Date") QUIT 65 71 I BSDXCDT>$$NOW^XLFDT S BSDXCDT=$$NOW^XLFDT 66 72 ; 67 ;Checkin BSDX APPOINTMENT entry 68 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=$$BSDXCHK(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXCDT) 69 I BSDXERR D ERR("BSDX08: Fileman Filer failed to check-in appt") QUIT 70 ; 71 N BSDXNOD S BSDXNOD=^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID,0) 72 N BSDXPATID S BSDXPATID=$P(BSDXNOD,U,5) 73 N BSDXSTART S BSDXSTART=$P(BSDXNOD,U) 73 ; Some data 74 N BSDXNOD S BSDXNOD=^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID,0) ; Appointment Node 75 N BSDXPATID S BSDXPATID=$P(BSDXNOD,U,5) ; DFN 76 N BSDXSTART S BSDXSTART=$P(BSDXNOD,U) ; Appointment Start Time 74 77 ; 75 78 ; Get Hospital Location IEN from BSDXAPPT to BSDXRES (RESOUCE:HOSPITAL LOCATION) … … 77 80 I BSDXSC1,'$D(^SC(BSDXSC1,0)) S BSDXSC1="" ; Null it off if it doesn't exist 78 81 ; 82 ; Check if we can check-in using BSDXAPI 83 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0 84 I BSDXSC1 S BSDXERR=$$CHECKIC1^BSDXAPI(BSDXPATID,BSDXSC1,BSDXSTART) 85 I BSDXERR D ERR(-10_"~"_$P(BSDXERR,U,2)) QUIT 86 ; 87 ; Checkin BSDX APPOINTMENT entry 88 ; Failure Analysis: If we fail here, no changes were made. 89 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=$$BSDXCHK(BSDXAPPTID,BSDXCDT) 90 I BSDXERR D ERR("-3~Fileman Filer failed to check-in appt") QUIT 91 ; 79 92 ; File check-in using BSDXAPI 93 ; Failure Analysis: If we fail here, we need to roll back first check-in. 80 94 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=0 81 95 I BSDXSC1 S BSDXERR=$$CHECKIN1^BSDXAPI(BSDXPATID,BSDXSC1,BSDXSTART) 82 I BSDXERR D ERR($P(BSDXZ,U,2)) QUIT 83 ; 84 ; Unlock 85 LOCK -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID) 96 I BSDXERR D QUIT 97 . N % S %=$$BSDXCHK(BSDXAPPTID,"@") ; No Error checking to prevent loop. 98 . D ERR(-10_"~"_$P(BSDXERR,U,2)) ; Send error message to client 86 99 ; 87 100 S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 … … 98 111 ; Output: 1^Error for error 99 112 ; 0 for success 113 ; 114 Q:$G(BSDXSIMERR1) 1_U_"Simulated Error 1" 100 115 ; 101 116 N BSDXIENS,BSDXMSG,BSDXFDA ; Filer variables … … 145 160 I '$D(^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID,0)) D ERR("-2~Invalid Appointment ID") QUIT 146 161 ; 147 ; Lock the node for synchronizing access to appointment148 LOCK +^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID):1149 ELSE DO ERR("-7~Lock not acquired") QUIT150 ;151 162 ; Remove checkin from BSDX APPOINTMENT entry 152 163 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=$$BSDXCHK(BSDXAPPTID,"@") … … 167 178 ; 168 179 N BSDXZ ; Scratch variable to hold error message 169 I BSDXSC1]"",$D(^SC(BSDXSC1,0)) S BSDXZ=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI (BSDXPATID,BSDXSC1,BSDXSTART)180 I BSDXSC1]"",$D(^SC(BSDXSC1,0)) S BSDXZ=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(BSDXPATID,BSDXSC1,BSDXSTART) 170 181 I +$G(BSDXZ) D ERR("-5~"_$P(BSDXZ,U,2)) QUIT 171 182 ; 172 ; Unlock173 LOCK -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID)174 ;175 183 ; Return ADO recordset 176 184 S BSDXI=BSDXI+1 … … 225 233 S $ETRAP="D ^%ZTER HALT" ; Emergency Error Trap for the wise 226 234 D ^%ZTER 227 S $EC="" ; Clear Error 235 ; VEN/SMH: NB: I make a conscious decision not to roll back anything 236 ; here in the error trap. Once the error is fixed, users can 237 ; undo or redo the check-in. 238 ; Individual portions of this routine may choose to do rolling back 239 ; of their own (e.g. a failed call to BSDXAPI causes rollback to occur 240 ; in CHECKIN) 241 ; 228 242 ; Log error message and send to client 229 243 D ERR("-100~Mumps Error") 230 Q 244 Q:$Q "-100^Mumps Error" Q 231 245 ; 232 246 ERR(BSDXERR) ;Error processing 233 I $G(BSDXAPPTID) LOCK -^BSDXAPPT(BSDXAPPTID) 247 ; If last line is $C(31), we are done. No more errors to send to client. 248 I ^BSDXTMP($J,$O(^BSDXTMP($J," "),-1))=$C(31) QUIT 234 249 S BSDXERR=$G(BSDXERR) 235 250 S BSDXERR=$P(BSDXERR,"~")_"~"_$TEXT(+0)_":"_$P(BSDXERR,"~",2) ; Append Routine Name -
r1464 r1466 1 BSDXAPI ; IHS/ANMC/LJF & VW/SMH - SCHEDULING APIs ; 6/29/12 12:19pm1 BSDXAPI ; IHS/ANMC/LJF & VW/SMH - SCHEDULING APIs ; 7/3/12 12:30pm 2 2 ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 3 3 ; Licensed under LGPL 4 4 ; 5 ; Orignal routine is BSDAPI by IHS/LJF, HMW, and MAW5 ; Orignal routine is BSDAPI by IHS/LJF, HMW, and MAW 6 6 ; mods (many) by WV/SMH 7 ;Move to BSDX namespace as BSDXAPI from BSDAPI by WV/SMH 8 ; Change History: 9 ; 2010-11-5: (1.42) 10 ; - Fixed errors having to do uncanceling patient appointments if it was 11 ; a patient cancelled appointment. 12 ; - Use new style Fileman API for storing appointments in file 44 in 13 ; $$MAKE due to problems with legacy API. 14 ; 2010-11-12: (1.42) 15 ; - Changed ="C" to ["C" in SCIEN. Cancelled appointments can be "PC" as 16 ; well. 17 ; 2010-12-5 (1.42) 18 ; Added an entry point to update the patient note in file 44. 19 ; 2010-12-6 (1.42) 20 ; MAKE1 incorrectly put info field in BSDR("INFO") rather than BSDR("OI") 21 ; 2010-12-8 (1.42) 22 ; Removed restriction on max appt length. Even though this restriction 23 ; exists in fileman (120 minutes), PIMS ignores it. Therefore, I 24 ; will ignore it here too. 25 ; 2011-01-25 (v.1.5) 26 ; Added entry point $$RMCI to remove checked in appointments. 27 ; In $$CANCEL, if the appointment is checked in, delete check-in rather than 28 ; spitting an error message to the user saying 'Delete the check-in' 29 ; Changed all lines that look like this: 30 ; I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT")) 31 ; to: 32 ; I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT")) 33 ; to allow for date at midnight which does not have a dot at the end. 34 ; 2011-01-26 (v.1.5) 35 ; More user friendly message if patient already has appointment in $$MAKE: 36 ; Spits out pt name and user friendly date. 37 ; 2012-06-18 (v 1.7) 38 ; Removing transacions. Means that code SHOULD NOT fail. Took all checks 39 ; out for making an appointment to MAKECK. We call this first to make sure 40 ; that the appointment is okay to make before committing to make it. We 41 ; still have the provision to delete the data though if we fail when we 42 ; actually make the appointment. 43 ; CANCELCK exists for the same purpose. 7 ; Move to BSDX namespace as BSDXAPI from BSDAPI by WV/SMH 8 ; Change history is located in BSDXAPI1 (to save space). 44 9 ; 45 10 MAKE1(DFN,CLIN,TYP,DATE,LEN,INFO) ; Simplified PEP w/ parameters for $$MAKE - making appointment … … 230 195 ; = 1^message means error with reason message 231 196 ; 197 I $G(BSDXDIE2) N X S X=1/0 198 ; 199 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=$$CHECKICK(.BSDR) 200 I BSDXERR Q BSDXERR 201 ; 202 ; find ien for appt in file 44 203 NEW IEN,DIE,DA,DR 204 S IEN=$$SCIEN(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT")) 205 ; 206 ; remember before status 207 ; Failure analysis: Only ^TMP global is set here. 208 NEW SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL,SDMODE 209 S DFN=BSDR("PAT"),SDT=BSDR("ADT"),SDCL=BSDR("CLN"),SDMODE=2,SDDA=IEN 210 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL 211 D BEFORE^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL) 212 ; 213 ; set checkin; Old Code -- keep for ref VEN/SMH 3 Jul 2012 214 ; S DIE="^SC("_BSDR("CLN")_",""S"","_BSDR("ADT")_",1," 215 ; S DA(2)=BSDR("CLN"),DA(1)=BSDR("ADT"),DA=IEN 216 ; S DR="309///"_BSDR("CDT")_";302///`"_BSDR("USR")_";305///"_$$NOW^XLFDT 217 ; D ^DIE 218 ; 219 I $D(BSDXSIMERR3) Q 1_U_"Simulated Error" 220 ; 221 ; Failure analysis: If this fails, no other changes were made in this routine 222 N BSDXIENS S BSDXIENS=IEN_","_BSDR("ADT")_","_BSDR("CLN")_"," 223 N BSDXFDA 224 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,309)=BSDR("CDT") 225 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,302)=BSDR("USR") 226 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,305)=$$NOW^XLFDT() 227 N BSDXERR 228 D UPDATE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXERR") 229 ; 230 I $D(BSDXERR) Q 1_U_"Error checking in appointment to file 44. Error: "_BSDXERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1) 231 ; 232 ; set after status 233 S SDDA=$$SCIEN(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT")) 234 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL 235 D AFTER^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL) 236 ; 237 ; Point of no Return 238 ; call event driver 239 D EVT^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,4,SDMODE,SDCIHDL) 240 Q 0 241 ; 242 CHECKIC1(DFN,CLIN,APDATE) ; Simplified PEP w/ parameters for $$CHECKICK - 243 ; Check-in Check 244 ; Call like this for DFN 23435 checking in now at Hospital Location 33 245 ; for appt at Dec 20, 2009 @ 10:11:59 246 ; S RESULT=$$CHECKIC1^BSDXAPI(23435,33,3091220.221159) 247 N BSDR 248 S BSDR("PAT")=DFN ;DFN 249 S BSDR("CLN")=CLIN ;Hosp Loc IEN 250 S BSDR("ADT")=APDATE ;Appt Date 251 S BSDR("CDT")=$$NOW^XLFDT ;Check-in date defaults to now 252 S BSDR("USR")=DUZ ;Check-in user defaults to current 253 Q $$CHECKICK(.BSDR) 254 ; 255 CHECKICK(BSDR) ; $$ PEP; - Is it okay to check-in patient? 256 ; Input: Same as $$CHECKIN 257 ; Output: 0 if okay or 1^message if error 258 ; 259 I $G(BSDXSIMERR2) Q 1_U_"Simulated Error" 260 ; 232 261 I '$D(^DPT(+$G(BSDR("PAT")),0)) Q 1_U_"Patient not on file: "_$G(BSDR("PAT")) 233 262 I '$D(^SC(+$G(BSDR("CLN")),0)) Q 1_U_"Clinic not on file: "_$G(BSDR("CLN")) … … 239 268 ; 240 269 ; find ien for appt in file 44 241 NEW IEN,DIE,DA,DR 242 S IEN=$$SCIEN(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT")) 270 N IEN S IEN=$$SCIEN(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT")) 243 271 I 'IEN Q 1_U_"Error trying to find appointment for checkin: Patient="_BSDR("PAT")_" Clinic="_BSDR("CLN")_" Appt="_BSDR("ADT") 244 ;245 ; remember before status246 NEW SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL,SDMODE247 S DFN=BSDR("PAT"),SDT=BSDR("ADT"),SDCL=BSDR("CLN"),SDMODE=2,SDDA=IEN248 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL249 D BEFORE^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL)250 ;251 ; set checkin252 S DIE="^SC("_BSDR("CLN")_",""S"","_BSDR("ADT")_",1,"253 S DA(2)=BSDR("CLN"),DA(1)=BSDR("ADT"),DA=IEN254 S DR="309///"_BSDR("CDT")_";302///`"_BSDR("USR")_";305///"_$$NOW^XLFDT255 D ^DIE256 ;257 ; set after status258 S SDDA=$$SCIEN(BSDR("PAT"),BSDR("CLN"),BSDR("ADT"))259 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL260 D AFTER^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL)261 ;262 ; call event driver263 D EVT^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,4,SDMODE,SDCIHDL)264 272 Q 0 265 273 ; … … 378 386 Q $S(X:1,1:0) 379 387 ; 380 RMCI(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) ;PEP; -- Remove Check-in; $$381 ; PAT = DFN382 ; CLINIC = SC IEN383 ; DATE = FM Date/Time of Appointment384 ;385 ; Returns:386 ; 0 if okay387 ; -1 if failure388 ;389 ; Call like this: $$RMCI(233,33,3110102.1130)390 ;391 ; Move my variables into the ones used by SDAPIs (just a convenience)392 NEW SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL,SDMODE393 S DFN=PAT,SDT=DATE,SDCL=CLINIC,SDMODE=2,SDDA=$$SCIEN(DFN,SDCL,SDT)394 ;395 I SDDA<1 QUIT 0 ; Appt cancelled; cancelled appts rm'ed from file 44396 ;397 ; remember before status398 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL399 D BEFORE^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL)400 ;401 ; remove check-in using filer.402 N BSDXIENS S BSDXIENS=SDDA_","_DATE_","_CLINIC_","403 N BSDXFDA404 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,309)="@" ; CHECKED-IN405 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,302)="@" ; CHECK IN USER406 S BSDXFDA(44.003,BSDXIENS,305)="@" ; CHECK IN ENTERED407 N BSDXERR408 D FILE^DIE("","BSDXFDA","BSDXERR")409 I $D(BSDXERR) QUIT "-1~Can't file for Pat "_PAT_" in Clinic "_CLINIC_" at "_DATE_". Fileman reported an error: "_BSDXERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)410 ;411 ; set after status412 ; S SDDA=$$SCIEN(DFN,SDCL,SDT) ;smh -why is this here? SDDA won't change.413 S SDCIHDL=$$HANDLE^SDAMEVT(1),SDATA=SDDA_U_DFN_U_SDT_U_SDCL414 D AFTER^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,DFN,SDT,SDCL,SDDA,SDCIHDL)415 ;416 ; call event driver417 D EVT^SDAMEVT(.SDATA,4,SDMODE,SDCIHDL)418 QUIT 0419 ;420 388 SCIEN(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) ;PEP; returns ien for appt in ^SC 421 389 NEW X,IEN -
r1464 r1466 1 BSDXAPI1 ; VEN/SMH - SCHEDULING APIs - Continued!!! ; 6/29/12 11:52am1 BSDXAPI1 ; VEN/SMH - SCHEDULING APIs - Continued!!! ; 7/3/12 12:37pm 2 2 ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 3 3 ; Licensed under LGPL 4 ; 5 ; Change History (BSDXAPI and BSDXAPI1) 6 ; Pre 1.42: 7 ; - Simplified entry points (MAKE1, CANCEL1, CHECKIN1) 8 ; 2010-11-5: (1.42) 9 ; - Fixed errors having to do uncanceling patient appointments if it was 10 ; a patient cancelled appointment. 11 ; - Use new style Fileman API for storing appointments in file 44 in 12 ; $$MAKE due to problems with legacy API. 13 ; 2010-11-12: (1.42) 14 ; - Changed ="C" to ["C" in SCIEN. Cancelled appointments can be "PC" as 15 ; well. 16 ; 2010-12-5 (1.42) 17 ; Added an entry point to update the patient note in file 44. 18 ; 2010-12-6 (1.42) 19 ; MAKE1 incorrectly put info field in BSDR("INFO") rather than BSDR("OI") 20 ; 2010-12-8 (1.42) 21 ; Removed restriction on max appt length. Even though this restriction 22 ; exists in fileman (120 minutes), PIMS ignores it. Therefore, I 23 ; will ignore it here too. 24 ; 2011-01-25 (v.1.5) 25 ; Added entry point $$RMCI to remove checked in appointments. 26 ; In $$CANCEL, if the appointment is checked in, delete check-in rather than 27 ; spitting an error message to the user saying 'Delete the check-in' 28 ; Changed all lines that look like this: 29 ; I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT")) 30 ; to: 31 ; I $G(BSDR("ADT"))'?7N.1".".4N Q 1_U_"Appt Date/Time error: "_$G(BSDR("ADT")) 32 ; to allow for date at midnight which does not have a dot at the end. 33 ; 2011-01-26 (v.1.5) 34 ; More user friendly message if patient already has appointment in $$MAKE: 35 ; Spits out pt name and user friendly date. 36 ; 2012-06-18 (v 1.7) 37 ; Removing transacions. Means that code SHOULD NOT fail. Took all checks 38 ; out for making an appointment to MAKECK. We call this first to make sure 39 ; that the appointment is okay to make before committing to make it. We 40 ; still have the provision to delete the data though if we fail when we 41 ; actually make the appointment. 42 ; CANCELCK exists for the same purpose. 43 ; CHECKINK ditto 44 ; New API: $$NOWSHOW^BSDXAPI1 for no-showing patients 45 ; Moved RMCI from BSDXAPI to BSDXAPI1 because BSDXAPI1 is getting larger 46 ; than 20000 characters. 4 47 ; 5 48 NOSHOW(PAT,CLINIC,DATE,NSFLAG) ; $$ PEP; No-show Patient at appt date (new in v1.7) … … 41 84 ; 42 85 ; This M error trigger tests if ^BSDXAPPT rolls back. 43 ; I won't try to roll back ^DPT(,"S" 44 ; The M error is caused here, so if I try to rollback, I can cause another86 ; I won't try to roll back ^DPT(,"S" because 87 ; the M error is caused here, so if I try to rollback, I can cause another 45 88 ; error. Infinite Errors then. 46 89 I $D(BSDXSIMERR3) N X S X=1/0 … … 67 110 ; 68 111 ; Call like this: $$RMCI(233,33,3110102.1130) 112 ; 113 ; Check to see if we can remove the check-in 114 N BSDXERR S BSDXERR=$$RMCICK(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) 115 I BSDXERR Q BSDXERR 69 116 ; 70 117 ; Move my variables into the ones used by SDAPIs (just a convenience) … … 97 144 QUIT 0 98 145 ; 146 RMCICK(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) ;PEP; Can you remove a check-in for this patient? 147 ; PAT - DFN by value 148 ; CLINIC - ^SC ien by value 149 ; DATE - Appointment Date 150 ; Output: 0 if okay or 1 if error 151 ; 152 ; Get appointment IEN in ^SC(DA(2),"S",DA(1),1, 153 N SCIEN S SCIEN=$$SCIEN^BSDXAPI(PAT,CLINIC,DATE) 154 ; 155 ; If not there, it has been cancelled. 156 I 'SCIEN QUIT 0 157 ; 158 ; Check if checked out 159 I $$CO^BSDXAPI(PAT,CLINIC,DATE,SCIEN) Q 1_U_"Appointment Already Checked Out" 160 ; 161 QUIT 0 162 ; 99 163 UPDATENT(PAT,CLINIC,DATE,NOTE) ; PEP; Update Note in ^SC for patient's appointment @ DATE 100 164 ; PAT = DFN -
r1464 r1466 1 BSDXUT1 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 6/29/12 12:32pm1 BSDXUT1 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 7/3/12 12:28pm 2 2 ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 3 3 ; … … 94 94 I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! 95 95 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin 96 S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI (DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin96 S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin 97 97 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt 98 98 I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! … … 140 140 I APPID=0 W "Error in test 6",! 141 141 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPID,$$NOW^XLFDT) ; Checkin 142 S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI (DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin142 S BSDXRESULT=$$RMCI^BSDXAPI1(DFN,HLIEN,APPTTIME) ; remove checkin 143 143 D APPDEL^BSDX08(.ZZZ,APPID,"PC",10,"Cancel Note") ; delete appt 144 144 I $P(^BSDXTMP($J,1),$C(30))'="" W "Error in test 6",! … … 191 191 I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)=0 W "Error... task not created",! QUIT 192 192 ; 193 W "Waiting for 5 seconds for itto finish",! HANG 5193 W "Waiting for 5 seconds for taskman to finish",! HANG 5 194 194 N DFN,APPTTIME S (DFN,APPTTIME)="" 195 195 F S DFN=$O(BSDXAPPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN D … … 224 224 I +^BSDXTMP($J,1)=0 W "Error... task not created",! QUIT 225 225 ; 226 W "Waiting for 5 seconds for itto finish",! HANG 5226 W "Waiting for 5 seconds for taskman to finish",! HANG 5 227 227 W:^BSDXTMP("BSDXCOPY",+^BSDXTMP($J,1))'[" 0 records" "Copy failed",! 228 228 QUIT -
r1464 r1466 1 BSDXUT2 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 6/29/12 12:23pm1 BSDXUT2 ; VEN/SMH - Unit Tests for Scheduling GUI - cont. ; 7/3/12 12:03pm 2 2 ;;1.7T1;BSDX;;Aug 31, 2011;Build 18 3 3 ; … … 49 49 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-2 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 2",! 50 50 ; Tests for 3 to 5 difficult to produce 51 ; Error tests follow: Mumps error test; Transaction restartability 51 ; Error tests follow: Mumps error test; 52 ; Error in RMCI 52 53 N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 53 54 D RMCI^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID) 54 55 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 3",! 55 56 K BSDXDIE 57 ; M Error in CHECKIN 58 N BSDXDIE S BSDXDIE=1 59 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) 60 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 8",! 61 K BSDXDIE 62 ; M Error in $$CHECKIN^BSDXAPI 63 N BSDXDIE2 S BSDXDIE2=1 64 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) 65 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-100 WRITE "ERROR IN Etest 9",! 66 K BSDXDIE2 67 ; 68 ; Get start and end times 69 N TIMES S TIMES=$$TIMES^BSDXUT ; appt time^end time 70 N APPTTIME S APPTTIME=$P(TIMES,U) 71 N ENDTIME S ENDTIME=$P(TIMES,U,2) 72 ; 73 N ZZZ,DFN 74 S DFN=5 75 N ZZZ 76 D APPADD^BSDX07(.ZZZ,APPTTIME,ENDTIME,DFN,RESNAM,30,"Sam's Note",1) 77 N APPTID S APPTID=+^BSDXTMP($J,1) 78 N HL S HL=$$GET1^DIQ(9002018.4,APPTID,".07:.04","I") 79 ; 80 ; Simulated Error in $$BSDXCHK^BSDX25 81 N BSDXSIMERR1 S BSDXSIMERR1=1 82 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) 83 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-3 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 10",! 84 IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 111",! 85 IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 112",! 86 K BSDXSIMERR1 87 ; 88 ; Simulated Error in $$CHECKICK^BSDXAPI 89 N BSDXSIMERR2 S BSDXSIMERR2=1 90 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) 91 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-10 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 11",! 92 IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 113",! 93 IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 114",! 94 K BSDXSIMERR2 95 ; 96 ; Simulated Error in $$CHECKIN^BSDXAPI 97 N BSDXSIMERR3 S BSDXSIMERR3=1 98 D CHECKIN^BSDX25(.ZZZ,APPTID,$$NOW^XLFDT()) 99 IF +^BSDXTMP($J,1)'=-10 WRITE "ERROR in Etest 11",! 100 IF $P(^BSDXAPPT(APPTID,0),U,3) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 115",! 101 IF +$G(^SC(HL,"S",APPTTIME,1,1,"C")) WRITE "ERROR IN CHECKIN 116",! 102 K BSDXSIMERR3 56 103 ; 57 104 ; Unlinked Clinic Tests
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