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- May 8, 2015, 7:52:55 AM (10 years ago)
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r829 r1693 4 4 5 5 uses 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, 7 fAutoSz, StdCtrls, ORFn, uConst, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, VA508AccessibilityManager; 6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fOCMonograph, 7 fAutoSz, StdCtrls, ORFn, uConst, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, VA508AccessibilityManager, 8 Grids, strUtils, uDlgComponents, VAUtils, VA508AccessibilityRouter; 8 9 9 10 type 10 11 TfrmOCSession = class(TfrmAutoSz) 11 lstChecks: TCaptionListBox;12 12 pnlBottom: TPanel; 13 13 lblJustify: TLabel; … … 17 17 btnReturn: TButton; 18 18 memNote: TMemo; 19 cmdMonograph: TButton; 20 grdchecks: TCaptionStringGrid; 21 lblInstr: TVA508StaticText; 22 pnlTop: TORAutoPanel; 23 lblHover: TLabel; 19 24 procedure cmdCancelOrderClick(Sender: TObject); 20 25 procedure cmdContinueClick(Sender: TObject); 21 procedure lstChecksMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;22 var Height: Integer);23 procedure lstChecksDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;24 Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);25 26 procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); 26 27 procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); … … 30 31 procedure btnReturnClick(Sender: TObject); 31 32 procedure memNoteEnter(Sender: TObject); 33 procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); 34 procedure cmdMonographClick(Sender: TObject); 35 procedure grdchecksDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; 36 Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); 37 function CheckBoxRect(poRect: TRect): TRect; 38 function GetCheckState(grid: TStringGrid; ACol, ARow: integer): boolean; 39 function InCheckBox(Grid: TStringGrid; X, Y, ACol, ARow: integer): boolean; 40 procedure SetCheckState(grid: TStringGrid; ACol, ARow: integer; State: boolean); 41 procedure grdchecksMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; 42 Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); 43 procedure grdchecksSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; 44 var CanSelect: Boolean); 45 procedure GridDeleteRow(RowNumber: Integer; Grid: TstringGrid); 46 procedure grdchecksEnter(Sender: TObject); 47 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 48 procedure grdchecksKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 49 Shift: TShiftState); 50 procedure grdchecksMouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; 51 MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 52 procedure grdchecksMouseWheelUp(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; 53 MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 54 procedure FormMouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; 55 MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 56 procedure grdchecksMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, 57 Y: Integer); 58 // procedure memNoteSetText(str: string); 32 59 private 33 60 FCritical: Boolean; … … 112 139 function ExecuteSessionOrderChecks(OrderList: TStringList) : Boolean; 113 140 var 114 i, j : Integer;115 LastID, NewID : string;116 CheckList : TStringList;141 i, j, k, l, m, rowcnt: Integer; 142 LastID, NewID, gridtext: string; 143 CheckList,remOC: TStringList; 117 144 OCRec: TOCRec; 118 //AChangeItem: TChangeItem;119 145 frmOCSession: TfrmOCSession; 120 x : string;146 x,substring: string; 121 147 begin 122 148 Result := True; … … 129 155 begin 130 156 frmOCSession := TfrmOCSession.Create(Application); 157 //frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount := frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount + 1; *) 158 //rowcnt := frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount; 159 //if RowCnt > frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount then frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount := RowCnt; 160 rowcnt := 1; 161 frmOCSession.grdchecks.canvas.Font.Name := 'Courier New'; 162 frmOCSession.grdchecks.Canvas.Font.Size := MainFontSize; 163 frmOCSession.cmdMonograph.Enabled := false; 164 if IsMonograph then frmOCSession.cmdMonograph.Enabled := true; 131 165 try 132 166 ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmOCSession)); … … 148 182 x := TextForOrder(OCRec.OrderID); 149 183 OCRec.OrderText := x; 184 frmOCSession.grdchecks.Cells[2,rowcnt] := OCRec.OrderID + '^O^0^'; 185 frmOCSession.grdchecks.Cells[1,rowcnt] := OCRec.OrderText; 186 RowCnt := RowCnt + 1; 187 if RowCnt > frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount then frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount := RowCnt; 188 l := 0; 189 m := 0; 190 for j := 0 to CheckList.Count - 1 do 191 if Piece(CheckList[j], U, 1) = OCRec.OrderID then m := m+1; 192 150 193 for j := 0 to CheckList.Count - 1 do 151 194 if Piece(CheckList[j], U, 1) = OCRec.OrderID then 152 195 begin 153 OCRec.Checks.Add(Pieces(CheckList[j], U, 2, 4)); 154 x := x + CRLF + Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4); 196 l := l+1; 197 gridText := ''; 198 substring := Copy(Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4),0,2); 199 if substring='||' then 200 begin 201 remOC := TStringList.Create; 202 substring := Copy(Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4),3,Length(Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4))); 203 GetXtraTxt(remOC,Piece(substring,'&',1),Piece(substring,'&',2)); 204 for k := 0 to remOC.Count - 1 do 205 begin 206 //add each line to x and OCRec.Checks 207 if k=remOC.Count-1 then 208 begin 209 OCRec.Checks.Add(Pieces(CheckList[j], U, 2, 3)+'^'+' '+RemOC[k]); 210 x := x + CRLF + RemOC[k]; 211 if gridText = '' then gridText := RemOC[k] 212 else gridText := gridText + CRLF + ' ' +RemOC[k]; 213 end 214 else if k=0 then 215 begin 216 OCRec.Checks.Add(Pieces(CheckList[j], U, 2, 3)+'^'+RemOC[k]); 217 x := x + CRLF + '('+inttostr(l)+' of '+inttostr(m)+') ' + RemOC[k]; 218 if gridText = '' then gridText := '('+inttostr(l)+' of '+inttostr(m)+') ' + RemOC[k] 219 else gridText := gridText + CRLF + RemOC[k]; 220 end 221 else 222 begin 223 OCRec.Checks.Add(Pieces(CheckList[j], U, 2, 3)+'^'+' '+RemOC[k]); 224 x := x + CRLF + RemOC[k]; 225 if gridText = '' then gridText := RemOC[k] 226 else gridText := gridText + CRLF + ' ' + RemOC[k]; 227 end; 228 end; 229 x := x + CRLF + ' '; 230 if gridText = '' then gridText := ' ' 231 else gridText := gridText + CRLF + ' '; 232 remOC.free; 233 end 234 else 235 begin 236 OCRec.Checks.Add(Pieces(CheckList[j], U, 2, 4)); 237 x := x + CRLF + '('+inttostr(l)+' of '+inttostr(m)+') ' + Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4); 238 gridText := '('+inttostr(l)+' of '+inttostr(m)+') ' + Piece(CheckList[j], U, 4); 239 end; 240 if (Piece(CheckList[j], U, 3) = '1') then frmOCSession.grdchecks.Cells[1,rowcnt] := '*Order Check requires Reason for Override' + CRLF + gridText 241 else frmOCSession.grdchecks.Cells[1,rowcnt] := gridText; 242 frmOCSession.grdchecks.Cells[2,rowcnt] := OCRec.OrderID + '^I^'+Piece(CheckList[j], U, 3); 243 //frmOCSession.grdchecks.Objects[2, rowcnt] := OCRec; 244 rowcnt := rowcnt +1; 245 if RowCnt > frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount then frmOCSession.grdchecks.RowCount := RowCnt; 155 246 end; 156 //AChangeItem := Changes.Locate(CH_ORD, OCRec.OrderID);157 //if AChangeItem <> nil then OCRec.OrderText := AChangeItem.Text;158 frmOCSession.lstChecks.Items.Add(x);159 247 end; {with...for i} 160 248 frmOCSession.FOrderList := OrderList; … … 170 258 frmFrame.SetActiveTab(CT_ORDERS); 171 259 end; 260 if ScreenReaderActive = True then 261 begin 262 frmOCSession.lblInstr.TabStop := true; 263 frmOCSession.memNote.TabStop := true; 264 frmOCSession.memNote.TabOrder := 2; 265 end 266 else 267 begin 268 frmOCSession.lblInstr.TabStop := false; 269 frmOCSession.memNote.TabStop := false; 270 end; 172 271 finally 173 272 with uCheckedOrders do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do TOCRec(Items[i]).Free; … … 178 277 CheckList.Free; 179 278 end; 279 end; 280 281 282 procedure TfrmOCSession.SetCheckState(grid: TStringGrid; ACol, ARow: integer; 283 State: boolean); 284 var 285 temp: string; 286 begin 287 temp := grid.Cells[2, ARow]; 288 if State = True then SetPiece(temp, U, 3, '1') 289 else SetPiece(temp, U, 3, '0'); 290 grid.Cells[2, ARow] := temp; 291 grid.Repaint; 180 292 end; 181 293 … … 195 307 txtJustify.Visible := FCritical; 196 308 memNote.Visible := FCritical; 197 198 end; 199 200 procedure TfrmOCSession.lstChecksMeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; var Height: Integer); 201 var 202 i, AHt, TotalHt: Integer; 203 x: string; 204 ARect: TRect; 205 OCRec: TOCRec; 206 begin 207 inherited; 208 209 with lstChecks do 210 begin 211 if Index >= uCheckedOrders.Count then Exit; 212 OCRec := TOCRec(uCheckedOrders.Items[Index]); 213 ARect := ItemRect(Index); 214 ARect.Left := ARect.Left + 2; 215 AHt := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(OCRec.OrderText), Length(OCRec.OrderText), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_EXTERNALLEADING) + 2; //CQ7178: added DT_EXTERNALLEADING 216 TotalHt := AHt; 217 218 for i := 0 to OCRec.Checks.Count - 1 do 309 end; 310 311 function TfrmOCSession.CheckBoxRect(poRect: TRect): TRect; 312 const ciCheckBoxDim = 20; 313 begin 314 with poRect do begin 315 Result.Top := Top + FontHeightPixel(Font.Handle); 316 Result.Left := Left - (ciCheckBoxDim div 2) + (Right - Left) div 2; 317 Result.Right := Result.Left + ciCheckBoxDim; 318 Result.Bottom := Result.Top + ciCheckBoxDim; 319 end 320 end; 321 322 procedure TfrmOCSession.cmdCancelOrderClick(Sender: TObject); 323 var 324 cnt, i, j, already: Integer; 325 AnOrderID: string; 326 DeleteOrderList, DeleteRowList: TstringList; 327 StillCritical: boolean; 328 begin 329 inherited; 330 DeleteOrderList := TStringList.Create; 331 DeleteRowList := TStringList.Create; 332 for I := 0 to grdChecks.RowCount do 333 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 3) = '1') and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) = 'O') then 334 begin 335 AnOrderID := Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 1); 336 already := DeleteOrderList.IndexOf(AnOrderID); 337 if (already>=0) or (DeleteCheckedOrder(AnOrderID)) then 219 338 begin 220 ARect := ItemRect(Index); 221 ARect.Left := ARect.Left + 10; 222 x := Piece(OCRec.Checks[i], U, 3); 223 AHt := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_EXTERNALLEADING); //CQ7178: added DT_EXTERNALLEADING 224 TotalHt := TotalHt + AHt; 339 for j := FCheckList.Count - 1 downto 0 do 340 if Piece(FCheckList[j], U, 1) = AnOrderID then FCheckList.Delete(j); 341 DeleteOrderList.Add(AnOrderId); 342 for j := FOrderList.Count - 1 downto 0 do 343 if Piece(FOrderList[j], U, 1) = AnOrderID then FOrderList.Delete(j); 344 for j := uCheckedOrders.Count - 1 downto 0 do 345 if TOCRec(uCheckedOrders.Items[j]).OrderID = AnOrderId then 346 225 347 end; 226 end; 227 Height := TotalHt + 2; // add 2 for focus rectangle 228 if Height > 255 then Height := 255; //CQ7178 229 end; 230 231 procedure TfrmOCSession.lstChecksDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); 232 var 233 i, AHt: Integer; 234 x: string; 235 ARect: TRect; 236 OCRec: TOCRec; 237 begin 238 inherited; 239 240 with lstChecks do 241 begin 242 if Index >= uCheckedOrders.Count then Exit; 243 OCRec := TOCRec(uCheckedOrders.Items[Index]); 244 ARect := ItemRect(Index); 245 AHt := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(OCRec.OrderText), Length(OCRec.OrderText), ARect, DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_EXTERNALLEADING) + 2; //CQ7178: added DT_EXTERNALLEADING 246 ARect.Left := ARect.Left + 10; 247 ARect.Top := ARect.Top + AHt; 248 for i := 0 to OCRec.Checks.Count - 1 do 348 end; 349 if DeleteOrderList.Count = 0 then 350 begin 351 infoBox('No orders are marked to cancel. Check the Cancel box by the orders to cancel. ', 'Error', MB_OK); 352 end; 353 354 for i := 0 to DeleteOrderList.Count - 1 do 355 begin 356 AnOrderId := DeleteORderList.Strings[i]; 357 for j := 0 to grdChecks.RowCount do 358 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, j], u, 1) = AnOrderId then 359 begin 360 //grdChecks.Rows[j].Clear; 361 DeleteRowList.Add(InttoStr(j)); 362 end; 363 end; 364 if (grdChecks.RowCount - 1) = DeleteRowList.Count then Close; 365 cnt := 0; 366 for i := 0 to DeleteRowList.Count - 1 do 367 begin 368 GridDeleteRow(((StrtoInt(DeleteRowList.Strings[i])) - cnt), grdChecks); 369 cnt := cnt +1; 370 end; 371 //check if the remaining order checks are not high level and thus don't require justification 372 if FCritical then 373 begin 374 StillCritical := false; 375 for I := 0 to grdChecks.RowCount do 376 begin 377 if ((Piece(grdChecks.cells[2,I],U,3) = '1') and not(Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) = 'O')) then 249 378 begin 250 x := Piece(OCRec.Checks[i], U, 3); 251 if not (odSelected in State) then 252 begin 253 if (Piece(OCRec.Checks[i], U, 2) = '1') then 254 begin 255 Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlue); 256 Canvas.Font.Style := [fsUnderline]; 257 end 258 else Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; 259 end; 260 AHt := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_EXTERNALLEADING); //CQ7178: added DT_EXTERNALLEADING 261 ARect.Top := ARect.Top + AHt; 262 end; 263 end; 264 265 end; 266 267 procedure TfrmOCSession.cmdCancelOrderClick(Sender: TObject); 268 var 269 i, j: Integer; 270 AnOrderID: string; 271 OCRec: TOCRec; 272 begin 273 inherited; 274 for i := lstChecks.Items.Count - 1 downto 0 do if lstChecks.Selected[i] then 275 begin 276 OCRec := TOCRec(uCheckedOrders.Items[i]); 277 AnOrderID := OCRec.OrderID; 278 if DeleteCheckedOrder(AnOrderID) then 279 begin 280 for j := FCheckList.Count - 1 downto 0 do 281 if Piece(FCheckList[j], U, 1) = AnOrderID then FCheckList.Delete(j); 282 for j := FOrderList.Count - 1 downto 0 do 283 if Piece(FOrderList[j], U, 1) = AnOrderID then FOrderList.Delete(j); 284 OCRec.Free; 285 uCheckedOrders.Delete(i); 286 lstChecks.Items.Delete(i); 379 StillCritical := true; 380 break; 381 end; 382 end; 383 if StillCritical = false then 384 begin 385 FCritical := false; 386 lblJustify.Visible := FCritical; 387 txtJustify.Visible := FCritical; 388 memNote.Visible := FCritical; 389 end; 287 390 end; 288 end; 289 if uCheckedOrders.Count = 0 then Close; 391 grdChecks.Repaint; 290 392 end; 291 393 292 394 procedure TfrmOCSession.cmdContinueClick(Sender: TObject); 293 begin 294 inherited; 395 var 396 i: integer; 397 Cancel: boolean; 398 begin 399 inherited; 400 Cancel := False; 295 401 if FCritical and ((Length(txtJustify.Text) < 2) or not ContainsVisibleChar(txtJustify.Text)) then 296 402 begin … … 299 405 Exit; 300 406 end; 407 408 if FCritical and (ContainsUpCarretChar(txtJustify.Text)) then 409 begin 410 InfoBox('The justification may not contain the ^ character.', 411 'Justification Required', MB_OK); 412 Exit; 413 end; 414 415 for i := 0 to grdChecks.RowCount do 416 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 3) = '1') and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) = 'O') then 417 begin 418 Cancel := True; 419 Break; 420 end; 421 if Cancel = True then 422 begin 423 InfoBox('One or more orders have been marked to cancel!' + CRLF + CRLF + 424 'To cancel these orders, click the "Cancel Checked Order(s)" button.' + CRLF + CRLF + 425 'To place these orders, uncheck the Cancel box beside the order you wish to keep and then click the "Accept Order(s)" button again.', 426 'Error', MB_OK); 427 Exit; 428 end; 429 301 430 StatusText('Saving Order Checks...'); 302 431 SaveOrderChecksForSession(txtJustify.Text, FCheckList); … … 305 434 end; 306 435 436 procedure TfrmOCSession.cmdMonographClick(Sender: TObject); 437 var 438 monoList: TStringList; 439 begin 440 inherited; 441 monoList := TStringList.Create; 442 GetMonographList(monoList); 443 ShowMonographs(monoList); 444 monoList.Free; 445 end; 446 447 307 448 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormClose(Sender: TObject; 308 449 var Action: TCloseAction); … … 310 451 inherited; 311 452 SaveUserBounds(Self); //Save Position & Size of Form 453 DeleteMonograph; 454 end; 455 456 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); 457 begin 458 inherited; 459 grdChecks.Cells[0, 0] := 'Cancel'; 460 grdChecks.Cells[1, 0] := 'Order/Order Check Text'; 461 //cmdMonograph.Font.Size := MainFontSize; 462 //cmdMonograph.Width := TextWidthByFont(cmdMonograph.Font.Handle, cmdMonograph.Caption); 312 463 end; 313 464 314 465 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormShow(Sender: TObject); 466 315 467 begin 316 468 inherited; 317 469 SetFormPosition(Self); //Get Saved Position & Size of Form 318 470 FCancelSignProcess := False; 319 end; 320 471 if ScreenReaderActive = True then lblInstr.SetFocus 472 else 473 begin 474 lblInstr.TabStop := false; 475 grdChecks.SetFocus; 476 end; 477 self.lblInstr.Font.Size := mainFontSize + 1; 478 //self.lblJustify.Height := self.lblJustify.Height + 20; 479 (*if self.lblJustify.Visible = true then 480 begin 481 self.lblJustify.top := self.txtJustify.Top + self.lblJustify.Height + 50; 482 end; *) 483 484 //if mainFontSize < 12 then inc := 90 485 //else if mainFontSize < 18 then inc := 130 486 //else inc := 155; 487 //self.constraints.MinWidth := self.lblInstr.Left + TextWidthByFont(self.lblInstr.Font.Handle, self.lblInstr.Caption) + inc; 488 end; 489 490 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; 491 Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); 492 var 493 Wrap: boolean; 494 format, str, cdl, temp, colorText: string; 495 IsBelowOrder, isSelected: boolean; 496 chkRect, DrawRect, colorRect: TRect; 497 ChkState: Cardinal; 498 begin 499 inherited; 500 temp := grdChecks.Cells[2, ARow]; 501 format := Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, ARow], U, 2); 502 cdl := Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, ARow], U, 3); 503 colorText := '*Order Check requires Reason for Override'; 504 grdChecks.Canvas.Brush.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clWhite); 505 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlack); 506 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := []; 507 isSelected := false; 508 509 if ARow = 0 then 510 begin 511 grdChecks.Canvas.Brush.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clbtnFace); 512 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 513 end; 514 515 //change commented out code to handle different font color this code may not be needed anymore 516 if (format = '') and (ARow > 0) then 517 grdchecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlue) 518 else 519 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlack); 520 if cdl = '1' then grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlue); 521 522 //controls highlighting cell when focused in on the cell 523 if State = [gdSelected..gdFocused] then 524 begin 525 isSelected := true; //use to control colors for high order checks 526 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clWhite); 527 grdChecks.Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight; 528 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText; 529 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 530 grdChecks.Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.top); 531 end 532 //if not an order than blanked out lines seperating the order check 533 else if (format = 'I') then 534 begin 535 if (Arow < grdChecks.RowCount) and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, Arow + 1], U, 2) = 'O') then IsBelowOrder := True 536 else IsBelowOrder := False; 537 grdChecks.Canvas.MoveTo(Rect.Left,Rect.Bottom); 538 grdChecks.Canvas.Pen.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clwhite); 539 grdChecks.Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Left, Rect.Top); 540 grdChecks.Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Top); 541 grdChecks.Canvas.LineTo(Rect.Right, Rect.Bottom); 542 if (isBelowOrder = False) or (ARow = (grdChecks.RowCount -1)) then grdChecks.Canvas.LineTo(Rect.left, Rect.Bottom); 543 end; 544 Str:= grdChecks.Cells[ACol, ARow]; 545 //determine if the cell needs to wrap 546 if ACol = 1 then Wrap := true 547 else wrap := false; 548 //Blank out existing Cell to prevent overlap after resize 549 grdChecks.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); 550 //get existing cell 551 DrawRect:= Rect; 552 if (ACol = 0) and (format = 'O') and (ARow > 0) then 553 begin 554 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, ARow], U, 4) = '' then 555 begin 556 DrawRect.Bottom := DrawRect.Bottom + FontHeightPixel(Font.Handle) + 5; 557 setPiece(temp, U, 4, 'R'); 558 grdChecks.Cells[2, ARow] := temp; 559 end; 560 if GetCheckState(grdChecks, ACol, ARow) = True then chkState := DFCS_CHECKED 561 else chkState := DFCS_BUTTONCHECK; 562 chkRect := CheckBoxRect(DrawRect); 563 DrawFrameControl(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, chkRect, DFC_BUTTON, chkState); 564 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar('Cancel?'), length('Cancel?'), DrawRect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_Top or DT_Center); 565 if ((DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top) > grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]) or 566 ((DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top) < grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]) then 567 begin 568 grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]:= (DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top); 569 end; 570 end; 571 //If order check than indent the order check text 572 if (ACol = 1) and (format = 'I') then DrawRect.Left := DrawRect.Left + 10; 573 //colorRect use to create Rect for Order Check Label 574 colorRect := DrawRect; 575 if Wrap then 576 begin 577 if (cdl = '1') and (format = 'I') then 578 begin 579 if isSelected = false then 580 begin 581 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clRed); 582 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 583 end; 584 //determine rect size for order check label 585 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(colorText), length(colorText), colorRect, dt_calcrect or dt_wordbreak); 586 DrawRect.Top := ColorRect.Bottom; 587 //determine rect size for order check text 588 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(str), length(str), DrawRect, dt_calcrect or dt_wordbreak); 589 str := copy(str, length(colorText + CRLF) + 1, length(str)); 590 if isSelected = false then 591 begin 592 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clblue); 593 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := []; 594 end; 595 end 596 //determine size for non-high order check text 597 else DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(str), length(str), DrawRect, dt_calcrect or dt_wordbreak); 598 DrawRect.Bottom := DrawRect.Bottom + 2; 599 //Resize the Cell height if the height does not match the Rect Height 600 if ((DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top) > grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]) then 601 begin 602 grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]:= (DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top); 603 end 604 else 605 begin 606 //if cell doesn't need to grow reset the cell 607 DrawRect.Right:= Rect.Right; 608 if (cdl = '1') and (format = 'I') then 609 begin 610 //DrawRect.Top := ColorRect.Bottom; 611 if isSelected = false then 612 begin 613 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clRed); 614 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; 615 end; 616 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(colorText), length(colorText), colorRect, dt_wordbreak); 617 if isSelected = false then 618 begin 619 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Color := Get508CompliantColor(clBlue); 620 grdChecks.Canvas.Font.Style := []; 621 end; 622 end; 623 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(Str), length(Str), DrawRect, dt_wordbreak); 624 //reset height 625 if format = 'I' then grdChecks.RowHeights[ARow]:= (DrawRect.Bottom - DrawRect.Top); 626 end; 627 end 628 else 629 //if not wrap than grow just draw the cell 630 DrawText(grdChecks.Canvas.Handle, PChar(Str), length(Str), DrawRect, dt_wordbreak); 631 end; 632 633 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksEnter(Sender: TObject); 634 begin 635 inherited; 636 if ScreenReaderActive then 637 begin 638 grdChecks.Row := 1; 639 grdChecks.Col := 0; 640 GetScreenReader.Speak('Navigate through the grid to reviews the orders and the order checks'); 641 if GetCheckState(grdchecks, 0, 1) = true then 642 GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox is checked press spacebar to uncheck it') 643 else GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox Not Checked press spacebar to check it to cancel the ' + grdChecks.Cells[1,1] + ' Order'); 644 end; 645 grdChecks.Row := 1; 646 grdChecks.Col := 0; 647 end; 648 649 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 650 Shift: TShiftState); 651 begin 652 inherited; 653 if key = VK_TAB then 654 begin 655 if ssCtrl in Shift then 656 begin 657 if txtJustify.Visible = TRUE then ActiveControl := txtJustify 658 else ActiveControl := cmdContinue; 659 Key := 0; 660 Exit; 661 end; 662 end; 663 if grdchecks.Col = 0 then 664 begin 665 Case Key of 666 VK_Tab: 667 begin 668 if (ssShift in Shift) and (grdChecks.Row > 1) then 669 begin 670 grdChecks.Col := 1; 671 grdChecks.Row := grdChecks.Row - 1; 672 end; 673 end; 674 VK_Space: 675 begin 676 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row], U, 2) = 'O' then 677 begin 678 if GetCheckState(grdChecks, 2, grdChecks.Row) = True then 679 SetCheckState(grdChecks, 2, grdChecks.Row, False) 680 else SetCheckState(grdChecks, 2, grdChecks.Row, True); 681 if ScreenReaderActive then 682 begin 683 if GetCheckState(grdchecks, 0, grdChecks.Row) = true then 684 GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox checked') 685 else GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox unChecked'); 686 end; 687 end; 688 end; 689 (* VK_Down: 690 begin 691 if (grdChecks.Row < grdChecks.RowCount) and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row + 1], U, 2) <> 'O') then 692 begin 693 for I := grdChecks.Row + 1 to grdChecks.RowCount do 694 begin 695 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) <> 'O') or (grdChecks.Cells[2, i] = '') then continue 696 else 697 begin 698 grdChecks.Row := i; 699 exit; 700 end; 701 702 end; 703 end; 704 end; 705 VK_Up: 706 Begin 707 if ((grdChecks.Row - 1) > 1) and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row - 1], U, 2) <> 'O') then 708 begin 709 for i := grdChecks.Row - 1 downto 0 do 710 begin 711 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) <> 'O') or (grdChecks.Cells[2, i] = '') then continue 712 else 713 begin 714 grdChecks.Row := i; 715 exit; 716 end; 717 end; 718 end; 719 End; *) 720 End; 721 end; 722 if grdChecks.Col = 1 then 723 begin 724 // needed to add control for tab key to handle the blank cells that should not have focus. 725 if key = VK_Tab then 726 begin 727 if ssShift in Shift then 728 begin 729 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row], U, 2) = 'O' then grdChecks.Col := 0 730 else if grdChecks.Row > 1 then 731 begin 732 grdChecks.Col := 1; 733 grdChecks.Row := grdChecks.Row - 1; 734 end; 735 end 736 else 737 begin 738 if grdChecks.Row = (grdChecks.RowCount - 1) then 739 begin 740 if ScreenReaderActive = True then ActiveControl := memNote 741 else if txtJustify.Visible = TRUE then ActiveControl := txtJustify 742 else ActiveControl := cmdContinue; 743 Key := 0; 744 end 745 else 746 begin 747 grdChecks.Row := grdChecks.Row + 1; 748 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row], U, 2) = 'O' then grdChecks.Col := 0 749 else grdChecks.Col := 2; 750 end; 751 end; 752 Key := 0; 753 end; 754 end; 755 end; 756 757 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksMouseDown(Sender: TObject; 758 Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); 759 var 760 Row, Col: integer; 761 begin 762 inherited; 763 grdChecks.MouseToCell(X, Y, Col, Row); 764 if Col <> 0 then exit; 765 if Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2,row], U, 2) <> 'O' then exit; 766 if InCheckBox(grdChecks, X, Y, Col, Row) = false then exit; 767 if GetCheckState(grdChecks, Col, Row) = True then SetCheckState(grdChecks, Col, Row, False) 768 else SetCheckState(grdChecks, Col, Row, True); 769 end; 770 771 772 773 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; 774 X, Y: Integer); 775 var 776 acol , arow: integer; 777 //P : Tpoint; 778 //Rect: TRect; 779 begin 780 //Rect := grdChecks.CellRect(ACol, ARow); 781 //P.X := Rect.Left; 782 //P.Y := Rect.Top; 783 784 grdChecks.MouseToCell(X,y,acol , arow); 785 //check to see if hint should show 786 if ARow > grdChecks.RowCount then Exit; 787 if ACol <> 1 then exit; 788 if grdChecks.RowHeights[Arow] < grdChecks.Height then Exit; 789 790 791 792 grdChecks.Hint := grdChecks.Cells[ACol, ARow]; 793 Application.HintHidePause := 20000; //20 Sec 794 if grdChecks.Hint <> '' then grdCHecks.ShowHint := true; 795 796 //Application.HintColor := clYellow; 797 //Application.ActivateHint(P); 798 799 end; 800 801 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksMouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject; 802 Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 803 begin 804 inherited; 805 (* if grdChecks.Col = 0 then 806 begin 807 if (grdChecks.Row < grdChecks.RowCount) and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row + 1], U, 2) <> 'O') then 808 begin 809 for I := grdChecks.Row + 1 to grdChecks.RowCount do 810 begin 811 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) <> 'O') or (grdChecks.Cells[2, i] = '') then continue 812 else 813 begin 814 grdChecks.Row := i; 815 exit; 816 end; 817 end; 818 end; 819 end; *) 820 end; 821 822 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksMouseWheelUp(Sender: TObject; 823 Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 824 begin 825 inherited; 826 (* if grdChecks.Col = 0 then 827 begin 828 if ((grdChecks.Row - 1) > 1) and (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, grdChecks.Row - 1], U, 2) <> 'O') then 829 begin 830 for i := grdChecks.Row - 1 downto 0 do 831 begin 832 if (Piece(grdChecks.Cells[2, i], U, 2) <> 'O') or (grdChecks.Cells[2, i] = '') then continue 833 else 834 begin 835 grdChecks.Row := i; 836 exit; 837 end; 838 end; 839 end; 840 end; *) 841 end; 842 843 procedure TfrmOCSession.grdchecksSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, 844 ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); 845 begin 846 inherited; 847 CanSelect := True; 848 if ARow = 0 then CanSelect := false 849 else if (ACol = 2) then CanSelect := False 850 else if (ACol = 1) and (grdChecks.Cells[Acol, Arow] = '') then CanSelect := False; 851 //else if (ACol = 0) and (Piece(grdChecks.cells[2,ARow], U, 2) <> 'O') then CanSelect := false; 852 if (CanSelect = True) and (ACol = 0) and (Piece(grdChecks.cells[2,ARow], U, 2) = 'O') and (ScreenReaderActive) then 853 begin 854 if GetCheckState(grdchecks, ACol, ARow) = true then 855 GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox is checked press spacebar to uncheck it') 856 else GetScreenReader.Speak('Cancel checkbox Not Checked press spacebar to check it to cancel the ' + grdChecks.Cells[1,Arow] + ' Order'); 857 end; 858 end; 859 860 procedure TfrmOCSession.GridDeleteRow(RowNumber: Integer; Grid: TstringGrid); 861 var 862 i: Integer; 863 begin 864 Grid.Row := RowNumber; 865 if (Grid.Row = Grid.RowCount - 1) then 866 { On the last row} 867 Grid.RowCount := Grid.RowCount - 1 868 else 869 begin 870 { Not the last row} 871 for i := RowNumber to Grid.RowCount - 1 do 872 Grid.Rows[i] := Grid.Rows[i + 1]; 873 Grid.RowCount := Grid.RowCount - 1; 874 end; 875 end; 876 877 function TfrmOCSession.InCheckBox(Grid: TStringGrid; X, Y, ACol, 878 ARow: integer): boolean; 879 var 880 Rect: TRect; 881 begin 882 Result := False; 883 Rect := CheckBoxRect(grid.CellRect(ACol, ARow)); 884 if Y < Rect.Top then Exit; 885 if Y > Rect.Bottom then Exit; 886 if X < Rect.Left then exit; 887 if X > Rect.Right then exit; 888 Result := True; 889 end; 890 891 function TfrmOCSession.GetCheckState(grid: TStringGrid; ACol, ARow: integer): boolean; 892 begin 893 if Piece(grid.Cells[2, ARow], U, 3) = '1' then Result := True 894 else Result := false; 895 end; 321 896 322 897 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormResize(Sender: TObject); … … 324 899 //TfrmAutoSz has defect must call inherited Resize for the resize to function. 325 900 inherited; 901 grdChecks.ColWidths[0] := round(grdChecks.Width * 0.08); 902 grdChecks.ColWidths[1] := round(grdChecks.Width * 0.88); //Order Text 903 grdChecks.ColWidths[2] := 0; //OrderID^Format^IsCheck 904 grdChecks.tabStops[2] := false; 905 if grdChecks.RowCount > 1 then grdChecks.Refresh; 906 self.pnlBottom.Top := self.pnlTop.Top + self.pnlTop.Height; 326 907 end; 327 908 … … 352 933 end; 353 934 935 936 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; 937 Shift: TShiftState); 938 begin 939 inherited; 940 if (Key = VK_F4) and (ssAlt in Shift) then Key := 0; 941 end; 942 procedure TfrmOCSession.FormMouseWheelDown(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; 943 MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); 944 begin 945 inherited; 946 if self.grdchecks.Focused = false then 947 begin 948 end; 949 end; 950 354 951 end.
See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.