Dec 4, 2009, 8:26:01 PM (15 years ago)
George Lilly

WorldVistAEHR overlayed on FOIAVistA

1 edited
1 copied



    r628 r636  
    2  ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**46,152**;Mar 30, 1999;Build 10
    3  ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified.
    4  ;The DIWF variable contains a string of one-letter codes to control W-P output.
    5  ;"|" in DIWF means that "|"-windows are not to be evaluated, but are to be printed as
    6  ;     they stand.
    7  ;"X" means eXactly line-for-line, with "||" printed as "||"
    8  ;"W" in DIWF means that formatted text will be written out to
    9  ;     the current device as it is assembled.
    10  ;"N" means NOWRAP-- text is assembled line-for-line
    11  ;"R" means text will be assembled Right-justified
    12  ;"D" means text will be double-spaced
    13  ;"L" means internal line numbers appear at the left margin
    14  ;"C" followed by a number will cause formatting of text in a column
    15  ;     width specified by the number.
    16  ;"I" followed by a number will cause text to be indented that number
    17  ;     of columns.
    18  ;"?" means that, if user's terminal is available, "|"-windows that cannot
    19  ;     be evaluated will be asked from the user's terminal.
    20  ;"B" followed by number causes new page when output gets within that
    21  ;   number of lines from the bottom of the page (as defined by IOSL).
    22  ;   
    23  ;DIWTC is a Boolean -- Are we printing out in LINE MODE?
     1DIWP ;SFISC/GFT-ASSEMBLE WP LINE ;12:15 PM  5 Jun 2000
     2 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**46**;Mar 30, 1999
     3 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
    244 S:'$L(X) X=" "
    255 S DIWTC=X[($C(124)_"TAB") S:'$D(DN) DN=1
    299 D NEW:DIWTC
    3010Z S Z=X?.P!DIWTC I X?1" ".E!Z S DIWTC=1 D NEW:DIWI]"" S DIWTC=Z
    31 DIW ;from RCR+5^DIWW
    32  I DIWF["X" S DIWTC=1,X=DIWX,DIWX="" D C G D ;**DI*22*152**  Leave line unaltered
     11DIW ;
    3312 S X=$P(DIWX,DIW,1) D C:X]"" S X=$P(DIWX,DIW,1),DIWX=$P(DIWX,DIW,2,999) G D:DIWX="" I $D(DIWP),X'?.E1" " D ST
    3413 S X=$P(DIWX,DIW,1) I $P(X,"TAB",1)="" D TAB G N
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