BMXNET 4.0 Developer API


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LocalPersistentStore is the core BMX implementation for the most common local setting store patterns: 1) In a special folder 2) In any specified path 3) In IsolatedStorage Use the object factory static class methods to create the different storage mechanisms.
The persistent store interface is to save local setting configuration data. The settings are written and read based on a string a keys, like a path. The keys are application specific. Some example could be: "Product","Version" The location of the PersistentStore is based on the implementation. The LocalPersistentStore provides the settings to be stored in special OS forlders like Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData so that the settings would be based both on the logged in user and keys.
Container for all persistent and available connection spec
Specification for BMX RPMS Connection. Instances of this class are serialized as XML to a PersisentStore and are used is picklists for users to select from.
Provides settings interface and implementation for settings from command-line, stored in PersistentStore, or hardcoded in application.