Login Persistent Cookie Information

The login module uses a persistent cookie to store the institution you select at login.

This information is used at the next login, to pre-select the same institution for the next login.

Given that the list of institutions may be quite long for some applications, the goal of using the persistent cookie is to save you time by pre-selecting the most likely institution choice, which for most users would be the previously selected login. This is similar to the Windows login, which saves your last domain used for login, and pre-selects that domain at the next login.

In addition to the above persistent cookie, the login module uses another persistent cookie to store the user's preference for sorting institutions in the Institution Drop Down box of the login page.

The cookies contains the following information:

Thin Client/Terminal Server users:

Please note that persistent cookies may not be of much use on Terminal Servers.

The reason is that many Terminal Servers may have been configured to use roaming profiles that may not retain as part of the user profile cookies and temporary internet files upon the user logout and disconnect.

In such cases, the recommendation is to create on each Terminal Server shortcuts and save them on the desktop and/or quick launch bar. These shortcuts should have the desired target URLs plus any desired KAAJEE supported parameters. For further details regarding how to use these KAAJEE supported parameters in order to pre-select the desired institution and institution sorting preference, please refer to the KAAJEE documentation.

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