16 years |
George Lilly |
KIDS files with missing routines
16 years |
George Lilly |
fix for Meds Directions xml generation
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixes to Meds Directions xml generation
16 years |
George Lilly |
modified ccr.xsl to build better SIG for Meds
16 years |
George Lilly |
modified ccr.xsl to build better SIG for Meds
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixed Multiple directions (almost)
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixing the SIG
16 years |
George Lilly |
added CCR_1_0_5_T2_CACHE.KID with version number in output file names
16 years |
George Lilly |
output files have version number in name
16 years |
George Lilly |
Out with new med codes for build 1_0_5
16 years |
George Lilly |
output file name default includes version number 1_0_5
16 years |
George Lilly |
tagged version CCR_1_0_5
16 years |
George Lilly |
updates to Meds and Vitals processing, new command DPATVGPLRIMA
16 years |
George Lilly |
handles cases with both OP and UV meds
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
16 years |
George Lilly |
meds merge bug
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixing a meds bug
16 years |
George Lilly |
rewrote Date sort routine to fix Vitals bug. debugging meds.
16 years |
George Lilly |
med directions working
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixed meds bug
16 years |
George Lilly |
rename MEDS routines to CCRMEDSx
16 years |
George Lilly |
renameing MEDS routines
16 years |
George Lilly |
renaming MEDS routines
16 years |
George Lilly |
renameing MEDS routines
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
Fixed CCRMEDS2 to not display refills requests from CPRS as pending orders
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
Bug fixes for CCRMEDS2
16 years |
George Lilly |
fix for field processing in meds
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
First version of Pending Meds Routine
16 years |
George Lilly |
changes for multiple directions
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
Refactored CCRDPT and updated GPLACTOR accordingly
16 years |
George Lilly |
changed multiple directions structure in CCRMEDS
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
CCRMEDS: Processing of multiple directions.
16 years |
George Lilly |
added sample output from vademo2
16 years |
George Lilly |
cleaned up tagged directory
16 years |
George Lilly |
First tagged version CCR_1_0_4
16 years |
George Lilly |
First taggeds CCR release CCR_1_0_4
16 years |
George Lilly |
added MEDSCODE attribute for MEDS that have codes in GPLRIMA analysis
16 years |
George Lilly |
intergrated CCRMEDS processing with GPLMEDS to get PENDING and Non-VA meds
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixes to CCRMEDS to allow RIM variable processing
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixes to CCRMEDS
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
Tiny corrections: Change @@PROBLEM@@ in meds section to …
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
CCRMEDS now working
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
CCRMEDS yet again
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
16 years |
George Lilly |
changed DPATVGPLRIMA to call ANALYZE first to refresh RIM variables.. …
16 years |
George Lilly |
added TESTMEDS switch to GPLCCR if =1 then run CCRMEDS instead of GPLMEDS
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
CCRMED a testing version
16 years |
George Lilly |
fixed XPATGPLCCR so it defaults last two parameters D …
16 years |
George Lilly |
added XVARSGPLXPATH to list unique variables in a template
16 years |
George Lilly |
added DPATVGPLRIMA and supporting routines to display patient variables
16 years |
Sam Habiel |
Removed Frequency units; Interval has units and will be used as such
16 years |
chrisu |
finally something that works for me ;) wip
17 years |
chrisu |
GPLALERT.m - adding small bits; awaiting CCR document for mapping …
17 years |
George Lilly |
added Alerts to CCR processing on a switch - TESTALERTS=1 ;also …
17 years |
chrisu |
initial commit
17 years |
George Lilly |
removed extra spaces at the beginning of lines
17 years |
George Lilly |
enhancements to check for test patients
17 years |
George Lilly |
added command DCCRGPLCCR(dfn) to display just extracted CCR
17 years |
George Lilly |
enhancements to GPLRIMA to locate patients
17 years |
George Lilly |
handle null dates in meds
17 years |
George Lilly |
fixed naming bug
17 years |
George Lilly |
fixed null DFN bug in PTSTCCRSYS
17 years |
George Lilly |
corrected a typo
17 years |
George Lilly |
removed debugging writes and check for Merged Patients
17 years |
George Lilly |
Check in ANALYZE for merged patients
17 years |
George Lilly |
Check for Merged or Test patients. New parameter CCRTEST=0 if not testing
17 years |
George Lilly |
made no vitals found silent unless debug
17 years |
George Lilly |
new command PATCGPLRIMA(DFN) to display patient category
17 years |
George Lilly |
extract RX codes for ACTIVE Outpatient MEDS
17 years |
George Lilly |
more extraneous write cleanup
17 years |
George Lilly |
cleaning up needless writes - make conditional on DEBUG
17 years |
George Lilly |
Check for no array returned by VITALS RPC
17 years |
George Lilly |
check for no array returned from VITALS RPC
17 years |
George Lilly |
Removed a ZWR from GPLMEDS
17 years |
George Lilly |
remove the last (I hope) ZWR from MEDS
17 years |
George Lilly |
Release documentation
17 years |
Sam Habiel |
Update of CCRMED
17 years |
George Lilly |
First CCR prototyp KIDS distribution for GTM and CACHE
17 years |
George Lilly |
rewrote control structure for parsing Med RPC
17 years |
George Lilly |
cleaning up the symbol table
17 years |
George Lilly |
broke GPLXPATH into two files to be under 20K per SAC .. put test …
17 years |
George Lilly |
CCD processing checks for missing sections
17 years |
George Lilly |
XINDEX fixes. almost clean except for long var names and big files
17 years |
George Lilly |
XINDEX fixes, and generalized Date sort utility for Vitals SORTDTCCRUTIL
17 years |
George Lilly |
Vitals now sorted in reverse date and time order
17 years |
George Lilly |
more date format testing
17 years |
Sam Habiel |
17 years |
George Lilly |
One more date display fix. This one for one digit hours
17 years |
George Lilly |
another fix to date format. this time where minute or second are one digit
17 years |
George Lilly |
Vitals time extract fixed... Vitals now in date order
17 years |
George Lilly |
Fix to date format if minutes or seconds are not in record
17 years |
George Lilly |
more fixes to vitals
17 years |
George Lilly |
fixed indexing of vitals, still not in date order
17 years |
George Lilly |
rename GPLVITALS and GPLACTORS to GPLVITAL and GPLACTOR for kids build