Custom Query (15 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#8 George Lilly Christopher Edwards fixed Meds section dates are incorrect

I am getting incorrect med issue dates.

Some debug info:

What is the patch level for BEHORXFN?

Mine has:

BEHORXFN ;MSC/IND/DKM - Supporting calls for EHR ;05-Sep-2006 15:35;DKM ;;1.1;BEH COMPONENTS;009003;22-Mar-2006 11:12

and GETRXS has this comment (in my patch level):

; RPC: BEHORXFN GETRXS ; Fetch list of current prescriptions ; DFN = Patient IEN ; DAYS= # days to include in search (default = 365) ; DATA returned as a list in the format for each script: ; ; ~Type(1)PharmID(2)Drug(3)InfRate(4)StopDt(5)RefRem(6) ; TotDose(7)UnitDose(8)OrderID(9)Status(10)LastFill(11) ; Days Supply(12)Quantity(13)Chronic(14)Issued(15) ; Rx #(16)Provider(17)Status Reason(18)DEA Handling(19) ; Pharmacy Site(20) ; ; <"\" or " "><Instruction Text> where "\" indicates a new line

in the C0CMED6 source piece 13 is the issue date but in mine it is 15.

#15 Sam Habiel fixed Scheduling GUI prints nothing except header when print is pressed from print preview control

However, print preview works fine.

Bug fix coming in 1.3.

#18 Kevin Toppenberg tharisha invalid Backup

Hi, I'm using Vista on Qemu Manager 6. Can somebody please tell me the backup and restoration procedure in this.

Thanks and Regards Tharisha

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