
Version 45 (modified by Jim B., 9 years ago) ( diff )


Project Homepages

GUI Registration {under maintenance as of 12/1/2014-check back often}

WorldVistA EHR

The latest version of WorldVistA EHR including the source code can be found at the following link. The Meaningful Use Certified version, WorldVistA EHR 2.0, has been released.

Password Not Working?

Please click the "Forgot your password?" button at the top right and use it to get a password in the mail. After you use it to log in, you can change it by clicking preferences and then the account tab.

New registrants/reregistrants

All users are able to download and browse code without registering, but if you want to put in a ticket or edit the wiki, you will need to register by sending nancy@… an email with your full name, and a lower case user name you would like to use. You will receive an email in return with a password that you should login and change.

Do not reregister if you have ever committed anything to SVN, no matter how small

Your password and username have been preserved in order to keep the svn log synchronized. Do not reregister - please continue to use that same account. However, you still have to go into Preferences/General and fill in your full name and email address.

Code submission and subversion access

If you want to contribute something, submit it as an attachment to a ticket. Your code will be reviewed, and perhaps merged by one of the people in charge of maintaining that subtree. If you are one of the few people with commit access for the purpose of maintaining a subtree, do not attempt to change any other subversion subtree without getting permission from the manager of that subtree. Your changes will be reverted, and if you persist, you may lose all commit privileges.

The subversion repository is at

Filing New Tickets

Since now we are using one Trac server instead of many, pick a reasonable component when you file your ticket. This will ensure that your ticket goes to the right people immediately. If you make a mistake, it will eventually be fixed by someone with suitable permissions, but it may delay the resolution of your issue.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.