EDIS icon
Display Board View

Viewing and Customizing the Display Board

The application's Display Board view offers a PC- or workstation-based preview of your site�s main electronic white-board display configuration. (You can create multiple large display boards, however the application displays only your sites main board in its Display Board view.) If you have access to this view, you can customize it as you would any other grid-based view:

You cannot save the layout changes you make from within this view. Further, the changes you make appear only on your local machine (as opposed to appearing on the large—or big-board—display). Please contact the person who configures EDIS for your site (usually an information resource manager [IRM] or clinical application coordinator [CAC]) to request permanent changes to your site's large displays..

Screen capture: the Display Board view
The Display Board view.

Viewing the Display Board

The PC-based Display Board view contains only the columns your site has selected for its main display board. Following is a list of the columns from which your site can choose:

Note: EDIS displays information only for laboratory, imaging, and new orders that are associated with patients’ current emergency-department visits

Customizing Your View

Reposition Display Board Columns

Use a drag-and-drop operation to reposition columns:

  1. Click the header of a column you want to reposition.
  2. Holding down your mouse button, drag the column header to its new location.
  3. Release your mouse button.

Resize Display Board Columns

Use a drag-and-drop operation to resize display board columns:

  1. Point your mouse at the border of the column you want to resize.
  2. When your mouse pointer becomes a slider (screen capture of slider), hold down your right mouse button and drag the boarder to resize the column.
  3. Release your mouse button.

Sort Information within Columns

Note: Sorting information within columns in the PC-based Display Board view does not cause EDIS to similarly sort information in large—or big-board display—columns. EDIS sorts big-board display columns first in the order of the rooms and areas listed in the Room / Area configuration subview and then in the order of patients’ acuities.

Related Topics

General Information


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